Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Dawnofdeadeye
    233 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Options Wow. Node 12 will be **** near impossible again. Surprise surprise. Not sure how to get image to work. Arena 38598. 11 omegas. All g10. Obi rg Rey Leia aayla. I have 3 g9 2 g8. 2 omegas. Arena of 33566. Sthan tr lumi gs 5s. Using that algorithm to give us teams at 15% higher is crap when others get ridiculous teams.

    Update. I did manage to beat them. Several restarts of course. Threw a c team empire squad just to try and widdle some protection. Worked a little. Not much though. All these were G8 or below. None level 70+. Then managed to get rid of Rey and Leia using Teebo led team to dispel taunt. Then sent my a team on final 3. Dodges annoying of course but somehow I got quite a few with sthan lead. Took a while once Rey and Leia gone but it wasn't impossible anymore. Just annoying.
    Post edited by Dawnofdeadeye on
  • exioce
    13 posts Member
    This change was ultimately made so EA could nickel and dime its players, who it regards as shirt under its shoes. EA... EA never changes.
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    Bring back the June 15th version. I understand some people want a challenge but this current version is ridiculous. Some players get cake walks while other get meta teams nodes 6-12. It's not worth wasting hours for little rewards and underpowered gw shipment characters.
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    The last two node wipe out all my three 7* level 80 squads by a heroic geared super squad as gatekeeper. It has been the third day that I am stop dead at the last node. It is not fun when you been diminish by a opponent that are 10,000 more squad power than any squad you have not only you fodder group burn, but all you main group burn up so quick before you can retreat. Why EA you have to insult us like that?
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Patman6632 wrote: »
    Bring back the June 15th version. I understand some people want a challenge but this current version is ridiculous. Some players get cake walks while other get meta teams nodes 6-12. It's not worth wasting hours for little rewards and underpowered gw shipment characters.

    I know right? I really wish they would too.
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    Today again after many restarts I lost a full team to win node 11. Then I think I've taken a few hours to just finish the last node. Another fully geared 7* level 80 team and me level 76 top geared 8. Team was Lumi, qgj, sentinel droid, gs & freakin Yoda. Yoda wasnt even leader & he made me want to strangle him with my bare hands! Took countless restarts, a lot shutting down my ph as I couldnt even get the turn meter to retreat! First team all died & killed Lumi. 2nd team all died & killed qgj. Third team died 4 nothing. 4th killed sentinel droid. 5th team finished off gs and killed Yoda. But this didnt come cheap. I spent freakin $350 on training droids & credits to level & star up all the characters i used to the max! Now im disgusted that I gave them just what they wanted. But I couldnt let em beat me (:
  • Daddio
    21 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    @Daddio Honestly, it's not cool to auto through GW. I prefer this version instead of auto-ing through it. Seems a bit easier than pre-nerf. But not by much. I just hope i will encounter various teams (like i did today at node 6) that are maxed out, not the same Dooku Rey Leia ones.

    And it's even more uncool to take a single remark out of context and make it the thing I said, when I didn't. Did I say I wanted to auto through GW. NO! Did I say that when it got that easy I ramped up my arena efforts until it was harder than that? YES! Did I say I wanted a GW I could auto through? NO! Did I say that stealth changes to the game rules that completely blow up my strategy decisions are bad game design? YES! THAT was my point!

    Is your reply a gross misconstruction of my post? ABSOLUTELY!
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    Today again after many restarts I lost a full team to win node 11. Then I think I've taken a few hours to just finish the last node. Another fully geared 7* level 80 team and me level 76 top geared 8. Team was Lumi, qgj, sentinel droid, gs & freakin Yoda. Yoda wasnt even leader & he made me want to strangle him with my bare hands! Took countless restarts, a lot shutting down my ph as I couldnt even get the turn meter to retreat! First team all died & killed Lumi. 2nd team all died & killed qgj. Third team died 4 nothing. 4th killed sentinel droid. 5th team finished off gs and killed Yoda. But this didnt come cheap. I spent freakin $350 on training droids & credits to level & star up all the characters i used to the max! Now im disgusted that I gave them just what they wanted. But I couldnt let em beat me (:

