Raid phases not fair to all players.

602 posts Member
Tier 6 raid has 4 phases. The first is the Gamorians or whatever the name is. A person with 18 six and seven star toons maybe does a total of 80k in damage. The players that know this stay back and let the players that don't know this go ahead and battle so that phase two is ready.

For phase two a player with 18 six and seven star characters does anywhere from 300-800 thousand in damage giving them an insane lead on the raid rewards.

I guess the only way to really be fair is that the top twenty from the last raid finished should be the ones to start phase one off. It shouldn't be the same people over and over starting phase one. They probably won't wanna do this cause they want the best gear, but hey so does the people in the bottom 30.

I don't know if the devs have something in the works or even know this is kinda a problem, but for now I refuse to start a raid in phase one from now on cause I've been doing it for 2 weeks now. I'm not trying to complain, I just don't think it's fair to the people at the bottom of the guild. A raid is suppose to take all 50 members to complete, but at the moment it looks like some are getting better rewards than others because that first phase you really can't do a lot of damage.


  • Zteag_92
    45 posts Member
    It has a lot to do with timezones too. The majority of my guild are all waking up at 10am while it's 2am for me
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    This is definitely true. I average 220k with my whole bench on phase 1, if i wait for phase 2 though, my A team alone does 260k damage.
    End up doing around 450k total.

    Im not a tool about it though, and dont go out of my way to wait.
    "May the Schwartz be with you", Yogurt

    Guild: -FTB- Reign Of Fate
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    it's not completely about how many characters you have, it's about which specific characters you have. for some people, they're going to do way more damage during phase 1, than any other phase. there are teams that can do over 2 million damage on phase 1.

    these phases intentionally behave differently. if every phases was the same, it wouldn't be as interesting of a fight. as it currently is, each phase highlights a different type of character, and rewards gearing up many characters.

    the real issue that needs to be addressed is the disparity of rewards, between rank 1 and rank 50.
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    The right characters, played effectively can get just as much damage as in any other phase.
  • Glhdtrim
    19 posts Member
    I can do about 200-250K in tier V in phase 1 with Teebo(L), Daka, QGJ, Eeth (I'll replace him with RG as soon as possible) and Ewok Elder. My A team was doing 40-50k at most before I realized what type of team is needed for phase 1. The same A team that sucks at phase 1 does about 200k in phase 2.
    It's all strategy...
  • Frommer
    145 posts Member
    Alita wrote: »
    it's not completely about how many characters you have, it's about which specific characters you have. for some people, they're going to do way more damage during phase 1, than any other phase. there are teams that can do over 2 million damage on phase 1.

    these phases intentionally behave differently. if every phases was the same, it wouldn't be as interesting of a fight. as it currently is, each phase highlights a different type of character, and rewards gearing up many characters.

    the real issue that needs to be addressed is the disparity of rewards, between rank 1 and rank 50.

    I don't understand why you want everyone to get the same stuff when they aren't contributing the same amount. You must be a Bernie supporter.
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    Frommer wrote: »
    Alita wrote: »
    it's not completely about how many characters you have, it's about which specific characters you have. for some people, they're going to do way more damage during phase 1, than any other phase. there are teams that can do over 2 million damage on phase 1.

    these phases intentionally behave differently. if every phases was the same, it wouldn't be as interesting of a fight. as it currently is, each phase highlights a different type of character, and rewards gearing up many characters.

    the real issue that needs to be addressed is the disparity of rewards, between rank 1 and rank 50.

    I don't understand why you want everyone to get the same stuff when they aren't contributing the same amount. You must be a Bernie supporter.

    i'm not saying that everyone needs to receive equal rewards, but the delta between 1 and 50 should be reduced, especially when it comes to HS shards and precraft salvage/gear.
  • Hangfire
    497 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Yes this problem of people hanging back is one of several major problems. Another is players being able to finish a raid before the whole team has a chance to attack.
  • scuba
    14193 posts Member
    I prefer P1 and p4. Do way more damage
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    P1 is great if you can bring an Ackbar, Ewok Elder, Lobot, or Rex I believe. Some others as well work to remove the death mark, but aren't as consistent.
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    The first phase would not be bad provided that all damage was accounted for. It should count the damage done to the two side kick guys. If all the damage was counted for and players got this, then the leader board would be more accurate on what each person contributed. Not counting the other damage makes phase 1 not worth doing because a person will end up at the bottom of the ranks. Fighting the rancor is much easier and every attack counts towards your rank.
  • BangaRang
    19 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I have put up over 1.5 million in my 5 attempts in phase one. If you have the right teams no one can touch the phase one heavy hitters in tier 6 raids
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sorry I should have worded everything better but check this:

    This is for tier 6 only I'm talking about.
    In all honesty we know which characters are better than others. We know how important certain abilities are for raids. I just checked each guild members roster and the majority is almost identical with the except of some having one or two G10 toons. I understand the different time zones, I get that, but here is what seems really unfair...

