Game punishes those who don't have RG


  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    You should give up, GW is too hard for you.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Those Dooku/RG teams can be very tedious, especially when paired with heavy hitters. But I think OP exaggerates a little here. The problem isn't RG, but rather that OP doesn't have a toon that counters him. I haven't tried it, but have heard Anakin's buff immunity is a good strategy. There are Nightsisters with that skill too.

    You gotta plan your attacks a little, but you can also make do with just QGJ and a few heavy hitters. Focus on the dangerous toons first and pray that they aren't resurrected.

    RG is definitely the most tedious tank in the game at this point, but he doesn't fit well in all builds and you can definitely have great teams without him.

    Keyword here "You haven't tried it".
    Hard to call Anakin and NSI a counter. Not only RG has high tenacity, but he is hidden behind a dooku dodge wall, which also happens to stun jedis like Anakin. Not to mention the 60% NSI apply rate and 4 turn cooldown.
    But even even NSI was so succesfull in countering RG, who is gonna farm NSI without running nightsisters, wasting 5 mil + half month just to have a chance to beat 1 hero. Not everyone is whale here...

    Also pray that they aren't ressurected? Who exactly can ressurect from their team? No one. I don't know which screenshots you saw.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    RG has never been an issue with me. He is annoying, I'll give you that. I don't understand why you say aoe is useless now. The way I look at it, with protection I can afford to give one or two characters OU. It's not a game changer. That way when RG taunts you can either pull out your aoe to keep hitting the toon you were beating down before, or use QGJ's humbling blow to dispel RG's taunt giving your team OU for two turns (which counters their OU; see how it works out in the end?). Rinse and repeat each enemy until RG is gone.

    That's if you can't finish off the enemy toon the right way before hand. As Mofojokers1992 stated, the best strategy is to use QGJ's assist to kill before RG taunts. There are multiple strategies to counter RG.

    You also have a team full of protection there. I'm not sure if you're married to the team you're trying to use but if you are work on leveling those toons up, too. Not sure why you would take the time and resources to promote and level a bunch of toons when you pick lower leveled and powered toons for the matches you're having trouble with.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Your not losing because of RG but the combo of Dooku leads and RG it's a brutal combo. But it can be dealt with.

    1. Stunners
    2. Drop a hero to 70%health then QGJ assist it for kill , follow into Asaaj removal
    3. Healers man lol GW with 2 healers is boring but easy as especially using barris for Sids.

    This is what i was trying to do. Get them to 70% health and then kill. But
    1) They attacked my Dooku, which end up in counter and trigging RG taunt
    2) Assist fail to one shot because enemy GQJ dodged.
    3) Enemy Dooku with lightning and attack stun, had most of the time my QGJ and others stunned. Also assist called a stuned hero.

    Anyway, i managed to beat it but losing my main team + 2 others in the process. Next battle had fives maxed along with some others + turn meter manipulation and i had no healers remaining. So it was game over.

    You did wrong! You should've searched a team comp that can actually win without losing more than one toon. I know GW is tedious, it is for me too and they promised to look at it! But until then...
  • Options
    CPMP wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    RG teams aren't unbeatable by any means (I don't have him myself) but it may be harder if you're not using a tank+taunt yourself. Have you tried killing RG first?

    I could beat RG teams pre update because i run Aoe team. After update Aoe is useless, especially vs Dooku lead.
    I tried killing RG but went terrible. I had 2/5 heroes stunned, and RG dodged enough for Lumi to heal him.
    The best starategy that worked was to try stun GQJ and GS all the time, while chipping away RG's health slowly. But again then Dooku's dodge and RG's stun kicked in, GQJ got freed from stun and with GS they one shitted Daka and then ventress. I managed to kill GS and GQJ though after 5 tries and losing my main team.

    If anything aoe became more valuable sense it's a quick way to get rid of protection alot faster. I have not been running into RG in gw or even arena so I would not know but saying not having a certent character ruins the game for whoever does not have said character is just silly.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Those Dooku/RG teams can be very tedious, especially when paired with heavy hitters. But I think OP exaggerates a little here. The problem isn't RG, but rather that OP doesn't have a toon that counters him. I haven't tried it, but have heard Anakin's buff immunity is a good strategy. There are Nightsisters with that skill too.

