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    DagonBlack wrote: »
    Admiral Ackbar - Its a Trap doesn't always remove heal immunity

    I am also having this issue. In addition, when he does remove the heal block the character doesn't get healed. This negates his primary value.
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    DagonBlack wrote: »
    Admiral Ackbar - Its a Trap doesn't always remove heal immunity

    I am also having this issue. In addition, when he does remove the heal block the character doesn't get healed. This negates his primary value.

    I just played an arena round and It's a Trap didn't remove the damage debuffs. Opponent just wrecked me on its next turn.
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    Hate to duplicate post, but want to make sure mods see this (since i recanted and said it wasn't happening in the earlier post).

    Ewok Elder is ignoring healing immunity (placed by Darth Sideous) when healing themselves and other ewok elder allies..and maybe all allies (I swear i had immunity on teebo and he was healed) . Not sure if it's always this way, but it does happen on dark side normal 6-D (battle 3/3).

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    Nothing for the Swift recovery of barris ??

    Never work. She has for her only the heal And recovery . Lack of hit . So it's really important to répare this .
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    I have played Ventress since the beginning, and I can absolutely tell you that her debuff almost never removed anything at all. It used to remove the taunt buff, but at higher levels it removes that about 1 out of 5 times. It never removed anything else hardly at all. It has also ALWAYS, every single time, healed the whole group.
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    Will Ackbar be fixed any time soon?

    1. He doesn't seem to remove heal block very often.

    2. The AI uses that skill even when there are no negative effects on your characters.

    I'm sure you guys are aware of these "bugs", just curious what the time frame looks like. I'd like to bring my Ackbar up to 7*

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    Wanted to add on this thread that today people have been receiving only half of their rewards for Galactic War. For the last couple battles the rewards seem to have been boosted. After second to last battle the popup rewarded me with 400 tokens but my home screen only had me at 390. Last mission blew my mind when reporting 800 token reward.. my new total was 790. :( I was rewarded double hero shards and double tier 3 mats up which I only got half. a serious bummer to be sure.
  • SinnerWill
    370 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Michajam wrote: »

    STORMTROOPER HAN - his taunt is broken because he seems to not add turn meter to allies when he is damaged. No sense in using his taunt if this is broken since he has low health as is.

    @Michajam, you might have an ability description display bug. At level 3, Han's taunt "Draw Fire" picks up the 20% turn-meter boost for allies (which is granted to each ally but excludes himself, so possibly confusion) whenever he takes damage while it is active.

    So... Make sure yours is at least level 3, as it won't grant the turn-meter bonus prior to that.

    Works perfectly fine for me.
  • SinnerWill
    370 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Hate to duplicate post, but want to make sure mods see this (since i recanted and said it wasn't happening in the earlier post).

    Ewok Elder is ignoring healing immunity (placed by Darth Sideous) when healing themselves and other ewok elder allies..and maybe all allies (I swear i had immunity on teebo and he was healed) . Not sure if it's always this way, but it does happen on dark side normal 6-D (battle 3/3).

    @ALotCoolerIfUDid, Ewok Elder's heal is working as intended as far as I'm aware. It's not just a heal, it does 3 things (cleanses debuffs, revives at a chance, and heals). The heal first removes debuffs (which is what healing immunity is), then heals. So, healing immunity gets removed, then the heal comes.

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    Robobob wrote: »
    Wanted to add on this thread that today people have been receiving only half of their rewards for Galactic War. For the last couple battles the rewards seem to have been boosted. After second to last battle the popup rewarded me with 400 tokens but my home screen only had me at 390. Last mission blew my mind when reporting 800 token reward.. my new total was 790. :( I was rewarded double hero shards and double tier 3 mats up which I only got half. a serious bummer to be sure.

    @Robobob, you were witnessing a display bug. Sometimes the reward chest show what you earned today in addition to what you received from it the last time. Basically, doubling the value you actually earned. This includes credits, ability materials and shards - you may have earned them previously and for some odd reason, it shows them again.

    The most GW tokens you can gain from a single (complete) run of a GW is 1200 (100, 100, 200, 200, 200, and 400 from their respective chests).

    Sucks that it gets your hopes up, I know, but you're not getting robbed of anything. You're getting the correct amount.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    [*] Asajj Ventress – investigating issues where players are reporting that she is healing the entire team instead of just herself when using the ability Strike Fear. Also investigating reports of ability not removing positive status effects.

    She is healing the entire team and I think this should stay since her speed is so terrible. You do, however need to fix the issue where she doesn't dispel effects this is VERY frustrating in arena. I have yet to have her properly dispell effects when I'm on offense with her, but always have an opponents asajj dispell my entire team with no questions asked. Another issue with her that is not listed is she does NOT get the attack power buff when she gets the killing blow on an enemy, only if an ally does.
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    Michajam wrote: »
    The reason why is with captain phasma they are able to attack again. I am sad fotp is capped at 3 because honestly he should be able to attack 4 times, leia 6 but rare. I feel if you nerfed those two you need to nerf dooku since fotp is my dooku killer.

    @Michajam, FOTP can hit more than 3 times. I've seen it hit 5 times, and the bug isn't tied into if/how/when he gets advantage.

    How do I know? Because I debuffed him with Obi-Wan's mind-trick prior to his turn (so he had ability block and offense down debuffs, no advantage present on him when he began his attack). He targeted my Fives (whom was at full health), and procced his bonus attack 4x (so 4 follow-up shots after the first). The 5th attack did drop my Fives below the threshold to grant the FOTP advantage, but then my Fives proceeded to counter-attack 4 times. Effectively stripping him of advantage and finishing him off.

