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    @EA_Jesse where are you man??? people have issues that need to be addressed and we are left out to dry. Some are not just little bugs but showstoppers for paying players
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    Please add me. I can't add anyone it says they are pending sent moments ago even days later. Im level 54

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    Characters being healed when they have the Darth Sidious immune to healing trait.
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    Just had a bug for a character I already had when spending gems. Got clone sergeant and it didn't give me shards even though I have him. It then went through the animations of how it looks when you unlock a character but still no shards. Then it gave me the 14 light characters achievement even though I still only have 13...? Wanted to report this just so I don't get accused of cheating or hacking. Should I give someone my player ID LOL
  • Aley
    94 posts Member
    Dumbest thing ever is a 'stunned' character dodging an attack...
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    abilities procing off counters not "sticking" for example if aayala counters and crits and stuns the opponent the stun appears then dissappears immediately. I'm assuming this is happening because its not counting the full turn to be over until after the counter has ended. Turn begins -> X attacks Y, Y counters procs effect ability block/stun that lasts one turn, Turn ends effects dissipates. affects aayala, dooku, fives (slow only lasts one turn instead of two), and i guess anyone who procs an effects from ima-gun-di leadership. im assuming this isnt proper game mechanics as its neuters the characters greatly.
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    I've been booted out the last several times I've tried to buy or claim a free bro card, free option or credit gone on restart
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    I have Geo Soldier and 1 of the 4 other characters stunned. When I use the assist ability, sometimes nothing happens. I'm assuming the stunned character was randomly selected. Shouldn't the assist ability call a non-stunned character?
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    1. Still getting shards for maxed out characters - I've got Lumi shards from GW and bronzium, even she is 7*. Now I have 10 unnecessary shards
    2. Stun on toon is cancelled if he is called to assist attack
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    Nightsister acolyte - always leaves one healblock up doesnt matter if thats only one debuff or one of many.
    Ventress - doesnt get rampage bonus if she gets the kill
    Life steal - doesnt work like other equipment pieces - bonus is lost as soon as equipment get upgraded.
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    FOTP - Gun Down Ability Level 7 - Ability Multiplier drops from 3.357 at lvl 6 to 2.0 at lvl 7, significantly decreasing damage even though the damage is supposed to increase by 5%.
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    Rey - Flurry of Blows - If the first attack is dodged then the other attacks do not hit. If the argument is that this is really just one attack, then I say this... If I hit someone who has 100% counter (Dooku or buffed Kylo) then they attack Rey for each hit made.
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    When I purchase 5 shards from the Squad Cantina Shipment section, I don't receive the shards. Squad Cantina credits are still used up and I need to refresh/wait for a few hours for the purchase to be available again.
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    Aley wrote: »
    Dumbest thing ever is a 'stunned' character dodging an attack...

    Agreed that should be fixed
    I have Geo Soldier and 1 of the 4 other characters stunned. When I use the assist ability, sometimes nothing happens. I'm assuming the stunned character was randomly selected. Shouldn't the assist ability call a non-stunned character?

    That should also be fixed


    Also, I know its a "known issue" but Talia's AI is incredibly stupid, she doesn't just heal others and damage herself when she is "almost" dead, even when she has maybe 30% health she will do this which makes no sense if there are other healers alive still. Hope this gets fixed ASAP

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    animetrk wrote: »
    And I think there is a bug. I have 5 star lvl 56, gear 7 Darth Sidious but his heal immune ability not working over and over neither in galactic wars nor in Arena. But my enemys lower lvl Darth Sidious has 100% chance to immune my heroes.

    I noticed this as well, Darth Sidious heal immunity is NOT always being applied to the opponent (outside of them resisting), and I am pretty sure I read some people saying that even when they DO have it, they are still getting healed when they should not.

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    Okay so there are TONS of complaints about Dooku, some are whining in general, but then others are getting at something, NOW I see exactly the problem as it just happened.

    Having a counter attack is a great useful skill, BUT YOU SHOULD NOT GET A COUNTER ATTACK, OFF A COUNTER ATTACK HELLO!!!!

    So you attack a whole team that has Dooku on it, and then he counters, FOUR TIMES IN A ROW, talk about ridiculous, now I see the issue.

    So counter attack great skill to have, BUT IT SHOULD ONLY WORK ONE TIME PER USE, and only when HE is attacked, not countering himself, holy toledo

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    Please stop placing characters with lost health at the very bottom of the squad selection screen in Galactic War. It's quite annoying having to scroll down through 50 characters to rotate my squad, which with the retreat changes is often. It makes sense to put dead characters down there but adds no value moving live ones.
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    You know its a really cool and fun Star Wars game, very thematic characters too, but is it ever plagued with MISTAKES. I won't even call these "bugs", its not like the game is "acting up", it is pure programming mistakes (well I guess bugs are usually that, but there is a difference to me here)

    Anyway another complaint against Asajj Ventress –

    Apparently other than the "investigations that are going on" (seems VERY obvious the mistakes here again, she heals the entire team every time, and positive status's are indeed not removed) there is at least 2 more:

    - She can heal the entire team even when the opponents have NO positive status markers! (just happened to me again so I did not imagine the first time it happened)

