Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    To all:
    Please post your level and arena power. I do beleive the coding was jacked up n perhaps this may help......
    1. Peeps getting ridiculous gw's
    2. Devs to trouble shoot
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    40k+ power team again today at node 12. I'm just under 33k with my best squad.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    Ibonedleia wrote: »
    Pre update: i usually retreated two to three times a gw. When I called **** on rng. Otherwise I would just accept losses, saving my a team until the last few nodes. Great experimenting. Post update: well lemme again say, my highest character is g9. Im facing multiple g10/11 teams in multiple nodes. There was a huge jump post update. My arena power 35,000 n some change, i finish first in my payout (three weeks straight actually, yea me). The teams im facing are easily 4000 power higher than me. My roster would be considered very decent for my level (79) as im a dolphin.
    Again, multiple g10/11 teams with my roster. Which includes a total of 5 g9. Everyone else g8 n below. Its not the same gw as you are experiencing.

    I can see how that can pose a significant challenge. I think a little more balance would go a long way, but a major upheaval is uneccessary.

    If the devs did a minor tweak which allows most players to reach g9 and then keep 10-12 very challenging, it would attenuate a lot of the criticism.
  • Glarus
    68 posts Member
    This is so frustrating.

    I'm glad the new GW is OK for some of you. Truly, I am. That means you aren't experiencing the level of frustration the rest of us are.

    If the idea that completing GW is only for the elite few (or those lucky enough to get a 3 star team for node 12), then that is a dramatic change from how it has always been. At least since late March when I started playing.

    The current form of GW is not acceptable. It is literally impossible to beat the final node. Mostly because my top teams are pulverized starting on node 6. Then what's left is beaten down on node 9, 10 and 11. The sorry squads left for 12 are not enough. Even if my A team survives intact, I don't have enough fodder left to weaken the gear 10/11 team even a small amount.

    I don't know how this is WAI. At least being F2P until this changes will save me some money...
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Datika wrote: »
    Ibonedleia wrote: »
    Unless, you were level 73 for instance. Then you would have no to little chance of acquiring the credits you need to gear n level your characters. Which you would have to do in order to complete GW. When you were 73 what was your gw like?
    Cause thats not what its like now for many (not all). Hence something went wrong with the implementation of current gw. Its broke.
    Curious your arena power though. Many have listed theirs and it appears there is a 'window' where the coding got jacked up.

    38700 is my arena power.

    You are getting rewards for completing each node. If you can't complete all 12, you're not terribly disadvantaged. With continual challenge completion, daily reward completion and raid rewards, you'll be investing in a more competitive inventory. This will help you move from node 11 to 12.

    You cannot design a single system for the lowest denominator.
    There has been running discussion for a while about how credit sources haven't been raised since several level cap increases ago. If you aren't getting 100% of the credits from GW daily you ARE pretty much crippled. At 80 you really need that plus the scoundrel rewards, and then some for the increasing roster you will inevitably have. For newer players on their way to 80 who are dealing with the hardest GW the game has ever had, they will be 10s of millions of credits behind players who started earlier. The rewards get bigger at the end, and missing the last few every day adds up over the course of months. Since they can't get enough credits they will continue to fall further behind.

    I say this as someone who took weeks to beat his first GW when I unlocked it in January, and went through periods of not finishing every time I upped my arena toons, and finally started beating it every day consistently until I got the 150 GW achievement last month, and who has still completed it the last few days. It's totally unfair to low level players to jack the difficulty up on them as high or higher as it is on me. Newer players who have less toons than I do are facing single teams that could wipe out my whole roster. It will take them months and months longer to get anywhere near where players were before.

    And as someone who can beat it, I'll say I absolutely hate this version. It's taken me between 1 and 2 hours to finish every day. An occasional raid, or special challenge that takes that long is fine. But to farm the bare minimum necessary resources needed (actually way less than needed, thus the scoundrel event) to function in this game, most people don't want it to be a time sucking, frustrating chore. And that's what it is. Backing out of battles 50 times in a row against the same teams hundreds of days in a row is not challenging. It's the busy work substitute teachers give students, because they can't think of anything useful.

    The fact that the devs can't figure out how to give high level players like you an interesting challenge, and low level players something on their level that is tough, but doable, and make it so that it can be accomplished by a smart player with a well developed roster in a reasonable amount of time all at once is lazy. It shoddy work. The people who have poured money into this game deserve better. To drop this big of change in without saying a word that is giving high level players gear 2 toons at the end of their war, and low level players 3-5 full teams of gear 9-11 toons, and dump it on us when there is nothing that can be done over a long weekend is bad customer service.

