Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    sucks. I think I completed GW 6x in the first 6 months of playing this game, and having every toon destroyed on the last node of GW sucks. It looks like that is back.
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    Ugh 4rth day in a row I'm unable to finish GW.... Really unhappy about it :neutral:
  • Paxus
    60 posts Member
    I have the opposite problem. I grind to the last node and see the most ridiculously easy opponents on 12. 4* green geared. Crazy
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I've been breezing through GW. Yes nodes 6, 9, 10, 11 have been arena top 5 worthy. But node 12 has been 3* fodder.

    I sympathize with those of you experiencing tough GW. Keep speaking up about your experiences. Maybe some of you know why my GW is relatively easy compared to those posting here, personally it doesn't matter because the individual game experience is the only thing that matters and imo there shouldn't be such a huge divide between differing players.

    My GW takes maybe 15 minutes (no retreats), but some of you it takes 2 hours and you still don't finish. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I can sympathize with those of you in the 2 hour bracket. I'd probably respond exactly the same way as many of you!
    Wow! Do you mean to tell me that your level of difficulty has been different than what others have described, and instead of calling people you have never met liars, or entitled cry babies, or condescendingly telling them to do what they are already are acknowledging that what they described could be a problem, and responding in a respectful way? You're even being supportive based on the assumption that they aren't unintelligent, and that your experience doesn't perfectly represent everyone? You're thinking beyond yourself? Who are you, and what are you doing on the internet???

    Post edited by JRA on
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    JRA wrote: »
    I've been breezing through GW. Yes nodes 6, 9, 10, 11 have been arena top 5 worthy. But node 12 has been 3* fodder.

    I sympathize with those of you experiencing tough GW. Keep speaking up about your experiences. Maybe some of you know why my GW is relatively easy compared to those posting here, personally it doesn't matter because the individual game experience is the only thing that matters and imo there shouldn't be such a huge divide between differing players.

    My GW takes maybe 15 minutes (no retreats), but some of you it takes 2 hours and you still don't finish. I'm not sure how I feel about that, but I can sympathize with those of you in the 2 hour bracket. I'd probably respond exactly the same way as many of you!
    Wow! Do you mean to tell me that your level of difficulty has been different than what others have described, and instead of calling people you have never met liars, or entitled cry babies, or condescendingly telling them to do what they are already are acknowledging that what they described could be a problem, and responding in a respectful way? You're even being supportive based on the assumption that they aren't unintelligent, and that your experience doesn't perfectly represent everyone? You're think beyond yourself? Who are you, and what are you doing on the internet???

    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
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    A team where the A team consists 31k power facing node 9 33k power, node 10 31k power, node 11 32k power, node 12 above 36k power? Working as intended. Needless to say I could not beat node 12. My server is from May 11th and this is the FIRST day I could not complete my GW. Please give back the old gw (not the nerfed one, the one before it) which actually at least made somewhat sense. Nerfing the GW for 2 weeks then making it harder than it ever was makes NO sense.
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    What is nothing?
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    Sorry I thought by the title of the post we were playing a game of Jeopardy
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    Well played.
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    I put in a G8 L77 sid alone on node 12 to see if he can solo it.

    Yeah lots of people get a super easy node 12
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    As @JRA says, thanks for your post. All I'll say to you is to enjoy your gw now as I think the devs are going to fix the glitch that is giving you (and similar high-level players) the easy final nodes. I think the last node for you will start being 41.5-42k teams.

    Unless of course, CG realise that the difficulty is tuned up a little too high and reduce it slightly. We can dream...
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    I have a tough 6,9 and 11. Super easy 12.
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    I don't ever see any tough teams in my galactic war, however the last fight is always a super easy gear 3 team of lvl 80s. Galactic war is super easy for me, still boring and a huge time waster though.
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    As @JRA says, thanks for your post. All I'll say to you is to enjoy your gw now as I think the devs are going to fix the glitch that is giving you (and similar high-level players) the easy final nodes. I think the last node for you will start being 41.5-42k teams.