    - Apparently does not always go again after killing someone
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    I have the ability materials, level requirement, and currency needed to update my abilities, but it won't let me upgrade the ability and gives no explanation as to why.
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    I don't know if it's been brought up in this thread but I've noticed on at least 4 occasions now I get charged 100 crystals for my 2nd mission energy refill. I brought the issue up in 2 separate tickets with ea and I was advised to put the issue in the forums so it could be brought to the devs attention. I know that the norm for refills is 50-50-100-100 but I've been occasionally getting charged 100 on the 2nd. Please look into this and once verified please issue a refund for the overcharged crystals. I know it's happened at least 4 times and perhaps more since I may not have noticed it in the beginning. Seems to be happening more frequently though. The last time it happened was yesterday 1/28 @ 08:30 ish. Ally code is 888-897-352 and player id is w7nZl9fdT90m93VHp1g-gw. Thank you.
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    Seriously not happy with the game jipping and robbing me of various things, items and rewards when I try to purchase or redeem tokens. This has happened to me 5-6 times on squad arena shipments, where I've tried to redeem my tokens (i.e. I would have 900-1200 tokens and use 400 to get 5 character shards, after redeeming it would refresh my token count and say I have only a 100-0 left, when I should have had enough to redeem again, same instance has happened 3 times with galactic war shipments)... Also with crystals, I just tried to use 50 of my 91 crystals to refill my energy and it charged me for refilling so down to 41 crystals but my energy was never refilled, this has been the 3 time it has happened now... also still noticing some of the other bugs and issues stated in the list at the top of this forum... really hope you guys can correct, fix and make things right asap otherwise I'm done and out and will delete account and will spread the word your game has bugs and issues that are robbing your fans and clients of their hard earned rewards and you guys are failing to or will not fix the problems. Really tired of putting in all the time and effort to try and achieve certain things only to be crushed and let down or robbed cause of your game's problems
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    I don't know why I did it I should have known better I guess by now, but I upgraded Chewy's "Defiant Roar" to level 3, which is SUPPOSED to reduce the Cooldown by 1, didn't happen still a 5 cooldown like it was before upgrading :( SO many bugs with character abilities and upgrades in this game what a shame
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    Talia's Draining Strike is bugged - healing for half of the amount written on all levels of the tooltip. (Currently stating it would drain 70-80% of damage into health, instead draining 35-40% at ranks 5-6.
    Talia's Harrowing Assault getting resisted far more often than it should (110% potency with 100% base proc chance, only dots around 50% of the time, perhaps a little higher.
    Nightsister Acolyte's Stealth seems to have a drastically lower than 40% chance to proc after rank 6.
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    Green crystal rewards are not being applied to accounts properly, or are not displaying properly after winning a match.

    I just finished the 12th round in galactic wars and was very excited to see 800 green crystals being awarded. However my account only received an increase of 400.

    I am 100% sure of this since in round 10 I was awarded 400 green crystals for winning however it didn't appear that any were actually applied to my total. So then I watched the next 2 battles and tracked my before battle green crystal counts and after battle counts.

    Sure enough when the 800 were awarded only 400 were applied.
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    To all you saying characters are being healed through immunity: Ewok Elder is supposed to remove the debuff and heal, and Bariss's "health equilibrium" thing is not a heal itself but the slight additional heal is prevented. (The only complaint I have in this department is Ewok Elder sometimes doesn't remove the debuff, but heals through it.)

    A few of these have been mentioned but:

    Effects from counter attacks immediately removed after attack (i.e. Dooku stun, FO Stormtrooper speed down, etc.)
    If device is powered down/app crashes, energy is still taken away (not necessarily a bug because it prevents from force closing an obvious loss to prevent loss of energy, but it's annoying on old devices where the app does crash or when I forget I'm on low battery)
    Retreating from a GW battle sometimes resets the battle completely, but other times retains character health loss/deaths - not sure which is actually supposed to happen
    Health steal stat not working (this is such a big issue I'm not sure why it hasn't been addressed)
    Asajj's heal is so bugged - sometimes it removes the buffs and heals, sometimes it heals but leaves the buffs, sometimes it doesn't heal or remove buffs (not sure if it's because they resisted the removal of buffs or what), and as already posted it heals the whole team (but, as a side note, it will be a HORRIBLE ability when changed to just self-heal; it's already pretty weak)
    AI should not make characters use heals just to "heal" someone who is immune when everyone else is healthy (like Chewie uses his self-heal when immune)
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    Hi there im experiencing a bug with Kylo Ren's outrage ability not hitting the extra 75% when his health is below 50%. It works fine most of the time but there are times when the extra damage is not added. Would like to know if anyone else is experiencing this bug?
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    While trying to play arena my screen turned pink and i couldn't see anything except life bars...
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    Thanks for the additional feedback everyone. We'll be putting out update notes this week that will address many of the issues mentioned on this thread.
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
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    Where is your answer about the 30 % Discount in Training droids? The Support has no solution!
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Thanks for the additional feedback everyone. We'll be putting out update notes this week that will address many of the issues mentioned on this thread.

    Hi @EA_Jesse Thanks for the acknowledgement of the bugs that have been identified in this thread.

    Additionally, I hope I can get your attention and direct you to my thread regarding an extremely debilitating cooldown bug affecting various characters that has been known since December last year.
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