Please Buff Phoenix Squad

Have all members at 6* max gear 11 and they fall to even tier C teams. Has anyone figured out how and where to use these toons? Pretty frustrating.


  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Why did you put so much money into them if they aren't as good as you want them to be?
  • TronTheKhan
    650 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SW: Rebels=Trash!!!!! Just like I called it!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Sorry that you dropped so much cash on it dude. That does suck. They probably won't get a buff to be honest.
    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
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    DatBoi wrote: »
    Why did you put so much money into them if they aren't as good as you want them to be?

    I didn't realize they were that bad. On paper they looked decent.
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    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SW: Rebels=Trash!!!!! Just like I called it!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Thanks clown.
  • TronTheKhan
    650 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    DelCastles wrote: »
    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! SW: Rebels=Trash!!!!! Just like I called it!! WOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Thanks clown.

    You're the one that is out the cash and has a garbage team. And crying that they need a buff! So who's the clown now?

    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
  • StarSon
    7533 posts Member
    We complain about power creep, but also complain when they release a pretty balanced team? Really can't have it both ways.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    We complain about power creep, but also complain when they release a pretty balanced team? Really can't have it both ways.

    They aren't balanced thats the thing. They can't even beat qui gon zeta lead teams. I don't care if they are not op but they can't even beat old weaker teams.
  • Drax_77
    1076 posts Member
    This game is like a slot machine, you throw your money in and hope to get lucky! Phoenix squad looks really good on paper imo and I haven't leveled or geared them up but from watching videos on them I'd say they could use a slight buff to help them out. I haven't spent a dime on them but I'm sure those who have paid to 7* the whole squad are pretty disappointed, and really as a company trying to make money you don't really want to tick off the people paying your salary.
  • Keldo
    364 posts Member
    Surely the best way to do it is fire all the gear on them and have a play with them. If they hold up well at 3 star then fire the cash at them to level them up?
  • StarSon
    7533 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    DelCastles wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    We complain about power creep, but also complain when they release a pretty balanced team? Really can't have it both ways.

    They aren't balanced thats the thing. They can't even beat qui gon zeta lead teams. I don't care if they are not op but they can't even beat old weaker teams.

    So, your definition of balance in this game is that they can beat everyone in arena?

    Edit: This video shows it can beat some of the current arena teams:

    And if you look around it can do fairly well in hAAT. Not sure why we expect that every set of chars released will complete erase the current meta and pwn everyone.
  • Osisiv
    172 posts Member
    It sucks. I feel for you. You dropped thousands on something that isn't that good and in a few weeks will be available to everyone for cheap in shipments and data cards. It's a culture of scamming almost now with sales. Only thing is to avoid in future.

    Is it your mods? Btw I'd avoid the mod packs as well. If it's not your mods, I'd just prep them for raids or use them in alternate teams. Sorry to hear that.
  • StarSon
    7533 posts Member
    Osisiv wrote: »
    It sucks. I feel for you. You dropped thousands on something that isn't that good and in a few weeks will be available to everyone for cheap in shipments and data cards. It's a culture of scamming almost now with sales. Only thing is to avoid in future.

    Thousands is probably a stretch, with the new pricing. And it can't be a scam, because they have told us repeatedly that every p2p char will eventually be available for free. Also, they gave us their kit descriptions in plenty of time ahead of release, and we saw them in game before having the opportunity to buy them. You knew what you were getting. Any bad decision after that cannot be blamed on anyone but yourself.
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    Phoenix Squad rely too much on each other instead of synergising with each other. So as they die(and lose each other's unique's bonus) they become significantly weaker(and without that bonus their individual builds aren't that strong either). I seen it in there build the minute they were released.
    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
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    Already? Thanks for taking one for the team. Glad all of mine are still L1.
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    Due diligence prior to dropping buckets of cash on something that doesn't physically exist is general common sense. Just a heads up.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    StarSon wrote: »
    Osisiv wrote: »
    It sucks. I feel for you. You dropped thousands on something that isn't that good and in a few weeks will be available to everyone for cheap in shipments and data cards. It's a culture of scamming almost now with sales. Only thing is to avoid in future.

    Thousands is probably a stretch, with the new pricing. And it can't be a scam, because they have told us repeatedly that every p2p char will eventually be available for free. Also, they gave us their kit descriptions in plenty of time ahead of release, and we saw them in game before having the opportunity to buy them. You knew what you were getting. Any bad decision after that cannot be blamed on anyone but yourself.

    I never did the math, but a guildy said it was around 400 a toon so for all six could get up over 2k.
  • StarSon
    7533 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Osisiv wrote: »
    It sucks. I feel for you. You dropped thousands on something that isn't that good and in a few weeks will be available to everyone for cheap in shipments and data cards. It's a culture of scamming almost now with sales. Only thing is to avoid in future.

