Confirmation on power effecting GW

I know there has been lots on this topic but was looking for confirmation so dont make things harder for myself

Currently my arena team is 35.5k.. however i can put up a team of 37.6k... if i was to do this for 1 arena battle would this give me the easy node 12 ? I can generally finish gw most days anyways but anything for an easier life for those days it takes a few teams to beat final node...



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    There was a thread a while ago that determined it's based off the power of your 5 highest power toons, not necessarily your arena team. I don't remember who did the work, but they calculated the % of your top 5 toons for each node.
  • Clanomadd
    122 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Yes, I rearranged mods when EP came out and my max arena power (as shown in the guild screen) dropped from 42.3k to 41.8k and I went from a freebie on 9,11, and 12 to freebies only on 11 and 12.
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    Not sure but the theory that seems to fit my guild is that node 12 is approx 115% of your max arena team power, if a team that power doesn't exist on your shard then it's easy node. All based on myths and hearsay but I like it
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Clanomadd wrote: »
    Yes, I rearranged mods when EP came out and my max arena power (as shown in the guild screen) dropped from 42.3k to 41.8k and I went from a freebie on 9,11, and 12 to freebies only on 11 and 12.

    shut the front door, you had an easy node 9 !??
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Clanomadd wrote: »
    Yes, I rearranged mods when EP came out and my max arena power (as shown in the guild screen) dropped from 42.3k to 41.8k and I went from a freebie on 9,11, and 12 to freebies only on 11 and 12.

    That's good to know but do you the % difference between your new arena team and nthe power of your top 5? I guess we would also need to know the power change in the top 5....
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    37.5k for easy node 12, 41.3k for node 11.
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    Those numbers are wrong, lots of people getting hard node 12 with 39k+ teams
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    Have a few questions here.

    If it is based on Arena team power rating, what would happen to a player that never did Arena before doing a first GW run ?

    If my ranking on Arena have not improved for 3 months, cause I suck at PVP, why than would GW opponents power rating improve gradually ?

    Despite not improving my rank in Arena, but keep on improving my Arena team power rating, would that have any effect on GW opponents ?

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    It's all speculation.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Yeah, it's not based on arena power. It's based on your best 5. A lot of people think it's based on arena, but that's just because their best 5 ARE their arena team.

    I continue the work sometimes. Here's a recent one I recorded. ubgSlAT.jpg
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Yeah, it's not based on arena power. It's based on your best 5. A lot of people think it's based on arena, but that's just because their best 5 ARE their arena team.

    I continue the work sometimes. Here's a recent one I recorded. ubgSlAT.jpg

    I have a pretty well built team, with 60ish maxed characters. My new arena team is lower powered than previous, and my easy node 11 went away today. Here is my roster to see on
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    I personally believe they are calculating based on more than my top 5, but it's all speculative.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Elebrind wrote: »

    Good reading.. Clarifies it to some point. Top5 seams to rule it.

  • Galdin_Wan
    589 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Yeah, it's not based on arena power. It's based on your best 5. A lot of people think it's based on arena, but that's just because their best 5 ARE their arena team.

    I continue the work sometimes. Here's a recent one I recorded. ubgSlAT.jpg

    I took your advice and tracked this myself for all of August. Updated my top 5 every time I added gear, mods or had a new character move into the top five. This is pretty much what I got. I don't have my spreadsheet in front of me, but I know 6,9,11 are the same, 93%, 98%, 102%. Those are the ones I focused on the most. I know node one is always 58% ish too. I'll post all the nodes when I get home.
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    I personally believe they are calculating based on more than my top 5, but it's all speculative.

    I think there's more to it as well, but the curve is too repeatable to be coincidence. If it were not heavily related to top5, the standard deviations would be higher, but they are all around 1% uncertainty or less. However, the curve does seem to be creeping up slightly as my power rises. It's hard to tell because it seems like there is a lag in the system, like my power increases haven't registered in the GW algorithm for a day or two. I still have a couple of my highest power characters that I don't use in Arena, like Lumi who just advanced to X a couple days ago.
    I will say this though: people claiming that they are pitted against squads with 8000 more power than their Top5 on N9 are exaggerating, without question. They never show proof of such inequality. That's like putting a 34k team against a 42k team, at a 123% ratio. GW doesn't do this, I'm sure of it.
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    I finally got an easy node 12 a couple of days ago and then not again since. I had changed some mods in Qui Gon and STHan and while their stats improved, their power was lower. (The mods in question, raised potency and protection but lowered health.)

    Yesterday, I changed some mods on RG and it raised is power from being just behind ST Han to just ahead of ST Han. (Which makes him my 5th strongest toon now.)

    It will be interesting to see if I get an easy node 12 today or tomorrow seeing as I don't currently use RG in my arena squad. I'm also only a dozen shards away from 7* on RG so I will see if THAT makes any difference on the easy nodes.

