Galactic War is still broken

31 posts Member
I'm a lvl 79. I'm on the 8th node on this one campaign. All characters I'm facing are 7* lvl 80 with lvl 8 gear. Daka, Dooku, Luminara, QGJ, and Phasma. This is way too far. Fighting galactic war without protection is hard enough and then this **** comes up on top of it. GW is essential to the game and it seriously makes me want to quit. This needs to be fixed the next update. Ever since protection the game has gotten rediculously grindy. Please fix


  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    Grindy is not broken. And it's not like that every day. Seems to rotate. You'll have easier days.
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    Galactic chore only gets worse at level 80. Facing 9 arena teams in a row is not fun. This is the major source of credits for the game. Yet it is miserable content.

    GW used to be about healing management. Now it is about every opponent's rey one shotting my toons that have lost protection earlier in gw.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    I had no problem at all with GW. From 70 to 80 it was as easy as now to rush it every day. Maybe your team is the problem.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Fatzke wrote: »
    I had no problem at all with GW. From 70 to 80 it was as easy as now to rush it every day. Maybe your team is the problem.

    It's not that level 80 itself is the issue. It's that a lot of gear levels can't be reached until level 80. So, people are getting their arena teams to gears 9, 10 and 11 sending their power way up, which in turn makes the GW harder.

    Apparently you haven't raised your arena power yet. This is indeed a thing.
  • HershBathens
    821 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Veritasum wrote: »
    Grindy is not broken. And it's not like that every day. Seems to rotate. You'll have easier days.

    It is a failed mechanic. It is not just grindy. I have almost 2100 gw battle wins. Gw has gotten much worse at level 80 with the protection issues and omega skills.

    Omegas and protection are tuned for the arena. You lose protection after 1 round in gw. This allows omega leia and omega rey to one shot toons again. CG k ows that is a failed mechanic.
  • Nicol_Bolas
    375 posts Member
    edited June 2016


    Post edited by Nicol_Bolas on
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Apparently you haven't raised your arena power yet. This is indeed a thing.

    Yeah, I keep it low, 33k. :) Droid-Team, will change poggle for JE when he gets 5 stars to stay low. :D

    They should completly remove protection from gw.
    I bet it's even more annoying with lower dps teams, because it takes way too long.
  • Turukano
    170 posts Member
    What's your max power? That's a horrific match though. And on node 11. You'd need 2 decent lvl 60+ gear 7/8 suicide squads just to take our Rey. My sympathies.

  • Options
    Turukano wrote: »
    What's your max power? That's a horrific match though. And on node 11. You'd need 2 decent lvl 60+ gear 7/8 suicide squads just to take our Rey. My sympathies.


    My arena power is 38K
  • Options
    Fatzke wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Apparently you haven't raised your arena power yet. This is indeed a thing.

    Yeah, I keep it low, 33k. :) Droid-Team, will change poggle for JE when he gets 5 stars to stay low. :D

    They should completly remove protection from gw.
    I bet it's even more annoying with lower dps teams, because it takes way too long.

    JE 4* all other droids 7*, all geared up towards max and not even approaching the top 20 Arena powers. Another thing that makes droids so broken.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • Options
    Idkbruh wrote: »
    I'm a lvl 79. I'm on the 8th node on this one campaign. All characters I'm facing are 7* lvl 80 with lvl 8 gear. Daka, Dooku, Luminara, QGJ, and Phasma. This is way too far.

    This must be a joke. You are level 79 and complaining about a team of 7*'s that is only one level higher and only gear 8? At level 79 you should have a several teams of 7* and at least gear 8 or higher. Heck, I'm only level 64 and my main Arena team is four 7*'s and a 5* Fives. Two of them are gear 8 and the rest gear 7. I could easily field a team of all gear 8. What have you been doing with your gear and energy?
  • Mofojokers1992
    1975 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Fatzke wrote: »
    I had no problem at all with GW. From 70 to 80 it was as easy as now to rush it every day. Maybe your team is the problem.

    To pull from my other post:
    To give an idea to the ones not above the 37k marker and to show what happens if you push your power too high.


    Starts about here

    Now I have 53 7* roster and alot of lesser with almost all heroes unlocked (main team Rex, 5s, Echo , Sarge and B2) and alot at 8 or 9 with main team 10 and 11.

    From this node you will only face meta onwards one after another. I can still finish 9 out 10 GWs with alot of restarting and a good hour and a half to 2 hours of restarting and testing.

    Would be ok if the rewards were better than before since i use to auto GW almost within 15.

    Tier 8 and 9 heroes will mostly scratch protection off maxed teams. So you gotta rely on your top 2 teams.

