Galactic War too challenging feedback


  • Gynn
    26 posts Member
    I use 1 team and finish under 30 mins. Target priority and high heals are needed. Barris (L) is priceless Lumi, Rey, 86, Ashoka. 3 healers 2 are attackers and 2 heavy hitters.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Since I unlocked Barriss I've rarely lost a toon in GW. I lost RG today... That was it. Sub with Saint Han and he saved my bacon the last two nodes. Barriss is the key to GW that I needed. I just hit 71 yesterday so I know it gets harder. Tired of seeing Dooku and Sid in every node though.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • ObranVox
    134 posts Member
    I've been running GW on auto for about a week now. No retreats, usually no suicide squads.

    Using Barriss ( L ), QGJ, JC, Lumi, Daka.

    On 10th node I use a B Squad. Phasma ( L ), Dooku, Kylo, Vader, Sid. For some reason 10th node is always the hardest.

    On the final battle, I sub out JC for Yoda.

    This has worked every time.

    Having Barriss as leader grants your squad health at every turn, thats the key.
  • Mikaelias
    17 posts Member
    So i have precrafted before the anouncment, just to have the stuff ready when i would Hit the level. There was no issue with doing it before
  • papy72
    182 posts Member
    My team for GW consists of Barris(L), Phasma, Sid, QGJ and Lumi, all lvl 76, 7* and G8 (I think, they are at whatever the max gear is for them WITHOUT the pre-crafted stuff). On heavy Jedi nodes I sub in a 6* Dooku for Phasma, and am farming GS and RG with the intent of experimenting with them.

    I've finished every GW since unlocking Barris (a lucky bronzium pull), though I typically have to run a suicide squad or two every day. One day last week was brutal and I had to throw every character I had into my GW to finish (droid teams were tearing me up).
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    There's two types of players here. Those that believe that GW is easy because they do it in 30 min or with one team and those slogging through a nightmare straight out of Groundhog Day. I'd venture to say those completing it quickly and easily have relatively low power arena teams and/or are still in their low 70s or below.

    Ive completed GW over 150 times. Today was my last day doing it unless something changes. As someone put it so eloquently in my guild, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. It takes me a minimum of one hour to complete simply because I see some variation of this type of team:


    Swap the leader for Dooku/QGJ or a DPS for QGJ/Rey and I see that from node 5 on. Today, node two had a 7* RG. Not worth the hassle.
  • Options
    I have no gear IX toons and complete it almost every day. Good synergy keeps your team alive a lot longer. Healers are crucial. So is playing on the teams weaknesses. Having a deep bench isn't always about numbers to throw at them but more about skills to use. Ewok team with Phasma add, NS team with Ahsoka lead, and Jedi team all play their part in my GW. Some teams just fare better than others.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    I have no gear IX toons and complete it almost every day. Good synergy keeps your team alive a lot longer. Healers are crucial. So is playing on the teams weaknesses. Having a deep bench isn't always about numbers to throw at them but more about skills to use. Ewok team with Phasma add, NS team with Ahsoka lead, and Jedi team all play their part in my GW. Some teams just fare better than others.

    People continue to say this like it's true. I posted a perfect example above you of how it unfortunately, simply, flat out, is false. If none of those sub par non-meta teams work well in arena they won't work well versus seven consecutive arena teams while also contending with no protection, cool downs, etc.

    Believe me, I wish what you said was universally true. It's just not.
  • Options
    I am not free to play, but I am now level 78 and it has gotten really difficult. At node 3 I start seeing level 75 and above gear 8 or 9. I still clear it every day, but I usually rotate in characters who still have protection.
    Empire Relic
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    There's two types of players here. Those that believe that GW is easy because they do it in 30 min or with one team and those slogging through a nightmare straight out of Groundhog Day. I'd venture to say those completing it quickly and easily have relatively low power arena teams and/or are still in their low 70s or below.

