Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    It's been only a week or so, since they jacked it. I'm sure there are a lot of people that think they gave it their best... but aren't quite there, yet. Light bulb will go on for a lot of these guys.

    GW is supposed to be a challenge. Accept it. Try it. If you fail, be embarrassed for yourself for one moment. Try again.

    Then complain.

    or... Str8 to whine, don't pass go.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    the Last Ballon Knot, ladies & gentlemen!

    dude, they're not going to offer you a job... so quit begging.
    LastJedi wrote: »
    It's been only a week or so, since they jacked it. I'm sure there are a lot of people that think they gave it their best... but aren't quite there, yet. Light bulb will go on for a lot of these guys.

    GW is supposed to be a challenge. Accept it. Try it. If you fail, be embarrassed for yourself for one moment. Try again.

    Then complain.

    or... Str8 to whine, don't pass go.

  • pnet13
    12 posts Member
    It is completely unfair to face a team that is 40k when my max is 34k. Only one of theirs has less than 25k protection and gear 10 Rey one shotting everyone. Complete ****.
  • Tanuki
    136 posts Member
    Yadda_123 wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    Mullato wrote: »
    At what power does your top 5 toons have to be before GW gets **** hard?

    My A team is only about 30k, but with my methods I described further up, I beat up to 38k+ teams. I do not really look at what they have any more, I just take them out. It just takes way to long to do it imo.

    Yeah my arena team is around 30k. I usually make it thru with 1 or 2 deaths and No suicide squads just 1 team and 2 subs.

    Lumi L, Rey, QGJ, GS, phasma. (Sub in Ben & STH )

    Just wait. When you're staring down a Rey RG Daka meta that is fully leveled, geared, and modded 3-4 matches per GW, that Lumi team is toast. I have multiple meta teams and end up throwing my top three squads at the last node to no effect. GW needs some serious balancing, stat.

    Same. I just retreated node 6 a total of 13 times before saying F it, and lost RG. This is definitely working as intended...

    Used 18 total characters one team was my arena team and only took out 2 of their team. Gw is a total joke now but glad it's working as intended. Thanks devs for ruining the best part of the game
  • Xeriel
    42 posts Member

    I wanted to give an update on Galactic War tuning.

    Before I get into it, I want to reiterate that the goals of this feature continue to be:
    • Provide a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed.
    • Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles.
    War of attrition is one-sided in Galactic War (GW). When going against a high powered opponent equipped with healers, the player can use their entire roster and still lose.

    The point being is that if the player is consistently presented with a top 10 quality arena opponent and his best team is top 100 on a good day, the player will never complete GW even if his remaining roster is equally as good as his best squad.

    If that is the desired result -- meaning only top 10 quality players would finish GW plus a few extra lucky players blessed by the random number generator gods, then okay then. But that is not listed as one of the goals unless that is rolled up in the meaning of "set of challenges".

    Totally agree.. But I'll just continue to bang my head off the wall until they fix..
  • pnet13
    12 posts Member
    Should be 1st 3 nodes based on the bottom 25% of your roster, next 3 on the next 25% etc. no more arena teams. Sick of going against Dooku/OB leads with Rey, QGJ, RG, GS/Daka.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Same. I just retreated node 6 a total of 13 times before saying F it, and lost RG. This is definitely working as intended...

    I know I will just get flamed. But just in case this helps anyone:

    My GW is easy... when I do all my retreats in the first 5 easy nodes. I use almost no retreats in node 6 and beyond. By then it's too late to set up the win. If I am not prepped walking into node 6, things go downhill fast, and no amount of retreating can fix it. Too late. 10 retreats in node 1-5 mean easy win for me. I know, your GW is impossible. Go figure. I'm sure you are all taking full advantage of the system.
  • dough
    641 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Same. I just retreated node 6 a total of 13 times before saying F it, and lost RG. This is definitely working as intended...

    I know I will just get flamed. But just in case this helps anyone:

    My GW is easy... when I do all my retreats in the first 5 easy nodes. I use almost no retreats in node 6 and beyond. By then it's too late to set up the win. If I am not prepped walking into node 6, things go downhill fast, and no amount of retreating can fix it. Too late. 10 retreats in node 1-5 mean easy win for me. I know, your GW is impossible. Go figure. I'm sure you are all taking full advantage of the system.

    serious question: why are you retreating that many times in nodes 1-5? those are the presumably easy ones, with node 6 being the first (for me) difficult but not impossible node; likewise I am able to get past nodes 9 and 10 but by node 11 I'm tapped out.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    Wow. Of all people. Ok, Dough. Professor GW has been asked for his secret lesson.

