OFFICIAL: Rise Together Event: RETURN!


  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    free ships are rubbish?. what do you want a "unicorn"?
    The rewards for the second part of the event, 1000 credits and 20 ally points.. Yes I know it's so you can see what they are capable of, but surely they should let you find out yourself...

    The stand together is a training event. Requires players to have nothing but completion of rise together and 3 activated ships. Could have been no rewards. The resources you used to complete the first part were minimal and worth it for 2 free ships and 750k credits.
    So stand together event you are getting 20k credits a day for no investment in resources.
  • WhackyFishi
    114 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    Are you talking about the rise together or stand together event?
    Rise together was designed to NOT need high levels due to phoenix being pay-only still apart from their release events - and the rewards weren't rubbish, those ships with geared up pilots look beastly paired with Scimtar

    Stand together doesn't use YOUR phoenix squad, it provides a max level max gear squad for you to use to test out against other common max gear max level characters you might face in arena such as nihilus teams or wiggs teams (testing out maxed phoenix was the whole point of stand together, not to unlock anything)

    The second part mainly, it was pointless, they should let you find out yourself what they are capable I won't bother levelling them up as I found them useless...there are far better teams out there...and 1000 credits and 20 ally points I suppose are good considering I didn't do anything just pressed auto

    They aren't meta but they're far from useless tbh, only meta teams are much better and the meta will shift - and if any of them ever got a spicy zeta on their unique zeta'ing one of them would effectively be a zeta for your entire squad
    Not saying omg they're amazing or anything but they're still good

    The whole point of it is loads of people wanted to test new characters out without buying them and gearing them, this event lets you do exactly that - the rewards were either that or nothing

    And ofc they seemed worse than they are if you pressed auto, you'd end up having stupid things happen like ezra and hera calling for chopper assists, kanan and chopper taunting at the same time and sabine not attacking the people with low TM etc. - the event was made for people to NOT auto it and experiment with ability combos
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    Don't understand how people lost battles, I didn't lvl my toons before hand and smashed every battle on auto..the rewards were rubbish as well..a pretty pointless event

    free ships are rubbish?. what do you want a "unicorn"?
    The rewards for the second part of the event, 1000 credits and 20 ally points.. Yes I know it's so you can see what they are capable of, but surely they should let you find out yourself...

    The stand together is a training event. Requires players to have nothing but completion of rise together and 3 activated ships. Could have been no rewards. The resources you used to complete the first part were minimal and worth it for 2 free ships and 750k credits.
    So stand together event you are getting 20k credits a day for no investment in resources.


    I <3 me some Scuba!

  • Options
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.
  • zhtd17
    948 posts Member
    The enemy team also has no mods
  • Options
    And it is 6 against 5. It will definitely not help to convince people investing in them.
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.

    Enemies have no mods, don't use abilities in priority like arena, and in case of the R1 team doesn't have protection recovery.
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.

    Enemies have no mods, don't use abilities in priority like arena, and in case of the R1 team doesn't have protection recovery.

    Yet the ai standard Palpatine team with no mods straight up MURRRRRDERSSSSS Phoenix team with no mods.

    Good thing they didn't put a sith team to fight against no one would ever beat the event...
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

    :D You're joking...right? Please be joking.

    In the off chance that you're not, there are 3 reasons that make it clear that such a course of action would make absolutely no sense.

    1} Handing every single player 500 crystals (i.e. premium currency) - whether or not that player complained, spent crystals, or even knew about the event. The Double drop event going off without a problem would have most people at least refreshing one extra time each day for the 5 days. 500 free crystals means no extra money spent on those refreshes.

    2) People going to the forums to find out what happened, to complain, to threaten to quit or stop spending, etc. are people NOT playing the game. If you ain't playing, you're not paying. Simple business.

    3) There have been some very public and well known mistakes with updates. Adding to an already relatively long list would certainly not instill confidence in the player base. Nor does it typically lead to good game reviews or recommendations.

    But again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I am going to assume you are a reasonable and thoughtful person who was just trying to be funny. If I am mistaken, I believe the Tim Foil Hat Guild still has some open spots. ;)
    Oh no @Nikoms565 . One must understand how the ea marketers think. I will say this they are far from novices.

    The attic logs on to get his fix for the double drops, only to see technical difficulties have taken place. A great sense of stress is infused into the attic. Chaos ensues. He scrambles to the forum asking for answers. He needs his fix and the supplier is not giving it to him. All he can think about the next few hours is when will double drops be back, stress levels at a steady high. Finally, the supplier pulls through and saves the day. The attic is not mad at the supplier. He is happy and thankful for him pulling through and simply shrugs off his mistakes with a smile. The supplier even throws him some free amount of the goods. The attic is relaxed and relived. And you think the 500 crystals defeats the purpose.. Oh no, no, no, this only sends a heavy splash of high octane fuel to the attics fire of addiction. The attic immediately spends the free gift feeling the high enter his body. He is happy. Rather than doing the rational thing he thinks 'since I got that free stuff now I can do more and not worry about'. Seeing the juicy double drops with the free 500 crystals entices him to do more. He spends thousands. He is on cloud 9. But soon it wears off and the next day he spends again, again and again. EA knows exactly what they are doing. The dark side is very strong in them....
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.

