Breaking News!!!! 11-page Update Notes will be Released Feb 3 PST.

808 posts Member
edited February 2016
The update is in the final testing ceremonies. No certain launch date yet, nor fully in our control.

The Release Notes are pretty comprehensive. I'm hoping to have them posted tomorrow.

A group of us reviewed them this afternoon and they're currently about 11 pages in a Word doc. 11 point font. Single spaced.

We've been busy. :)

Also, im-not-really-a-jedi is on the dev team. He's a good guy who's trying to help on his own time by answering some questions on Reddit. Once it a while that may lead to new / different info appearing there. But let's not overreact to that. These forums are where we'll post the official stuff.

Post edited by xJazzx on


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    11 pages of release notes? That's a pretty large update.
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    11 pages of release notes? That's a pretty large update.

    They are nerfing everyone.
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    xJazzx wrote: »

    Also, im-not-really-a-jedi is on the dev team. He's a good guy who's trying to help on his own time by answering some questions on Reddit. Once it a while that may lead to new / different info appearing there. But let's not overreact to that. These forums are where we'll post the official stuff.


    exactly my sentiments. even though he's a dev, i don't take seriously anything official unless it comes from these forums.
    mighty chlorians
  • Baal
    602 posts Member
    11 pages of release notes? That's a pretty large update.

    Don't expect too much, from what I hear the current draft is triple spaced, heavily redacted, and the text that remains is mostly censored expletives.
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    Will it be posted to the forums?
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    pay2win wrote: »
    11 pages of release notes? That's a pretty large update.

    They are nerfing everyone.

    Couldn't they simplify matters by just saying:



    We nerfed everyone.

  • BigBoss
    61 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I hope they've done a whole bunch of rebalancing. Plenty of characters need it.
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    BigBoss wrote: »
    I hope they've done a whole bunch of rebalancing characters.

    I hope they release a bunch more. R2-D2, c'mon you beautiful blue b itch...
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    11 pages, dang. Must be new content in addition to the balance changes.
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    I hope ppl wait for the release notes before starting "EA/CG are a bunch of beeps" tirades.
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    Oh the forums will be lit up once the notes are posted, that's for sure. Should be interesting.
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    I've got my popcorn ready
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    Its time
  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    So basically;

    Poe nerf
    Changing the Arena system
    Shard Shop
    Targeting Bug Fix

    Just stretched over 1110.75 pages.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    Baal wrote: »
    Don't expect too much, from what I hear the current draft is triple spaced, heavily redacted, and the text that remains is mostly censored expletives.

    Hmmmm... Sounds like you got your hands on a leaked version. :)
    I hope ppl wait for the release notes before starting "EA/CG are a bunch of beeps" tirades.

    We've been called worse, believe me. In fact, being called "a bunch of beeps" kinda even sounds like a compliment. :)

    So... it is 11 pages (or 10.75 pages or so) which sounds like a lot (and it is).

    But before people imagine the sun and the stars will be in the update and then get upset when it's just a really good update, please know the plan for this update was always a couple of good features, a lot of clean-up to make the game feel and play better, and a lot of bug fixing.

    There are some new characters coming in February, but they aren't detailed in these Release Notes.

    And, as @xJazzx notes, they should be posted on Wednesday, PST. If an issue arises which would delay their posting, @EA_Jesse will let you guys know.

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    Safe to say then, because these new characters are in feb but not in notes that they aren't in the next update?

    Also, any update on the Q&A thread? Maybe next week? Maybe not?
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    So one hour left or one day left
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    Hopefully they will change the damage reduction to %

    It would make other teams viable by making winning by turn 2 the norm If not a necessity.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    This sounds good.
    Seems that the guys are tsking seriously the communication aspect
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    Good news so far! 11 Did they turn track changes off?
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Baal wrote: »
    Don't expect too much, from what I hear the current draft is triple spaced, heavily redacted, and the text that remains is mostly censored expletives.

    Hmmmm... Sounds like you got your hands on a leaked version. :)
    I hope ppl wait for the release notes before starting "EA/CG are a bunch of beeps" tirades.

    We've been called worse, believe me. In fact, being called "a bunch of beeps" kinda even sounds like a compliment. :)

    So... it is 11 pages (or 10.75 pages or so) which sounds like a lot (and it is).

    But before people imagine the sun and the stars will be in the update and then get upset when it's just a really good update, please know the plan for this update was always a couple of good features, a lot of clean-up to make the game feel and play better, and a lot of bug fixing.

    There are some new characters coming in February, but they aren't detailed in these Release Notes.

    And, as @xJazzx notes, they should be posted on Wednesday, PST. If an issue arises which would delay their posting, @EA_Jesse will let you guys know.


    Thanks! Not trying to ask for everything but... Can we get some new character info soon? Please!
  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    11 pages of updates sounds like a lot of bug fixes and a rather (technically) complicated arena change...

    Although new tables and stuff might be interesting too... I'm waiting gleefully for the new info.. :)
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Options
    *COUGH guilds are probably coming COUGH*

    *COUGH highly likely, 99% chance COUGH*
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    And a free red data card. Thank you! _0_
  • Skye
    795 posts Member
    *COUGH guilds are probably coming COUGH*

    *COUGH highly likely, 99% chance COUGH*

    lol :smile:
    Former crazy person of the guild "Shard Awakens"... *quit game 13th July 2016*

    Game used to be fun when it wasn't a grind... if I wanted a grind I would have went and played old school Everquest or some Korean MMO!
  • Options
    xJazzx wrote: »
    The update is in the final testing ceremonies. No certain launch date yet, nor fully in our control.

    The Release Notes are pretty comprehensive. I'm hoping to have them posted tomorrow.

    A group of us reviewed them this afternoon and they're currently about 11 pages in a Word doc. 11 point font. Single spaced.

    We've been busy. :)

    Also, im-not-really-a-jedi is on the dev team. He's a good guy who's trying to help on his own time by answering some questions on Reddit. Once it a while that may lead to new / different info appearing there. But let's not overreact to that. These forums are where we'll post the official stuff.


    @CG_JohnSalera does this mean that new characters will be added to the game with the same patch we will be reading about tomorrow? Or at another date in February?
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    Sigh, this is why we can't have nice things. He said they MIGHT be posted tomorrow. "Hopefully". Now if it doesn't get posted tomorrow everyone's going to cry.
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    Great news, I knew the next update would have been big (considering the past few weeks :)).
    Hope to see a lot of bug fixes and hope devs will be appreciated for this work for once. Can't wait for the update and after that, I (we as community) finally can give more feedback on issues that might remain.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Options
    Baal wrote: »
    Don't expect too much, from what I hear the current draft is triple spaced, heavily redacted, and the text that remains is mostly censored expletives.

    Hmmmm... Sounds like you got your hands on a leaked version. :)
    I hope ppl wait for the release notes before starting "EA/CG are a bunch of beeps" tirades.

    We've been called worse, believe me. In fact, being called "a bunch of beeps" kinda even sounds like a compliment. :)

    So... it is 11 pages (or 10.75 pages or so) which sounds like a lot (and it is).

    But before people imagine the sun and the stars will be in the update and then get upset when it's just a really good update, please know the plan for this update was always a couple of good features, a lot of clean-up to make the game feel and play better, and a lot of bug fixing.

    There are some new characters coming in February, but they aren't detailed in these Release Notes.

    And, as @xJazzx notes, they should be posted on Wednesday, PST. If an issue arises which would delay their posting, @EA_Jesse will let you guys know.


    Looking forward to the release,!
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    We've been called worse, believe me. In fact, being called "a bunch of beeps" kinda even sounds like a compliment. :)



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