Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Utterly bored of facing the same squad combos at nodes 6, 9, 10 and 11.

    Rey, RG, Qui Gon, Phasma + insert other

    What's worse is these same combos also filter in to the PvP arena. So I'm essentially battling the same old characters in two of the biggest game modes.

    I'd like to face a Jawa Squad, Ewok Squad, GG led droid squads anything to change it up a bit really. :s
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    First, are you on a "newer" shard. Arena for me has rex, palp, wedge,lando, less but some phasma,OB leads. There are a few droids but I was the only one in top 20 for a while.

    Insert other on my shard rg, vader, sth, poe, qgj anakin, leia..and others.

    I see the same mix in my GW. It has to do with shard and power of you. They can't just put teams in for no reason they based on calculations and there probably isn't a jawa team that would fit that on certain nodes. Not saying it couldn't happen but they would have to try a lot harder and is it really worth the effort.

    Not saying you are the only one feeling this way but it also sounds like you are in a boring shard, and I don't know if gw is selected from your shard only but that would explain it a little too.
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    Will they ever change the galactic war shipment options? It'd be nice to get some new characters
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    Some of you may have an easy time with this game mode, and I myself have beat the table every day for the last 3 months. But since the introduction of Emperor Palpatine which sadly I wasn't ready for GW and Arena have gotten much harder. In the GW I always have to face EP, Lando, Jedi Anakin, Royal Guard and some other toon, usually Stormtroopers Han. Every day. Sometimes on two nodes. It makes for a boring grind with my 90% potency toons getting no effects but the AI getting every one. Challenging it is, but it borders on impossible. It just takes to much time re-attempting the same mode until a lucky outcome plays out. I love this game aspect but wish it could be adjusted about 10% less difficult. It shouldn't be a cake walk, but it also shouldn't raise your blood pressure by 20 points and fill you with a sense of foreboding and dread.
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    Something that really helped me get back on track with completing GW each day is reshuffling my arena team to include three DPS equipped with critical damage, St han with big speed, and Phasma as lead. I reserve that team for the hardest GW node to hit after the suicide.
    I am the Reaper
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    I have my two main squads with speed of 180 to 225. And I don't use Rey. Speed isn't the issue. It's the AI advantage in turn meter gain ( I see it go from 10% TM to attack even when my toons are sitting at 90%) ability and evade/dodge ( I can use an EVA UP leader and never dodge while the AI dodges 50% with a non evasion leader ) and what seems to be a 50 or more attack UP boost.
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    3Edward9 wrote: »
    I get the same node 12 since 4 days now ... :smile:
    Left by design.
    The fixed payout times are the worst part of this game and makes it absolutely family-unfriendly.
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    ****, all of my notification goes all to this MEGATHREAD.. i now regret posting here..

    On that note, GW has been good to me this past few months no more of those NODE 12 nightmares and it's always those 3 star thrash squads, i don't even want it to get rework now because i need the cot **** credits!
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    this is not fun. this is not hard or challenging; its impossible.

    1 squad that takes down 20+ 7* toons is ridiculous. Most times the whole team gets dropped before I can even get a hit in. Mods and gear don't seem to make any difference.

    PLAYER ID: ayIj0FOsSyelivPi50WYjg
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    So the past three/four days, my easy Node 12, which I have enjoyed since January, is gone. Anyone else had theirs disappear?
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    Nope. What's your arena power like?
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    Arena power needs to be over 41k
  • StarSon
    7539 posts Member
    Mikepins wrote: »
    Arena power needs to be over 41k

    It is almost definitely tied to top 5 power, not arena power. Either way, both of those for me are over 41k, and I stopped getting an "easy" node 12 last week some time.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    It stopped for a day last week but was then back to easy green
  • Gaidal_Cain
    1640 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    It has gone away, come back and gone away again.

    After fighting a maxed droid team on node 6 and ANOTHER on node 11 I was desperately hoping for an easy 12 but no, I got an Chewie lead with Old Ben, QGJ, RG and Lobot, lol.

    Would have been easy if I hadn't lost 5 toons between nodes 6-11.

    Before the update I hadn't lost a GW in a couple of weeks.

    My arena power is a just hair over 41k.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Mikepins wrote: »
    Arena power needs to be over 41k

    Nope. Up until last update with adjusted power I have never had an arena power over 41k and had an easy node 12 for a while.

    Droids always have low power.
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    Kyno wrote: »
    Mikepins wrote: »
    Arena power needs to be over 41k

    Nope. Up until last update with adjusted power I have never had an arena power over 41k and had an easy node 12 for a while.

    Droids always have low power.

    Not sure what guaranteed the easy node then as I have always had it so assumed it was to do with arena power
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Mikepins wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Mikepins wrote: »
    Arena power needs to be over 41k

    Nope. Up until last update with adjusted power I have never had an arena power over 41k and had an easy node 12 for a while.

    Droids always have low power.

    Not sure what guaranteed the easy node then as I have always had it so assumed it was to do with arena power

    The 2 ideas was arena power and top 5 toon power. Due to my use of droids I have seen it to be more possible that it's the top 5 toons. But who knows, they won't tell us.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Mikepins wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Mikepins wrote: »
    Arena power needs to be over 41k

    Nope. Up until last update with adjusted power I have never had an arena power over 41k and had an easy node 12 for a while.

    Droids always have low power.

    Not sure what guaranteed the easy node then as I have always had it so assumed it was to do with arena power

    Its all assumption... i believe its top 5 possible toons and thats calculated on top teams on your shard to see if it can find a 'match'
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    Meanwhile I have to play insane whale teams at node 12... Why haven't they addressed this at all tho?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Meanwhile I have to play insane whale teams at node 12... Why haven't they addressed this at all tho?

    It's not that we don't face them we just get them 1 node earlier.... I face hard nodes on 9,10,11....10 is a little easier but still not easy.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Meanwhile I have to play insane whale teams at node 12... Why haven't they addressed this at all tho?

    It's not that we don't face them we just get them 1 node earlier.... I face hard nodes on 9,10,11....10 is a little easier but still not easy.

    Those that dont get easy node 12 dont realise this... hard battles are still there.. its not like everything is now green
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    Yeah I do get a very hard node 6 and maybe on 10
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    The power adjustment update made all my nodes harder, and at 40.5k for top 5 my node 12s have been extremely difficult.
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    Since the tourney I have each day the same 12 node team, forgot the name of guy but his team consists of Chewie L, 5s, NI, FOST, SF. It is really annoying and time consuming.
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    Easy 12 disappeared for me last week. Just pushed my top5 over 41.9k, so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Probably more ultra-tanky N12 is my guess. Honestly, N9 has some of the most difficult teams for me now because they have more DPS with speed and damage mods, and fewer mega-tanks with health mods.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Meanwhile I have to play insane whale teams at node 12... Why haven't they addressed this at all tho?

    It's not that we don't face them we just get them 1 node earlier.... I face hard nodes on 9,10,11....10 is a little easier but still not easy.

    No, we don't. My 11th has always been much easier than my 12th when I still had the hard mode.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    its arena power, and expect it to get harder after lvl 85 is activated and even more when the new raid is released (and chewie/ani can get to g12)
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