Current Cantina drop rate?



  • Enklave
    78 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    2 shards per 10 SIMs
    I am getting 1 Dooku shard per day from 6 hard battles. It's been a month that I farming him to *5, having 32/65 shards now. So another month to promote him, and another whole year to get him to *7. That's just ridiculous.
  • obiwan1011
    396 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Enklave wrote: »
    I am getting 1 Dooku shard per day from 6 hard battles. It's been a month that I farming him to *5, having 32/65 shards now. So another month to promote him, and another whole year to get him to *7. That's just ridiculous.

    I am on the same journey (half way through to 5*) and maybe, just maybe Dooku is OP as some say ...when he reaches lvl 70, 7-star and hence, CG made it difficult to farm him (as with FOTP)? ;) But yeah, it is really painful... :s

  • Options
    5 shards per 10 SIMs
    Farming Luke to get him up to 5 star, today I have been lucky and he's dropped 19 out of 39 attempts. So almost 1/2.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    2 shards per 10 SIMs
    3/24 attempts today. another day of cruddy drops for kylo.
    mighty chlorians
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    4 shards per 10 SIMs
    The last two days have been back to normal of 40%. It appears they fixed the issue Monday sometime.
  • Keaven
    1099 posts Member
    Hero shard drop rates are different for each hero.
    SlyGambit wrote: »
    Keaven wrote: »
    Hero shard drop rates are different for each hero.

    Talia was my first 7☆ Hero from Cantina farming.

    How do you know this? It would seem hard to prove rates. You'd need to utilize multiple accounts to determine a statistically accurate drop rate for a single character and you'd need to do that with multiple characters. Has anyone actually done that?
    It is a reasonable assumption if gear drop rates are different so are shards.

    I have two accounts, and so far farmed 7☆ Talia, 6☆ GS, 3☆ Acolyte, and 7☆ JC from Cantina missions.

    JC definitely felt less common than the 8 energy node heroes.

    So far I would estimate:
    8 energy heroes: 35%-45%
    10 energy heroes: 25%-35%

    I do two cantina refresh on both accounts per day.
    Profile: Keaven
    Guild: Fear The Boot
  • Options
    1-2 per 5
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    2 shards per 10 SIMs
    another day of 3/24 kylo drops. this is the 5th day of terrible drops, so i'm just waiting for the drops to normalize and bless me with 18/24 to balance out the rate
    mighty chlorians
  • Options
    4 shards per 10 SIMs
    The current drop rate ensures that u don't get a character too quickly... I feel it declines as u get closer to goal, I currently have 37 kylo shards after 4 days farming, I will have him 5 starred by the end of February if I keep getting similar drops, PS I got 13/24 on first day
  • Options
    4 shards per 10 SIMs
    I agree with u CUFC my drops for kylo are much higher after I got Luke
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