    Enemies have no mods, don't use abilities in priority like arena, and in case of the R1 team doesn't have protection recovery.

    Yet the ai standard Palpatine team with no mods straight up MURRRRRDERSSSSS Phoenix team with no mods.

    Good thing they didn't put a sith team to fight against no one would ever beat the event...

    I defeated all kind of combinations using Phoenix squad including the empire one, R1 one and Nihilus one. True I didn´t noticed it was a 6 against 5 fight and maybe RNG had a big impact but I came out impressed with what Phoenix squad can do IF you use the right abilities. To me even though phoenix are technically rebels they are the opposite of what rebel teams usually are, and by that I mean they can actually be fun to play and aren´t OP without the need of any kind of strategy.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

    :D You're joking...right? Please be joking.

    In the off chance that you're not, there are 3 reasons that make it clear that such a course of action would make absolutely no sense.

    1} Handing every single player 500 crystals (i.e. premium currency) - whether or not that player complained, spent crystals, or even knew about the event. The Double drop event going off without a problem would have most people at least refreshing one extra time each day for the 5 days. 500 free crystals means no extra money spent on those refreshes.

    2) People going to the forums to find out what happened, to complain, to threaten to quit or stop spending, etc. are people NOT playing the game. If you ain't playing, you're not paying. Simple business.

    3) There have been some very public and well known mistakes with updates. Adding to an already relatively long list would certainly not instill confidence in the player base. Nor does it typically lead to good game reviews or recommendations.

    But again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I am going to assume you are a reasonable and thoughtful person who was just trying to be funny. If I am mistaken, I believe the Tim Foil Hat Guild still has some open spots. ;)
    Oh no @Nikoms565 . One must understand how the ea marketers think. I will say this they are far from novices.

    The attic logs on to get his fix for the double drops, only to see technical difficulties have taken place. A great sense of stress is infused into the attic. Chaos ensues. He scrambles to the forum asking for answers. He needs his fix and the supplier is not giving it to him. All he can think about the next few hours is when will double drops be back, stress levels at a steady high. Finally, the supplier pulls through and saves the day. The attic is not mad at the supplier. He is happy and thankful for him pulling through and simply shrugs off his mistakes with a smile. The supplier even throws him some free amount of the goods. The attic is relaxed and relived. And you think the 500 crystals defeats the purpose.. Oh no, no, no, this only sends a heavy splash of high octane fuel to the attics fire of addiction. The attic immediately spends the free gift feeling the high enter his body. He is happy. Rather than doing the rational thing he thinks 'since I got that free stuff now I can do more and not worry about'. Seeing the juicy double drops with the free 500 crystals entices him to do more. He spends thousands. He is on cloud 9. But soon it wears off and the next day he spends again, again and again. EA knows exactly what they are doing. The dark side is very strong in them....

  • Options
    DatBoi wrote: »
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

    :D You're joking...right? Please be joking.

    In the off chance that you're not, there are 3 reasons that make it clear that such a course of action would make absolutely no sense.

    1} Handing every single player 500 crystals (i.e. premium currency) - whether or not that player complained, spent crystals, or even knew about the event. The Double drop event going off without a problem would have most people at least refreshing one extra time each day for the 5 days. 500 free crystals means no extra money spent on those refreshes.

    2) People going to the forums to find out what happened, to complain, to threaten to quit or stop spending, etc. are people NOT playing the game. If you ain't playing, you're not paying. Simple business.

    3) There have been some very public and well known mistakes with updates. Adding to an already relatively long list would certainly not instill confidence in the player base. Nor does it typically lead to good game reviews or recommendations.

    But again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I am going to assume you are a reasonable and thoughtful person who was just trying to be funny. If I am mistaken, I believe the Tim Foil Hat Guild still has some open spots. ;)
    Oh no @Nikoms565 . One must understand how the ea marketers think. I will say this they are far from novices.

    The attic logs on to get his fix for the double drops, only to see technical difficulties have taken place. A great sense of stress is infused into the attic. Chaos ensues. He scrambles to the forum asking for answers. He needs his fix and the supplier is not giving it to him. All he can think about the next few hours is when will double drops be back, stress levels at a steady high. Finally, the supplier pulls through and saves the day. The attic is not mad at the supplier. He is happy and thankful for him pulling through and simply shrugs off his mistakes with a smile. The supplier even throws him some free amount of the goods. The attic is relaxed and relived. And you think the 500 crystals defeats the purpose.. Oh no, no, no, this only sends a heavy splash of high octane fuel to the attics fire of addiction. The attic immediately spends the free gift feeling the high enter his body. He is happy. Rather than doing the rational thing he thinks 'since I got that free stuff now I can do more and not worry about'. Seeing the juicy double drops with the free 500 crystals entices him to do more. He spends thousands. He is on cloud 9. But soon it wears off and the next day he spends again, again and again. EA knows exactly what they are doing. The dark side is very strong in them....


