Guild Merger Requests

98 posts Member
edited July 2016
This is for all guilds that have been suffering with numbers since the recently mod changes or inactive members.

If you are looking to potentially merge with another guild please post the following information so that we can all help better your SWGOH experience.

Current guild name (optional):
Number of members:
Current Raid Tier:
Current Raid Timezone:
Chat Application Used:
What are you looking for in a merge: guild page (if possible):

If there is anything you think should be added let me know.

Good luck!
Post edited by BentWookiee on


  • Lgeorge
    36 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Guild name: British Elite Empire
    Current number of members: 34
    Raid tier: Heroic
    Raid time zone: GMT+ 1 (willing to discuss alternation of raid times)
    Chat app: Line ( ID: georgeyboy93 )

    Looking for active members who do 600 daily. Was full not so long ago doing 3-4 heroics a week, lacking in numbers has set us back a bit and looking to get back to regular raiding!

    Add me on line or message me on here if interested.

  • mishockwave2008
    30 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Guild name: The Force United (Force United in-game name)
    Our Private Website:
    Current number of members: 40
    Raid tier: Heroic (tier 7)
    Raid time zone: Eastern (GMT -4 with daylight savings)
    We have a standard two-week raid schedule that we maintain. Also, there is a 24 hour first-day window that allows everyone to get in at least one battle to ensure all get rewards. We also do a phase 1 rotation schedule so high-damage pig killers will rotate through. This allows as many as possible to get top spots over a two-week timeframe.
    Chat Application Used: In-game chat plus our free private website forum that all are members of ( We post everything here: strategy guides, raid times, suggestions of all kinds, etc.
    What are you looking for in a merge: We can still complete the tier 7 raid at our current level so we are looking for active players at least level 70. We are willing to help with gear exchanges, game strategies, giving higher ranks to support members to get better gear, etc. Because of recent events, we lost a few guild members. We had been at a solid 50 for nearly 2 months, but many decided to quit the game but were sad to leave the guild. We are a fun group with lively in-game chatting, so hopefully you'd choose us as your new guild home. guild page (if possible):
    (the roster number has not been updated yet)

    Thanks for considering The Force United. Please PM me if you're interested and I'll give you my personal email so we can discuss in more detail.
    Do or do not... There is no try.
    First Officer of The Force United
  • Pibbcow
    63 posts Member
    CobaltPhoenix is a new t6 guild and is looking to run t7 in the near future (week or two). We're on central time, need about 10-12 members, and are open to players of all ability levels. We just ask that you stay active. We are open to helping new players, even if you only have one 6* or 7*. We want to have fun, use Line and in game chat, and keep getting better.

    Message me here or on Line.
    Looking forward to it

    Pibbcow (ign and Line ID)
  • climax
    16 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Imperial Intelligence
    "A guild is only as strong as its weakest member"

    This guild was founded on the principle that no one should have to make up for anyone else. We want to make sure our members are able to consistently obtain raid rewards and do not have to worry about having to make up for people who don't contribute their fair share.
    We can clear T7 in the blink of an eye so we have rules in place that allow all members to contribute, but at the same time enable players to utilize their full roster.
    Nearly all of our current members regularly claim rank 1 Arena rewards and all are committed to clearing raids following our regular schedule.

    What we are looking for:
    1. Level 80, 20+ 7*, 5+ Gear X preferably, but due to recent guild turnover we are looking to quickly fill spots (we are 39/50 now) and are temporarily accepting members above level 75 that are willing to obey the raid rules and contribute the 600 coins/day max.
    2. Daily personal 600/600 contribution is required.
    3. Commitment to the enjoyment of all guild members.
    4. You should create an account on site. It is really useful and it can help you also to check your progress in the game.

    Some more infos about the guild:
    1. Our daily activity reset time is 7:30pm EDT. (Eastern Daylight Time (US), GMT -4)
    2. We have our own guild forum where we have our rules, share strategies and have discussions about the game:
    3. We schedule raids and their start times rotate among these four written below. This helps to allow everyone to be able to partecipate to the raid. We have also a FFA (Free For All) phase after 12hours and 15mins the beginning of the raid. In addition, we use a "Pre-Fight" system for the Phase 1 of the raid, everyone is able to get his own high damage in, in this way. You can have more info about our raids system in our forum.

