If GW isn't going to get 2-3x easier, make the rewards 2-3x better


  • Spkv2
    22 posts Member
    Oh for the love of God, just rid of the blinking protection just in GW!
    Then everything is equal!
    Battling each new team with full protection while yours is depleted in 2-3 rounds, what is fun or fair about that???
    Not rocket science!
  • Duckoo
    279 posts Member
    Let's have it so that the power they use to figure out what opponents you face also determines the amount of reward you get.
  • kalidor
    2125 posts Member
    I'd like to see GW branch more to give you some choice whether you want to finish it faster with tougher opponents, or with more opponents. For example, you start at node 1 and 2 as usual. Once you finish that, you can either do battle 3A and 3B, or 4 in order to get to node 5 (4 goes straight to 5, but has a higher difficulty). Then after 5 you do 6, then 7A-7B-7C-7D or 8-9 before getting to 10, then a final battle 11 after that (no choice). So you can do 1-2-4-5-6-8-9-10-11 (9 battles), 1-2-3a-3b-5-6-7a-7b-7c-7d-10-11 (12 battles) or some combination of the two (10,11). Rewards scaled appropriately so that it all works out.
    An Escape option would also be nice, but I don't think that'd make things much faster, and the GW-time-sink is a bit of a problem right now.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m
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    GW was meant to be a challenge, not a free lunch.
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    GW was meant to be a challenge, not a free lunch.

    Boring and underpaid =/= challenging content
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    I see, so everyone expects that once they hit max level they should just be able to plow on through quickly with no issues. Every, I mean every good game with longevity has this.

    In Everquest, it's easy to get to the top level, but it take a long long time to max out your character and get all the best stuff. ADVANCING comes to a crawl. The same can be said of any game like this.

    So this game is the same way. Once you get to the top, your advance slows. You have to be more strategic on where your put your resources because they don't go as far. That's how they make the game last for guys that plow through it. It allows the average joe some time to catch up a bit before the next level increase.
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    I see, so everyone expects that once they hit max level they should just be able to plow on through quickly with no issues.

    Way to make a blanket statement.

    0/10 please try again.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Devs please just make the rewards better (no EA adding 1 credit doesn't count)
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    GW was meant to be a challenge, not a free lunch.

    Tedious and boring =\= a challenge. But we all know you're not even level 70 yet and as a result, and as usual, have no experience with this subject that allows you to contribute to a meaningful conversation on it.
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    It would be halfway decent/fun if the rewards were good
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    I'm lvl 80 with 33k Arena power and an F2P since day 1, finishing everyday at Top 10

    GW is my only source of income + Bounty Hunter, yeah GW have been tough lately but mostly at the last 3 nodes where i can go all out and the craziest thing happened i ENJOYED it even if they are all 80 and gear X to XI (Dooku, Old Ben, Phasma leads idc)

    Never have i enjoyed the GW experience but this past few days is great and they really need to up the ante with the REWARDS it sucks so much butt
  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Testing out photo bucket here, hehe.

    But yeah, here is an example of what people with 37k+ arena power are talking about. I get these teams all from node six on. I'm all for level 80 accounts getting better rewards for gw

    Edit: can't get it to work heh
    2761 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    ETA: My post isn't about beating GW anyway. I have beat it 132 out of the last 134 days. I don't want it any easier, I want the rewards to scale. If that doesn't happen, it needs to be much shorter (like the last 6 nodes only) or, easier (to be more aligned with the rewards).

    So let me get this straight. Title says you want it to be easier, then you say you dont want it easier, that you want more rewards.

    You have the audacity to tell those of us not 37K in the arena we have no business saying anything...

    This coming from the guy who banks 500 crystals a day from the arena, has a massive deep army, and the ability to dominate anything. And you want it easier or a bunch more stuff? Come on man. If I got 500 Crystals a day, I would't complain about anything. I would be able to buy so many refreshes and gear pieces that it wouldn't be funny. Dude, all I here from you is bellyaching.

    It's obvious your problem is strategy. You have been able to buy up everything you want, and just steamroll through everything. You never had to actually play trough GW legit, without just rolling on auto with your plethora of toons. Now that GW actually has teams that rival you, you don't know how to beat that many in a row. Poor you man...

    Ok, let's translate easier to faster. What you don't understand is that I was at level 78 with a 33,000-34,000 arena team not to long ago. GW was still fairly easy and not much of a challenge then. 2 teams max were needed to clear it. As a matter of fact, it was so easy that the rewards, although still low because of the lack of scaling, were almost acceptable.

    Now I am level 80 with a 37,883 power arena team and face Old Ben, qgj, Rey, sthan, and RG all gear 9-11 with full protection from node 7-8 on. I have to use every one of my leveled and geared toons to win most days. Ok, that's fine but it takes too long when you have to retreat and fish for better RNG because you need to conserve your team for the last few nodes if you want to finish it. If I am going to be punished for expanding and improving my roster by getting extremely difficult opponent team comps for half on my GW, I want increased rewards for it. That is all I was saying.

