My GW is insanely hard today...coincidence?


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    Still going. Dooku lead every node since 7 and I'm staring at a level 77 precrafted arena team on the last node
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    I finished and didn't know it was over until the last one, pretty smooth as usual, probably could have went another 12 nodes
  • Myzyri
    66 posts Member
    First time I've had to quit on GW...irritating until the last battle where Old Ben, Rey, RG, QGJ, and OD chewed up and spit out four groups of toons.

    Every time Rey died she was revived or resurrected, every time my qgj tried to remove taunt...failed.

    When this RNG wants you to lose. Completely worthless game.
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    RU486 wrote: »
    I finished and didn't know it was over until the last one, pretty smooth as usual, probably could have went another 12 nodes

    I finished, took nearly 3 hours today. Had a dooku lead every node from 7 on, and the last one was a fully precrafted team of Dooku, Rey, RG, Daka, and QGJ. FULLY precratfted. Even dooku

    Galactic War is not fun. Its not exciting. Its a time consuming chore. I'm sick of the dooku leads on half the nods. Sick of facing full on arena teams from 7 on, sick of facing fully precrafted teams, sick of protection for the enemy and not us.
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    Yep. I completed it. Took 3 hours and three full teams, but I completed it
  • MrJx3
    257 posts Member
    Man, faced Sid in every node today. Annoying since I mainly use a full Jedi team.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    Confirmation bias to point to a conspiracy theory, awesome! You know what, I totally believe CG is trying to look nice by doing a double GW day but secretly want us to suffer and made GW harder for just today /s

    Perhaps you should read what you're saying out loud.
  • Agarwaen
    136 posts Member
    No problem for my Barriss led Jedi heal team. Lots of Sid about but just leave him until last and use him to recharge all specials ready for the next node as usual. All done in 1 hour.
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    Aero wrote: »
    Confirmation bias to point to a conspiracy theory, awesome! You know what, I totally believe CG is trying to look nice by doing a double GW day but secretly want us to suffer and made GW harder for just today /s

    Perhaps you should read what you're saying out loud.

    Part of it is just venting. But its a convenient coincidence that I got my worst gw in months on double day. 3 hours is a problem. Don't tell me to get better. I have 15 7 stars. Completed almost 100 in a row. I know the ins and outs. But there is only so much you can do against the kind of teams I face when you have no protection
  • Catarra
    67 posts Member
    Mine was actually a breeze today, except for one node that was insanely hard and took multiple retreats and suicide squads to get done. Saw lots of Dooku, Sid, Daka, and a pretty maxed out RG on that one hard node. But finished it with no problem in about 30 minutes. And squeed out loud at the double rewards.
    "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." ~ Leia Organa
  • PugVader
    438 posts Member
    Had some retreats, moved and shift toons around and finished GW as usual. Got 2 Bobba and 2 Jawas shards :)
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My GW seemed a bit more difficult today, but I still completed...

    Sid, Dooku, and Lumi were on every team of the first 8 shards, and Fives was on all 4 of the final nodes... No RG today, though, and only one Rey.

    About average.
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645
    line id: naso_fin
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Naso wrote: »
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645

    Who is on your bench tho?
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645

    Who is on your bench tho?

    I been able to auto GW before and no toon deaths. But today, if you face those teams constantly with very bad rng, they just burn your bench. Well, you cant win every time, now was my turn to lose. Better luck next time.....or not.

    line id: naso_fin
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Naso wrote: »
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645
    Those teams are the ones I use a hit squad on to burn as much protection off of each just to make it a fair fight for my A team

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    Prez, I thought I was the only one....

    It was rediculous. I retreated more today than I have in the last two months. Absolutely not a co-inkydink.
  • ldkronos
    63 posts Member
    I'm sure it's coincidence, but I'm having trouble too. Usually the first 5 are a breeze, and 6 is where it starts getting tough. In fact, up until round 6 I usually use auto, but I pay CLOSE attention. Lucky I do, because today at round 3 they killed one of my characters...pretty early. So I was like STOP!!!!. Retreat and start over. This time I'll do it manually...they were killing my characters left and right. I took about a dozen different attempts at round 3 before I finally beat it.

