Top 3 Rework Toons? Your requests here!


  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    1. Kylo Ren
    2. General Grevious
    3. General Veers

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    1. Stormtrooper (he should get some kind of revive ability like's okay that he dies quickly, but make it feel like you have to kill a ton of them when he's in a squad).

    2. Luke (even if you JUST added Red 5 as a ship, this might be enough; maybe add a Zeta for him)

    3. Chewbacca (should just have "Clone Wars" removed and rebel tag added)

    4. Savage Opress (make his special so characters can't be revived when they get hit; doesn't make him useful in all situations, but VERY useful against characters like Boba, Scarif, and Daka).

    5. Veers (reduce the cooldown of his special by one turn, and make an Omega level for his unique to up it to 100%...40% chance is just laughable)

    6. Obi-Wan Kenobi (add a zeta that adds taunt for one turn on his basic if he currently has evasion up)

    7. Mace is already very good...but for all the whiners you could add a chance to inflict buff immunity on his special

    NO to Vader. He's got a niche and fits into it nicely.
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    In that order.

    Yes they're all Empire.

    Rebels need a counter.
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    Savage Opress
    Darth sidious
    Jedi consular
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    Mine are


    All 3 iconic, none are meta.

    Mace? Iconic? You mean that Jedi from those bad movies lol
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    Boo wrote: »
    I disagree about Sid - I think they can do a little better with him. Perhaps increase damage on basic and possibly add a small lightening attack like Dooku.

    Maul is too slow and weak - He was effective at the begning as he hit hard, but Rey hits harder and is more durable so why use Maul??? - any re-work there I believe should be with synergy to Opress - there is a post about that which is fantastic.

    You clearly haven't seen how powerful Maul can be on the tank raid. He's also a nightmare against jedi teams in the arena. Rey may be more multi-purpose and hit harder, but Maul is far from useless. If anything, just add that Savage Opress can benefit from Power of Hatred if in the squad.
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Darth Vader
    Kylo Ren
    Darth Sidious
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    Plo koon
    Kylo/ f.o.s.t
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    Darth Vader
    Darth Maul
    Mace Windu
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    Nightsister acolyte
    Plo koon
    Jedi Knight guardian
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    1) Luke, or better yet give us Jedi Knight Luke or JM Luke.

    2) Empire team synergy, I think the problem is rebels have such great synergy and empire has absolutely none. Just give something to benefit using the empire toons.

    3) Maybe a "trooper" synergy, for all storm trooper types to make them more playable.
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    Kylo ren
    Savage oppress (maybe taunt when maul gains stealth)
    Mace windu.
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    1. Kylo Ren
    2. Vader
    3. Cody

    Special mention: Mace, Echo, GG & Savage
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    Maul doesn't need a rework- just a boost to health/prot and speed
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    Clone Sargent
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    1) Mace Windu

    Rework suggestion here --->

    2) Darth Vader

    Just needs a slight buff, something to make it feel worthwhile when you finally 7 star him. I suggested this in another thread:

    Executioner (Unique): Gain +50 speed and 50% offense whenever a rebel or Jedi enemy is present. Recover 100% protection and reduce cooldowns by 2 turns whenever Vader defeats a rebel or Jedi. Bonuses apply to Emperor Palpatine as well. If either defeats a rebel or Jedi, both gain cooldown and protection bonuses (level 8).

    3) General Grievous

    This I don't really have a suggestion for, since I don't care as much for a buff/rework as the other two. Definitely needs some sort of buff though.

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    1. Mace
    2. Kylo
    3. Sidious

    Mace needs his shatterpoint to be able to hit the exposed toon even if there's a taunt similar in what Boba can do in ignoring taunt. He should be able to hit harder especially since this tends to be a weakness of Jedi as a whole.

    Kylo needs a complete overhaul. He's useless and doesn't off anything.

    Sidious is in need of a complete overhaul as for the same reasons as Kylo
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    Just those 2 will do:
    Reworking this mess will take far less time and money than having to re-design the 95% or more characters made obsolete by this absurd duet. The threshold of stupidity has been crossed with those 2 characters leeching more health per turn than almost any character in game can remove with their best critical hit.
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    I'd like Mace to get a third ability. Not sure what, but something. As it is, you pretty much have to save his special, because of it's buff removal, and only use his basic most of the time. He's currently my most powerful toon, I just want him to be a little more versatile.
  • Wildcats1203
    781 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    1) Kylo- I actually think he has a cool kit, he just needs more damage. Biggs can deal 32k in one turn to start a fight, so when Kyle is below 50% health he should be doing 25k minimum. Also, his basic needs a damage boost because his AoE+Retribution attack is an awesome idea for a special that is made useless by the fact that nobody fears a counter when it does 3k.