    You spent $350 to finish the last node of GW?
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Well. Forgot one important thing to fix: protection. After several battles, it is completely broken, it is necessary to do a certain amount of protection was restored, regardless of the remaining character health. May be, some will say, whats problem? You can use other chars. And they will be wrong, because it is our choice, we use the one we see fit. Moreover, did the soldier go into battle in the damaged armor? No one goes, first will repair your weapons and armor. I'm not saying that the protection is completely restored, no, but a certain percentage, at least to withstand a couple hits.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    Talia wrote: »
    Well. Forgot one important thing to fix: protection. After several battles, it is completely broken, it is necessary to do a certain amount of protection was restored, regardless of the remaining character health. May be, some will say, whats problem? You can use other chars. And they will be wrong, because it is our choice, we use the one we see fit. Moreover, did the soldier go into battle in the damaged armor? No one goes, first will repair your weapons and armor. I'm not saying that the protection is completely restored, no, but a certain percentage, at least to withstand a couple hits.

    I feel like putting protection behind health would fix a lot of problems it caused, not just in GW. Would require a change to Savage Opress' Overpower though. Possibly something like deal 50% more damage instead of "massive" damage.
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    Today was the first time ever that I needed a kill squad to beat node 6. Completely frustrated with GW. Honestly thinking to escape out of GW once every day just to collect daily rewards and not wasting any more time on battles until
    This is fixed. GW - not worth the migraine or the crappy credits
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This thread is eerily similar to the Yoda mega-thread. Outcome: a neutered Yoda challenge which could be completed on auto-pilot. The content was ruined as a result of forum hysteria.

    Now the teary-eyed are at it again.

    We're supposed to upend an entire GW system because you can only complete 11/12 nodes? Why is it essential you complete all 12? Are you aware you get rewards from each node?

    The current GW is faster than the original post-protection upgrade. Can it be refined? Yes. Should it be completely overhauled? No.

    The feedback given on this forum is not constructive. It's divisive and rife with exaggeration.

    I ask the Devs to not be reflexive in their response to the carping from unhappy forum posters. They do not represent the majority of people who play.
  • Daxx
    4 posts Member
    The last three days, I've come across the same or similar team for the final battle and get completely pulverized. Most of the time, I don't even get to attack before between half my team to my entire team is wiped out. I don't mind a challenge, but I don't enjoy constantly being wiped.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    This thread is eerily similar to the Yoda mega-thread. Outcome: a neutered Yoda challenge which could be completed on auto-pilot. The content was ruined as a result of forum hysteria.

    Now the teary-eyed are at it again.

    We're supposed to upend an entire GW system because you can only complete 11/12 nodes? Why is it essential you complete all 12? Are you aware you get rewards from each node?

    The current GW is faster than the original post-protection upgrade. Can it be refined? Yes. Should it be completely overhauled? No.

    The feedback given on this forum is not constructive. It's divisive and rife with exaggeration.

    I ask the Devs to not be reflexive in their response to the carping from unhappy forum posters. They do not represent the majority of people who play.

  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    1-2 D team, 3 C team, 4 D team, 5 C team (D team dead), 6 A team, 7 C team (1 dead), 8 C team, 9 C team (2 dead), 10 B team (1 dead, C team+3 bench dead), 11 A team (2 dead), 12 Stuart Greenback (a wonderful surprise!) A little under 90 minutes, maybe 6-7 legit retreats.

    This was the easiest of the last 4 days; had node 12 been what I've faced lately I like to think I'd have beaten it but with no tanks and only 1 stun left it's doubtful. Today's round is what I'd call the limit of reasonable. If Stewie showed up because the top end of my roster was depleted, I'll tolerate the new setup as it implies some active adaptive algorithm is moderating each node in sequence, suggesting a realistic chance in each subsequent battle regardless of losses (though it still needs an overhaul). If it was dumb luck... sorry, that's just lazy mechanics. (However a bit of communication would clear that up, hint hint)

    Same issues as before. Bottom line, take advice from and engage better with your community. Even if I'm willing to accept today's run as reasonable, the overwhelming majority of posts clearly don't and let's not forget, in the prior three the only attrition going on was to my (and many others') patience. GW is a great concept, maybe you've got changes comming that will prove where we're at now to be a painful but necessary step to something awesome. However, as it stands the challenge/frequency/reward ratios make little sense, and frankly adding 150k is a nice gesture but not really addressing the catch22 of roster depth vs. challenge people have complained about. GW doesn't need to, and shouldn't, be a handout but clearly your visions for its utility are not in agreement with how a large segment of your player base actually applies it.
    Post edited by Fid on
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    Iwan wrote: »
    Free to play all the way..


