50 dollars, what to buy?

Hello everyone! Currently level 44.9 and I got paid today. I decided to spend 50 dollars on the game and get the crate of crystals.

I'm curious as what I should buy to get the most out of my buck. I don't really care too much about buying energy but it's always an option. These are my characters I got unlocked.
4* Luminara, STH, CWC,
3* Tailia, Kit Fisto, Jawa
2* QGJ, JC, AT, GS, RG, IG-86,
1* NI, FOTF, FOST, CUP, Cloan Sgt, Ewok Scout

I originally read that the Chromium Mega-Pack is the best thing to buy at low level. Is this still viable, or would I be better off buying shards from the shipment store?


  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    edited May 2016
    I did Chromiums until I had Leia, Kit Fisto, and Darth Maul finished. But yeah, after a certain point, it will become not worth it at all (unless you want hella excess shards fro GG).

    Describing your situation, maybe do 2 big Chromium, then use the rest to cap off the stars on your two or three best heroes.

    ESPECIALLY since they started loading shipments with previously Chromium-only heroes. It allows you to get more specific. Also, I did those chromium pulls when we only had like 80 heroes. Chances to get more of 1 character are dropping drastically since they keep adding more heroes.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Sarryen
    474 posts Member
    Nope - anyone at higher levels will tell you the only sensible thing to do with those crystals is to save them for gear and shard farming. Not as exciting as opening packs but much better in the long run.
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    With 50 bucks, drop a couple of chromiums only if you want a quick thrill of unlocking a couple of shiny premium characters that you won't be able to make viable for months/years.
    Sith Yoda: mandryk.artstation.com
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    Unless you plan on spending a lot more than $50 you shouldn't bother with chromiums. No point in have a bunch of 3 or 4 star characters.

    I know it seems boring but spend the crystals on energy so you level up quicker. Do a bunch of cantina refreshes. You will have GS up to 7* in no time.

    Buy the $25 droid pack if you really want some new characters.

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    Unless you plan on spending a lot more than $50 you shouldn't bother with chromiums. No point in have a bunch of 3 or 4 star characters.

    I know it seems boring but spend the crystals on energy so you level up quicker. Do a bunch of cantina refreshes. You will have GS up to 7* in no time.

    Buy the $25 droid pack if you really want some new characters.

    I never really thought of that, GS is pretty epic from what I read.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Honestly on $50 the only viable option is using the crystals for energy refreshes. 50 - 50 regular and 100 cantina over an extended period is by far the best value you will see, and by a huge margin at that. I know that's not what you were looking to hear, but there's nothing else that even comes close except the $5 dark side starter pack.

    Chromiums are only really "worth it" if you plan on spending hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. If you only spend $50 and get say, a 2* Leia and a 4* Maul, you got nothing as characters quickly become usless if you cant get them to at least 6* as you level up. You are then eitehr forced to spend hundreds more to rank up your exclusive characters or accept the loss and put your shiny exclusive characters on the bunch until they become farmable months if not years down the line.

    I guess the question is, how much are you planning to spend over the next few months?
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    Don't buy chromium. Buy the mk5 furnaces in shipments and farm cantina/gear with crystal refreshes. Use the 100 and 200 cantina refresh and regular energy 50-100x3 for gear
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    Honestly, maybe 20 bucks a month or something like that. I don't mind supporting a game that's actually half decent for a phone.

    It really sounds like doing Cantina refreshes is my best option. It sucks because it's fun gambling but I did ask for the best spent!

    Too bad you can't buy those
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    Like everyone else said: buy energy refreshes and avoid Chromium. If you want to go Chromium, you need a lot more than $50 to get enough shards to star up.
    Personally, I would also buy shards from shipments for characters that are only available on hard nodes. Because you've got to have at least one long-term hard node farm in the works. FOTP/FOST are my nodes of choice.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Yeah at $20 a month chromiums aren't viable. You could pick up a mk 5 fusion furnace or two in shipments if you see them (1615 crystals each, make sure you get mk 5 not mk 4). While I still consider them outrageously overpriced, they will at least be useful as you level up and are quite difficult to farm. I broke down and bought two myself as a head start. There's way more power there for your money than data packs if you aren't going to spend enough to max out Leia, Rex and/or Aayla (aprx. $500 to $5000 USD).

    Other than that, low cost refreshes are the way to go, and will let you milk that $50 over a long time instead of getting a few packs and then boom, you're out of crystals and almost certainly have nothing to show for it.
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    lovecheese wrote: »
    Unless you plan on spending a lot more than $50 you shouldn't bother with chromiums. No point in have a bunch of 3 or 4 star characters.

    I know it seems boring but spend the crystals on energy so you level up quicker. Do a bunch of cantina refreshes. You will have GS up to 7* in no time.

    Buy the $25 droid pack if you really want some new characters.

    I never really thought of that, GS is pretty epic from what I read.

    GS is one of the best characters in the game. He's also very easy to farm and Gear. He doesn't take any raiding gear to get to gear IX.

    The best purchase in the game for crystals is the 21 day subscription. You get 100 crystals a day in your mail for 21 days and 100 when you first buy it. 2200 crystals for $10.99 USD.

    At least do one cantina refresh a day and two regular energy refreshes a day.