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    GW is too long, too tedious, and too boring. I only do nodes when my guild needs it and skip it the rest of the time. Do I miss the credits? Not really, can't afford to level up toons I unlock anyway, and why bother when so many are useless? I just play to unlock toons and help my guild. Once I unlock everyone I can (that don't require tons of cash), I will probably only play low ls/ds missions to play around with my low power toons. One thing I will not be doing anymore is spending real money on this game
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    Nik_Zirlos wrote: »
    Just adding my opinion without reading the whole thread. There was a great change made recently to make GW not take as long as it used to. Now it's been changed so it once again takes too long. It's not challenging, it's annoying, for all the same reasons we were complaining about before the first change I reference.

    Please put me in the "do not like" camp.

    Agreed! With the first change, galactic war was something I could get through within an hour. Now, I have probably spent an hour total trying to get through the 11th node. I don't understand why they had to change it!? I most likely won't be getting through this one, and I'm not sure if I'll even attempt the next war after the restart. :/
    BlasterBabe aka Purple Dana aka The Countess aka DD
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    To anybody who says it's a minority of cry babies who don't like the change, please refer to the poll showing currently that 91% either hate the change, wish it was changed back, or wish they would up the rewards if the difficulty is jacked up. It's a small sample size, but still significant.
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    @Datika @Ibonedleia
    Just to let you know that the nodes are based on the power rating of five toons (generally the mid point between your strongest 5 toons and your strongest team that has won an arena battle)

    At Node 12, you should face a team that is 15% stronger than your top team. However, strong players (generally 38k+) are facing an easy team at node 12 because they is no team theoretically able to be the required strength. I do not know if this is a bug or intentional.

    Do just to clarify, @Ibonedleia, it had nothing to do with player level. I am lvl 80 and have to face the hard team at node 12 (my arena team is 35k)

    And @Datika, the equivalent for what we are facing is for you to face a team of 44.5k, with full health and protection, for your last node. I'm sure you can see that this is a significant challenge after the 11 previous GW nodes.
  • aibeira
    18 posts Member
    Grendel007 wrote: »
    One thing I will not be doing anymore is spending real money on this game
    Yep. The spending of money on this game has ended for me, too. GW is, whether it was intended to be or not, the part of the game most players spend most time on. It was fun for me for a few weeks. I'd experiment with lower power teams during the first 5-6 nodes. It didn't take 10-20 minutes per node. It was the primary source of credits. The way it is now is just unbalanced and takes too long. There is no fun in it anymore.

    I'm glad there are people for whom it is no longer "boring." I really am. However, it seems clear to me from these forums, the Reddit ones, and our guild chat that most players are not having fun with it anymore.
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    Perhaps we can narrow down to strictly arena power for the 'coding' issues.
    I failed math in hs so i wont attempt but my 35,000 would be set for 40,000 plus (PLUS)? Is this correct? If so that is a lil extreme imo, considering the nodes before.
    Unfortunately at some pount the makers may actually find out that they are answerable to their customers. Im am one and im trying to give benefit of doubt and not quit but this......idk.
  • Divona
    117 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    I have exact same arena power as yesterday and today last 2 nodes its getting more crazy. I was against many gear 10 enemies. My highest are still few toons with gear 8 not even close to 9.

    So question to EA and CG. Do you want to scare off ALL new players who arent even level cap yet?

  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    aibeira wrote: »
    Grendel007 wrote: »
    One thing I will not be doing anymore is spending real money on this game
    Yep. The spending of money on this game has ended for me, too. GW is, whether it was intended to be or not, the part of the game most players spend most time on. It was fun for me for a few weeks. I'd experiment with lower power teams during the first 5-6 nodes. It didn't take 10-20 minutes per node. It was the primary source of credits. The way it is now is just unbalanced and takes too long. There is no fun in it anymore.