    It normally goes first 1-6 nodes i build TM on each team for the last 6 for any kind of boost. Then carefully select each team to take out one or two heroes with alot of restarts. Then you send in your main team or second to clear it up again gotta refresh for best output.

    It needs to be made shorter and easier or match the rewards to how hard the teams are you are facing. You will feel punished for bringing your arena team up too high.

    Just to add so people get the idea this isn't a new problem as such but in the 70s you could bring multiple teams to max for GW. This time you can't because of raid gear brick wall so your c, d , e etc teams will just crumble.

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    Droids are my c team. I used to be able to beat 1 node with them. Not any more. They are gear locked. They are lucky to kill even 1 toon.
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    Fatzke wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Apparently you haven't raised your arena power yet. This is indeed a thing.

    Yeah, I keep it low, 33k. :) Droid-Team, will change poggle for JE when he gets 5 stars to stay low. :D

    They should completly remove protection from gw.
    I bet it's even more annoying with lower dps teams, because it takes way too long.

    JE 4* all other droids 7*, all geared up towards max and not even approaching the top 20 Arena powers. Another thing that makes droids so broken.

    I run JE 6* G9, 7* 88 G10, 7* 86 G11, 7* HK G10, 6* RG G9, 35.5k arena power, and haven't lost on offense yet to teams with 3-4k more power. I'm not sure what those numbers mean when chewbacca has the highest power of any toon in the game.

  • Options
    fudgra wrote: »
    Fatzke wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Apparently you haven't raised your arena power yet. This is indeed a thing.

    Yeah, I keep it low, 33k. :) Droid-Team, will change poggle for JE when he gets 5 stars to stay low. :D

    They should completly remove protection from gw.
    I bet it's even more annoying with lower dps teams, because it takes way too long.

    JE 4* all other droids 7*, all geared up towards max and not even approaching the top 20 Arena powers. Another thing that makes droids so broken.

    I run JE 6* G9, 7* 88 G10, 7* 86 G11, 7* HK G10, 6* RG G9, 35.5k arena power, and haven't lost on offense yet to teams with 3-4k more power. I'm not sure what those numbers mean when chewbacca has the highest power of any toon in the game.

    Can I ask you why you starred up that JE? Seems useless to me, given that the whole point is to reduce your opponent's squad to 3 before he gets a turn in.

    Also feel like I have to make clear that I don't actually run droids, just have 88 and 86 to pew pew pew the Rancor.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • fudgra
    982 posts Member
    fudgra wrote: »
    Fatzke wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Apparently you haven't raised your arena power yet. This is indeed a thing.

    Yeah, I keep it low, 33k. :) Droid-Team, will change poggle for JE when he gets 5 stars to stay low. :D

    They should completly remove protection from gw.
    I bet it's even more annoying with lower dps teams, because it takes way too long.

    JE 4* all other droids 7*, all geared up towards max and not even approaching the top 20 Arena powers. Another thing that makes droids so broken.

    I run JE 6* G9, 7* 88 G10, 7* 86 G11, 7* HK G10, 6* RG G9, 35.5k arena power, and haven't lost on offense yet to teams with 3-4k more power. I'm not sure what those numbers mean when chewbacca has the highest power of any toon in the game.

    Can I ask you why you starred up that JE? Seems useless to me, given that the whole point is to reduce your opponent's squad to 3 before he gets a turn in.

    Also feel like I have to make clear that I don't actually run droids, just have 88 and 86 to pew pew pew the Rancor.

    Every bit of HP helps to keep him alive long enough to spread bombs, which make 88's attacks stronger since they act as a debuff. There's less chance he'll get wiped out by Rey before RG can taunt.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Im 31k arena, node 8 on its 7* gear 9, qgj/rg.
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    I am glad I have restrained my Arena Power. I did like GW, but not anymore it is a chore and doesn't reward well enough.
  • Grae
    2 posts Member
    GW a chore? That's an understatement. I'm not nearly as far along as some folks posting high level comps above.....but the constant resists and dodges by GW teams 20 levels lower than my team early on (and throughout) plus a 62 Vader dotting up my entire squad with 3 dots each (70+ boss Vader can't even do that) or a 64 nightsider chick (without Sid as lead) critting harder than most of my 76 7* characters hit, there's some problems.
  • Idkbruh
    31 posts Member
    Fatzke wrote: »
    I had no problem at all with GW. From 70 to 80 it was as easy as now to rush it every day. Maybe your team is the problem.