    Ive completed GW over 150 times. Today was my last day doing it unless something changes. As someone put it so eloquently in my guild, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. It takes me a minimum of one hour to complete simply because I see some variation of this type of team:


    Swap the leader for Dooku/QGJ or a DPS for QGJ/Rey and I see that from node 5 on. Today, node two had a 7* RG. Not worth the hassle.

    What is your definition of high arena power these days? I have run 33k plus. Right now 31.5k. L78 finish top of arena.

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    i have gear lvl 8/9 toons, 7 stars, lvl 76 and i wish my dooku was as ridiculous as their's. (i should have recorded him hitting 16 or so times in a row without taking a breather, or was it 20? lol anyway i digress.....) It is way overpowered at higher levels, up till 70 ish level i was competing them, now its impossible. I will get to the last round but never finish. For all those that are getting their a$$ kicked, i feel for you, im in the same boat. And yes I have tried multiple combos and multiple squads, it shouldn't be this difficult. Especially when they put in a death squad 4th fight in.....
  • Options
    It's easy to win when you use your squad properly. In the last five days, I completed 6 full wars for double rewards. I won because I wanted to win. Usually I don't care, and usually I don't finish final node.
  • Options
    well id like the achievement for vader shards so im talking about finishing the entire thing. Lol its not easy at all, and im sure most people are using their squad properly.
  • Haplo
    183 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    I have no gear IX toons and complete it almost every day. Good synergy keeps your team alive a lot longer. Healers are crucial. So is playing on the teams weaknesses. Having a deep bench isn't always about numbers to throw at them but more about skills to use. Ewok team with Phasma add, NS team with Ahsoka lead, and Jedi team all play their part in my GW. Some teams just fare better than others.

    People continue to say this like it's true. I posted a perfect example above you of how it unfortunately, simply, flat out, is false. If none of those sub par non-meta teams work well in arena they won't work well versus seven consecutive arena teams while also contending with no protection, cool downs, etc.

    Believe me, I wish what you said was universally true. It's just not.

    I run the gw meta (Rg, Rey, duku for Jedi, daka for no Jedi, gs, and lumi lead) I am at about 32k power in arena. I can auto the first 4 or 5 teams, make it to about node 8 or 9 without losing anyone and usually finish gw losing 3 or 4 toons. I hit the first 7 star team all above 72 at about node 6 or 7. By node 10 I am fighting teams that make up the top 5 in arena.

    It is far from easy, but with the right team it's not impossible or even super hard. I have not finished twice in the last 3 months. Both times because I was too lazy to retreat after getting bad rng and losing key toons.

    Edit: full disclosure, my A team is mostly maxed gear with 2 furnaces and level 78 and 7 star. My b team is 7 star 75 to 78 and maxed gear with no unobtainable gear.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    it just keeps getting harder and harder as most people need to face teams of g9/10 precrafters by node 7 or so, its completely ridiculous. Fighting stacked maxed out arena teams with RG on every team for the last 5 nodes is just a joke, I literally have 27 characters that are G8+ and 7* and even i've been barely scraping through the last few days, even if my team is "evenly" matched with the opposing team it seems they get the advantage all the time, it takes a whole team to take out RG alone sometimes, im getting really sick of GW, its turned into a complete joke now and nothing is being done about it

    I remember when the precraft thing was first an issue, a lot of people didnt really understand the implications, I kept telling people just wait until your GW has you facing teams of G9/10/11 precrafters while your team is stuck at g8 lol and now its happening
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Haplo wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    I have no gear IX toons and complete it almost every day. Good synergy keeps your team alive a lot longer. Healers are crucial. So is playing on the teams weaknesses. Having a deep bench isn't always about numbers to throw at them but more about skills to use. Ewok team with Phasma add, NS team with Ahsoka lead, and Jedi team all play their part in my GW. Some teams just fare better than others.

