OFFICIAL: Rise Together Event: RETURN!


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    The0n3 wrote: »
    I found it weird as well having those 1000 credits and 20 AP of rewards... But i guess it was just meant to be fun.... It was, proved to me that the Phoenix squad is definately worth NOT having!!

    But it was a great event indeed.

    I ended up beating that full Sith squad and only lost Zeb. It looked really bad for the Phoenix team for most of the match, but they ended up pulling it together for the win. I was surprised, myself. They did fine.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    The0n3 wrote: »
    I found it weird as well having those 1000 credits and 20 AP of rewards... But i guess it was just meant to be fun.... It was, proved to me that the Phoenix squad is definately worth NOT having!!

    But it was a great event indeed.

    I ended up beating that full Sith squad and only lost Zeb. It looked really bad for the Phoenix team for most of the match, but they ended up pulling it together for the win. I was surprised, myself. They did fine.

    Same here, except i've lost chopper instead of Zeb... However, i still don't think they're good enough to join the frontlines... If even fighting the AI, (that doesn't concentrate in a single toon and uses skills at wrong times) the Psquad lost a toon, they stand no chance against the sharks at the top... Maybe on younger shards, but i don't believe they can sustain themselves at the top...

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    I'm loving the team up's they're letting us face for this - lots of fun! But yeah, that Palp, Vader, Maul, Savage, Nihilus team just wrecked them so, so hard when I faced them.

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    Why would toon credits be given as reward for a ship event? Shouldn't ship credits been the reward?
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    Working but very buggy still. Phoenix squad charrctors are still causing me game shut downs. - anyone else?
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    I do like the event overall but the best part was 500 crystals.... so the technical failure gave the best thing.....idk

    @CerealKiller - you hit the nail on the head.

    I finished the event in about 15 minutes, saw that the devs went the usual way of leaving us just a bit short of upgrading the ships (I'm sure it's a coincidence and has NOTHING to do with trying to get people to buy those missing shards), then noticed the ridiculous 1000 cred rewards and just left. Not planning to finish the event because there really is no point. The best thing about this entire event were the bonus crystals that will really go well with the Double Drops. Count Dooku, whom I completely omitted in the past, is now getting a huge boost to his farm, he gained over 30 shards this morning and is currently at 40/85 :) If things go well, I'll 7* him by the end of the Double Drops.
  • Henchman805
    317 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    So I just went into the event and leveled up my phx squad to beat tier 1... Now I'm on tier 2 but my Phoenix squad is all reverted to level 1.

    Edit... nevermind it's different units for tier 2...
  • soclo
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    I play catina (which is 12:30 AM currently).I play 500 crystals so not even x2 shard.. I just woke up 10 Am and catina new start x2 shard even. why!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 T_T.
  • DaceBG
    32 posts Member
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|
    Leader of Bulgarian Republic
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    about the 1000 credit event, you guys know that when your new characters get whiped out before any of them get a turn, at 7 * and 85 does not scream confidence.....

    I got a palp team, palp went first and stunned 4 out of 6.... Then ezra and sabine went and then 2 of my characters died. By the end the empire (not sith mid you team) wipped them out lol

    I taught their uniques would be meta OP....guess I was wrong lol

    Wow.. those events are too easy
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    lol thats funny. I just unlocked and upgraded. Didnt check.
  • stavrik
    88 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Just lost from Empire team. Palpatine lead, Tarkin, shoretrooper, death trooper and TIE FP. Palpatine started first and stunned 4 Phoenix ( Hera, Zeb, Ezra and Kanan). I could only use Sabine and Chopper couple turns.
    Shoretrooper taunted and game was over very fast. By time others recovered, Sabine and Choper gone and others follow them very fast. It was Empire party.
    Beside that I won other battles.
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    Nightlores wrote: »
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    lol thats funny. I just unlocked and upgraded. Didnt check.

    Yup, I activated the ships and had 75 blueprints each for upgrade. Upgraded them both to 3* and had only 25 left. I keep thinking I misread or something..
    Leader of Bulgarian Republic
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    It was fantastic being able to see them at full strength fighting other matched squads, please add more of this in future events!

    But... I got my butt handed to me by a chaze team lead by Ackbar in one match and a random Zader squad with 5s on it. It's like they wanted to show us this shiny new sports car but it broke down on the test drive. Definitely not wasting any $ or gear on Phoenix.
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    You get a total of 75 Blue prints from the events for free.

    25 to activate at 2*

    25 to promote to 3*

    25/30 waiting to go to 4*
  • Options
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?
  • Options
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

    Go back a few pages (9 I believe) and you'll see that I am the droid you are looking for.
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    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event
  • scuba
    14186 posts Member
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    free ships are rubbish?. what do you want a "unicorn"?
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    scuba wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    free ships are rubbish?. what do you want a "unicorn"?