    Raid start times: 7am EDT, 1pm EDT, 7pm EDT, 1am EDT.
    FFA start times: 7:15pm EDT, 1:15am EDT, 7:15am EDT, 1:15PM EDT.

    Send me a PM with your info and roster (also your link is fine), write here or contact me on Telegram: IMPDiego
    Top 4 guild from June:
  • Options
    Current guild name: S1th Enough
    Number of members: Technically 46, but more than a few are inactive
    Current Raid Tier: We do a cycle of T5, T5, T6 (GBC builds back up during the T6)
    Current Raid Timezone: PST
    Chat Application Used: Line
    What are you looking for in a merge: We can potentially take a group of 10 in without an issue I believe. Just want daily players doing their best to try and contribute their "600". guild page (if possible): N/A

    I'm an officer of my guild and head recruiter. Recruitment is slow. No doubt due to all the game changes, etc.
    Message me if interested.
    The guild name is S1th Enough.
    Find me on LINE - ID= lord_wolfe
    Ally Code: 411-934-535
    Check out my profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader
  • Options
    Check out my profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader
  • Options
    Current guild name (optional): Black Squadron
    Number of members: 38
    Current Raid Tier: T6 / Heroic
    Current Raid Timezone: PST
    Chat Application Used: LINE
    What are you looking for in a merge: We just need daily players -- people willing to do their share for contributions. If you aren't a max damage producer; it's not a big deal. We have that covered. We just need friendly people, willing to do the Guild Activities, and want to (re)join a guild that is a pseudo-family environment but also pushes end-game content.

    Hit me up on Line(it's a requirement to have it installed) => reznorx
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    If anyone has a core of 10 players that want to merge with a 3-4 x a week heroic hit me up on Line @ Morgoth
  • tmntguy86
    447 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Current guild name (optional): Inferno Order

    Number of members: 40

    Current Raid Tier: T6 looking to jump to T7

    Current Raid Timezone: Spread out in the US

    Chat Application Used: In game guild chat

    What are you looking for in a merge: Looking for around 10-12 members who can actively do T6 raids and help push for T7 raids in the near future. 600 energy daily. Help donate gear. Participate in daily guild activities. guild page (if possible): Do we have one? Idk.

    If this interests you, please PM me
  • Collin
    45 posts Member
    Current guild name: 108th Legion

    Number of members: 40

    Current Raid Tier: 7

    Current Raid Timezone: MST (currently MDT with daylight savings time)

    Chat Application Used: Line

    What are you looking for in a merge: Looking for 10 members that are active each day, like to contribute to chat, have at least one good raid team for 7* raids, and just enjoy the game. We can beat T7 raids with our current guild roster if we all strategize well, but we want a bigger safety net. Not too competitive and just contribute to a friendly atmosphere.

    Message me on Line if anyone is interested. My Line ID is collin108.
  • JamDev
    262 posts Member
    Current guild name: STR0NTIUM D0GS

    Number of members: 35

    Current Raid Tier: 6

    Raid Timezone: BST (GMT+1)

    Chat Application Used: None

    Looking to take in a small guild up to 15 members, preferably at T5/T6 level, but as long as you're active and keen to improve we'd be happy to have you.

    We're a relaxed guild, no minimum requirements or chat apps, but we're making good progress and having fun with it.

    If we sound like a good fit for your guild, PM me and we can work out the details :)

  • Options
    Knights of Amaru is seeking smart players with good team building skills!

    We're currently 49/50. Also looking to replace 2 or 3 who haven't beefed up their units enough, so small groups are welcome. Our minimum entry requirement is FIVE 7☆ characters. The average member has around 10 7☆s. Please message for invite.

    East Coast US server with AM start times for T5s. T6 schedule isn't as rigid.

    We use the in game feature as our primary mode of communique. I have a server established through Discord, but it has not been integrated into the guild due to lack of clamoring. In game seems to suit us fine. If it becomes a necessity, I can implement it.