    Thousands is probably a stretch, with the new pricing. And it can't be a scam, because they have told us repeatedly that every p2p char will eventually be available for free. Also, they gave us their kit descriptions in plenty of time ahead of release, and we saw them in game before having the opportunity to buy them. You knew what you were getting. Any bad decision after that cannot be blamed on anyone but yourself.

    I never did the math, but a guildy said it was around 400 a toon so for all six could get up over 2k.

    I had heard around $300 each. So $1800 - $2400, which I suppose counts as the plural thousands. Statement retracted. :)
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Due diligence prior to dropping buckets of cash on something that doesn't physically exist is general common sense. Just a heads up.

    It's kind of hard to have due diligence when they rolled them out one at a time and dropped the package for the previous character as soon as the event for the next one opened. Your only option is to decide to go all in and hope that the full team is worth it or ignore them completely until all characters are out.

    If you took the latter approach you would then be waiting until they were put into Chromiums.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Varlie wrote: »
    Due diligence prior to dropping buckets of cash on something that doesn't physically exist is general common sense. Just a heads up.

    It's kind of hard to have due diligence when they rolled them out one at a time and dropped the package for the previous character as soon as the event for the next one opened. Your only option is to decide to go all in and hope that the full team is worth it or ignore them completely until all characters are out.

    If you took the latter approach you would then be waiting until they were put into Chromiums.

    Don't go all in if your going to regret it later. First rule of gambling.

    Informed decisions are the anti freemium model, the way they rolled this out should have been a sign they were a money grab and not going to be all powerful.

    I also imagine one of the ships being released for them to be yoda/palp style event, announced a week early and all crystal packs back in the store at the same time for a week or so before the event, but I'm just speculating.
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    I'm happy that ps is trash. I hope they drop Thrawn and Empire join the Meta!
    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
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    How is it that some can use them well enough and others can't? Maybe it's not an auto win squad, but I don't see anything wrong with that.
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    Veritasum wrote: »
    How is it that some can use them well enough and others can't? Maybe it's not an auto win squad, but I don't see anything wrong with that.

    Maul team doesnt have DN if they did phoenix would not have lasted at all.
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    I can't believe how many stun guns this team needs to gear just to get to G9. It's a gear greedy faction.
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    Mr_Sausage wrote: »
    I can't believe how many stun guns this team needs to gear just to get to G9. It's a gear greedy faction.

    For little return too

    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
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    DelCastles wrote: »
    Veritasum wrote: »
    How is it that some can use them well enough and others can't? Maybe it's not an auto win squad, but I don't see anything wrong with that.

    Maul team doesnt have DN if they did phoenix would not have lasted at all.

    Yep. DN is the counter to tanky teams that can last forever. He would have gotten his annihilate off multiple times here.
  • Velocitious
    276 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Have you tried testing whether who is the weakest of the team? Maybe you should remove Kanan because he's too slow.

    Remember that some of the Phoenix's characters have their abilities at level 7. They might get a Zeta soon. Also, there might be more Phoenix characters coming. We might get Old Rex, Rebel Ahsoka Tano, or Agent Kallus.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    For months people begged for a rework/buff to Maul. Be careful what you wish/ask for. Just saying.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    For months people begged for a rework/buff to Maul. Be careful what you wish/ask for. Just saying.

    People asked a rework for Kylo and he isn't that OP. Not all reworks are OP.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    DelCastles wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    We complain about power creep, but also complain when they release a pretty balanced team? Really can't have it both ways.

    They aren't balanced thats the thing. They can't even beat qui gon zeta lead teams. I don't care if they are not op but they can't even beat old weaker teams.

    zQGJ, zYoda, GK, Aayla, Ani is not a team to blow off. It's a highly competitive team that can take 1st easily. B2 is their only real nemesis.
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    Dear OP,

    i fully agree to your statement.
    I am a kind of whale (or was!) and I have the full Phoenix Squad on G11, 7* (except Zeb who is 6*).
    Yes, it was a LOT of money. Was it worth it?NO.

    The full squad is by far not competetive in the current arenas and does not even see light agains other (older) teams.
    For sure, you can beat some "higher" combos and sometimes battles end up to you favour, but with Phoenix you drop out of to 20 immediatly, believe me.

    I recently posted some videos with my team :

    which show well how they do (i tried a lot more fights, but in fact you dont have a chance).

    My conclusions:
    - I do not spend a single $/Euro anymore into this game
    It will be the only language the devs will understand, and the whole Phoenix story clearly showed me not to spend any money anymore. With my rooster I can survive anyways, who cares to be top 1 in arena (i was long time, I am not anymore, ok fine)

    - Phoenix is not competitive at all (focus arena). By far not, you will not have a single chance to be on top.

    - Some Phoenix toons as "OKish", especially Ezra is GOOD, he brings good value into Jedi team especialy in combo with Aayla (which I run in arena, surrounded by Zauls), Sabine is OK, she has a role. The rest.. no comment

    Yes, it is frustrating to support this game with big $ over the time and getting such a return. But it seems they don't care..

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