    Tier 6 raid started started 3 hours ago with a total of 10 people contributing. With the highest damage done of 190k and lowest done 75k. But when I go check the log of who and when was the last time logged in 3 hours ago.. 29 people logged in. I'm like really??? Wow 29 people logged in and those 29 people did not contribute. Out of those 29 who logged in (5 of which are officers and the leader) not a single one of them contribute a single bit of damage for phase one. So that's a total of 39 people in the past 3 hours online. 10 contributed, 19 didn't and the other 11 or either in a different time zone or has something in real life they are doing and the first phase is maybe 15% into the raid.

    Can someone please explain this to me. If I read a paragraph of a rational explanation explaining how and if this is fair I will gladly say I'm wrong and drop the subject.
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    I just ran a t6 battle with a droid team
    Hk(L), ig88, ig86, Magnaguard (died instantly), and poggle

    I hit 217k damage
    So it's completely the team you use
    Don't throw any character at p1 and expect high numbers
    If you don't have a good team, wait for p2
    If you do have a good team, be courteous and do p1

    So droids with Poggle work well because they ability block then do smashy smash.

    Also RNG has a huge part,don't forget you can retreat
  • bleeaauuh
    1006 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I've done 500k in phase 1 tier 6
  • Options
    Glhdtrim wrote: »
    I can do about 200-250K in tier V in phase 1 with Teebo(L), Daka, QGJ, Eeth (I'll replace him with RG as soon as possible) and Ewok Elder. My A team was doing 40-50k at most before I realized what type of team is needed for phase 1. The same A team that sucks at phase 1 does about 200k in phase 2.
    It's all strategy...

    I don't recommend royal guard at all. I just got him up to five stars and immediately threw him in and he did nothing. The stuns didn't land on the captain, only the side guys and once he gets the death mark he's still dead in two turns. You're better off keeping eeth there or switching him with a fast high dps toon. Throw in Royal guard and you're sacrificing a lot of damage just so you can stun the two side guards
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    I have a deep bench and always do P1 whenever I can. Don't really care for being #1 in damage, because I was first three times now, and nothing but garbage in rewards. Now I just burn my teams in P1, to help those with weaker benches. My team did 630k damage in P1 of tier6 and I only have Akbar for cleansing.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • int3ns1fy
    210 posts Member
    This really is a problem...we started a raid like 10 hours ago and up til now 15 people have attacked. Everyone trying to sit out phase 1 just so they can do more damage in phase 2 is total crap, and the best example of how absolutely FAIL the raid reward system is.
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    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    This really is a problem...we started a raid like 10 hours ago and up til now 15 people have attacked. Everyone trying to sit out phase 1 just so they can do more damage in phase 2 is total crap, and the best example of how absolutely FAIL the raid reward system is.

    You're supposed to work together. So anyone with a good cleanser should do phase 1. This is more a matter of discipline in guild not the reward system
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    The problem is a cleanse (or lack thereof). Those who have cleanse should do phase 1 (and they may do very high damage there too)
  • Nuwonda
    56 posts Member
    timezones, phases, retreats, roster all play a role. best scenario is to be in a guild where everyone can start at the same time, i.e. same timezone, after that if your roster is better or worse that's up to you to fix. Also use retreat as you see fit to optimize your dmg...

    today's raid I was out shopping so I had to do battle's on auto for phase 1 in order to get any dmg in, knowing that by the time I was done shopping the raid might be over...

    bottomline, mixed timezones don't go well with the current reward/reset scheme. some players will be able to do 3 GWs or 16 challenges other can only do 2 GWs or 8 challenges due to resets after midnight if guild leader is US based and you are in EU and thus by default puts you as EU player at a disadvantage as long as the reward system stays as it is. and then there is the ranking in the reward system ... but that's another matter.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    This really is a problem...we started a raid like 10 hours ago and up til now 15 people have attacked. Everyone trying to sit out phase 1 just so they can do more damage in phase 2 is total crap, and the best example of how absolutely FAIL the raid reward system is.

    You're supposed to work together. So anyone with a good cleanser should do phase 1. This is more a matter of discipline in guild not the reward system

  • Options
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    This really is a problem...we started a raid like 10 hours ago and up til now 15 people have attacked. Everyone trying to sit out phase 1 just so they can do more damage in phase 2 is total crap, and the best example of how absolutely FAIL the raid reward system is.

    With luck


    These two may be able to pass along this as it happens in alot of guilds man. Can't exactly punish them because it's always " time difference and when i can play".

    Simple solution is to have the ranks affect credits and guild tokens. But everyone should get the same chests and shards otherwise it will never end....

    Teamwork>selfish plays

    You gotta wonder if they even thought about it as it is insanely obvious that it would be the case with this system.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    int3ns1fy wrote: »
    This really is a problem...we started a raid like 10 hours ago and up til now 15 people have attacked. Everyone trying to sit out phase 1 just so they can do more damage in phase 2 is total crap, and the best example of how absolutely FAIL the raid reward system is.