    Unless of course, CG realise that the difficulty is tuned up a little too high and reduce it slightly. We can dream...

    Hmmmm... they might do that(make 12 harder). 6, 9, 10, 11 are definitely harder for me, but still doable. These nodes definitely have a higher team strength. I guess I just have a bigger line up, and so can whether the losses. If CG were to design GW to be more difficult for me, I guess then it's possible no one would ever pass GW without some way to scale the individual experience.

    Ultimately there is a balance to strike, and it appears they've miscalculated the player base.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
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    A nice move guys, a really nice move. This game is slowly dying because of these nice moves, but I think that you know this, or maybe (probably) you just don't care, trying to earn more cash as possible and then bye. I'm a day one player, and back in the days I never thought that one day I would write a messagge like this, but yeah, you are doing great, make it harder in the next update, believe me, It is the right thing to do. Oh and some stealth nerf would be apprecieted too.
  • SamoBudo
    223 posts Member
    Its July 4th ( Holiday in the US) I would guess that this wont be fixed till middle of the week. Can I add i would pay 50 crystals to have my protection regenerated to max one time only. If that existed especially at node 11 that would at least even out my odds.
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    30 pages now, obviously a hit topic.

    Why has the update thread been stickied but this hasn't?

    It doesn't seem likely to wither as the Dodge thread has by intention or not.
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    Have stopped even trying. Basic fact is that a game should provide satisfaction, for those that keep saying we should just get over it, no. There are two investments in this game, time and money. Some folks do a lot of both, they're awesome, some do a ton of time but no money, also awesome. If the game was solely for people who pay, don't make it free, and don't complain that some folks don't invest, they invest time. Some folks, like myself spend some cash, not a ton, but in the end the same amount as an AA game or two.

    This game has some great features, GW is not one of them right now, challenges are also terrible. The events, slightly more like it. But many of us have a finite window to play the game. And a finite level of cash. We can only do so much and the lack of credits is giving us troubles. Those who can waltz through GW in 14 seconds, yay, good for you. But when a 30 page thread shows up on a holiday weekend, please, stop trying to tell everyone it's all in their heads or to get over it. It's iust rude.

    A major part of the problem here is that pre June -5th we had all stopped leveling arena teams and started focusing on broadening our teams so we didn't inadvertently kill ourselves in GW. Then we were told that GW would be changed to be doable in a shorter time frame (admittedly that didn't need to be 'easy' but doable in a smaller window) and so we tried it, it was true and upgrading arena teams didn't seem so bad. Until two weeks later when it all changed yet again. Those that were now really high in arena still got a harder GW but due to an actual real bug showing the fix was never ever tested by anyone of the devs with a high level team (obviously or the 3* teams on node 12 would never have got through QA) but those at a lower level are now getting pummeled. The size of this thread show these as facts.

    Am really hoping that an adjustment is done to save this game, but am not holding out hope. Love Star Wars, but I can be persuaded to love something else that doesn't make me think the devs are being driven by marketing alone. :(
  • Kane13
    256 posts Member
    What is galactic war?
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I think using arena power is part of the problem. It's a worthless, arbitrary number that says nothing about the strength of your toons or depth of your roster. I compete in top 20 on my server (and occasionally snipe a #1) with 34,800 arena power. A maxed out group of non meta toons may have 6k higher power than me, and faction synergy, but I can obliterate them with my meta team.

    About 80-85% of toons range from total garbage to mediocre. If you are going to face multiple waves of meta teams with non meta teams, you're screwed. If you chose to farm an arena team that under performs relative to their power, you're screwed (not your fault for assuming that the toons in this game actually work as described). If you get a toon slightly higher level/gear than the rest that you have, and want to try him in arena, you're screwed. Because they use the max arena power you have ever won with you can never undo the damage once you up the difficulty. They are incentivizing people to farm only meta toons and to use crap in arena, and the devs taking forever to rework busted toons as they said they would is contributing to this problem.