    If we get fantasy Horses, I would rather have this
    Than a Unicorn
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
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    Ztyle wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    free ships are rubbish?. what do you want a "unicorn"?

    If we get fantasy Horses, I would rather have this
    Than a Unicorn

  • WhackyFishi
    114 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    Are you talking about the rise together or stand together event?
    Rise together was designed to NOT need high levels due to phoenix being pay-only still apart from their release events - and the rewards weren't rubbish, those ships with geared up pilots look beastly paired with Scimtar

    Stand together doesn't use YOUR phoenix squad, it provides a max level max gear squad for you to use to test out against other common max gear max level characters you might face in arena such as nihilus teams or wiggs teams (testing out maxed phoenix was the whole point of stand together, not to unlock anything)
  • Options
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

    :D You're joking...right? Please be joking.

    In the off chance that you're not, there are 3 reasons that make it clear that such a course of action would make absolutely no sense.

    1} Handing every single player 500 crystals (i.e. premium currency) - whether or not that player complained, spent crystals, or even knew about the event. The Double drop event going off without a problem would have most people at least refreshing one extra time each day for the 5 days. 500 free crystals means no extra money spent on those refreshes.

    2) People going to the forums to find out what happened, to complain, to threaten to quit or stop spending, etc. are people NOT playing the game. If you ain't playing, you're not paying. Simple business.

    3) There have been some very public and well known mistakes with updates. Adding to an already relatively long list would certainly not instill confidence in the player base. Nor does it typically lead to good game reviews or recommendations.

    But again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I am going to assume you are a reasonable and thoughtful person who was just trying to be funny. If I am mistaken, I believe the Tim Foil Hat Guild still has some open spots. ;)
    Post edited by Nikoms565 on
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    The0n3 wrote: »
    The0n3 wrote: »
    I found it weird as well having those 1000 credits and 20 AP of rewards... But i guess it was just meant to be fun.... It was, proved to me that the Phoenix squad is definately worth NOT having!!

    But it was a great event indeed.

    I ended up beating that full Sith squad and only lost Zeb. It looked really bad for the Phoenix team for most of the match, but they ended up pulling it together for the win. I was surprised, myself. They did fine.

    Same here, except i've lost chopper instead of Zeb... However, i still don't think they're good enough to join the frontlines... If even fighting the AI, (that doesn't concentrate in a single toon and uses skills at wrong times) the Psquad lost a toon, they stand no chance against the sharks at the top... Maybe on younger shards, but i don't believe they can sustain themselves at the top...

    I got a video of me facing the team twice, back to back. The first time I creamed them, only lost Chopper. The second time I was creamed and only killed one of them. It was just so RNG dependent because half the battle was done by the time I got to take an action both times (AOE attacks countered by tons of toons).
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    scuba wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    free ships are rubbish?. what do you want a "unicorn"?
    The rewards for the second part of the event, 1000 credits and 20 ally points.. Yes I know it's so you can see what they are capable of, but surely they should let you find out yourself...
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    ajh6037 wrote: »
    I got a video of me facing the team twice, back to back. The first time I creamed them, only lost Chopper. The second time I was creamed and only killed one of them. It was just so RNG dependent because half the battle was done by the time I got to take an action both times (AOE attacks countered by tons of toons).

    While the idea that you can play with a full squad against ither good teams is really good, it amazes me that this replay events show how underperforming a full phoenix squad is. Lets also not forget that you have all 6 phoenix toons and play against 5!
  • Options
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    Are you talking about the rise together or stand together event?
    Rise together was designed to NOT need high levels due to phoenix being pay-only still apart from their release events - and the rewards weren't rubbish, those ships with geared up pilots look beastly paired with Scimtar

    Stand together doesn't use YOUR phoenix squad, it provides a max level max gear squad for you to use to test out against other common max gear max level characters you might face in arena such as nihilus teams or wiggs teams (testing out maxed phoenix was the whole point of stand together, not to unlock anything)

    The second part mainly, it was pointless, they should let you find out yourself what they are capable I won't bother levelling them up as I found them useless...there are far better teams out there...and 1000 credits and 20 ally points I suppose are good considering I didn't do anything just pressed auto
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    free ships are rubbish?. what do you want a "unicorn"?
    The rewards for the second part of the event, 1000 credits and 20 ally points.. Yes I know it's so you can see what they are capable of, but surely they should let you find out yourself...

    Because everyone is capable of maxing out 6 toons just to find out if they're any good.
  • Options
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    You have an unlocking fee...just like maul, it costs 80 shards to unlock at four star but only 65 to get to five star... Thought this was commonly known
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