    My team isn't the problem: 33k power and I've hit number 1 in squad arena.
  • Idkbruh
    31 posts Member
    Nobodu should have to face these guys without protection
  • Idkbruh
    31 posts Member
    Idkbruh wrote: »
    I'm a lvl 79. I'm on the 8th node on this one campaign. All characters I'm facing are 7* lvl 80 with lvl 8 gear. Daka, Dooku, Luminara, QGJ, and Phasma. This is way too far.

    This must be a joke. You are level 79 and complaining about a team of 7*'s that is only one level higher and only gear 8? At level 79 you should have a several teams of 7* and at least gear 8 or higher. Heck, I'm only level 64 and my main Arena team is four 7*'s and a 5* Fives. Two of them are gear 8 and the rest gear 7. I could easily field a team of all gear 8. What have you been doing with your gear and energy?

    The problem isn't beating them. That's not the hard part ****. The hard part is getting through the fight with your characters in the green by the end of it because that's how you win galactic wars if you weren't aware. And FYI, I beat the war. My problem is that it's too hard and too time consuming: GRINDY. Get up with the big boys before you say stupid stuff
  • Options
    Idkbruh wrote: »
    My problem is that it's too hard and too time consuming

    Whatever made you think it is supposed to be easy? You are complaining that it is too challenging. Sounds like you are not really interested in playing the game, only collecting.
    And, oooh you're such a BIG BOY with that number level 79. You must be the envy of the playground.
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Idkbruh wrote: »
    My problem is that it's too hard and too time consuming

    Whatever made you think it is supposed to be easy? You are complaining that it is too challenging. Sounds like you are not really interested in playing the game, only collecting.
    And, oooh you're such a BIG BOY with that number level 79. You must be the envy of the playground.

    omg its DV again.

    Hey I don't think its very cool that he gets the same rewards as me (lvl 62) despite that I can auto win GW most of the time with 1 squad and not lose anyone, and he gets nothing but meta arena teams. Don't you think that's kinda messed up?

    EDIT: Also time consuming stuff like that doesn't seem very fun, which isnt very conductive to a game.
  • Options
    I think he needs to work on his team so he can compete with the real BIG BOYS, instead of whining and complaining that it is too hard.
  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    I suppose you're right, he hasn't put on his MAN pants yet, still stuck wearing trousers. Idkbruh, you ain't a BIG BOY yet. Put on those pants.
  • Darling_Ventress
    376 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    If you are all such BIG BOYS stop crying like little girls every time the game throws you a curve ball, and just live up to it.
  • Tomek
    327 posts Member
    Hi, my arena power is 34k. My GW team is Lumi (leader,75l,7*,G8), QGJ (80l,7*,G10,1xomega), GS(80l,7*,G9,1xomega),Rey(80l,6*,G9,2xomegas),Yoda(70l,7*,G9).
    I love to play GW. It is easy . I am able to do GW from 1th to 12th very often using the same initial team. Sometimes I have to use additional team for 9th or 10th nodes.
    I added Rey and 6* Yoda after previous Yoda's event and as the GW was for me long duties to have to do, from this moment it is an enjoyment.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I think he needs to work on his team so he can compete with the real BIG BOYS, instead of whining and complaining that it is too hard.

    Yeah let's go get a bunch of droid callers and scanners asap (because they're growing on trees now) and throw them on multiple toons just to make the GW easier, since if your arena power is high enough G8 toons won't cut it half way through.

    I can only beat the last three or four nodes with my A team now. I only pray that I can make it to the last one with enough health to survive. It's a real pain in the ***.
  • Klocko
    1017 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Just hit that 150 gw wins milestone yesterday...Not like I can't beat it. Facing teams that are the same or greater power with full protection, makes GW a real chore. I purposely keep my arena power low, around 33.5k, and it doesn't help that much. It they would just remove the AI protection, it would make things quicker. It's not the difficulty that can't be overcome, it's that some days I don't feel like spending 2 hours of planning who dies next just to knock off one toon. Used to be my favorite part of the game, now it's like having another job. Unfortunately it's the only reasonable way to get credits, so skipping it isn't really an option.

    Before anyone accuses me of not wearing "big boy pants"...I'm lvl 80 with 15 7* g7-9 (depending on needed pieces), and another 6 needing the credits to be promoted (also g7-9). I only lost my first 2 or 3 gw back when I first unlocked it and didn't truly understand the mechanics of it (I didn't even realize retreat existed until they changed it). I'm at 25/85 to a 6* Vader. He's fully omega'ed g9 (needing a few hard farm pieces for g10) and at lvl 80, just to give a vague idea of where I'm at. Not my only omegas, but probably the most uncommon.

    Tl;Dr GW takes too long for what the rewards are. It used to be way easier,and quicker (like 20-30 minutes, not on auto) and the rewards were quite a bit more than now. Please give us a more balanced playing field.
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