Game Update for 8/5/2016 - COMMENTS- ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Whats a daily pack? :/
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    So Asajj is a separatist but not a Sith? That makes even less sense than Chewie synergies.
  • SkyCake
    188 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Post edited by SkyCake on
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    This isn't a bad update.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Good update overall!

    Changes to Cantina energy activities are very welcome.
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    Zooey wrote: »
    So Asajj is a separatist but not a Sith? That makes even less sense than Chewie synergies.

    She was never actually a Sith, more of a dark jedi if you will. That's why she was always referred to as "the assassin." Also Chewie worked as a smuggler so that tag makes perfect sense. Since there's no Wookie or Republic synergy or Galactic Civil War era Chewie yet, that tag makes the most sense with what they have to work with.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    This isn't a bad update.

    To a point, I agree.

    however they fail to address over and over the same issues people complain about the most.
    -Mod drop rate
    -Mod cost

    But aside from some minor bug fixes, it's clearly a sales pitch for data packs.
  • Scorn
    411 posts Member
    [*] Grand Master Yoda: "Masterstroke" will no longer grant Evasion Up when hitting a Poggle the Lesser with "Metal Hive."

    @EA_Jesse does this still not include Ewok Scout? Yoda steals his Evasion Up all the time. Can we please get a fix for this too?
  • Entity
    44 posts Member
    Just kill the scoundrel tag and make bountyhunters... Well... GW. Sigh... If the post about the power rates is true, then I have a serious problem that is immensely hard to get around, as I have very High Powered Chewbacca, Nightsister Initiate and even Eeth Koth (dont ask). The hardhitters all need the furnace gear, and it Will take forever to get Them there. Yes, I could pay. And I Would consider that, but I do find the mountain and demand is Way too Much atm. I mean... Gearing and modding up the amount of chars needed to balance my previous errors is more than the gross national product of Guam!
  • GuNDaL
    100 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Here are some of the stealth updates i've notice that went live yesterday Tues Aug 3rd. (which are not mentioned in the original post)

    1.Credit packs now advertise that you can get 560k-1.68M for your 595 crystals.
    ^ is assuming you are level 80, if you are underleveled they give you less credits for your same crystal contribution)
    *It should also be noted that the advertisement for 1.68M is a theoretical value, that in the real world has a chance... well lets calculate it.. you have 8 cards that get pulled. Each has a 1/3 chance to be 210k
    1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 * 1/3 = 0.00005080526343 = 0.005080526343% probability that this will occur..........

    Thats assuming that getting 210k for a roll actually even has a probability of 1/3.

    2.88 lead
    I had to make a very detailed separate post about this one but it was deleted, heres a rundown.
    IG88 dots were unresistable bug has been fixed.. the following 3 changes were also made.

    1) GS call 4 assist no longer triggers illicit insect even when a DoT is applied.
    see video:
    2) GSpy himself when attacking will not trigger illicit insect despite applying a DoT and being a geonosian character as the description of illicit insect claims.
    3) Any Geonosian applying a negative status effect with a killshot will not trigger illicit insect as it did prior to this update.

    ^still trying to confirm if this is WAI or a bug.

    3. Still digging!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Daily packs are now available for purchase to help players build out their squads for Mod Challenges. Each pack will be available for 24 hours from August 5th - August 10th and may be purchased a max of 10 times each.

    Who wants to bet these packs will be a stinking pile of garbage as usual? Can anyone say cash grab? :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Is it really a good idea to do an update on a Friday??
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    Zooey wrote: »
    So Asajj is a separatist but not a Sith? That makes even less sense than Chewie synergies.

    She can not be a Sith. There can only ever be two Sith at a time (Master and Apprentice). During her time she was an underling to Dooku who was an apprentice of Darth Sidious. So, Sidious and Dooku would be the only two Sith. Hence, why she was always referred to as 'the assassin'.

    The prequels kind of had a continuity issue between Dooku and Darth Maul but... they had lots of issues.
  • Options
    pac0naut wrote: »
    This isn't a bad update.

    An update, this is.
    Now clear your mind of questions.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    Is it really a good idea to do an update on a Friday??

    You should always fire people on Friday so they have the weekend to cool down; I see the logic. RNGesus is the boss at CG so makes sense; we can rant and rave all weekend and by Monday everyone will be back to their senses.
  • Snake2
    1455 posts Member
    Spoiler warning.