    You gotta plan your attacks a little, but you can also make do with just QGJ and a few heavy hitters. Focus on the dangerous toons first and pray that they aren't resurrected.

    RG is definitely the most tedious tank in the game at this point, but he doesn't fit well in all builds and you can definitely have great teams without him.

    Keyword here "You haven't tried it".
    Hard to call Anakin and NSI a counter. Not only RG has high tenacity, but he is hidden behind a dooku dodge wall, which also happens to stun jedis like Anakin. Not to mention the 60% NSI apply rate and 4 turn cooldown.
    But even even NSI was so succesfull in countering RG, who is gonna farm NSI without running nightsisters, wasting 5 mil + half month just to have a chance to beat 1 hero. Not everyone is whale here...

    Also pray that they aren't ressurected? Who exactly can ressurect from their team? No one. I don't know which screenshots you saw.

    I was just thinking more generally. Daka is common with Dooku and RG. Anywho...

    My take on it is that if the game does in fact supply with farmable toons that work as a counter, then it really isn't exactly true that it punishes you for not having RG specifically. It punishes you for not having a toon that counters your opponents, much the same way old Ben punishes you for not having Yoda or Rex.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    theHejiN wrote: »
    You fail because Dooku is missing his body

    This ^

    And people said he needs to be nerfed. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

    He needs a buff! Buff Dooku. Give him back his body.

    Don't worry, it's just a fleshwound. He can still fight.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    unit900000 wrote: »
    CPMP wrote: »
    Starjumper wrote: »
    RG teams aren't unbeatable by any means (I don't have him myself) but it may be harder if you're not using a tank+taunt yourself. Have you tried killing RG first?

    I could beat RG teams pre update because i run Aoe team. After update Aoe is useless, especially vs Dooku lead.
    I tried killing RG but went terrible. I had 2/5 heroes stunned, and RG dodged enough for Lumi to heal him.
    The best starategy that worked was to try stun GQJ and GS all the time, while chipping away RG's health slowly. But again then Dooku's dodge and RG's stun kicked in, GQJ got freed from stun and with GS they one shitted Daka and then ventress. I managed to kill GS and GQJ though after 5 tries and losing my main team.

    If anything aoe became more valuable sense it's a quick way to get rid of protection alot faster. I have not been running into RG in gw or even arena so I would not know but saying not having a certent character ruins the game for whoever does not have said character is just silly.

    I run into RG a lot in arena. Just yesterday I went up against a team of Dooku (L), Leia, 5s, FOST, and RG. I knew going in they were a counter heavy team and I just wanted to see how I'd stack up. Not so well. AOE is definitely not such a good idea against that team. Already that was one tool out of my toolkit I couldn't use. I was first, they were third. I don't know why they didn't go for top spot. It's a tough team to beat.
  • BaksoKikil
    129 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Seriously, I dont understand why people are complaining about GW. Yes I do really hate RG. The only reason is because I cant retreat in the arena. In GW? YES YOU CAN RETREAT. I occasionally encountered RG teams. Hard? Yes. But again, I always retreated and found a way to pass through. I am now Lv.74, I dont have Barris. I have only 8 7* chars and 4 6* chars. And I always finished GW so far with no real problem. My main team in GW is Phasma/Dooku (L), Lumi, Daka, Talia and GS. My Talia is even only lv 64...
    Post edited by BaksoKikil on
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Nonemo wrote: »
    CPMP wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Those Dooku/RG teams can be very tedious, especially when paired with heavy hitters. But I think OP exaggerates a little here. The problem isn't RG, but rather that OP doesn't have a toon that counters him. I haven't tried it, but have heard Anakin's buff immunity is a good strategy. There are Nightsisters with that skill too.

    You gotta plan your attacks a little, but you can also make do with just QGJ and a few heavy hitters. Focus on the dangerous toons first and pray that they aren't resurrected.

    RG is definitely the most tedious tank in the game at this point, but he doesn't fit well in all builds and you can definitely have great teams without him.

