Why's this event so useless?



  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Getting 1 shard per each battle, guaranteed....

    Or getting a bunch of free shards (how many, was it 4 or 8 or something?) up front, then a gambler's chance at getting more? So far I have got more than 1 shard per battle, for free, I think. (I lucked out, apparently, and got 4 on day two.)

    It is obvious by the number of disappointed people that the gambler's choice is popular and got people to spend credits, haha.

    This is legal "gambling," since EA is giving you absolutely NOTHING of monetary value in return. Gamble if you want, or not. Choice is ours!!!
  • Fitz
    302 posts Member
    I got 2 jc and 2 Aayla on third level today. I don't refresh with crystals but I find the event quite good on all fronts (accessibility, challenge, rewards).
    I'm glad more is coming and the scoundrel event to replace the mining one is a most welcome touch. I hope the credits will be real enough to justify spending on a few scoundrels.
  • Amalthea
    691 posts Member
    Telaan wrote: »

    I don't understand what you are trying to say. Your very detailed response to the OP went way over my head.

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    I dont get the concept of "absolutely free zero downside"(quote full capslock), from what I could tell this event are far from perfect, also i dont care for whatever they gonna throw/add at this game it dont bother me really.
    My above comment indeed a feedback, not complaining.
    the cake is a lie
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    They are giving us free credits, free shards and free mats. You want free college too?
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Any Aayla shards are good shards
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    We want gameplay. It provides some
    We want gameplay that does not deplete energy, creds, crystals, ect. It provides that.
    We get Creds, mats, shards atop of the first two.

    Not sure how it is useless as it fills 3 desires.

    Agree, it's not a bad event. Same ole thing though, people complain about content, EA gives content and people complain.

    Nice events EA, adds some fun twists to the game.
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    Well, I was able to get the missing shards and make Aayla 4*.
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    It's total ****, another thing to distract us from real issues.

    It's a game! It's supposed to do that!
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    clagsmd wrote: »
    I feel like the messaging is what's made this event such **** (as others have kind of said). If it was just presented as a nice little add on to get a couple free shards, then I, and I think most people, would be happy for it and say thanks. The issue is that it's presented as "getting you ready for the next yoga event" and showing a possible 12 shards per character, when it will do neither. It's a few useless Ayala shards (since she's not farmable), a few useless JKG shards (since she's the worst Jedi), and few JC shards if you don't have him at 7* (which I don't, so yay). It's all about expectations, and EA over promised and underdelivered. In a vacuume the event is a fine alternative/distraction from the usual few modes.

    +1 I came onto here to complain that I just did the Aayla Secura: Force Champions event and after championing the force through all three tiers I won zero Aayla Secura shards.

    I'd feel differently if they advertised it as "fun and cool Jedi event to win credits and Jedi shards" and actually showed you the might win for completing it that day, instead of all the rewards you might win if you drop 1000 crystals into it.
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    What event?
    Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
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    This event is great. It's free to play, offers everything from creds to character shards and it last a full week! Stop **** and play the game. It will probably come back at some point and maybe on the 3rd time it comes you'll be finishing up Aayla and praising the event.
  • Monxie
    559 posts Member
    I'm hoping we'll be able to farm Aayla in the future. It's fun to get her shards now, but there's just no way I'm gonna star her up to a useful level unless she becomes farmable somewhere.
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