    I retreat 10 times in nodes 1-5, because if I don't, I can't win. Simple as that.

    I start in node one with 5 of my best toons. And before I strike the winning blow, I look at where my TM is. The guy that lands the last blow is going to end up with Zero TM. (Unless it's a droid, who will probably get back 50% on a crit). The other 4 toons are going to start the next battle with whatever TM they currently have. If I don't like what I see, I retreat, and change it up a little.

    When I get 2 or 3 toons with good TM and not on cooldown, I pull those toons and put them on the bench. Saving them for later.

    I repeat this process on nodes 1-5. And I pay especially good attention before finishing node 5, that my specials are all ready, and I like the TM on my toons.

    Phasma and Poggle and Vader hardly qualify for my C team. But these toons are important to me to have full TM. RG is solid gold with full TM. I have a Ben which is pretty weak, but with decent potency. Sometimes I prep him up, too, but with Ben, I want only 50% to 75% TM, or I lose out on his TM reduction.

    Nodes 1-5 are infinitely easier than node 6. Node 6 is redonculous. It is much, much better to take a few extra hits in node 1-5, even if these toons lose half their protection, as long as they are ready to rock out with their #$@$ out, if and when I need them. So I don't use an "A team" or a "B team" on these first 5 nodes. I don't need synergy. I use w/e toons I have left on my bench which are going to be useful, later, IF they get to go first. Then I make sure they WILL go first.

    Class dismissed. Have fun with your next GW.

  • dough
    641 posts Member
    all right, fair enough... will try this technique at my reset and if successful I will issue a public retraction for every time I called you a balloon knot.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    Achilles wrote: »
    The0n3 wrote: »
    Is it just my imagination or GW's rewards just got lower?! I finished yesterday and got something like 650k is that right?!

    Old GW: 7,650 + 15,300 + 24,250 + 30,600 + 35,530 + 39,550 + 42,950 + 45,900 + 48,500 + 50,830 + 52,930 + 54,850 = 448,840
    Current GW: 8,040 + 16.5k + 26.9k + 34.8k + 41.5k + 47.4k + 52.8k + 57.8k + 62.5k + 67.1k + 71.4k + 75.7k = around 562k and a little

    Oh man, my mistake, i've never really counted how much it was and as i was talking to my friend, this 650k i though happens to be my GW reward plus daily activities, so you're right indeed.

    STILL! I feel like the rewards were better 4 days ago! Maybe i'm just having a false sense of nerfing, but credits used to be easier to get or so i though... Anyways, thx for the insight.
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    you can say what u want about challenging players...GW is now my motivation for quitting this game...Rey and imperial guard, last two nodes, almost everytime...i have a good modded/7 star/level 80 squad...and the last node is so OP thay they get wiped without making a scratch....theres no diversity in the last two nodes...always Rey and Imp guard...where are u pulling from? my entire roster gets wiped without putting a dent in them...its not challenging, its hopeless...fix Rey, make GW fun again...althougj at this point im pretty much done
  • Options
    Oh GW are still killing me
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    ^that's a last resort. If u prep ur toons with TM, wisely, I bet u can finish node 6 to 12 with only a few retreats. But hey, there is always Candy crush. Pokemon Go. Tic tac toe.

    Considering the rest of the game is sim. Now single multisim, GW is part of the game that many people look forward to. What fun in getting toons and powering them up to press auto and use 3 brain cells. Even my arena battles are no brainers.

    Credits are valuable to me. I like to finish GW. Not knowing if I can finish it for sure is more fun. Even if I cant, I still get 90 percent of the rewards. I lose 70k, a useless purple mats, and a few shard shop fodder.

    Besides, if u want to make GW easier, it helps to kit ur bench with mods. And to get mods u need credits. And to get credits u need to beat GW. As much as possible. Sooner the better. If u want to auto GW, if that is ur goal, u can maybe build a bench where u can use 3 brain cells. But don't count on keeping ur arena rank.

    It has been a week or so. If u can't get GW down pat in another week of giving a ^%^^ and trying something new, and getting more mods... if u still can't nearly autopilot it after that, then cry like a baby. But give it more than a week before u lose ur %$^. And when u do complain, have some data. Add some personal experience. Plz don't just join a whine train nerf mob.