    Keyword here "You haven't tried it".
    Hard to call Anakin and NSI a counter. Not only RG has high tenacity, but he is hidden behind a dooku dodge wall, which also happens to stun jedis like Anakin. Not to mention the 60% NSI apply rate and 4 turn cooldown.
    But even even NSI was so succesfull in countering RG, who is gonna farm NSI without running nightsisters, wasting 5 mil + half month just to have a chance to beat 1 hero. Not everyone is whale here...

    Also pray that they aren't ressurected? Who exactly can ressurect from their team? No one. I don't know which screenshots you saw.

    I was just thinking more generally. Daka is common with Dooku and RG. Anywho...

    My take on it is that if the game does in fact supply with farmable toons that work as a counter, then it really isn't exactly true that it punishes you for not having RG specifically. It punishes you for not having a toon that counters your opponents, much the same way old Ben punishes you for not having Yoda or Rex.

    I wish it was that easy as it is with Old Ben. That guy is terribly slow and can be ability blocked and stunned by everything. But by the time he get functional again, 2 members of his team can be dead. Also high tenacity heroes or tenacity lead helps a lot vs old ben. Not a very successfull example.
    The biggest thing that doesn't have coutner in this game, is the RNG. If you manage to stack as much RNG as you can, then nothing can counter that.
    You can hardly relly on strategy vs a team that has Dooku leader, Daka, RG to protect them and then 2 high dps like Rey with foresight and GS with assist that can either result in 1 shot if calling rey, or stun if calls daka or RG or Dooku on jedi.

    EDIT: About punishes you for not having RG. People here claimed that they auto clear GW with RG teams. So how is not punishment for non RG users, to struggle and wasting a big amount of time to clear/not clear GW, while RG teams clear it on auto?
  • Options
    You do know you can retreat right? We had a guy join our guild that has played since January and no idea.... so thought I'd mention it.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    You do know you can retreat right? We had a guy join our guild that has played since January and no idea.... so thought I'd mention it.

    Heh, yeah i know. I was doing that for over 1 hour for that specific battle.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    CPMP wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Those Dooku/RG teams can be very tedious, especially when paired with heavy hitters. But I think OP exaggerates a little here. The problem isn't RG, but rather that OP doesn't have a toon that counters him. I haven't tried it, but have heard Anakin's buff immunity is a good strategy. There are Nightsisters with that skill too.

    You gotta plan your attacks a little, but you can also make do with just QGJ and a few heavy hitters. Focus on the dangerous toons first and pray that they aren't resurrected.

    RG is definitely the most tedious tank in the game at this point, but he doesn't fit well in all builds and you can definitely have great teams without him.

    Keyword here "You haven't tried it".
    Hard to call Anakin and NSI a counter. Not only RG has high tenacity, but he is hidden behind a dooku dodge wall, which also happens to stun jedis like Anakin. Not to mention the 60% NSI apply rate and 4 turn cooldown.
    But even even NSI was so succesfull in countering RG, who is gonna farm NSI without running nightsisters, wasting 5 mil + half month just to have a chance to beat 1 hero. Not everyone is whale here...

    Also pray that they aren't ressurected? Who exactly can ressurect from their team? No one. I don't know which screenshots you saw.

    I was just thinking more generally. Daka is common with Dooku and RG. Anywho...

    My take on it is that if the game does in fact supply with farmable toons that work as a counter, then it really isn't exactly true that it punishes you for not having RG specifically. It punishes you for not having a toon that counters your opponents, much the same way old Ben punishes you for not having Yoda or Rex.

    I wish it was that easy as it is with Old Ben. That guy is terribly slow and can be ability blocked and stunned by everything. But by the time he get functional again, 2 members of his team can be dead. Also high tenacity heroes or tenacity lead helps a lot vs old ben. Not a very successfull example.
    The biggest thing that doesn't have coutner in this game, is the RNG. If you manage to stack as much RNG as you can, then nothing can counter that.
    You can hardly relly on strategy vs a team that has Dooku leader, Daka, RG to protect them and then 2 high dps like Rey with foresight and GS with assist that can either result in 1 shot if calling rey, or stun if calls daka or RG or Dooku on jedi.

    EDIT: About punishes you for not having RG. People here claimed that they auto clear GW with RG teams. So how is not punishment for non RG users, to struggle and wasting a big amount of time to clear/not clear GW, while RG teams clear it on auto?