    People continue to say this like it's true. I posted a perfect example above you of how it unfortunately, simply, flat out, is false. If none of those sub par non-meta teams work well in arena they won't work well versus seven consecutive arena teams while also contending with no protection, cool downs, etc.

    Believe me, I wish what you said was universally true. It's just not.

    I run the gw meta (Rg, Rey, duku for Jedi, daka for no Jedi, gs, and lumi lead) I am at about 32k power in arena. I can auto the first 4 or 5 teams, make it to about node 8 or 9 without losing anyone and usually finish gw losing 3 or 4 toons. I hit the first 7 star team all above 72 at about node 6 or 7. By node 10 I am fighting teams that make up the top 5 in arena.

    It is far from easy, but with the right team it's not impossible or even super hard. I have not finished twice in the last 3 months. Both times because I was too lazy to retreat after getting bad rng and losing key toons.

    I've finished GW 150+ consecutive times. I haven't failed to complete it a single time since it unlocked for me. I've played through every change made to the game and match making algorithm. I just no longer have the desire to do it. Fighting the same variations of 7* QGJ/old Ben/Dooku/rg/Rey for seven straight fights is not fun. Kudos to those that find it so.

    I don't take anyone seriously that believes GW is universally easy. Being doable and being easy are two totally separate things. My arena power is 35k, while the others in the top three of arena with me range from 35k-38k power.
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    I have no gear IX toons and complete it almost every day. Good synergy keeps your team alive a lot longer. Healers are crucial. So is playing on the teams weaknesses. Having a deep bench isn't always about numbers to throw at them but more about skills to use. Ewok team with Phasma add, NS team with Ahsoka lead, and Jedi team all play their part in my GW. Some teams just fare better than others.

    People continue to say this like it's true. I posted a perfect example above you of how it unfortunately, simply, flat out, is false. If none of those sub par non-meta teams work well in arena they won't work well versus seven consecutive arena teams while also contending with no protection, cool downs, etc.

    Believe me, I wish what you said was universally true. It's just not.
    I'm unclear on which part isn't true. The synergy part? I think that aspect is true in all areas of the game. But my main point is in the teams I spoke of, Ewok team is too low level and can't date in arena yet, and NS team with Ahsoka lead doesn't have the firepower to be highly successful in arena either. The battle plan is usually different as well. Arena you can sacrifice a taunter and hit with glass canons and win a lot. In GW you can't do that without good healers.

    As for the skills part of it, I think it holds more weight than you let on. Example, I'm not bringing my Jedi team to a Dooku fight. Even if I win its too costly. But I might take the Ewoks with Teebo lead in and use the right skills to counter balance the an toning aspects of the team. But none of this works without putting the effort into your bench. If you scrape up a handful of oddball toons that don't work together you're better off forcing a single team through, retreating, reordering, and prayin for a better RNG sequence.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Angrybaldman
    369 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Agreed on increased difficulty. I'm a whale and I can acknowledge I'm struggling more with the back half of my GW. I think it's because GW matchmaking is based on the power level of your current arena squad, because the last 5-6 nodes are always arena teams w/ G9 and over 32K power. Even if these squads are crappy it's still very difficult to keep your entire team in tact with no protection. I'm hoping that this all evens out again over time. I'm fine with a few difficult matches that force me to take off auto, but I have no desire to spend 2 hours clearing.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Telaan wrote: »
    I have no gear IX toons and complete it almost every day. Good synergy keeps your team alive a lot longer. Healers are crucial. So is playing on the teams weaknesses. Having a deep bench isn't always about numbers to throw at them but more about skills to use. Ewok team with Phasma add, NS team with Ahsoka lead, and Jedi team all play their part in my GW. Some teams just fare better than others.

    People continue to say this like it's true. I posted a perfect example above you of how it unfortunately, simply, flat out, is false. If none of those sub par non-meta teams work well in arena they won't work well versus seven consecutive arena teams while also contending with no protection, cool downs, etc.