    Now, to address some of the least interesting parts of the mostly useless response I quoted: "Dude, all I here from you is bellyaching." please, that is a lie.

    Your posts in this thread seem to have a hint wanting to make this about P2P vs FTP. That's not what this is about either. If no changes are made, you may someday have your FTP roster at max level and you will probably even continue to add more characters. When you get to the level that I and everyone else at my level who feels the same about GW are at, you may have the perspective that you need to intelligently comment on this. In the mean time, just understand that my GW is different than yours and it has absolutely nothing to do with you being able to execute a superior strategy to mine. I am sure about that.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Mp44
    157 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    ETA: My post isn't about beating GW anyway. I have beat it 132 out of the last 134 days. I don't want it any easier, I want the rewards to scale. If that doesn't happen, it needs to be much shorter (like the last 6 nodes only) or, easier (to be more aligned with the rewards).

    So let me get this straight. Title says you want it to be easier, then you say you dont want it easier, that you want more rewards.

    You have the audacity to tell those of us not 37K in the arena we have no business saying anything...

    This coming from the guy who banks 500 crystals a day from the arena, has a massive deep army, and the ability to dominate anything. And you want it easier or a bunch more stuff? Come on man. If I got 500 Crystals a day, I would't complain about anything. I would be able to buy so many refreshes and gear pieces that it wouldn't be funny. Dude, all I here from you is bellyaching.

    It's obvious your problem is strategy. You have been able to buy up everything you want, and just steamroll through everything. You never had to actually play trough GW legit, without just rolling on auto with your plethora of toons. Now that GW actually has teams that rival you, you don't know how to beat that many in a row. Poor you man...

    Ok, let's translate easier to faster. What you don't understand is that I was at level 78 with a 33,000-34,000 arena team not to long ago. GW was still fairly easy and not much of a challenge then. 2 teams max were needed to clear it. As a matter of fact, it was so easy that the rewards, although still low because of the lack of scaling, were almost acceptable.

    Now I am level 80 with a 37,883 power arena team and face Old Ben, qgj, Rey, sthan, and RG all gear 9-11 with full protection from node 7-8 on. I have to use every one of my leveled and geared toons to win most days. Ok, that's fine but it takes too long when you have to retreat and fish for better RNG because you need to conserve your team for the last few nodes if you want to finish it. If I am going to be punished for expanding and improving my roster by getting extremely difficult opponent team comps for half on my GW, I want increased rewards for it. That is all I was saying.

    Now, to address some of the least interesting parts of the mostly useless response I quoted: "Dude, all I here from you is bellyaching." please, that is a lie.

    Your posts in this thread seem to have a hint wanting to make this about P2P vs FTP. That's not what this is about either. If no changes are made, you may someday have your FTP roster at max level and you will probably even continue to add more characters. When you get to the level that I and everyone else at my level who feels the same about GW are at, you may have the perspective that you need to intelligently comment on this. In the mean time, just understand that my GW is different than yours and it has absolutely nothing to do with you being able to execute a superior strategy to mine. I am sure about that.

    I applaud the effort, but you know he stopped reading once he saw you were using full words and proper sentences. It's too hard for millennials to understand :(
    2761 posts Member
    Here is example of the kind of teams some of us face from node 7 on. Opponent Gear only improves from here on too.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    What wrong with the rewards? Unless u have a better way to get credits, u will continue to do GW and u will like it. Lol.
  • MBL_66
    2465 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    What wrong with the rewards? Unless u have a better way to get credits, u will continue to do GW and u will like it. Lol.

    I kinda stopped. Only Do it like 3 it times a week
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    Timitock wrote: »
    If you have a 38k power arena team, and cant field at least 3 semi-decent B teams, your roster is unbalanced, and you will suffer in GW for not diversifying.

    Dont blame the game, especially when you complete most times anyways.

    I can agree with you only to a certain point. It shall be considered that several factors are contributing to create this situation. Actually when you face the gear wall (specifically X and XI) it is rather difficult to gear up more than 6 or 7 characters.. But if you do that, just to be able to compete in arena, it will start a chain reaction which as soon as you reach about a 37-38k power with your main team will trigger a really hard GW experience, crippling one's ability to gather credits, which adds to the above mentioned gear wall.

    That said, forcing players to not go too far in developing one team in such an unforgiving way to me represents nothing but bad design.
    It is
    What most of the people saying that GW is more than easy fails to understand, is how big the gap between a character at lvl 80, 7*, gear 8 and the same but with gear 10 or 11. Facing several top geared meta teams in GW, while the average player cannot field more than, let's say two teams (and I wanted to be optimistic) has little to do with strategy, it is more like being plainly overpowered.

    Consider also that we come from a really fresh cap rising and the credit crunch/unscaling rewards from Lvl 60 is a rather know issue.. Combine this with gearing slowliness and you'll have players who invested theyr efforts to upgrade some characters through gear wall and credit crunch only to find themselves further in disgrace with credits farming.