    Max arena power may be a good mark to use to set GW difficulty for whales. It's brutal, and time sucking to use that mark for long time minnows who have a couple dozen 7*/gear 8/level 70ish toons and one decent gear 9-10 arena team. For anybody below that it's a terrible mark to use. I don't want people purposely gimping their arena teams just to survive GW. I want them to throw their best at me, and still have a fair shot at finishing GW appropriate for their whole roster. (If it takes a month or two of work to get enough of a roster to beat a minimum threshold, that's fine. A lot of free players suffered through that.) As it is people who have played for months, and have wisely farmed a big roster to deal with GW, and finally reached a point where they can beat it, are terrified to add a single piece of gear for fear GW will be unwinnable the next day.

    Besides many of the other reworks needed to fix GW, this needs to be added to the list. The fact that the devs can't find a more appropriate measures than arena power to gauge what a challenging GW is for each individual (which makes it boringly easy for some, or a brutal all day chore if not impossible for others) is another example of lazy, sloppy work. I hope dumping this latest screw up in our laps and leaving for the weekend doesn't destroy this game.

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    Ibonedleia wrote: »

    If you would say and/or show your arena power.
    I agree with completely. I just want the devs to see a possible error for certain groups of players, regarding their arena power.

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    Kane13 wrote: »
    What is galactic war?

    A completely failed game mode.
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    Erik_Aphax wrote: »
    Kane13 wrote: »
    What is galactic war?

    A completely failed game mode.

  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    EA has to be an American company, because in honor of the 4th of July they blew up this game. Enjoy watching it burn over the long weekend.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    I still think I've got the easiest solution that requires no real effort on the part of the devs. No UI or graphics changes required, just simple reward table text edits. While I personally would love to see a full rework eventually... this is super easy to implement.

    Front load all of the current Galactic War rewards into the first 6 nodes, and consider the second half to be "challenge" nodes for random shard rewards and maybe random gear but no other payout. That way basically everyone can get the full credit and GW token bounty, and players that enjoy GW can continue on for bonus non-progression essential rewards. No difficulty change, just stick everything important in the first 6 nodes.
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    Petrozza wrote: »
    Is this real life?

    Is this just fantasy
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    I'm close to being done with this game. Not sure why they decided to completely destroy it. What was the point of making GW almost impossible. And even when you do win, it take more than a **** hour of your time.....
  • lytt
    26 posts Member
    Petrozza wrote: »
    Is this real life?

    Is this just fantasy

    Caught in a landslide

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    I agree. GW is how it was for me when I first unlocked it. Didn't finish it today for the first time since way back when I got healers. It's ridiculous. I think of GW as a modified "challenge", it should be completable. No one here could have completed GW today with my roster. So it was tuned to prevent my completing it. I had a total of five nodes with gear 10/11 meta teams. And I am not good enough to beat them all, especially when they have double the HP due to protection. BTW, protection didn't do anything except make GW harder. It barely changed the arena.
    Look, the Arena is where you lose, and it's tough luck. GW shouldn't be that way
    OK, here's where you bash away because I'm a "whiner". But I speak the truth: GW has always been the biggest PIA in this game, and for a few credits?
  • Talia
    180 posts Member
    medetec wrote: »
    Talia wrote: »
    Well. Forgot one important thing to fix: protection. After several battles, it is completely broken, it is necessary to do a certain amount of protection was restored, regardless of the remaining character health. May be, some will say, whats problem? You can use other chars. And they will be wrong, because it is our choice, we use the one we see fit. Moreover, did the soldier go into battle in the damaged armor? No one goes, first will repair your weapons and armor. I'm not saying that the protection is completely restored, no, but a certain percentage, at least to withstand a couple hits.

    I feel like putting protection behind health would fix a lot of problems it caused, not just in GW. Would require a change to Savage Opress' Overpower though. Possibly something like deal 50% more damage instead of "massive" damage.
    Haha, it is logical sense of humor, guess. But I think it is not necessary, because if the opposite is Savage, then it is possible to replace a damaged toon, then another battle healer may be time to care it, I have had such cases. Just don't tough Savage, no no! Lol because then it will be useless, it is a feature, because it berserker.
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