    She was a separatist only as long as she was dookus secret padawan (Or whatever they call it.) If you're using that version of her, she should also be sith.

    If savage is considered sith, she easily qualifies. He barely received any sith training compared to her.
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    I see you made it so that every update includes a Yoda nerf. Even characters like Geonosian Spy are an indirect Yoda nerf. Well done.

    Chief Nebit is still bugged tho.
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    The good: new toons with scaundrels tags / telling previously wich events will be up / fixing some bugs - Thank you

    The bad: Teebo need fix asap / not a word about GW issues / credit crunch

    The worst: mod drop rates continue beyond horrible / a lot of credits needed to update mods / The sollution for this is more packs??? aka spend more money???
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    Sorry but this update is all about opportunities to spend more money. Oh wait, that is every update.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Snake2 wrote: »
    Spoiler warning.

    She was a separatist only as long as she was dookus secret padawan (Or whatever they call it.) If you're using that version of her, she should also be sith.

    If savage is considered sith, she easily qualifies. He barely received any sith training compared to her.

    She was his personal assassin and had attachment issues so he abandoned her. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    The movies view it as "If you are not a Jedi, then you are a Sith."
  • Darth_Krataa
    201 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Zooey wrote: »
    So Asajj is a separatist but not a Sith? That makes even less sense than Chewie synergies.

    She can not be a Sith. There can only ever be two Sith at a time (Master and Apprentice). During her time she was an underling to Dooku who was an apprentice of Darth Sidious. So, Sidious and Dooku would be the only two Sith. Hence, why she was always referred to as 'the assassin'.

    The prequels kind of had a continuity issue between Dooku and Darth Maul but... they had lots of issues.

    To be fair, technically Ventress and Savage are classified as "Sith apprentices"...not saying that makes them full fledged Sith but for synergy purposes of this game, I suppose an argument could be made to add the tag for association reasons.
  • StarSon
    7508 posts Member
    Is it really a good idea to do an update on a Friday??

    One thing I've noticed about CG is that they have no compunctions about working weekends. Every update they push introduces bugs. Anything game breaking will be fixed enough to not be game breaking by Saturday.
  • ShewardN
    515 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Agreed. If she is getting the separatist tag, it means that the character is based on when she was still Count Dooku's apprentice, and therefore she should be classified as a Sith. That's juts my opinion on it though, it could be said that she was just an assassin being trained by Dooku and she wasn't really a Sith.
    Team Steroid Council Member - "A wise leader knows when to follow"
  • Taramel
    601 posts Member
    At least the list of bug fixes (assuming they are actually fixed lol) is growing which is a good thing... perhaps the list of bug fixes each update will continue to grow until it finally starts to shrink as they catch up... one can hope at least... I for one am happy to finally have an update that has more bug fixes than anything else.
  • SkyCake
    188 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    They call them "apprentice".

    Asajj has always been in kind of a weird place on many levels. For synergy, I just assumed they were using the Asajj that left the Seps to be a Nightsister. But, they kept her with her lightsabers for whatever reason (there's several strange lore choices in this game, such as Jedi Knight Apprentice and mini-Grevious). Now, they're making her a Sep... More confusion!

    Visually, they seemed to be going for the Asajj-version from immediately after becoming a Nightsister. Then, she would still have her lightsabers and the garb she wore while under Count Dooku (she changes both of those later).

    Poor Asajj. Terribly broken AI, non-lore friendly stats, was always confused on which version she was, now stuck in limbo from synergies. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave her a Jedi tag, since she was once one of them!
  • Xyon
    38 posts Member
    Is it bad that the announcement that we're getting new characters with scoundrel tags makes me fearful they will have the Credit Heist event just before that goes into place?
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    Glad they're fixing bugs.

    Hope the "packs" aren't too expensive, probably a good idea.

    Cody is even more dead than he already was, fantastic.

    Still haven't addressed the credit issue.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    Zooey wrote: »
    So Asajj is a separatist but not a Sith? That makes even less sense than Chewie synergies.

    She was never actually a Sith, more of a dark jedi if you will. That's why she was always referred to as "the assassin." Also Chewie worked as a smuggler so that tag makes perfect sense. Since there's no Wookie or Republic synergy or Galactic Civil War era Chewie yet, that tag makes the most sense with what they have to work with.

    But she was only a "separatist" in the sense that she worked with Dooku in his army. I think she's at least as much of a scoundrel based on her bounty hunting days than an actual separatist, since she has no real stake in the war.
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