Please Buff Phoenix Squad


  • Carth_Onassi1973
    1708 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    @DelCastles the bright side? You'll probabaly have an easier time than a lot of folks who haven't even touched them in this upcoming event.

    Watch there be great rewards, then a mad dash to gear and level them up.

    No regrets, brother. You liked them, you invested in them, now just enjoy them. I'm sure they'll get tweaked eventually.
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    DelCastles wrote: »
    Have all members at 6* max gear 11 and they fall to even tier C teams. Has anyone figured out how and where to use these toons? Pretty frustrating.

    Hey Del. This sucks mate... EA gave every expectation that investing in the toons gives you a leg up with each wave they released. I just love red sabres and Sith so I spent my money there, I ignored rebels (including Chaze and co). This could have easily been me if I was a Rebels fan. Your investment should give you parity with the best teams who were also purchased. I hope you can continue to tweak these guys to improve their strength or bring one or two into interesting and strong synergies with other toons (I like the tanky guy with the glow staff and the lass with the dark sabre - I think they could complement other teams well).

    Not sure historically they've given that expectation. Going back, there's probably been more toons released that were not OP / arena meta breaking than not.

    The clones aside from Rex never were top tier really (Echo, Cody)
    Tusken Shaman
    Kylo was just ok on release
    Wedge before the rework and biggs synergy wasn't great
    Chief Chirpa
    Gamo Guard
    Geo Spy
    Res Pilot
    DK and DT are good, but I wouldn't call them meta-breaking ... toons like Phasma would probably fit in that category as well.

    Lots has been released new in the game that didn't break meta.

    @Del ... also consider not giving up quite yet. You may need to look at optimizing mods / speed etc on them - play more and see what needs tweaked. It takes a while to truly optimize a build, especially one like this that's very unique.
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    Luckily for you their ships do in fact look very strong.
  • MadMalgusReturns
    670 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I have them all g11 and 7*. Never expected them to be meta in the arena. Just figured they'd be slightly better than they are. But oh well. I can beat any team with them but they don't hold on defense. They are still a fun team to play and maybe their ships will be great. But if not it's not a big deal. My advice: if you don't have the spare change to buy toons in this game without complaining then don't do it
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    The critics on the poster of this thread are way too harsh. Because of guys like him, people who spent less know what is viable and what is not. And with the release cadence of phoenix toons over a month it was even more difficult to anticipate how strong they are.

    It is troublesome that a new squad like phoenix is pretty under performing. Why not everything can be new meta (and I wonder how CG can move away from the meta), they should at least be decent. I still have some for zetas. But if this is the standard on how new toons are released, it wil not last long. DN should be standard and with the awesome feedback cg received on the sith pass (and I think also corresponding revenues) they should know what people expect.
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    The critics on the poster of this thread are way too harsh. Because of guys like him, people who spent less know what is viable and what is not. And with the release cadence of phoenix toons over a month it was even more difficult to anticipate how strong they are.

    It is troublesome that a new squad like phoenix is pretty under performing. Why not everything can be new meta (and I wonder how CG can move away from the meta), they should at least be decent. I still have some for zetas. But if this is the standard on how new toons are released, it wil not last long. DN should be standard and with the awesome feedback cg received on the sith pass (and I think also corresponding revenues) they should know what people expect.

    Awesome feedback on sith pass? I think not..
  • Osisiv
    172 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Osisiv wrote: »
    It sucks. I feel for you. You dropped thousands on something that isn't that good and in a few weeks will be available to everyone for cheap in shipments and data cards. It's a culture of scamming almost now with sales. Only thing is to avoid in future.

    Thousands is probably a stretch, with the new pricing. And it can't be a scam, because they have told us repeatedly that every p2p char will eventually be available for free. Also, they gave us their kit descriptions in plenty of time ahead of release, and we saw them in game before having the opportunity to buy them. You knew what you were getting. Any bad decision after that cannot be blamed on anyone but yourself.

    I cannot be blamed for anything because I didn't spend a cent.

    Learn to read properly before typing long lectures for no reason.
  • Osisiv
    172 posts Member
    Dear OP,

    i fully agree to your statement.
    I am a kind of whale (or was!) and I have the full Phoenix Squad on G11, 7* (except Zeb who is 6*).
    Yes, it was a LOT of money. Was it worth it?NO.

    My conclusions:
    - I do not spend a single $/Euro anymore into this game
    It will be the only language the devs will understand, and the whole Phoenix story clearly showed me not to spend any money anymore. With my rooster I can survive anyways, who cares to be top 1 in arena (i was long time, I am not anymore, ok fine)

    Yes, it is frustrating to support this game with big $ over the time and getting such a return. But it seems they don't care..