    You can beat the gw and not spend a dime... Never Anger a Dark Wizard

    Oh good for you!!!!!! Now move along.

    think he wants a sticker or a big applaud from us

    Nope, showing it can be beaten without spending ANY money.
  • Ibonedleia
    114 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    The gw that your are playing is not the same as the gw that is the plague of many. Has your gw put you against 5-7 teams that are 1000s higher in power ranking. I would guess you are a level 80 and have been for awhile. The comments have clearly stated that higher level players are getting a cakewalk at node 12. Players in the 70's are experiencing gw opponets that others are not. If my highest toon is g9 and im going against teams w multi g10/11 characters, how is that exaggeration? There is several posts with accompanying pics showing there opponents and there rosters.

    It may not be happening to you, but it is happening and it is broke.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    Ibonedleia wrote: »

    The gw that your are playing is not the same as the gw that is the plague of many. Has your gw put you against 5-7 teams that are 1000s higher in power ranking. I would guess you are a level 80 and have been for awhile. The comments have clearly stated that higher level players are getting a cakewalk at node 12. Players in the 70's are experiencing gw opponets that others are not. If my highest toon is g9 and im going against teams w multi g10/11 characters, how is that exaggeration? There is several posts with accompanying pics showing there opponents and there rosters.

    It may not be happening to you, but it is happening and it is broke.

    Interesting. I am level 80, but I wouldn't classify my shard as mature (early-March). I have the inventory you'd expect for a 4 month old player, nothing unordinary.

    Middle to later nodes are well equipped arena squads; however, I do see a very easy node 12.

    I can only respond to my experience since the retool: the GW I am facing since the latest fix is markedly better than the version that immediately preceded it - the auto exercise. We can already auto missions, challenges, scoundrel content and omega missions. Is it really necessary to add GW to that list? I think not.

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    Unless, you were level 73 for instance. Then you would have no to little chance of acquiring the credits you need to gear n level your characters. Which you would have to do in order to complete GW. When you were 73 what was your gw like?
    Cause thats not what its like now for many (not all). Hence something went wrong with the implementation of current gw. Its broke.
    Curious your arena power though. Many have listed theirs and it appears there is a 'window' where the coding got jacked up.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I don't mind the increased difficulty. I think the rewards could stand to be tweaked a little upward, though. From what they've said elsewhere, it sounds like they're going to do that. So I'll just put my general thoughts here:
    Put the rewards as they exist right now (minus the shard in the 12th node) in the first 9 nodes. Put the increased new rewards in nodes 10, 11, and 12. Put a 50% chance of a random shard in node 10, 75% chance in node 11, and 100% chance in node 12. Add another 200 GW currency either divided 50/50/100 or just a lump of 200 at node 12.

    In general, make the last three nodes a real pinata for those who can get that far, while at the same time giving people who can't get that far the same rewards as they could get before the difficulty retuning. You may also want to retune the "Finish X Galactic Wars" acheivement as well, since now it'll be harder to complete.

    Anyway, as I said, I don't mind the difficulty increase. But if you're going to make something harder, it's best to make the payout proportionately better so the two are in-line. Thanks!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Ibonedleia wrote: »
    Unless, you were level 73 for instance. Then you would have no to little chance of acquiring the credits you need to gear n level your characters. Which you would have to do in order to complete GW. When you were 73 what was your gw like?
    Cause thats not what its like now for many (not all). Hence something went wrong with the implementation of current gw. Its broke.
    Curious your arena power though. Many have listed theirs and it appears there is a 'window' where the coding got jacked up.

    38700 is my arena power.

    You are getting rewards for completing each node. If you can't complete all 12, you're not terribly disadvantaged. With continual challenge completion, daily reward completion and raid rewards, you'll be investing in a more competitive inventory. This will help you move from node 11 to 12.