    Believe me, I wish what you said was universally true. It's just not.
    I'm unclear on which part isn't true. The synergy part? I think that aspect is true in all areas of the game. But my main point is in the teams I spoke of, Ewok team is too low level and can't date in arena yet, and NS team with Ahsoka lead doesn't have the firepower to be highly successful in arena either. The battle plan is usually different as well. Arena you can sacrifice a taunter and hit with glass canons and win a lot. In GW you can't do that without good healers.

    As for the skills part of it, I think it holds more weight than you let on. Example, I'm not bringing my Jedi team to a Dooku fight. Even if I win its too costly. But I might take the Ewoks with Teebo lead in and use the right skills to counter balance the an toning aspects of the team. But none of this works without putting the effort into your bench. If you scrape up a handful of oddball toons that don't work together you're better off forcing a single team through, retreating, reordering, and prayin for a better RNG sequence.

    The reason it's not is because not everyone's GW is the same. The only place those kinds of teams have any chance of finishing a match at all is the first 4-5 nodes. Following that, it doesn't matter how many retreats you make to try and find that sweet seed, they're not capable of competing against rank 1 arena squads....ever.

    That's great if your GW matchmaking allows you to run a variety of interesting teams. Not all do. Mine certainly does not. From node 5 or 6 on I need to run arena squad lite (the inclusion of a healer). Anything less than that and I won't have the DPS needed to break g9 RG, Rey, QGJ, etc.

    That was kind of the point of my first post in this thread. You've got players who only see one side of GW matchmaking. It's not representative of much of the player base, and that doesn't change no matter how many times people repeat synergy, Barris, or any of the other common go-to rally cries.
  • Options
    As a follow-up, I will say that it was never the dev's intention that every player be able to finish every GW with one team and no resets. It is supposed to be difficult and awards skilled players w/ roster depth. So while I think there is definitely room for some fine tuning, players (especially F2P) need to quit acting entitled to finish it every time.
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    My Arena team is about 30k competing against whales in the top 20 that are 33-37k. I have had to accept that I am not going to rank much higher than top 15-20 until we all catch up to level 80 and gear 9.

    However, it does mean that my GW is easier.

    Nevertheless, from node 6 I have consistently higher powered teams than my own (with full protection) to deal with - i.e. level 76-78 with gear 9 (my team is level 77 with one gear 9, rest gear 8). It is still straightforward enough because the AI is awful and if RNG does go wrong we can try again.

    I do have a very strong bench though with a lot of mid ranked gear 7 and 8 toons who can come in and take 1 or 2 characters down in a suicide run or replace a lost toon in the main team - this really does make a big difference. I can imagine if I only had 5-6 high-powered toons it would be much tougher.
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    There's two types of players here. Those that believe that GW is easy because they do it in 30 min or with one team and those slogging through a nightmare straight out of Groundhog Day. I'd venture to say those completing it quickly and easily have relatively low power arena teams and/or are still in their low 70s or below.

    Ive completed GW over 150 times. Today was my last day doing it unless something changes. As someone put it so eloquently in my guild, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. It takes me a minimum of one hour to complete simply because I see some variation of this type of team:


    Swap the leader for Dooku/QGJ or a DPS for QGJ/Rey and I see that from node 5 on. Today, node two had a 7* RG. Not worth the hassle.

    I am level 77. Current Arena power is 31k. Over the weekend, I will finish top 5, though for some reason throughout the week I have trouble making top 20. Today I finished GW in less than 30 minutes, using assisted auto, though not with one team.

    GW can be a bit a of a chore, but I usually spread it out throughout the day to ease that. I complete it because I need the toons and credits. I am flabbergasted that the rewards do not scale, since 500k credits at level 77 is laughable, but it is still the best way to get credits, so I keep doing it.
  • Hedgehog
    61 posts Member
    GW is easy if you don't fall into the same trap I did and assume it has to be completed without any roster changes.