    I agree with everything you've said. And I have stopped spending completely for quite some time now. There's really not a reason to whatsoever.

    Like you I couldn't care less about arena placement now--it's my practice zone now. Raids are whatever too now. What's the point in buying packs??

    It's very scammish really. Embellish what's on paper, milk your BEST customers, rely on addiction to keep them spending. Unfortunately for them, if you look at accounts across the game--people aren't spending anymore.

  • HeresTheTruth
    480 posts Member
    edited April 2017

    You're an ugly stain on a nice shirt that's name brand is BHGepidemic. I always thought they were a pretty cool guild. But you...I've seen the comments you've made in multiple threads and I'm actually quite surprised that they would invite such a classless forum troll into their guild.

    To each their own I guess..I mean if they invited you..they must have more classless people also invited.


  • Allenb60
    2171 posts Member
    How about if you have five pheonix members on your arena team the ally spot can be used to add the sixth?
  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    The critics on the poster of this thread are way too harsh. Because of guys like him, people who spent less know what is viable and what is not. And with the release cadence of phoenix toons over a month it was even more difficult to anticipate how strong they are.

    It is troublesome that a new squad like phoenix is pretty under performing. Why not everything can be new meta (and I wonder how CG can move away from the meta), they should at least be decent. I still have some for zetas. But if this is the standard on how new toons are released, it wil not last long. DN should be standard and with the awesome feedback cg received on the sith pass (and I think also corresponding revenues) they should know what people expect.

    DN imo is what I would consider OP or Powercreep (along with Chaze, GK etc) Take that as you will...

    With this many toon and abilities CG can't test each combo or scenario so each toon released can be over useful, under or just right.

    The fact that it happens isn't the question it is how they manage it afterwards.

    The fact they ALSO tie so many toons to a whole other part of the game in such a huge chunk, aka multiple characters required for a single ship just exasperates players frustration and want that these characters are worth the effort.

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    Pheonix is pretty bad. Maybe if you have uber mods they can be viable. I got roflstomped by an AI empire team in the replay of rise together. They are just too slow.
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    DelCastles wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    We complain about power creep, but also complain when they release a pretty balanced team? Really can't have it both ways.

    They aren't balanced thats the thing. They can't even beat qui gon zeta lead teams. I don't care if they are not op but they can't even beat old weaker teams.

    Qgj zeta lead is one of the best zeta abilities out there, top two right behind Zaul in my opinion. Good speed boost, good offense boost, and guaranteed foresight anytime somebody dies. You're calling for a buff because Phoenix teams can't compete with one of the top zetas in the game...
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    I got Sabine to 5* and about to hit gear XI. She's fun to use IMO but definitely not OP. But I do like using her as part of a mix and match light side, rebel team when it's useful and I also have her as part of my early GW squad and she's been holding up well.
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    Rather then buff Phenix and continue the insane power creep simply just Nerf zaul. Sooo many factions would become viable. You cannot refute this fact.
  • xReDeMpx
    1690 posts Member
    They don't need buffs because every team don't need to be a arena powerhouse.

    And zaul don't need a nerf people need to quit crying
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    It kind of annoyed me that we had to waste a month on Phoenix characters, since they mean literally nothing to me. I'm glad we're past it and I don't have to have promotions for them shoved in my face (only two more days til they're out of the shop and I don't have to scroll for 5 minutes to get the free bronzium packs). If there is any faction I'd be least likely to spend money on, it's definitely the Phoenix squad.
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    You're an ugly stain on a nice shirt that's name brand is BHGepidemic. I always thought they were a pretty cool guild. But you...I've seen the comments you've made in multiple threads and I'm actually quite surprised that they would invite such a classless forum troll into their guild.

    To each their own I guess..I mean if they invited you..they must have more classless people also invited.


    A hateful, scared little troll calling someone classless, now that's funny. You are quite literally the Pat Robertson of the SWGoH forums.


    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
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    They beat zQGJ. They rule in GW and they are fun to play.

    That's the benefit of investing money, not the OP arena team.
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    RandyMarsh wrote: »
    It kind of annoyed me that we had to waste a month on Phoenix characters, since they mean literally nothing to me. I'm glad we're past it and I don't have to have promotions for them shoved in my face (only two more days til they're out of the shop and I don't have to scroll for 5 minutes to get the free bronzium packs). If there is any faction I'd be least likely to spend money on, it's definitely the Phoenix squad.

    I actually like the show and I totally agree with you. Spent way too long on marginal impact characters.
  • Twin
    527 posts Member
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    Rather then buff Phenix and continue the insane power creep simply just Nerf zaul. Sooo many factions would become viable. You cannot refute this fact.

