
68 posts Member
edited May 2016
I can't believe how easy you people just forget about the bigger issues every time they show you a shiny new coin...i just checked the first 5 pages of the forum and nobody is talking about the raid rewards system anymore...stop being sheep people, keep bringing the raid system to their attention...don't let them distract you.
Sheep sheep sheep


  • Options
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    We deserve what they're doing to us really....everybody is outraged for a day or two and the moment EA introduces a new char or event, we all forget the issues...ADHD generation :)
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I am still outraged by the raid reward system and i've said it multiple times but i can't say it every single day. If by now they don't know it's broken, that it promotes disparity and it needs fixing, they will never know. Every single thread in here or on reddit about this subject is upvoted in favor of equality 93% of the time if not more. Whales agree with equality, famous youtubers, pretty much everybody. So it really needs to be changed.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    so... instead of creating new threads we should all still be making threads about the raid system? wouldnt that also make us "sheep" ?

    i do agree that some valid complaints are being lost in a overwhelming sea of personal complaints about non-issues. But i am pretty sure that the devs who read this forum know how ppl feel about the raid system.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    This is not something 'i will learn to accept' like many other things they are throwing at me. And it needs to be fair and to promote guilds acting as a team rather than what it is now. There isn't a single guild system out there that i know of that promotes this kind of system, no matter the army you have, how long you been playing or how much money you put in.
  • Options
    It's blindsided btw

    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    They are also waiting out the storm...if they wait long enough, people will focus on other stuff and forget about the bigger issues...well, they won't forget but they will stop trying so hard to get heard...we can't stop trying...we mist be heard...the in-guild competition for rewards must stop!!!
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    It's blindsided btw


    Sorry...2nd language :)
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    The rewards isn't really the problem, it's making gear attainable for the little guy who just wants some progression
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    Everything is wrong with the way they implemented guilds
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    twist wrote: »
    They are also waiting out the storm...if they wait long enough, people will focus on other stuff and forget about the bigger issues...well, they won't forget but they will stop trying so hard to get heard...we can't stop trying...we mist be heard...the in-guild competition for rewards must stop!!!

    People won't forget. Some f2p from my guild quit as soon as the rewards from the first raid were distributed saying that the game is becoming too much p2p. And they were right. F2p needs a chance to compete with the guys buying 1600 crystals furnaces non-stop. And the tiered reward system is not the way to do that. But again, i am sure they are aware of this and other stuff like this and they are working on something.
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    Their first solution was to distribute pieces of the unobtainable gear to everybody participating in the raid...good step forward but frankly, just dust in our was the very least they could possibly do, and that's all they did...the same broken system is still in place...the same precrafted hell with a handfull of people having a mindblowing advantage over the rest...
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    I'm in a top guild and i've seen at least 10 people quit in a matter of days ...people that spent a lot of money and considered this to be a slap in their we all do
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    twist wrote: »
    They are also waiting out the storm...if they wait long enough, people will focus on other stuff and forget about the bigger issues...well, they won't forget but they will stop trying so hard to get heard...we can't stop trying...we mist be heard...the in-guild competition for rewards must stop!!!

    People won't forget. Some f2p from my guild quit as soon as the rewards from the first raid were distributed saying that the game is becoming too much p2p. And they were right. F2p needs a chance to compete with the guys buying 1600 crystals furnaces non-stop. And the tiered reward system is not the way to do that. But again, i am sure they are aware of this and other stuff like this and they are working on something.

    so they quit because p2p players could buy the gear for crystals, this has got nothing to do with the raid system.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    The real issue is that it's not even p2p...nobody can buy anything other than furnaces whoch show up once in a blue moon...and people who precrafted the other items just slip further and further ahead...most **** thing i've ever seen in any game in almost 3 decades :)
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    'so they quit because p2p players could buy the gear for crystals, this has got nothing to do with the raid system.'

    They quit after they saw the rewards of the raid. They were hopeful till then. It's not just about the gear but about the coins/credits as well. F2p have a much larger credit shortage than p2p. The reward system is simply not fair and it should be the guild leader's decision whether he allows level 60 players or whatever in his guild or not. It's not the devs problem if 'your guild is as strong as your weakest link'.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    twist wrote: »
    The real issue is that it's not even p2p...nobody can buy anything other than furnaces whoch show up once in a blue moon...and people who precrafted the other items just slip further and further ahead...most **** thing i've ever seen in any game in almost 3 decades :)

    Dude i am a pre-crafter and i sit outside top 20 at the reward for the raid time. Pre-crafting a few items doesn't do much if your squad has only 10 characters in it. Versus a gear 8 25 man squad. Hold on, you are dwindling into 2 things at once. On one hand, there is pre-craft and another guild rewards.
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    Totally agree alex
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    They are both connected...the fight between guildmates for some items that shouldn't have existed in the first place....that give people an unfair advantage just for being on the forum on a specific day to see the upcoming update notes
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    twist wrote: »
    They are both connected...the fight between guildmates for some items that shouldn't have existed in the first place....that give people an unfair advantage just for being on the forum on a specific day to see the upcoming update notes