    We seek die hard players. Come, build your squads with us. We drop lots of gear in the Exchange. Also, Mods didn't weaken our resolve as it did others. We've merely adapted and now we can see the T7 rancor off in the horizon as a result. Come beef up your team with us! We Share our gear!

  • Options
    Current guild name: The Schwartz Strikes Back / Return of the Schwartz

    Number of members: 75/100

    Current Raid Tier: Heroic only

    Raid Timezone: EDT / CDT

    Chat Application Used: Slack

    Hi Folks - our pair of guilds are both running heroic raids regularly and just looking for more good people who want to share in our rewards and hijinks. We use Slack to keep up with each other, make fun of the most deserving members (aka Darf), and organize our raids.

    Requirements: joining our Slack group, daily contribution, and 5 7* toons (only to make sure we're ready for Raid #2 coming soon)

    Perfect opportunity for guilds of 10 - 35 members who are stuck on the T5/T6 layer to get access to those sweet rewards.

    PM me if interested
  • Options
    Our guild name is Team Force a fide. We currently have 35 members and are doing a T6 raid. We are on West Coast time. We have a great group of players that is very friendly and encouraging to one another. Lack of having a full team of 50 players is the only thing holding us back. We are looking for 15-20 active players to fill our ranks. If you enjoy this game and have a good sense of humor we would be a great fit. Please send me a message if interested. My ally code is 691-299-556
  • JamDev
    262 posts Member
  • XxWyvernDreamsxX
    28 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Current guild name (optional): DeathFromAboveSquad
    Number of members: 48/50
    Current Raid Tier: Heroic
    Current Raid Timezone: Guild activity reset time is 7:30 PM US Eastern
    Chat Application Used: LINE and in-game
    What are you looking for in a merge: Looking for up to 6 active members who will contribute 600 daily and who want to participate in several heroic raids weekly. guild page (if possible):

    Message me if interested.
    Post edited by XxWyvernDreamsxX on
  • Essej
    325 posts Member
    It seems that most guilds have lost around 5-10 people after the mod update..Is anyone willing to chop up their guild and fill about 10 other guilds? We use line so while you may not be on the same team, you can still chat and what not.
  • Options
    We have a third guild of casual players with about 20 people, we would be willing to merge with some smaller groups.
  • Options
    My guild has room for 8 if anyone is on a sinking guild, and wants to do Heroics 3-4 times a week let me know.
  • Options
    Lets keep this going!
  • musashi
    609 posts Member
    We have room for possibly 7 members. It's an elite level 80 guild, but we're flexible with some of the requirements. We don't have a lot of rules and use game chat. Details at the link below, feel free to message me or ally invite

  • DarkDane
    176 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    we beleive at free playing and we kill T7 without damage management.

    We are a the france time zone and can have between 10-15 free spot for deal. We take the decision today to bring all our players at line for make discution more easy and effective. we want a full active members and a merge is the more fast solution. with the new raid comming , we want to have the best opprtunity to compete faster as we can and is the reason why we look for a merge.

    line id dydane,
    ally code 327-242-567.
    p.s. sorry for my bad english, but don't worry, the other oficcer speak perfectely .
  • Options
    K o A is recruiting 2 new members for t6 raid. Message if interested in joining an elite FTP guild closing in on t7 ability.

  • Broda
    310 posts Member
    Current guild name: Knights of Zenn
    Number of members: 37
    Current Raid Tier: t7
    Current Raid Timezone: EST
    Chat Application Used: Line
    What are you looking for in a merge: active members to contribute 600 daily and participate in raids.
    Line handle: Brodakoz
    Ally code: 358-385-998
  • Options
    Current guild name: Rocklin

    Number of members:48 (25-30 active just haven't dropped the inactives yet)

    Current Raid Tier:fast t5/crawling t6

    Current Raid Timezone:Raid refresh at 3 A.M. CDT / 8 A.M. BST

    Chat Application Used:in app chat

    What are you looking for in a merge: We are a laid back group of randoms that are somewhat midrange players, (we only have 5 level 80 players and that was reached only recently, the majority are mid to high 70's). Looking for a group of similar players to merge with that aren't overly serious but do log in and finish ALL daily activities.