    So... Quit defending the obscenely broken FOTP, please, he's just as broken as Leia is/was (not sure if the patch truly did "fix" Leia to limit her to three attacks, as I haven't seen hardly anyone fielding her since the patch). If FOTP had the same health as IG-88 or Cad Bane, I MIGHT understand him capable of attacking endlessly, but he boasts far too much HP in addition to passive crit-chance and crit damage bonuses against any possible target.
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    My Events and Challenges don't work in Bounty hunter I don't have credit droids. The second problem is in arena shipments i bought ten shards Darth Sidious and i don't have. I hope quickly repair everything and give back my lost credit droids and shards Darth Sidios, thank you.
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    BalorUSA wrote: »
    My Events and Challenges don't work in Bounty hunter I don't have credit droids. The second problem is in arena shipments i bought ten shards Darth Sidious and i don't have. I hope quickly repair everything and give back my lost credit droids and shards Darth Sidios, thank you.

    Same problem for the mining driods here since level got upgraded to 70.
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    I'm having an issue defeating Chewbacca in dark side A5. I kill everything around him and I'll have my whole team trying to burn him down but he heals himself 17k heal every 2 turns and his turn rate must be boosted 600% cause he attacks 3 times in a row.
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    You need Sid, to apply healing debuff. Then Chewie is as good as gone.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    @BalorUSA, @Krude. Mining droids have been removed as a reward, you now get credits equivalent to their value from Bounty Hunter challenges, bypassing the need to sell them.
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    I see that you already have noted bug "Character shards display issue – NOTE: we are still looking into the issue of not receiving shards that some players are reporting."

    reproducing it: buying any pack and obtaining multiple identical shards. One stack is mysteriously lost. :/

    Another issue regarding this, support doesn't help get back the lost shards. I lost 3 different character shards already(total of 36 shards).
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    Issue since the level 70 update: Arena Squad configuration doesn't save.
    As soon as you log out/get logged out of the game, it swaps back to the previous squad configuration with different party members and a different leader.
    When you then try to enter a battle you have to manually swap the toons you want to be on your squad back in. So far, every time.
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    I hope there is an update to the Chromium Card multiple shards not received problem soon. I should have had 40 shards for qui gonn yet I only received 20 as i got 2x20 from a pack. These should be replaced by support as I am sure they can clearly see my account and what happened, yet nothing has happened. I cannot in good faith by any more packs knowing this issue and I feel cheated :(
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    Lianara wrote: »
    You need Sid, to apply healing debuff. Then Chewie is as good as gone.

    Don't have Sid
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    I hope there is an update to the Chromium Card multiple shards not received problem soon. I should have had 40 shards for qui gonn yet I only received 20 as i got 2x20 from a pack. These should be replaced by support as I am sure they can clearly see my account and what happened, yet nothing has happened. I cannot in good faith by any more packs knowing this issue and I feel cheated :(

    Exactly. Support pretty much says you're SOL.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    [*] Admiral Ackbar – skills Tactical Genius and Rebel Coordination abilities being checked to ensure they are working as intended

    Can I mention regarding this issue that Tactical Genius was working fine until the last update, now it gives the 100% turn meter but NO DEFENCE PENETRATION buff. This has happened every time without fail since the update.

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    For some reason in the character stats dodge and deflection are 0 for all characters. Curious if anyone else has seen this.
  • SinnerWill
    370 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I hope there is an update to the Chromium Card multiple shards not received problem soon. I should have had 40 shards for qui gonn yet I only received 20 as i got 2x20 from a pack. These should be replaced by support as I am sure they can clearly see my account and what happened, yet nothing has happened. I cannot in good faith by any more packs knowing this issue and I feel cheated :(

    @joespaniard, you must be confused. Sounds to me like you got 2x 10 Qui-Gon shards. It's not possible to get a 1x 20 shards.

    Shards from chromium packs are:
    10x or 12x

    "Bonus shards" of character pulls that you already have fluctuate based upon the minimum star ranking for the character. The quantities are listed in a previous post by EA_Jesse.

    Basically, it's not possible to get 20 Qui-Gon shards unless you pulled 2x (10) shards.
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    Kylo Ren's Lash Out ability will sometimes last more than 1 round. For instance, today I was facing a team with Kylo Ren and he used Lash Out. I proceeded to use Luminara's Force Blast and inflicted him with ability block. He proceeded to melee me on his turn and after his turn was over he still had his Counter buff and it was still countering even though he had gone a turn without activating Lash Out.
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    SinnerWill wrote: »
    @joespaniard, you must be confused. Sounds to me like you got 2x 10 Qui-Gon shards. It's not possible to get a 1x 20 shards.

    Shards from chromium packs are:
    10x or 12x

    "Bonus shards" of character pulls that you already have fluctuate based upon the minimum star ranking for the character. The quantities are listed in a previous post by EA_Jesse.

    Basically, it's not possible to get 20 Qui-Gon shards unless you pulled 2x (10) shards.

    This is basically what Jesse said. I believe you are right, I was confused. But it is still a misleading bug that shows me 20 shards the first time i get him, and then 20 shards again :X
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    Admiral Ackbar is not removing the offense down from Tarkin. This has been the case in every battle I've had against him.
  • Jerek
    17 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Did Jedi counslar's heal get an extra turn added on to its CD?
  • DeathSSlayer
    47 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Hi. I have my arena team. And I want change them. And I take another 5 heroes. But after rejoining the game my old team back into arena.
    I do not understand that I must do for change my arena team. Very bad bug.
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