    Finally, GW represents roughly one third of what's fun to do in this game, along with Arena and raids.. So why making it a frustrating experience?
    Again, just bad design for me.

    Maybe you don't trust me, than why don't you (not for you @Timitock) try to use that nice search function, and read what many other trustworthy top players already wrote about GW difficulty jumping disproportionately up after a certain point?
    On this topic do not refer to your personal experience if you don't field a really top team in arena.. And for top team I mean not only just composition, level and stars but above all GEAR. Do you have each member at gear X or XI? No? Then just trust who is there and tries to say that GW will be different! Or at least get better informed yourselves.
    GW difficulty does not progress proportionally like it did in the past. Eventually every day many other ppl reaches lvl80 will make to this point and will come to the same experience.

    Also there's a strange polarization going on the forum among those who would nerf everything and theyr dog, and those for which even stating facts is considering whining of the worst kind.
    Try to discern complaining from stating..

    Res non verba
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    Mp44 wrote: »
    I applaud the effort, but you know he stopped reading once he saw you were using full words and proper sentences. It's too hard for millennials to understand :(

    You don't have to make things personal. I am not a millennial, I am almost 40.

    It's not about P2P or FTP. It's about one thing. You have achieved Elite status in this game, it doesn't matter how, some FTP players are top 5 arena teams too. But once you become elite, things are different. You are complaining about how GW is too hard for the reward.

    You are currently at the End Game stage of this game. Until they extend that, it's just where you are. GW is for people to get credits to upgrade toons. It's economics. If they flood the game with a ton of credits, then it will be really really easy for everyone to max out a team for the arena, meta or not that can easily contend with your team. So now everyone can quickly catch you while you just upgrade more of your depth.

    It's about balance. You want them to just print more money. Well, that isn't always the answer. You are an elite team so you have to deal with the fact that all of the teams ranked up near you are well, extreme meta teams like yourself. The game is easy when you can just smoke through the little guys. But when you have to compete against your own levels you get upset and complain you aren't getting enough credits.

    It's funny, you want to call me a millennial, yet wanting more credits because you feel entitled to better rewards because you have to work harder(Now that you are so elite being top 5 arena) is millennial thinking is it not?

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    I blow through it everyday with one team, losing maybe one or two characters.

    The problem is the time it takes to do so
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    LastJedi wrote: »
    What wrong with the rewards? Unless u have a better way to get credits, u will continue to do GW and u will like it. Lol.

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Just make the payout more. GW used to take me 10 minutes. Now I have 6-7 Arena teams at the end of the GW, and must pay attention!! The reward is the same, but the difficulty is doubled. Give more credits!!!!!
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    Just make the payout more.

    Problem Solved.
    Do it EA.
    Do it.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • stumpoman
    442 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    2nd team like this
  • aerendhil
    503 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Just what everybody says :

    - GW takes too long to complete for people who have a life, please make it shorter (removal of protection in GW would most likely solve the problem)

    - the reward is definitely lacking, some additionnal credits and some salvage pieces would be nice (and I mean, usefulle ones, not Mk V keyboards)

    pretty please ?
    I choose the Red Pill.
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    Can this guy "InternetSwag" stop with stupid numbers. Seriously nobody cares if you think some comment is 0/10. Posting a useless comment about a useless comment is just as useless. Talk about the topic guys instead of being this guy with 2000 posts and pointing out useless comments.
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    Can this guy "InternetSwag" stop with stupid numbers. Seriously nobody cares if you think some comment is 0/10. Posting a useless comment about a useless comment is just as useless. Talk about the topic guys instead of being this guy with 2000 posts and pointing out useless comments.

    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
  • President_Scroob
    1802 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    See the problem is, you guys are whining about having to battle through GW. The rest of us have to battle through GW, and we get like 300 LESS crystals per day than you do. You can buy all the credit packs you want. So you not only have the ability to get the $ from GW, you also get tons more crystals.

    Would you give up the extra 300-400 crystals a day to have an easier GW?


    Then you really have no place to complain. You just want it handed to you.

    Most of our complaints are not that GW is too hard but that the rewards aren't worth it. When the game first started the credits required to max a toon was from 1 to 60 was just over 1 million, then when the cap went up to 70 it was 2.3 million and now it's 4.6 million but you know we still get the same amount of credits everyday

    It's not just in guild war though, the challenges are still giving out very low credit counts. When you're level 40 you can earn 79k every time you clear the credit challenge but now we get 93k, that's **** insane.

    And this is how they want it. They want the credit crunch. They want you frustrated into buying credit packs. I would not expect a reward increase. You have to look at everything through the lense of money grabbing with ea
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    Hope they would introduce random drop of omega and more MK III ability material at the last 3 nodes. The credit is not much but that's the point from business point of view. If you want to level faster, buy credits with crystal.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Sure, increase the rewards, but make it more challenging as well. I think it is too easy.
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