    For the record, my arena power is slightly above 37k.
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    I've tracked my top five power versus the GW teams I face for all of August and September. The results are constant and predictable. Here are the relative percentages:

    Node 1: 58%
    Node 2: 61%
    Node 3: 68%
    Node 4: 59%
    Node 5: 60%
    Node 6: 93%
    Node 7: 74%
    Node 8: 75%
    Node 9: 98%
    Node 10: 84%
    Node 11: 101%
    Node 12: 112%

    For those of you who understand statistics, these are my sample means. I have 62 observations so there is some deviation from the true mean. I haven't done the calcs myself but EventineElessedil's + or - 1% would be a reasonable result.
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    I've tracked my top five power versus the GW teams I face for all of August and September. The results are constant and predictable. Here are the relative percentages:

    Node 1: 58%
    Node 2: 61%
    Node 3: 68%
    Node 4: 59%
    Node 5: 60%
    Node 6: 93%
    Node 7: 74%
    Node 8: 75%
    Node 9: 98%
    Node 10: 84%
    Node 11: 101%
    Node 12: 112%

    For those of you who understand statistics, these are my sample means. I have 62 observations so there is some deviation from the true mean. I haven't done the calcs myself but EventineElessedil's + or - 1% would be a reasonable result.

    @SnakePliskin920 Thanks for the confirmation, those numbers are right in line with mine
  • StarSon
    7531 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    So you guys tracked by top 5. But wouldn't you get similar results with arena team? The % would be different, the curve should be about the same. And it would be just as consistent.

    (For the record I don't think it's just top 5 or just arena)

    Edit: after typing that I thought about it some more, and I suppose it would only be consistent of you also updated your arena teams. To find out for sure one would have to track top 5 power, arena power, and opponent power, then compare each of the latter to opp?
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    Wait, wait, wait... hold on, I need some help here...

    I have being heavily focusing in only 5 characters so I can pit them in Arena. Any other heavy focus mostly are for characters that I plan to replace someone in my 5. I didn't exactly neglected any other toon exactly because I need options and backup in GW, but my "second top5" is 4k power point behind my main team and their mods and abilities are no way uped like my main team. My third top5, as you can guess, sucks even harder, and sinergy start to get wonky.

    I favor GW way more than Arena, but by focusing in my top5 for a good Arena team did I **** up my GW?? I mean, my top5 are so much stronger than anything else and that's why completing my GW started to become almost impossible in the last week!? So to counter that, I should stop focusing in those top5 and start to bring more toons up to their power level, is that right!? If I stop improving my top 5, my GW difficulty will also stop to escaled like it had being and will 'freeze' and, when I bring more toons to around my top5 power level, easier things will get in Arena? Did I got it right? So I should use my GW capabilities to consider when I should try to improve my Arena and NOT improve even further my Arena team expecting them to land a nuke in GW, is that right? By boosting my top5 power level toons that happens to be my Arena I also proportionally boost the power of my enemies in GW, so if I want to have a great chance to finish every single GW I should stop focusing so much and spreading more my resources, is that it? Did I get it right?

    Legit question, guys, I really am trying to understand what is happening to my GW and why my two last GW got so **** up and not even made to the final battle when just a week ago finishing a GW was almost a 100% garantee to me.
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    LordRath wrote: »
    Yeah, it's not based on arena power. It's based on your best 5. A lot of people think it's based on arena, but that's just because their best 5 ARE their arena team.

    I continue the work sometimes. Here's a recent one I recorded. ubgSlAT.jpg

    I have a pretty well built team, with 60ish maxed characters. My new arena team is lower powered than previous, and my easy node 11 went away today. Here is my roster to see on

    Nice roster :p
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    LordRath wrote: »
    Yeah, it's not based on arena power. It's based on your best 5. A lot of people think it's based on arena, but that's just because their best 5 ARE their arena team.

    I continue the work sometimes. Here's a recent one I recorded. ubgSlAT.jpg

    I have a pretty well built team, with 60ish maxed characters. My new arena team is lower powered than previous, and my easy node 11 went away today. Here is my roster to see on

    Nice roster :p

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    VektorT wrote: »
    Wait, wait, wait... hold on, I need some help here...

    I have being heavily focusing in only 5 characters so I can pit them in Arena. Any other heavy focus mostly are for characters that I plan to replace someone in my 5. I didn't exactly neglected any other toon exactly because I need options and backup in GW, but my "second top5" is 4k power point behind my main team and their mods and abilities are no way uped like my main team. My third top5, as you can guess, sucks even harder, and sinergy start to get wonky.

    I favor GW way more than Arena, but by focusing in my top5 for a good Arena team did I **** up my GW?? I mean, my top5 are so much stronger than anything else and that's why completing my GW started to become almost impossible in the last week!? So to counter that, I should stop focusing in those top5 and start to bring more toons up to their power level, is that right!? If I stop improving my top 5, my GW difficulty will also stop to escaled like it had being and will 'freeze' and, when I bring more toons to around my top5 power level, easier things will get in Arena? Did I got it right? So I should use my GW capabilities to consider when I should try to improve my Arena and NOT improve even further my Arena team expecting them to land a nuke in GW, is that right? By boosting my top5 power level toons that happens to be my Arena I also proportionally boost the power of my enemies in GW, so if I want to have a great chance to finish every single GW I should stop focusing so much and spreading more my resources, is that it? Did I get it right?