    My 5* RG dies in the first tough fight i put him in. I don't even use him 98% of the time in GW. There's nobody that auto-clears GW with RG. Maybe at gear 9, with Barriss lead or some shenanigans like that. Then again they also probably have CT 5s in there and Daka + Lumi. Yea maybe that team could clear GW on auto, not sure. But don't say things like people clear GW on auto just because of RG, that's dumb! If you don't believe me, go farm him and see for yourself!
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    You should give up, GW is too hard for you.


    Your ability to play this game is bad and you should feel bad
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    I don't mean this the wrong way but if you have QGJ you shouldn't be complaining about taunts. Those w/o a dispeller maybe.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    CPMP wrote: »
    Nonemo wrote: »
    Those Dooku/RG teams can be very tedious, especially when paired with heavy hitters. But I think OP exaggerates a little here. The problem isn't RG, but rather that OP doesn't have a toon that counters him. I haven't tried it, but have heard Anakin's buff immunity is a good strategy. There are Nightsisters with that skill too.

    You gotta plan your attacks a little, but you can also make do with just QGJ and a few heavy hitters. Focus on the dangerous toons first and pray that they aren't resurrected.

    RG is definitely the most tedious tank in the game at this point, but he doesn't fit well in all builds and you can definitely have great teams without him.

    Keyword here "You haven't tried it".
    Hard to call Anakin and NSI a counter. Not only RG has high tenacity, but he is hidden behind a dooku dodge wall, which also happens to stun jedis like Anakin. Not to mention the 60% NSI apply rate and 4 turn cooldown.
    But even even NSI was so succesfull in countering RG, who is gonna farm NSI without running nightsisters, wasting 5 mil + half month just to have a chance to beat 1 hero. Not everyone is whale here...

    Also pray that they aren't ressurected? Who exactly can ressurect from their team? No one. I don't know which screenshots you saw.

    I was just thinking more generally. Daka is common with Dooku and RG. Anywho...

    My take on it is that if the game does in fact supply with farmable toons that work as a counter, then it really isn't exactly true that it punishes you for not having RG specifically. It punishes you for not having a toon that counters your opponents, much the same way old Ben punishes you for not having Yoda or Rex.

    I wish it was that easy as it is with Old Ben. That guy is terribly slow and can be ability blocked and stunned by everything. But by the time he get functional again, 2 members of his team can be dead. Also high tenacity heroes or tenacity lead helps a lot vs old ben. Not a very successfull example.
    The biggest thing that doesn't have coutner in this game, is the RNG. If you manage to stack as much RNG as you can, then nothing can counter that.
    You can hardly relly on strategy vs a team that has Dooku leader, Daka, RG to protect them and then 2 high dps like Rey with foresight and GS with assist that can either result in 1 shot if calling rey, or stun if calls daka or RG or Dooku on jedi.

    EDIT: About punishes you for not having RG. People here claimed that they auto clear GW with RG teams. So how is not punishment for non RG users, to struggle and wasting a big amount of time to clear/not clear GW, while RG teams clear it on auto?

    Well... I have 39 toons at 7*, and at least 20-25 that could be in an A team, including RG. I don't auto GW. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? In either case, I've read people say the same about a plethora of team constellations, often 3x healers including Barriss, and two damage dealers, typically GS.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    You should give up, GW is too hard for you.


    Your ability to play this game is bad and you should feel bad

    People with RG cleared it on Auto => Pressing auto doesn't require skill => Your argument is invalid.

    @Nonemo I don't have RG so i don't know. You have many heroes so you know what works best in this game. Teams with high synergy (eg nightsisters / resistance) ? Or a team which is a compilation of the strongest heroes in game with no synergies (RG, Rey, Dooku lead, GS etc)
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    You should give up, GW is too hard for you.


    Your ability to play this game is bad and you should feel bad

    People with RG cleared it on Auto => Pressing auto doesn't require skill => Your argument is invalid.

    Why not make another nerf RG thread instead of your title? Please go farm RG and do auto through GW and post the video. I would be very interested to see it!
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    In GW I use Phasma(L), Old Ben, Kylo, Vader and ST Han to beat him.