    I can understand the frustration. I started this post to get some attention on the matter to see if others were experiencing the same thing. I was just annoyed how little damage was being done on phase 1 as compared to phase 2 and 3 and noticed today how guild chat seemed lively then once the raid started it went silent. Some time went by and I noticed only 10 people did phase one when 19 people logged on after the raid started and contributed nothing yet.. After some time looking through rosters and noticed many officers and friends having a lot more Tier 9 & 10 gear. Then it dawned on me how come damage is lower some times and higher at others which is because of what team is being used and what phase I was doing. In the end there are always the same people getting the top guild rewards with millions of points in damage done and there are those who can't break 500k damage.

    If people are avoiding phase one for the sole purpose of doing more damage in phase two to get the best rewards just doesn't seem like a fair system. I know I'm probably sounding like a complainer and I don't mean to be, I would just like to be able to earn better gear by not paying with crystals is all. I've bought 8 mk5 furnaces in the past two weeks alone just so I could gear up my roster for more damage and today I realized exactly why I don't see millions of damage like the same people at raid collection time.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    I always go for P1 even as the highest dmg in the guild. Using cleansers and some high dps that can retreat. If I do 2 battles in P1 (with ackbar) and 3 battles in P2, I deal even more dmg than doing 5 battles in P2 e.g. You're just in a bad guild it seems :p
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Deadded
    67 posts Member
    I do 1.2m damage approx in phase 1 and in phase 2 and 3 i can do about 800k so this thread isnt rly true. and im not even using ewoks
  • Options
    Aniema wrote: »
    Tier 6 raid has 4 phases. The first is the Gamorians or whatever the name is. A person with 18 six and seven star toons maybe does a total of 80k in damage. The players that know this stay back and let the players that don't know this go ahead and battle so that phase two is ready.

    For phase two a player with 18 six and seven star characters does anywhere from 300-800 thousand in damage giving them an insane lead on the raid rewards.

    I guess the only way to really be fair is that the top twenty from the last raid finished should be the ones to start phase one off. It shouldn't be the same people over and over starting phase one. They probably won't wanna do this cause they want the best gear, but hey so does the people in the bottom 30.

    I don't know if the devs have something in the works or even know this is kinda a problem, but for now I refuse to start a raid in phase one from now on cause I've been doing it for 2 weeks now. I'm not trying to complain, I just don't think it's fair to the people at the bottom of the guild. A raid is suppose to take all 50 members to complete, but at the moment it looks like some are getting better rewards than others because that first phase you really can't do a lot of damage.

    So yo throw two teams at phase 1 and wait about an hour before refresh and hit phase 1 again. Then they guys who held back get no first run. Your not finishing a phase 1 tier 6 with 10 people contributing before reset.
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    Our top damage person in our guild focuses on stage 1. He totals an average of 1.4 mill in our T5 raids and a couple other guys catching up focusing on stage 1 as well. If you have the right characters, it's just as "rewarding."
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    Aniema wrote: »
    Tier 6 raid has 4 phases. The first is the Gamorians or whatever the name is. A person with 18 six and seven star toons maybe does a total of 80k in damage. The players that know this stay back and let the players that don't know this go ahead and battle so that phase two is ready.

    For phase two a player with 18 six and seven star characters does anywhere from 300-800 thousand in damage giving them an insane lead on the raid rewards.

    I guess the only way to really be fair is that the top twenty from the last raid finished should be the ones to start phase one off. It shouldn't be the same people over and over starting phase one. They probably won't wanna do this cause they want the best gear, but hey so does the people in the bottom 30.

    I don't know if the devs have something in the works or even know this is kinda a problem, but for now I refuse to start a raid in phase one from now on cause I've been doing it for 2 weeks now. I'm not trying to complain, I just don't think it's fair to the people at the bottom of the guild. A raid is suppose to take all 50 members to complete, but at the moment it looks like some are getting better rewards than others because that first phase you really can't do a lot of damage.

    So yo throw two teams at phase 1 and wait about an hour before refresh and hit phase 1 again. Then they guys who held back get no first run. Your not finishing a phase 1 tier 6 with 10 people contributing before reset.

    But that's the thing not everybody is doing P1, but the majority is. The ones that are waiting are hoping that enough people do P1 and complete it so they can start P2 before reset. They do most damage there, then after reset they continue doing P2 getting a chance to double their damage. By the time morning comes when people wake up the raid is in the P4 stage which is pretty tough again leaving many people out of P3 and not do much damage total. Sometimes it is finished before the second night of reset. If not then the people who waited just finish it off so they can start a new raid.

    About 12 people or so have damage in the millions, where the majority has maybe 500k..maybe. That is why I'm saying these raid phases just are not fair.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    There are lots of guilds
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