    Legit question, guys, I really am trying to understand what is happening to my GW and why my two last GW got so **** up and not even made to the final battle when just a week ago finishing a GW was almost a 100% garantee to me.

    Yes, you got it right. I don't think you can backtrack anymore, but yes you have achieved the threshold where having an unbalanced roster will make GW hard/impossible. If you value GW over arena, then you need to start spending your resources to bring the rest of your bench to be much closer to your "A" team otherwise GW will actually get harder.
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    I tracked this for all of August using my top 5. This is the average for the month.

    Node 1) 55.21%
    Node 2) 62.63%
    Node 3) 68.11%
    Node 4) 60.01%
    Node 5) 60.57%
    Node 6) 93.21%
    Node 7) 74.22%
    Node 8) 75.36%
    Node 9) 98.27%
    Node 10) 83.92%
    Node 11) 102.16%
    Node 12) 26.25%

    I get the free last node.
  • VektorT
    111 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Yes, you got it right. I don't think you can backtrack anymore, but yes you have achieved the threshold where having an unbalanced roster will make GW hard/impossible. If you value GW over arena, then you need to start spending your resources to bring the rest of your bench to be much closer to your "A" team otherwise GW will actually get harder.

    Yeah, ****, would take a while to get my GW back in track, but that's ok now that I know what is happening. Was waiting for the moment to work on my droid or scoundrel team and some other cool toons that I have but didn't worked out with yet. Plus I have tons of unlocked toons right now and plenty of sinergy options, So I hope to, in the long turn, perform even better in Arena too since I would have lots of competitive options.

    In fact, it also solve my arena problems when my team could defeat the enemy but has poor ranking holding so I was unable to go further. Every day in the future I will field counter teams for the 4 first matches and on the 5 one I will just throw an unholy mess of tanks, healers and debuffers that no one will be willing to fight... hehehe! Well... I think this makes the game even funnier!

    Man, if I knew all that I learned today when I started to play I would be in a so better place... but that is life and that is a game! Heh, fun, now I'm actually excited to work in a "I dont want to fight that" team!
  • RotorGeorge
    31 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    VektorT wrote: »
    Yes, you got it right. I don't think you can backtrack anymore, but yes you have achieved the threshold where having an unbalanced roster will make GW hard/impossible. If you value GW over arena, then you need to start spending your resources to bring the rest of your bench to be much closer to your "A" team otherwise GW will actually get harder.

    Yeah, ****, would take a while to get my GW back in track, but that's ok now that I know what is happening. Was waiting for the moment to work on my droid or scoundrel team and some other cool toons that I have but didn't worked out with yet. Plus I have tons of unlocked toons right now and plenty of sinergy options, So I hope to, in the long turn, perform even better in Arena too since I would have lots of competitive options.

    In fact, it also solve my arena problems when my team could defeat the enemy but has poor ranking holding so I was unable to go further. Every day in the future I will field counter teams for the 4 first matches and on the 5 one I will just throw an unholy mess of tanks, healers and debuffers that no one will be willing to fight... hehehe! Well... I think this makes the game even funnier!

    Man, if I knew all that I learned today when I started to play I would be in a so better place... but that is life and that is a game! Heh, fun, now I'm actually excited to work in a "I dont want to fight that" team!

    Funny that you mention the "I don't want to fight that team", because I switched my arena team for that exact reason. I hang in the 80-120 arena region so absolutely not a monster, but I tried to pick a team that would do well on offense but wouldn't drop so much in AI because it was too much of a PITA to fight against. Best of luck to you.
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    Funny that you mention the "I don't want to fight that team", because I switched my arena team for that exact reason. I hang in the 80-120 arena region so absolutely not a monster, but I tried to pick a team that would do well on offense but wouldn't drop so much in AI because it was too much of a PITA to fight against. Best of luck to you.

    I'm sutck exactly in that same ranking range right now. I'm totally open to suggestions if you was able to do something to change that. I was thinking in my last battle leave a team that is plain boring to fight against instead of a well balanced team like the one I use right now.

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    StarSon wrote: »
    So you guys tracked by top 5. But wouldn't you get similar results with arena team? The % would be different, the curve should be about the same. And it would be just as consistent.

    (For the record I don't think it's just top 5 or just arena)

    Edit: after typing that I thought about it some more, and I suppose it would only be consistent of you also updated your arena teams. To find out for sure one would have to track top 5 power, arena power, and opponent power, then compare each of the latter to opp?

    @StarSon I also tracked my arena power versus GW difficulty. I used a very haphazard team that consisted of my five lowest power toons (basically) which I was consantly improving. Tracking GW power versus my arena power did not result in any consistent pattern. Therefore my conclusion is there is no relationship between Arena power and GW difficulty.
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