    The game's gonna make me work double for my double today. And once I'm done, I still have to click restart and do it all over again today (and then again when I wake up before work)
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Enjoy your warning keyboard warrior. In the future, do yourself a favor and think before you blatantly break board rules.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
  • Savageop
    108 posts Member
    DarthAleex wrote: »
    Yes, you have to be P2P for easy GW
    it is totaly wrong

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    Savageop wrote: »
    DarthAleex wrote: »
    Yes, you have to be P2P for easy GW
    it is totaly wrong

    I agree. But I guess I just have that bad of luck. I haven't had an easy GW since protection went in.
  • Naso
    170 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    RU486 wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645
    Those teams are the ones I use a hit squad on to burn as much protection off of each just to make it a fair fight for my A team

    Easy to say if you are not stun locked + speed debuffed.

    This match: Dooku stun 2, daka stun 2 and RG stun last of my toon. Fives shoot speed debuffs and my RG taunts, enemy QGJ dispel = GG and have a nice day

    Few mins later

    line id: naso_fin
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Naso wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645

    Who is on your bench tho?

    I been able to auto GW before and no toon deaths. But today, if you face those teams constantly with very bad rng, they just burn your bench. Well, you cant win every time, now was my turn to lose. Better luck next time.....or not.

    Yeah dude you shouldnt auto GW.

    Auto burns your specials and goes for the throat. You need to conserve specials, let cooldowns refresh, heal up... I never touch my bench until that node, it is always the hardest. Burning a team to knock out protection was very good advice. The last 3 should be somewhat easier. Upgrading your really low toons is cheap, quick, and easy. Those toons are perfect for absorbing first strike specials damage. I am surprised often at how effective my level 40, 3*, gear 4 teams are. I hope this helps you complete, GW is the heart of this game, and I am glad it can take an hour, so I can play all day.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    Timitock wrote: »
    Naso wrote: »
    Dooku + sid teams about every node.. Cannot finish GW today, been clearing since beginning, but today, not a chance. Cant be coincidense.

    This team power 33645

    Who is on your bench tho?

    I been able to auto GW before and no toon deaths. But today, if you face those teams constantly with very bad rng, they just burn your bench. Well, you cant win every time, now was my turn to lose. Better luck next time.....or not.

    Yeah dude you shouldnt auto GW.

    Auto burns your specials and goes for the throat. You need to conserve specials, let cooldowns refresh, heal up... I never touch my bench until that node, it is always the hardest. Burning a team to knock out protection was very good advice. The last 3 should be somewhat easier. Upgrading your really low toons is cheap, quick, and easy. Those toons are perfect for absorbing first strike specials damage. I am surprised often at how effective my level 40, 3*, gear 4 teams are. I hope this helps you complete, GW is the heart of this game, and I am glad it can take an hour, so I can play all day.

    An hour is ok. 3 is not. Today took three for me with all the retreats trying to find that perfect rng
  • Rizn
    246 posts Member
    Hmm. Mine went well. Harder that the last few but was able to make it through with a few retreats. Wish the double day event meant everything was doubled.... Oh well.
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    I didnt notice GW was hard today. I used same squad from A to Z and didnt lose a single toon...
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    I normally don't have any issues until node 7. But today? Throws dooky meta at me on node 5, with severely broken RNG no matter how many times I reset. I'm running a daka, dooku, RG stun team...I went through that whole battle with almost every stun resisted. Not to mention the dogged focus on healers

    Anyone else notice an increase in difficulty today?

    I normally walk through GW, using at most 1 suicide squad. Today was the most difficult I've had in MONTHS. since perhaps that first day protection was added, before they got it balanced.

    There is someone in my guild who with 3 nodes left faced (levels are in parentheses.)

    Dooku lead (79)
    Royal Guard (79)
    Rey (79)
    Leia (79)
    5s (79)

    He barely beat it, and his next battle was

    Old Ben lead (78)
    Rey (78)
    Yoda (78)
    5s (78)
    Leia (78)

    Thats crazy

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    Yep. Dodge lead is still meta, only reinforced by protection
  • KennyL
    13 posts Member
    Mine was easier today. By a lot.
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