    It depends who pre-crafted and how much they did. If whales pre-crafted and a ton of it then yea sure. If f2p pre-crafted a few then there isn't much advantage at all. People could beat me from the day i pre-crafted my first char. Unfortunately it was Poggle lol. Now in first place in my shard there is someone sitting at 37k power and this person did NOT pre-craft a single thing. It was all done post-update. Pre-craft vs what this update did is not even close.
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    All good points here and the beauty of our world is that you reap what you sow. It's clear the rewards for playing Guild Raids is lacking considering the cost to players to play. Every time a team completes a raid, they lose resources, not gain it. Eventually, this will sink in and soon enough in about a month, players will be bored and need something new.

    They also ruined the idea of being the top guild since it's more about having the resources to complete the raid than the difficulty. I bet EA could conduct a test and unlock Tier 7 to any team that has the requirements to play it and most wouldn't have a problem. In reality, the only real problem is having guild members with deep enough pockets to unlock it, that is all.

    The final blow was the pre-craft debacle which is only a stall tactic because they don't have anything up their sleeve for players to keep them busy. It's clear it's a stall because if it were a cash grab, the equipment would be readily available for whales and it isn't, which really puzzles me.

    As I said in the first statement, you reap what you sow and EA and CG have unfortunately painted themselves into a corner and I'll enjoy the amusement of watching them try to fix it. I used to be angry about it but I now have resolved to just laughing at it as I double-check to ensure my wallet is closed....
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    'so they quit because p2p players could buy the gear for crystals, this has got nothing to do with the raid system.'

    They quit after they saw the rewards of the raid. They were hopeful till then. It's not just about the gear but about the coins/credits as well. F2p have a much larger credit shortage than p2p. The reward system is simply not fair and it should be the guild leader's decision whether he allows level 60 players or whatever in his guild or not. It's not the devs problem if 'your guild is as strong as your weakest link'.

    i'm not a fan of the reward system, but the whole p2p vs f2p argument is anoying. the reward system is just as bad for p2p as it is for f2p, if anything, its worse for p2p. Obviously f2p has a much larger credit shortage than p2p. p2p just buy credits... and they need way more credits than a f2p since they have way more toons.
    personally i would be more upset about the reward system if I was a p2p. alot of p2p players have gotten worse rewards than f2p players, that would bother me quite a bit.

    but like i said, this is not a f2p vs p2p problem. The reward system and the precraft issue both hurt f2p and p2p. If you cant handle p2p having an advantage over f2p you should not play freemium games, or become a p2p yourself. The only reason we can play this game for free is because others pay for an advantage, deal with it. And on top of that, this game is VERY f2p friendly, has little early starter advantages since you compete with players who started around the same time in everymode except for raids.

    Save water, drink champagne!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited May 2016

    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    You mad, bro? I'm 1/5 away from a droid caller, after two raids. I think in two months and 10 more raids, I should be halfway there.
  • twist
    68 posts Member
    And then you only need 8 more :)
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    How does raiding cost more than it rewards?

    Cite some evidence, please.
  • lunarwolf
    357 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Alexone wrote: »
    I am still outraged by the raid reward system and i've said it multiple times but i can't say it every single day. If by now they don't know it's broken, that it promotes disparity and it needs fixing, they will never know. Every single thread in here or on reddit about this subject is upvoted in favor of equality 93% of the time if not more. Whales agree with equality, famous youtubers, pretty much everybody. So it really needs to be changed.


    been there done that

    EA just don't care

    I do care. I finish in top 3 on raids so do get the rewards, but I think it's unfair to my guildmates who get the scraps no one wants
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    That's not entirely true. The precraft topic is still very much alive and one of the (if not THE) biggest problems around.
    The thing is we get ignored for weeks and after that a few people (like myself) will bump the topic for attention eventhough we know we get ignored.
    They have no intention of fixing or solving complaints if it brings $$$ in their pockets. Yes it's a moneygrab and we all accept it :D
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    A big part of the problem is people keep throwing tons of cash at the game so the "$$ meta" shifts to p2p. If you want change that favors f2p, then get p2p to stop spending money and get EA to stop adding stuff to the game and it will shift to f2p with less features, characters, etc. Don't simply complain, do something that supports your complaint. Don't keep doing the same and expect a different result.
  • HanSlowMo
    235 posts Member
    The best way they have made people forget is by merging things into megathreads. The mods are on TOP of doing that. As soon as something gets pushed into one of those, multiple things happen:

    People feel like they've lost their own individual voice.

    A lot of lazy players will follow for a bit, then just not pay attention.

    A lot of lazier players will see the 100 replies and not bother to read as it's "too much"

    Most people don't realize large issues as they see one thread instead of a huge public response.

    It's too confusing when an original point and responses get mixed it with everyone else's, there is no timeline for discussion.

    Granted it keeps the forums cleaner but it's a great tactic to stop things from gaining steam
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