    PM me.
  • Options
    Guild Name: Panty Ninjas
    Heroic Raids only
    Have approximately 10 openings.
    Raid Time zone: 7 am PST
    Requirements: 10 7* Toons

    Chat Application: Line (message Leriche)
    Ally code: 165-981-747

    We are a laid back guild looking for more to help us get ready for the next raid.
  • Options
    S1th Enough is Recruiting Again!! Are you S1th Enough?!?!
    Looking for Active Players - USA Pacific Time Zone (PST or GMT-7)
    REGARDING MERGERS: I can make room for 10 easily. We have some that are falling behind the majority and I may look to get them into a separate alliance guild. Maybe you have a small guild to merge with us. Or maybe you would look to splitting your guild to make 2 ally guilds...One lower level and one killer guild.
    We want daily players that contribute on a regular basis. But we're not a high-pressure group.
    We do T6 raids almost exclusively now as the group, as a whole, has become very strong.
    On occasion, we may do a T5 raid if our bank become too full.
    And Tier 7 will not be too far behind!
    We communicate on LINE and it's preferred that you do as well. We share strategies and advice and schedule raids on LINE. It would be to your benefit to have an account on LINE. We rarely use the in-game chat. It's very cumbersome.
    Advancing the group as a whole is important to the overall success of the guild. If you're a team player, regular contributor, and just love playing this game then this is the guild for you!
    15-20 spots available! Now just 10 4 spots available!
    If you're in a small guild and the guild is at the same level, then we may consider a merger as well.
    The guild name is S1th Enough.
    Find me on LINE - ID= lord_wolfe
    Ally Code: 411-934-535
    Check out my profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader
  • JaSonTheReApEr
    17 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    We are One Republic and are looking for 10/12 daily players to join up.

    1- Currently our strength is 48 and are looking to replace the inactive players.
    2- lv 80=26 lv 70+=17 lv69 and below =5 (few are inactive)
    3- We focus on tier 5/6 raids 5 takes less than a day to complete and 6 around 3 days at current strength.
    4- Looking for strong players to finish 6 faster and then move on to tier 7.
    5- Our reset time is PST.
    6- line id drathreaper

    If anyone is intrested feel free to message me.
  • Skrotez
    71 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Current guild name: Black Sun Rising
    Number of members: 42/50
    Current Raid Tier: T7
    Current Raid Timezone: EDT (3pm EDT weekdays/12pm EDT weekends)
    Guild Reset Time: 8:30EDT
    Chat Application Used: Discord
    What are you looking for in a merge: Active players 77-80 contributing their 600 daily coins, and having at least one team of 7* to get on the raid board. guild page:

    Contact me with a PM here, discord (Skrotez#3055), or ally code 657-437-413
    151 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Disregard...I'm no longer with that guild :)
    Looking for Active Players - USA Pacific Time Zone (PST or GMT-7)
    REGARDING MERGERS: I can make room for 10 easily. We have some that are falling behind the majority and I may look to get them into a separate alliance guild. Maybe you have a small guild to merge with us. Or maybe you would look to splitting your guild to make 2 ally guilds...One lower level and one killer guild.
    We want daily players that contribute on a regular basis. But we're not a high-pressure group.
    We do T6 raids almost exclusively now as the group, as a whole, has become very strong.
    On occasion, we may do a T5 raid if our bank become too full.
    And Tier 7 will not be too far behind!
    We communicate on LINE and it's preferred that you do as well. We share strategies and advice and schedule raids on LINE. It would be to your benefit to have an account on LINE. We rarely use the in-game chat. It's very cumbersome.
    Advancing the group as a whole is important to the overall success of the guild. If you're a team player, regular contributor, and just love playing this game then this is the guild for you!
    15-20 spots available! Now just 10 4 spots available!
    If you're in a small guild and the guild is at the same level, then we may consider a merger as well.
    The guild name is S1th Enough.

    Find me on LINE - ID= lord_wolfe
    Ally Code: 411-934-535
    Post edited by L0RD_WOLFE on
    Check out my profile DISCORD = L0RD W0LFE#2537 LINE ID = lord_wolfe
    "Give yourself to the Dark Side. It is the only way you can save your friends." - Lord Vader
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