    This game doesn't cater to people that want bubble head toons that blow up their enemies when u point and click. And who want linear progression and plenty of every resource. There are already lots of other great games that cater to ages 3-10.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
  • Heina
    110 posts Member
    there has been a nerf in gw hours ago, my main account has 3star squads at node 11 and 12, while my droids account got it at node 12.
  • Options
    to alle ppl saying gw is fine and manageable . it just scales horribly. I normaly manage node 11 and then wipe all my toons on node 12 (although I won't bother to try most of the times) today I had a full team of 7* fully modded gear lvl 9-10 with RG QGJ GS Lumi and Ig86 on node 11 and did not manage, although I sent in a few lvl 1 toons so that they had their cooldowns already blown. I'm not even 80 and face that kind of opponent on node 11 .

    gw is broken for some of us and needs fixing badly, never mind that it takes too long to complete / not complete.

  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    Just a regular node9 battle.


    300k hp team. Working as intended.

    @EA_Jesse @CG_JohnSalera

    Like, who cares anyway.
  • Voodoo
    12 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Send the whole line up at node 12....
    5-6 toons get a single hit
    Yeah I call that balanced.
    That's one more time I'd think about purchasing that I won't.


    Another bag of burning poo to whomever set this crap up!

    I think your door step has scorch marks.
  • Voodoo
    12 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    While I'm here...
    Let's talk about inconvenience
    How many times I've received loot for some unknown reason...

    But yet here I am frustrated at the impossible
    Take 2 hours of retreat to get the right combination to get past node 11 only to face beyond impossible node 12

    **** EA

    Why even have gw when it's impossible!!!!
    Can't answer that can you...

    It used to be EA wanted your micro transactions... Now they just want your tears.

    Do phone manufactures give EA some sort of kick back for every phone that's broken due to frustration of playing this game?
  • Zeu
    95 posts Member
    I do GW with only one team. My arena team. Never retreat never lose a toon.
  • Voodoo
    12 posts Member
    Zeu wrote: »
    I do GW with only one team. My arena team. Never retreat never lose a toon.

    Your so special... Because nobody else does that

    Its because of those like you who create 1 mega squad and throw everything into it...
    Who suck at the other events because you don't have the toons to participate in them.
    And then come to the forums and wine about how easy GW is.

    And the **** that design the game listen

    Go get your epeen somewhere else.

    ID love to see you go against some of the GW squads I've dealt with... Actual video proof...
    Let's say the node 12 general grievous/Jawa engineer/hk/88/86 squad...
    Yeah I'm sure that would shut you up.
  • Options
    Another day of not be able to finish GW. This time Node 12 was a full counter team.
  • Options
    "working as intended..."
  • Galoopa
    123 posts Member
    clhs wrote: »
    Galactic Farce was even harder today than it has been for the last fortnight. And the fact that I hadn't lost a single toon by the end of node 8 lulled me into a false sense of security that it might have actually been fixed. But then node 9 came along in all its hilariousness and wiped out my B team and C team. Nice. Obviously node 10 was manageable but node 11 wiped out my A team, D team and E team. I won by the skin of my teeth, and only by retreating and retrying more times than I could count. I saw node 12's immeasurable power and haven't even bothered.

    This is the same thing for me. when you get to a node and the AI wipes your entire team out before you can get more than one hit in it's just completely ridiculous and not worth the time.
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    some days I win GW,
    and some days I need to go buy a new phone because I smashed my other one in frustration at how uneven GW is.. seriously.. 3 days in a row I face the same LVL 80 GRX Full Modded team at node 12 which destroys my entire collection with Rey RG Geo Lum and QGJ.
    then after actually getting a higher Arena ranking, I face that team on node 8-9, losing 2-3 teams and then I destroy the remaining nodes.
    I just don't understand.
    the AI on this game has always been ****.
  • Options
    I quickly realised node 12 is very rarely possible for my roster so 10 days ago I gave up bothering with it, massive save of time n stress, now sometimes I don't bother with 11, like today when faced with the boring Dooku L, RG, Rey n QGJ plus another, life is so much better, trouble is I'm now thinking life would be so much better not bothering with game at all. All depends how good FF Brave Exious is
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    It's almost comical. Every day it gets a bit more ridiculous. One node 1... let me say that again... node 1, I get a team of level 67-70 opponents who I should wipe the floor with pretty easily being a fully modded, level 80, gear 10 team. Yes, I did beat them, but... they dodged 20+ times and took away a fair bit of my protection. Now, you may say, well those are the breaks, but, ask yourself when the last time you put a team in front an uber opponent (level 80, modded, gear10 team) that was 10-13 levels above yours and you dodged more than once? Bet you can't think of an example.

    Every aspect of GW is broken.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Another day of not be able to finish GW. This time Node 12 was a full counter team.

    Stuns work wonders, you should try it out sometime 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Another day of not be able to finish GW. This time Node 12 was a full counter team.

    Stuns work wonders, you should try it out sometime

    So does stealth leads *coughTEEBOcough*
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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