    Zaul is not really the issue by himself... its combinations of DN and all the AOE debuffs they have.

  • Options
    RandyMarsh wrote: »
    It kind of annoyed me that we had to waste a month on Phoenix characters, since they mean literally nothing to me. I'm glad we're past it and I don't have to have promotions for them shoved in my face (only two more days til they're out of the shop and I don't have to scroll for 5 minutes to get the free bronzium packs). If there is any faction I'd be least likely to spend money on, it's definitely the Phoenix squad.

    Yeah, I'm about has done with them at this point as I was with Tournaments. I hope it works out for CG, but I'm done. I'm with a bunch of other posters who have seen this is a great time to gear up some other toons and team comps and kind of prepare for the inevitable Lvl 90/G12/6*mod blast that is to come.
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    Also, there might be more Phoenix characters coming. We might get Old Rex, Rebel Ahsoka Tano, or Agent Kallus.

    Or Commander Sato. Or Hobbie. Or Fenn Rau. Or Wedge could even be tagged Phoenix...
  • crzydroid
    7406 posts Moderator
    So those of you with the maxed phoenix teams, how do their ships perform? I'm tempted by Ghost because of the AoE. Can't really tell how well they do because the event is so ridiculously easy. Tank teams are priority for me now, so I've got a while, but just wondering.
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    You're an ugly stain on a nice shirt that's name brand is BHGepidemic. I always thought they were a pretty cool guild. But you...I've seen the comments you've made in multiple threads and I'm actually quite surprised that they would invite such a classless forum troll into their guild.

    To each their own I guess..I mean if they invited you..they must have more classless people also invited.


    A hateful, scared little troll calling someone classless, now that's funny. You are quite literally the Pat Robertson of the SWGoH forums.


    I call it as I see it homie. Don't be mad just accept it.

    Question..? Did they call you ugly as a kid?
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    How much did it cost?
  • TronTheKhan
    650 posts Member
    edited April 2017

    You're an ugly stain on a nice shirt that's name brand is BHGepidemic. I always thought they were a pretty cool guild. But you...I've seen the comments you've made in multiple threads and I'm actually quite surprised that they would invite such a classless forum troll into their guild.

    To each their own I guess..I mean if they invited you..they must have more classless people also invited.


    A hateful, scared little troll calling someone classless, now that's funny. You are quite literally the Pat Robertson of the SWGoH forums.


    I call it as I see it homie. Don't be mad just accept it.

    Question..? Did they call you ugly as a kid?

    All good brah. I ignore worthless rhetoric from tool bags such as yourself (;


    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
  • Options

    You're an ugly stain on a nice shirt that's name brand is BHGepidemic. I always thought they were a pretty cool guild. But you...I've seen the comments you've made in multiple threads and I'm actually quite surprised that they would invite such a classless forum troll into their guild.

    To each their own I guess..I mean if they invited you..they must have more classless people also invited.


    A hateful, scared little troll calling someone classless, now that's funny. You are quite literally the Pat Robertson of the SWGoH forums.


    I call it as I see it homie. Don't be mad just accept it.

    Question..? Did they call you ugly as a kid?

    All good brah. I ignore worthless rhetoric from tool bags such as yourself (;


    You ignore me by responding to me?

  • Options

    You're an ugly stain on a nice shirt that's name brand is BHGepidemic. I always thought they were a pretty cool guild. But you...I've seen the comments you've made in multiple threads and I'm actually quite surprised that they would invite such a classless forum troll into their guild.

    To each their own I guess..I mean if they invited you..they must have more classless people also invited.


    A hateful, scared little troll calling someone classless, now that's funny. You are quite literally the Pat Robertson of the SWGoH forums.


    I call it as I see it homie. Don't be mad just accept it.

    Question..? Did they call you ugly as a kid?

    All good brah. I ignore worthless rhetoric from tool bags such as yourself (;


    You ignore me by responding to me?


    I ignore the stuff "you think" angers me.

    Humans Are Such Easy Prey
  • Options

    You're an ugly stain on a nice shirt that's name brand is BHGepidemic. I always thought they were a pretty cool guild. But you...I've seen the comments you've made in multiple threads and I'm actually quite surprised that they would invite such a classless forum troll into their guild.

    To each their own I guess..I mean if they invited you..they must have more classless people also invited.


    A hateful, scared little troll calling someone classless, now that's funny. You are quite literally the Pat Robertson of the SWGoH forums.


    I call it as I see it homie. Don't be mad just accept it.

    Question..? Did they call you ugly as a kid?

    All good brah. I ignore worthless rhetoric from tool bags such as yourself (;


    You ignore me by responding to me?


    I ignore the stuff "you think" angers me.


    Yet he still feels compelled to respond lol.
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