    2) Mace- He's an attacker in the movies. In the game, they make him a tank, but he can't taunt. He basically just sits there with a ton of health and no damage until everyone else is dead, and his attacks are so weak that he poses no threat as the last man standing. Either give him a taunt and a counter so that his massive health pool is useful, or give him a major damage boost so that he can't just be ignored.

    3) Chewbacca- He's simply outclassed in every way by other tanks. His taunt is short and gives no buff like ST Han's does, he doesn't auto-taunt or start with a taunt, his heal is much less effective than Shoretrooper's, and his basic isn't useful the way RG's is. Give him a non-dispellable taunt for two turns and he'd be relevant again.

    @wildcats1203 (I can see if somebody quotes me if I @ myself)
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    Darth Vader is seriously underwhelming. He's one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy and his basic attack is worthless. His AoE is also lame, nobody cares about damage over time attacks unless you are running him with TFP.
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    1) Kylo, definitely. Need big boost in damage and Outrage's boost need to trigger when under 100% health, not 50%.

    2) Cad Bane - Despite the recent change to Boba Lead, he is still really underwhelming.

    3) Magmatrooper. He's a joke.

    Special mention to CUP, I really want to like him.
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    The five most requested characters for reworking are so far: 1) Kylo (30) 2) Mace (27) 3) Vader (20) 4) Grevious (14) 5)Maul/Luke (10)... So im quite certain the developers will put all of this into consideration and rework URoRRuR'R'R due to popular request ( looking at the latest Finn buff :) )
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    Ledinis wrote: »
    The five most requested characters for reworking are so far: 1) Kylo (30) 2) Mace (27) 3) Vader (20) 4) Grevious (14) 5)Maul/Luke (10)... So im quite certain the developers will put all of this into consideration and rework URoRRuR'R'R due to popular request ( looking at the latest Finn buff :) )

    The Finn thing was weird and I think more due to the fact that he's a falcon pilot than people wanted a rework for him (though not what was stated by devs). Bobba and anakin were actually highly requested reworks, and we got them. So there is still hope for kylo, Vader, gg and maul
  • 22free22
    70 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    eeth koth
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    1. Un-nerf JKA. (Multi expose)
    2. Pathfinder
    3. Kylo
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    How about a Dooku/Ventress synergy?
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    DarthGozu wrote: »
    Just those 2 will do:
    Reworking this mess will take far less time and money than having to re-design the 95% or more characters made obsolete by this absurd duet. The threshold of **** has been crossed with those 2 characters leeching more health per turn than almost any character in game can remove with their best critical hit.

    Lol I was about to suggest this. +1000
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    I think some people just want Vader Op cause he is fine ok so he doesnt hit the hardest but he is in the middle in his basic and it has Ability block tied to it. I doubt they will rework him now that they gave him a Zeta upgrade. Now that lil rant is over i will actually go in the factions for the toons that NEED a rework.

    First order toons

    Kylo ren Should be first on this list by far. So unimpressed with his damage and abilities he doesnt scare me at all when i see him in a team in arena. Im like thanks for the free win.

    First order Officer like i never see this toon ever no matter what part of the game i am playing and instead of a rework how about a name change to General Hux and just completly rework him.

    First order Storm trooper pretty useless as well.

    Please Unnerf First order Tie Pilot dont have to go back to original but maybe 85%?


    Mace does need something added to him a new ability or something

    Jedi guardian should be the Jedi taunting tank IMO

    Bariss is kinda useless with her weak damage and her Meh heal

    Also Ahsoka is fine to me If you can time her attacks right where she gets all her bonuses she is kinda a monster IMO. i have her modded out with Offense mods and on her basic is anywhere from 6k to 12k and ive hit for over 30k on her special on toons with less than 50% health to clean them up. I do wish her base speed was a lil faster.


    Grand Moff Tarkin needs a rework

    General Veers needs a rework

    Stormtrooper/magmatrooper needs it


    Luke is kinda meh but i have seen him hit for good damage on his special So damage seems fine

    cant really think of other rebels that need anything really


    Any of the No name toons need a buff or something

    Ewoks seem fine as a group

    Droids seem fine as a group other than Grevious

    Sith/random toons

    Maul and Savage should have a Synergy together where maybe they can share their Health and give each other offense up and defense up. But loses it when the other one dies.

    Cup please make him viable I think his stun should be 80 to 85% and his nade should remove turn meter when toons get stunned and maybe add a Daze effect to him. Daze on his basic 50%?

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