    I'm glad there are people for whom it is no longer "boring." I really am. However, it seems clear to me from these forums, the Reddit ones, and our guild chat that most players are not having fun with it anymore.
    Yeah, the only thing I'm happy about is the timing. I was really close to buying a crystal pack for some gear. My guild has been getting close to our first T7 raid, and I wanted a boost going in. I'd have felt sick if I'd spent money right before they screwed so many people like this. As I said. I can finish the war, but really smart players who have well developed rosters, and are just a touch behind me (I'm just a mid level free player anyhow) are posting pics in our line app of the brutal murder squads they are facing over and over that are actually worse than what I've dealt with. EA has crippled the progress of many, including some of my guild mates. I'll never spend a penny on any of their products as long as I live.

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    I've just decided to vote with my wallet. I thank you. Back to F2P
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    @Ibonedleia Yes, you're correct. 35k arena power is approximately 40K last node.

    Absolutely horrid. I think it is tuned too high, and a fairer challenge would be 105% (37k team)for the last node
  • Crusader
    36 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    GW ... and I kind of want to murder everyone you've ever loved. Painfully and slowly. While you watch.

    Seriously devs, balance on this is so stupid, my backyard racoon can probably do a better job at figuring it out.
    For the umpteenth day nodes 9, 10, 11 are so ridiculous, it really makes that first paragraph above be my daydream scenario. I'm no whale, but I've spent a decent amount of money, and I have 4 rows of 7* toons with gear lvl 9 and up. It still makes me want to puke at how much time GW takes, and how annoying it is.

    And the solution is SO simple, it is unbelievable how you're not able to see it: Either a) get rid of the godaweful "protection" for good on both sides, or b) allow us our to refresh at least 50% of it on every node, or c) make opposing team match our protection (i.e. if I have 5% protection left - opposing team can't have more than 5% protection, and if I have 0 protection - they have 0 protection). I know that point c, no one at Capital Games has the required skills to code, but come on!
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    I was so close to do my first buy. Luckily this happened before that.
  • Jayngo
    87 posts Member
    Well, today was the first time in 1 1/2 months that I could not complete GW.

    I understand it's supposed to be difficult and you need to make the right teams to win but this update is ridiculous. I burned through three level 80 teams just to beat the second to last node. On the last node the enemy team received 8 turns in a row to start the battle every time. They would take out one or two of my toons before I even got a chance.

    I appreciate difficult situations-but this is AWFUL. As a F2P player I depend on complying GW. Even then it's nearly impossible to keep up and I complete all activities on a daily basis.

    I'm finding between this new GW update and the continual, horrible Enemy AI dodge, I'm not having time in my life to complete all this. I mean, on a good day GW takes me minimum of 25 minutes to compete.

    Please rebalance GW.
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    Crusader wrote: »
    GW ... and I kind of want to murder everyone you've ever loved. Painfully and slowly. While you watch.

    Seriously devs, balance on this is so ****, my backyard racoon can probably do a better job at figuring it out.
    For the umpteenth day nodes 9, 10, 11 are so ridiculous, it really makes that first paragraph above be my daydream scenario. I'm no whale, but I've spent a decent amount of money, and I have 4 rows of 7* toons with gear lvl 9 and up. It still makes me want to puke at how much time GW takes, and how annoying it is.

    And the solution is SO simple, it is unbelievable how you're not able to see it: Either a) get rid of the godaweful "protection" for good on both sides, or b) allow us our to refresh at least 50% of it on every node, or c) make opposing team match our protection (i.e. if I have 5% protection left - opposing team can't have more than 5% protection, and if I have 0 protection - they have 0 protection). I know that point c, no one at Capital Games has the required skills to code, but come on!

    I'd be ok with some variation of B. Regenerating some amount of protection between battles (instead of health). Ever since they added it, I've felt it's just a matter of time before they release some support-class character that can regenerate shields though. So, it might just be the long term solution doesn't exist in-game yet. Generally speaking, I like the basic idea behind protection and I think it has a lot of potential moving forward.
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    John salera says they're monitoring feedback and will be making adjustments. I call shenanigans. I'd say the volume of negative feedback on this and many other threads is a clear indicator that they broke gw again. I'm not holding my breath that they make improvements any time soon. Maybe eff it up even worse, but not improve it.
    They improved gw for a couple weeks. Customers liked it, so ea had to "fix" it.
    This is why I and so many others won't pay a dime.
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Crusader wrote: »
    GW ... and I kind of want to murder everyone you've ever loved. Painfully and slowly. While you watch.