    B Team, for nodes 1-6 (occasionally as high as 8):

    Old Ben (L)

    These guys are a mix of 5-7* and level 70-76. As they die, I replace them with Rey, Kylo Ren, and Daka. Once all the protection is gone and the difficulty increases...

    A Team, for nodes X-11:

    Barriss (L)

    Then, my Droids clean up node 12. I get to use a whole bunch of different characters, mix and match strategies, where previously I would just ride my A team all the way through (which was getting boring).
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    There's two types of players here. Those that believe that GW is easy because they do it in 30 min or with one team and those slogging through a nightmare straight out of Groundhog Day. I'd venture to say those completing it quickly and easily have relatively low power arena teams and/or are still in their low 70s or below.

    Ive completed GW over 150 times. Today was my last day doing it unless something changes. As someone put it so eloquently in my guild, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. It takes me a minimum of one hour to complete simply because I see some variation of this type of team:


    Swap the leader for Dooku/QGJ or a DPS for QGJ/Rey and I see that from node 5 on. Today, node two had a 7* RG. Not worth the hassle.

    I am level 77. Current Arena power is 31k. Over the weekend, I will finish top 5, though for some reason throughout the week I have trouble making top 20. Today I finished GW in less than 30 minutes, using assisted auto, though not with one team.

    GW can be a bit a of a chore, but I usually spread it out throughout the day to ease that. I complete it because I need the toons and credits. I am flabbergasted that the rewards do not scale, since 500k credits at level 77 is laughable, but it is still the best way to get credits, so I keep doing it.

    This is exactly the disparity I'm referring to. That is a reasonable amount of time for GW to require. It's unfortunate this disparity exists as GW used to be and could be fun. I think something that would help alleviate that is if half the nodes were AI generated teams that would focus on specific synergies (i.e. Resistance, Empire, etc) or unusual combos designed by the Dev team.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    There's two types of players here. Those that believe that GW is easy because they do it in 30 min or with one team and those slogging through a nightmare straight out of Groundhog Day. I'd venture to say those completing it quickly and easily have relatively low power arena teams and/or are still in their low 70s or below.

    Ive completed GW over 150 times. Today was my last day doing it unless something changes. As someone put it so eloquently in my guild, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. It takes me a minimum of one hour to complete simply because I see some variation of this type of team:


    Swap the leader for Dooku/QGJ or a DPS for QGJ/Rey and I see that from node 5 on. Today, node two had a 7* RG. Not worth the hassle.

  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Hey what do you know, it's another Galactic War sucks thread.... CG John Selera already commented that the team is looking at GW to see what options they have in another thread. I imagine it's going to take some time to adjust to make it more manageable for a mobile app game. Do the best you can in the meantime.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Hey what do you know, it's another Galactic War sucks thread.... CG John Selera already commented that the team is looking at GW to see what options they have in another thread. I imagine it's going to take some time to adjust to make it more manageable for a mobile app game. Do the best you can in the meantime.

    They say they're looking at a lot. They've had to fix it how many times already? Why not get it right the first time and leave it at that?
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Hey what do you know, it's another Galactic War sucks thread.... CG John Selera already commented that the team is looking at GW to see what options they have in another thread. I imagine it's going to take some time to adjust to make it more manageable for a mobile app game. Do the best you can in the meantime.

    I suggest the Cheerios without the urine in them for tomorrow morning.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    I really do not see the problem...

    Maybe people just think that if they complain enough, Protection will go away?
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »
    Hey what do you know, it's another Galactic War sucks thread.... CG John Selera already commented that the team is looking at GW to see what options they have in another thread. I imagine it's going to take some time to adjust to make it more manageable for a mobile app game. Do the best you can in the meantime.

    I suggest the Cheerios without the urine in them for tomorrow morning.

    Cool, I'll ask your old lady to make them for me that way then.
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