Ewok Bugs - Multiple issues (Current Count: 3)

127 posts Member
There are multiple issues with Ewoks and their abilities at this time and multiple threads about them with no dev response. Hopefully consolidating them into one thread will garner some attention. I've provided all the bugs I'm aware of below along with references to individual threads giving support (pics etc) for the issues.

If anyone knows of any other issues with Ewoks please reply to this thread and I'll include them in the list.


  • IronWolfw
    127 posts Member
    The Ewok Elder's "Tribal Healer" ability does not appear to be working as intended. The description states
    All allies recover Health.... and lose ALL negative status effects
    However, currently if a character has multiple negative status effects on them this ability is only removing one of them.
  • Asmodeius
    105 posts Member
    ++ Please Fix.
  • puru
    161 posts Member
    Ewok elder sometimes fails to remove the deathmark, even when its the only negative status effect.
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  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    Definitely doesn't remove more than one negative effect per toon, and sometimes not even one.
  • IronWolfw
    127 posts Member
    Agreed, I tried running Ewok Elder in GW for 6 or 7 nodes and there were multiple instances where he failed to remove even a single debuff.
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    Bump. Got my whole Guild using Elder for Raids and he's bugged. Come on, man.
  • ASD_Dad
    210 posts Member
    This has been going on since January... They don't care!
  • Rui
    80 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I've been trying a T5 raid, hit the captain 10+ times while teebo was stelthed, 0 TM reduction. You have to undo the "bug" fix. -75% TM might be a little much. But why not make it 75% chance to remove 50% to 60% TM....at least that would be useful. A little better then chewy's TM reduction. But chewy doesn't have to be Stelthed to make it work and teebo only gets 3 try's out of 6 for -TM.
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    Actually Teebo's other bug (with stealth) means you only actually get 2 turns before he un-stealths. Or 1 turn if he is leader.

    Fix the ewoks!
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    Better yet hire real programmers, and send the current devs to work at mcdonalds
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    I'd like a big mac menu please!
  • Shadowearth
    19 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    In the April 16th game update, Qui-Gon Jinn's AI was adjusted so that:
    Qui-Gon Jinn will now only use Humbling Blow to Dispel when driven by AI or Auto-Battle
    This greatly buffed the character for arena defense by ensuring he doesn't waste his dispel to do nothing.
    Teebo and Mace Windu both have dispel abilities with cooldowns that were NOT changed with this or any other update. Their dispel abilities are nearly identical to Qui-Gon's and I believe they should both have their AI adjusted in this same manner to ensure that their dispels are not on cooldown for no reason when they need them.
    For Teebo, this would also ensure he uses his turn meter drain on his basic more often. And it's not necessary a buff or change to the character, just an adjustment to bring his AI more in-line with other similar characters.
    Post edited by Shadowearth on
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    Teebo Scramble Tactics Level 8 will sometime only stealth Teebo for 2 turns.

    I have had Elder Revive plenty during the raid.
  • Krak
    68 posts Member
    don't forget teebo's bring low can be dodged
  • Shadowearth
    19 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Post edited by Shadowearth on
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    Tirbal Healer only removes a single debuff when applied. The description says all debuffs can be removed.

    Can removal of debuff be resisted?

    Please advise.
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    I am feeling everyone's pain. Been investing in my Ewok team for Raids and GW, super frustrating when EE doesn't dispel healing immunity or deathmark.
  • Krak
    68 posts Member
    teebo switching targets while auto attcking to use bring low is quite annoying too
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    Ahkbar has been good for that I have been farming elder but hopefully this gets fixed so I can have to guys that do that
  • HanSlowMo
    235 posts Member
    Hey, at least rushed a fix for Echo $$$ :-1:
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    Thanks for reporting this (as well as the others that did so). A fix for this issue should appear in an upcoming update patch. Stay tuned to the game updates for more information.
  • RJ__Brando
    1500 posts Moderator
    CG_Dan wrote: »
    Thanks for reporting this (as well as the others that did so). A fix for this issue should appear in an upcoming update patch. Stay tuned to the game updates for more information.

    Thank you!! This is great news
  • Krak
    68 posts Member
    bumping this, a response from someone on the dev team would be nice.

    the problem with ee rez is when someone has been devoured or killed with deathmark and another character has been killed by natural means, try to rez with ee and rng chooses the one that was deathmark or devoured then nothing happens, it should be forced to the character that can be resurrected but it's not.
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    On defense with Teebo as lead he will stealth himself wasting it when he is already in stealth from his leadership ability.
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    I've noticed that Teebo's turn meter reduction while stealthed isn't always working. It should either reduce turn meter or be resisted (which flashes resisted). It has been just not working at times. I have also noticed it never works on Rancor with door down. That may be by design since it would be very good in that situation. Shame though.
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Yeah they made TM down resistible now wrecking even more specialty characters.
  • JaceMoonstrider
    30 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Deleted after merge
    Post edited by JaceMoonstrider on
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    I know it can be resisted. I can see when it is because it says so under damage. There are times when it does not happen. Period.
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    I've notice Teebo's turn reduction just flat out not work at times (and never against Rancor with door down). It has a 100% chance of happening so target should loose turn meter or be resisted (which you see when it is). At times it just does nothing. Since that is half of the point of toon, it is a bit frustrating.

    Rancor clearly states that his TM cannot be reduced further when he is downed by the door. Check the icon above his head when he's downed.
    Not disputing anything else in your post!
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