    Seriously devs, balance on this is so ****, my backyard racoon can probably do a better job at figuring it out.
    For the umpteenth day nodes 9, 10, 11 are so ridiculous, it really makes that first paragraph above be my daydream scenario. I'm no whale, but I've spent a decent amount of money, and I have 4 rows of 7* toons with gear lvl 9 and up. It still makes me want to puke at how much time GW takes, and how annoying it is.

    And the solution is SO simple, it is unbelievable how you're not able to see it: Either a) get rid of the godaweful "protection" for good on both sides, or b) allow us our to refresh at least 50% of it on every node, or c) make opposing team match our protection (i.e. if I have 5% protection left - opposing team can't have more than 5% protection, and if I have 0 protection - they have 0 protection). I know that point c, no one at Capital Games has the required skills to code, but come on!

    I love your idea of a minimum of 50% protection regen every node, or getting rid of it entirely for GW. I like just shortening down to 6-8 difficult nodes instead of 3-5 impossible ones, and the rest a bunch of fillers too. Anything is better than what we have now. But your opening comment is a bit over the line. You're going to get edited so hard...

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    3rd time in a row I can't get past the 7th node. Always struggled but was able to complete now getting maxed omega teams from node 7 onwards. Not fun, these devs just seem mess up then make it worse, repeat again and again. It really is ridiculous now. Why fix things that ain't broke???.
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    Im all for a challenge as long as it's possible to complete. Being able to complete most days and impossible other days is not a challenge, it's a bad algorithm. Gear X and XI focus so much on protection and defense with the added attack power it's not a reasonable fight even at gear IX.

    They made it easier: trimmed rewards, made it harder than before the change and didn't adjust rewards. Bogus.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    We do not want or need it to be hard, it is a place to gather credits and mediocre character shards. The algortyhms you use for pvp and gw are terrible and making gw difficult is the single worst thing you can do for the game as no one is going to play it.
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    My nodes today....

    These were good matchups for me. Not a lot of dps so I was able to finish today for the first time since the new update. Took too long and too many restarts.
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    If you would say and/or show your arena power.
    I agree with completely. I just want the devs to see a possible error for certain groups of players, regarding their arena power.
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    I still think I've got the easiest solution that requires no real effort on the part of the devs. No UI or graphics changes required, just simple reward table text edits. While I personally would love to see a full rework eventually... this is super easy to implement.

    Front load all of the current Galactic War rewards into the first 6 nodes, and consider the second half to be "challenge" nodes for random shard rewards and maybe random gear but no other payout. That way basically everyone can get the full credit and GW token bounty, and players that enjoy GW can continue on for bonus non-progression essential rewards. No difficulty change, just stick everything important in the first 6 nodes.
  • Datika
    50 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    I still think I've got the easiest solution that requires no real effort on the part of the devs. No UI or graphics changes required, just simple reward table text edits. While I personally would love to see a full rework eventually... this is super easy to implement.

    Front load all of the current Galactic War rewards into the first 6 nodes, and consider the second half to be "challenge" nodes for random shard rewards and maybe random gear but no other payout. That way basically everyone can get the full credit and GW token bounty, and players that enjoy GW can continue on for bonus non-progression essential rewards. No difficulty change, just stick everything important in the first 6 nodes.

    ^ upvote
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    I've been breezing through GW. Yes nodes 6, 9, 10, 11 have been arena top 5 worthy. But node 12 has been 3* fodder.

    I sympathize with those of you experiencing tough GW. Keep speaking up about your experiences. Maybe some of you know why my GW is relatively easy compared to those posting here, personally it doesn't matter because the individual game experience is the only thing that matters and imo there shouldn't be such a huge divide between differing players.

    My GW takes maybe 15 minutes (no retreats), but some of you it takes 2 hours and you still don't finish. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I can sympathize with those of you in the 2 hour bracket. I'd probably respond exactly the same way as many of you!
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
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    Baggodi wrote: »
    John salera says they're monitoring feedback and will be making adjustments. I call shenanigans. I'd say the volume of negative feedback on this and many other threads is a clear indicator that they broke gw again. I'm not holding my breath that they make improvements any time soon. Maybe eff it up even worse, but not improve it.
    They improved gw for a couple weeks. Customers liked it, so ea had to "fix" it.
    This is why I and so many others won't pay a dime.

    Given the reddit comment where they said they are increasing the payout on the final node by 150k, I tend to agree with shenanigans. I doubt they will increase the payout and reduce the difficulty. If anything I think it will be made more "challenging".
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