    You cannot design a single system for the lowest denominator.
  • Ibonedleia
    114 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    But you can design a system the was the same denominator that you had when you were in your 70's. You got all those rewards in your 70's against a lower caliber of opponets. Current 70's are not.
    Personally i have never auto gw. I use it as a experiment for other characters. Up until today I had never failed to complete gw (minus first week of play). I have completed gw post update(yesterday) but that was after 2 hours of retreating every possible outcome to get through. And because im hard headed. I didnt even do it today.
    Again please understand the gw you are experiencing is not the same as others. My guess is its level 72-79 and arena power 3200-3500. Something is broke in that window. And badly. Maybe not you but to others it is.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    Ibonedleia wrote: »
    But you can design a system the was the same denominator that you had when you were in your 70's. You got all those rewards in your 70's against a lower caliber of opponets. Current 70's are not.
    Personally i have never auto gw. I use it as a experiment for other characters. Up until today I had never failed to complete gw (minus first week of play). I have completed gw post update(yesterday) but that was after 2 hours of retreating every possible outcome to get through. And because im hard headed. I didnt even do it today.
    Again please understand the gw you are experiencing is not the same as others. My guess is its level 72-79 and arena power 3200-3500. Something is broke in that window. And badly. Maybe not you but to others it is.

    Without retreats, how far do you believe you can advance?

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    Datika wrote: »
    We're supposed to upend an entire GW system because you can only complete 11/12 nodes? Why is it essential you complete all 12? Are you aware you get rewards from each node?

    You do know there is an achievement for completing GWs, right? With Darth Vader's shards. So no, it's not ok to have to abandon a GW because the last node is impossible. The node with most rewards, with a chance of a paid character shards.

  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    Winterbio wrote: »
    Datika wrote: »
    We're supposed to upend an entire GW system because you can only complete 11/12 nodes? Why is it essential you complete all 12? Are you aware you get rewards from each node?

    You do know there is an achievement for completing GWs, right? With Darth Vader's shards. So no, it's not ok to have to abandon a GW because the last node is impossible. The node with most rewards, with a chance of a paid character shards.

    So we should design an entire system so YOU can get Vader at the current level you're at? That sounds reasonable.

    You can't create a game so everyone can do everything at all times. Players need benchmarks/achievements to hit, which compels them to invest time.
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    Pre update: i usually retreated two to three times a gw. When I called **** on rng. Otherwise I would just accept losses, saving my a team until the last few nodes. Great experimenting. Post update: well lemme again say, my highest character is g9. Im facing multiple g10/11 teams in multiple nodes. There was a huge jump post update. My arena power 35,000 n some change, i finish first in my payout (three weeks straight actually, yea me). The teams im facing are easily 4000 power higher than me. My roster would be considered very decent for my level (79) as im a dolphin.
    Again, multiple g10/11 teams with my roster. Which includes a total of 5 g9. Everyone else g8 n below. Its not the same gw as you are experiencing.
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    Now I can't beat the **** the GW!! Everyday since the "tuning" I have had to admit defeat! I'm F2P and I can't afford to try to level up all my stupid toons. Screw this and oh the devs want it challenging. I've tried to beat down the last node with my weaker characters first but most if not all are dead. My highest toon is 68 and I'm going against all 74 level toons. Its **** impossible! Thanks for taking the fun out of the game.
  • aibeira
    18 posts Member
    I'm back to all-but-hating GW. It was nice for a couple of weeks. Now it's crap again. At least as bad, in my opinion, as it was before the June 15 update. My most powerful team is 34K. And I have faced three to four 40K+ teams every day since the unannounced change. Starting in node six. Of course when this happens, I end up retreating and restarting at least five times per node. And after one of these, I have no protection left... I am not going to use the word unfair here, but between the 42K teams, and the disproportionately high dodge rates to the AI teams (but, I know, there's no favoritism)...

    It takes too much time. Period.
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    Just adding my opinion without reading the whole thread. There was a great change made recently to make GW not take as long as it used to. Now it's been changed so it once again takes too long. It's not challenging, it's annoying, for all the same reasons we were complaining about before the first change I reference.

    Please put me in the "do not like" camp.
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    Some Really Good Points and very different views on this topic are being discussed... but personal taunting / provoking does not add to that.

    Keep the points going, those are what we can let the Development look at, the insults are not going to be tolerated and we get multiple reports to sort through , so many others agree.

    dont make me keep bringing out the pink blade!

    Thank you all
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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