    I really like @darkensoul idea of buying the MK 5 furnaces from shipments. Just a bit scary because by the time you get to level 73 things might have changed drastically.

  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    Or, if you don't want to get any energy refreshes, just save them for gear from the shipments. A furnace, which can only be made from raid gear, costs 1650 crystals. You can also save yourself a lot of farming if you don't mind dropping 3- or 400 crystals on a piece of crafted gear.
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    DO NOT BUY CHROMIUMS. You will be disappointed, a stage only way you can really use chromium exclusives are by dropping a lot more cash for shards. But refills steadily over the next few weeks, especially in cantina battles on toons worth farming
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    I'd say the minimum to go in on chromiums are 50 8 mega packs so 9 vaults
  • lovecheese
    320 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Sounds like doing cantina over and over would be the best bet.
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    Okay, so you use the 50 bucks, buy 7370 crystals.

    Then, buy ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Refresh refresh refresh refresh until you hit level 70+ then you can start worrying about buying Furnaces in the shipments.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    Like everyone else said: buy energy refreshes and avoid Chromium. If you want to go Chromium, you need a lot more than $50 to get enough shards to star up.
    Personally, I would also buy shards from shipments for characters that are only available on hard nodes. Because you've got to have at least one long-term hard node farm in the works. FOTP/FOST are my nodes of choice.

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    Only go chromium if you can project spending perhaps over $1K in the short to medium future. Chromiums will only give you some cool 4* characters that will be useless unless you can keep paying for chromiums to get them to 7*. And remember that for every star, gear and level for each character there's a credit and training droid cost that gets crazy. So spend the crystals for refreshes and keep an eye out for those crafted pieces of gear in shipments.
  • wrilley
    390 posts Member
    A good game from a company that isn't widely hated for being shockingly incompetent. o:)
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  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    Don't buy Chromiums, I bought like 5 and regret it because I could've used it for energy refreshes. 2 Cantina refreshes + 5 Energy refreshes would be the best bang for your Money.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    So your goal should be to get up to top 5 in arena. The best way to do this is to get ahead on level, gears and stars.

    So you should spending on the 100/200 cantina refills and the 50/50/100/100/100 refreshes. And also ensure you are spending on arena refreshes until people out power you by 1-2k. Your goal is to be top 5 at payout which will allow you to maintain doing the 50/50/100/100/100 refreshes without adding more money.

    Get Lumi
    RG - hard mode farm him. He's good at 4 to 5 star at L60

    I don't know who from Arena anymore Han probably.

    And start farming Rey from Hard nodes and guilds.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I'm going ot be the contrarian and say buy a Mega-Pack or two.

    Is it gambling? Yeah. But at your level, it's a solidly safe gamble that you'll get a couple characters who will really help you out in the short term advancing boards, deepen your Galactic War bench, and make Challenges easier (If you're lucky, it makes the Tank Battle actually POSSIBLE...).

    That said, definitely start saving your crystals for refreshes. You get 25 a day from finishing the Galactic War, 50-someodd for doing all daily activities, and Arena should give you another 60-75, which is enough to refresh both Cantina and regular Energy once a day. Buying gear with crystals is a good buy as well, but you're level 44... You've got a month, minimum, before you need to start worrying about that.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Doesn't matter how you spend it, you need another $50 afterwards for Tin Gonics....:-)
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I'll also point out that gambling is fun!

    (Just never gamble more than you can afford to lose, and keep in mind that no matter how many packs you buy, you'll never get a dime in return. So you'll get stuff, but you'll always lose your money!)
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Sysy
    307 posts Member
    I think you should save the crystals and buy furnaces.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    I'm going ot be the contrarian and say buy a Mega-Pack or two.

    Is it gambling? Yeah. But at your level, it's a solidly safe gamble that you'll get a couple characters who will really help you out in the short term advancing boards, deepen your Galactic War bench, and make Challenges easier (If you're lucky, it makes the Tank Battle actually POSSIBLE...).

    That said, definitely start saving your crystals for refreshes. You get 25 a day from finishing the Galactic War, 50-someodd for doing all daily activities, and Arena should give you another 60-75, which is enough to refresh both Cantina and regular Energy once a day. Buying gear with crystals is a good buy as well, but you're level 44... You've got a month, minimum, before you need to start worrying about that.

    A few 4* absolutely will help in the short term. No doubt about that. But in the end you'll look at poor Rex just sitting there on the bench with no hope of ever getting better without more Chromium love and get all sad.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Thing of it is, by the time you're hurting from those 4-stars who won't advance, you'll be able to replace them in your lineup with the Galactic War, Arena, and Cantina characters it took time to grind out. If you get lucky, one of the characters you get (even if it's just shards) will be someone you can farm from hard modes, so with patience you'll be able to raise them up.

    Worrying about Gear IX is important, but not quite as important when you're still struggling to get your characters to Gear V.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Question not asked... Should I save the sim tickets or use them each time?
  • wrilley
    390 posts Member
    The only time not to use them is if you're very low on them. In which case you can do easy fights on auto to conserve for a bit. It becomes less of a concern at higher levels as the ratio of sim tickets to battle cost saves you tickets. I have 3482 sim tickets right now haha.
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