Flowbafett-the one and only, Ellisar, Viktor Noland, Echo Base, Dayma, Lupo, Cyrick, Geka, Valdul


  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    Revenge is a powerful thing. You'll be spending upwards to 400 gems on refreshes to seek your revenge. Let the hate flow through you. It gives you power and focus
  • Options
    Razakor wrote: »
    Yes, and we will see how many refreshes you buy. If your willing to spend the gems. We will see if your revenge leads you to spend all your gems.

    I just need one fight to pass u. And I only need one fight to drop u from 1st. And all guys here need one fight to drop u.
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    Yes, appile your team of haters and come after me. You forget, I don't need gems! I don't care about getting first. Because I always have gems. So it will be always effecting your wallets
  • Options
    Razakor wrote: »
    Revenge is a powerful thing. You'll be spending upwards to 400 gems on refreshes to seek your revenge. Let the hate flow through you. It gives you power and focus

    I just waste one refresh (u attack me from my backs with no more fights to do). Is ok. :smile:
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Yes, appile your team of haters and come after me. You forget, I don't need gems! I don't care about getting first. Because I always have gems. So it will be always effecting your wallet mr lupo

  • Options
    Razakor wrote: »
    Yes, appile your team of haters and come after me. You forget, I don't need gems! I don't care about getting first. Because I always have gems. So it will be always effecting your wallets

    Not mine. I don't need gems to play. Is ok who buy gems have better toons. I'm a f2p and I still be f2p (gems is a lot expensive to me). Anyway, I still having fun with the game.

    But I need to confess... Is a lot fun beat your teams... Is like Davi vs Golias.
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    I like you lupo. You are strong in the force but weak in the head LOL
  • Options
    Razakor wrote: »
    I like you lupo. You are strong in the force but weak in the head LOL

    LOL... Ty, I guess... :blush:
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    What happen to LUPO SECOND IS MINE
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    You know what bro. I'm just gonna laugh this off, because I don't take any of his serious it's just a game. In my head, we are cool. I won't attack you on your payout
  • Options
    Razakor wrote: »
    What happen to LUPO SECOND IS MINE

    Was before I found this forum. Is a way to tell everybody my strategy in game. Worked for a long time. After this forum this became unnecessary. I just changed my nick now because is expensive to change. Got it?
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member

    Nós esfriamos o bro. Apenas trolling você.
  • Options
    Razakor wrote: »
    Yes, appile your team of haters and come after me. You forget, I don't need gems! I don't care about getting first. Because I always have gems. So it will be always effecting your wallets

    Affecting his wallet, effect is a noun, so making someone attack, the effect will be they use gems.
    Sorry your grammar was bothering me.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Lol true spell check is a pain sometimes
  • Elissar_Eldarian
    82 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    West Coast

    Current Payout Times
    • 09am PST Dayma, Ferthz, Kakskiller
    • 10am PST Damlord
    • 12pm PST Lupo
    • 03pm PST Echo Base, Skinny Doc, Snake Plisken, Unholyfury
    • 04pm PST Flowbafett, Cyrick, Viktir, Geka, Valdul Vandoom
    • 06pm PST Elissar Eldarian, Mal, Cerberus

    As of 03/12/2017
    • 10am PST Dayma, Ferthz, Kakskiller
    • 11am PST Damlord
    • 01pm PST Lupo
    • 04pm PST Echo Base, Skinny Doc, Snake Plisken, Unholyfury
    • 05pm PST Flowbafett, Cyrick, Viktir, Geka, Valdul Vandoom
    • 07pm PST Elissar Eldarian, Mal, Cerberus

    Post edited by Elissar_Eldarian on
  • Malgrin
    149 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    West Coast

    As of 03/12/2017
    • 08am PST Dayma, Ferthz, Kakskiller
    • 09am PST Damlord
    • 11am PST Lupo
    • 02pm PST Echo Base, Skinny Doc, Snake Plisken, Unholyfury
    • 03pm PST Flowbafett, Cyrick, Viktir, Geka, Valdul Vandoom
    • 05pm PST Elissar Eldarian, Mal, Cerberus

    This is if everyone participates in Daylight Savings.

    Lupo is in the Southern Hemisphere, which means he follows an opposite DST schedule. First we will be off from this schedule by 1 hour, and then later, 2 hours.
    Also you moved everything in the wrong direction. Our payout will be at 7PM Pacific time.
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    I just use Gmt time. Is easy to me, I only need subtract 3 hours (or 2 hours in Brazil DST).
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Elissar_Eldarian
    82 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    LOL awesome... SMH :-P Made corrections, look right?
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    Jesus ****, what's going on in here? lol
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
  • Options
    Geka, knocking me from 5 to 9 at payout? Just as I was moving up
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    I like your team echo! Nice build
    Echo_Base wrote: »
    Jesus ****, what's going on in here? lol

  • Options
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    edited March 2017
  • Options
    I maxed maul awhile back for his ship but I can't bring myself to zeta him, new rebels will be here in a few weeks and I'm guessing they will be op.
    He looks fun, not the best team on defense but fun on offense I assume.

    Anyone else going to zeta him?
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Nope, passing on him
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    Thinking not, I took him to gear 11 will finish his omegas later but doing the same, holding out for new rebels. There are a couple builds that are still appealing to me but not sure I want to invest the time.
  • Options
    I have full Maul, Sidious, Palpantine, Vader, Tie Pilot, Royal Guard... A lot of imperial and sith toons. Only Vader has Zeta. I can't turn to Rebels now. Maybe first order. Working on Kylo atm. My second Zeta will be to Sidious or another farmable dark side toon. Maul is an alternative, he is very popular in others servers.
    Payout at 08pm GMT/UTC
  • Razakor
    138 posts Member
    edited March 2017
    Maul is fun, it demolishes everyone on offense.
    Post edited by Razakor on
  • DamLord
    23 posts Member
    Hey Skinny Doc, could you try to not kick me before my payout ?
    thks. ;-)
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