    Put all the dots you can on him and then use Vaders Culling blade. Also, ability block on a healer before you do too to negate him being healed back up. If you can also use Phasmas advantage on Vader before culling blade you can sometimes 1 shot him if you've knocked his protection off. Obviously Han is there to taunt and boost your tm.

    I should add my Vader is 5* and 2 pieces off gear 10 which does make a difference
  • Options
    I actually enjoy GWs with high powered RGs a lot, second only to Chewbacca and Barris. Just get a debuffer in a heal and survival oriented team and he's an excellent source of cooldown reduction.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    CPMP wrote: »
    Kabbes wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    You should give up, GW is too hard for you.


    Your ability to play this game is bad and you should feel bad

    People with RG cleared it on Auto => Pressing auto doesn't require skill => Your argument is invalid.

    @Nonemo I don't have RG so i don't know. You have many heroes so you know what works best in this game. Teams with high synergy (eg nightsisters / resistance) ? Or a team which is a compilation of the strongest heroes in game with no synergies (RG, Rey, Dooku lead, GS etc)

    A little bit of both imho. Lately I've run Barriss/Leia/Lando/Sarge/Ahsoka. Lando is a lot of fun and synergizes well with Leia. Ahsoka and Barriss have great synergies too. And Savage is just there to be a meat wall. Got his basic to ability level 8 yesterday and now he does big damage.

    Then, I just swap in new crew members according to the battle ahead. Many Jedis means Dooku and Maul in. Sid usually means Ahsoka out and Dooku in. Droids, then I whip out the Clone team.

    I've also used RG extensively in GW before but now I only use him in my Empire B team. He's just not a lot of fun to play.

    I've tried to auto GW, but always ended up losing several teams against some node 11 monster with only attackers. I'm skeptic about ppl auto'ing it easily.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    RG is fine. He is exactly what this game needed in a tank. This game doesn't punish you for not having RG; but it is your choice for not having him.

    The real problem with GW is protection. It was the worst design change to GW since launch. Protection is a great idea in arena, but a disaster in GW. I'm about to complete my 138th consecutive GW. But protection has made me go from finding GW mildly entertaining to dreading the idea of doing it.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    I read that they're gonna review the way protection affects GW completion times. Toning it down a little would probably be prudent. Sometimes you find yourself at a major disadvantage, fighting full protected top teams in the last nodes while you yourself don't have any protection at all.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Looking at the OPs roster that battle should be easily completable. He has 10 viable chars plus likely a suicide team.

    The solution is to send in B team to get rid of GS, QG and RGs proc. then your QG can 1 hit kill on the first turn with your A team before RGs taunt goes off.

    It might cost you five guys but you only have two battles to go. This looks more like you aren't trying to win or are trying to win without losses.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    How are you complaining about RG if you have Asajj on your team?
  • Nortikka_aikarajuu
    847 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Its a shame that ppl in top20 in my server all use rg, besides me. Most do rg + daka so i have a chance to lose on off,slight but still a chance, it just seem to me that there is a serious lack of any creativity and no-brainers just copy from the best.
    I know most ppl lack toons but still dang!
    Still 1st everyday btw ;)
    Edit: RG stun trough foresight does annoy me as it doesnt seem fair that no1 else can do that so it should be either all or no1, and it happens like all the time since i like to use yoda in offense and share foresight i have a lot of experience on that1, bug perhaps?
  • Options
    I have no issue with GW. I use the same squad from beginning to end with no death. The only little complain i have is it s a little long
  • Options
    Prfectly doable. It can take a while on one node, but far from impossible. And as to the aversion to grinding to improve or add to your current team, that doesn't make sense. Sure, it's a PITA, but few games if any these days are designed for you to get somewhere in a few months so you can coast forever more. Grind it out till you win again and then they'll change something else so you can grind again, etc. You should accept the pattern or retire cause I seriously doubt they'll change that.
  • Options
    I have RG at 4* and hardly use him except for the Mace challenge and once in a blue moon on my GW suicide squad. None of my toons are over level 70 and I finish GW everyday.
  • Options
    You know how the old saying goes ... if you can't beat them join them.
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