    Ah datboi. My favorite sheep-minded poster :lol:
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    DatBoi wrote: »
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

    :D You're joking...right? Please be joking.

    In the off chance that you're not, there are 3 reasons that make it clear that such a course of action would make absolutely no sense.

    1} Handing every single player 500 crystals (i.e. premium currency) - whether or not that player complained, spent crystals, or even knew about the event. The Double drop event going off without a problem would have most people at least refreshing one extra time each day for the 5 days. 500 free crystals means no extra money spent on those refreshes.

    2) People going to the forums to find out what happened, to complain, to threaten to quit or stop spending, etc. are people NOT playing the game. If you ain't playing, you're not paying. Simple business.

    3) There have been some very public and well known mistakes with updates. Adding to an already relatively long list would certainly not instill confidence in the player base. Nor does it typically lead to good game reviews or recommendations.

    But again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I am going to assume you are a reasonable and thoughtful person who was just trying to be funny. If I am mistaken, I believe the Tim Foil Hat Guild still has some open spots. ;)
    Oh no @Nikoms565 . One must understand how the ea marketers think. I will say this they are far from novices.

    The attic logs on to get his fix for the double drops, only to see technical difficulties have taken place. A great sense of stress is infused into the attic. Chaos ensues. He scrambles to the forum asking for answers. He needs his fix and the supplier is not giving it to him. All he can think about the next few hours is when will double drops be back, stress levels at a steady high. Finally, the supplier pulls through and saves the day. The attic is not mad at the supplier. He is happy and thankful for him pulling through and simply shrugs off his mistakes with a smile. The supplier even throws him some free amount of the goods. The attic is relaxed and relived. And you think the 500 crystals defeats the purpose.. Oh no, no, no, this only sends a heavy splash of high octane fuel to the attics fire of addiction. The attic immediately spends the free gift feeling the high enter his body. He is happy. Rather than doing the rational thing he thinks 'since I got that free stuff now I can do more and not worry about'. Seeing the juicy double drops with the free 500 crystals entices him to do more. He spends thousands. He is on cloud 9. But soon it wears off and the next day he spends again, again and again. EA knows exactly what they are doing. The dark side is very strong in them....


    Ah datboi. My favorite sheep-minded poster :lol:

    At your service
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    It's "addict".
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • JohnnySteelAlpha
    2794 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Anyone ever consider that buggy launches are planned? Perhaps the frenzy that ensues stokes your addiction?

    :D You're joking...right? Please be joking.

    In the off chance that you're not, there are 3 reasons that make it clear that such a course of action would make absolutely no sense.

    1} Handing every single player 500 crystals (i.e. premium currency) - whether or not that player complained, spent crystals, or even knew about the event. The Double drop event going off without a problem would have most people at least refreshing one extra time each day for the 5 days. 500 free crystals means no extra money spent on those refreshes.

    2) People going to the forums to find out what happened, to complain, to threaten to quit or stop spending, etc. are people NOT playing the game. If you ain't playing, you're not paying. Simple business.

    3) There have been some very public and well known mistakes with updates. Adding to an already relatively long list would certainly not instill confidence in the player base. Nor does it typically lead to good game reviews or recommendations.

    But again, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, so I am going to assume you are a reasonable and thoughtful person who was just trying to be funny. If I am mistaken, I believe the Tim Foil Hat Guild still has some open spots. ;)
    Oh no @Nikoms565 . One must understand how the ea marketers think. I will say this they are far from novices.

    The attic logs on to get his fix for the double drops, only to see technical difficulties have taken place. A great sense of stress is infused into the attic. Chaos ensues. He scrambles to the forum asking for answers. He needs his fix and the supplier is not giving it to him. All he can think about the next few hours is when will double drops be back, stress levels at a steady high. Finally, the supplier pulls through and saves the day. The attic is not mad at the supplier. He is happy and thankful for him pulling through and simply shrugs off his mistakes with a smile. The supplier even throws him some free amount of the goods. The attic is relaxed and relived. And you think the 500 crystals defeats the purpose.. Oh no, no, no, this only sends a heavy splash of high octane fuel to the attics fire of addiction. The attic immediately spends the free gift feeling the high enter his body. He is happy. Rather than doing the rational thing he thinks 'since I got that free stuff now I can do more and not worry about'. Seeing the juicy double drops with the free 500 crystals entices him to do more. He spends thousands. He is on cloud 9. But soon it wears off and the next day he spends again, again and again. EA knows exactly what they are doing. The dark side is very strong in them....

    If this is a joke it went over my head....but this is way off impossible because it's not just EA involved with this game. Emperor Micky is in charge and if there's one thing Disney will try to avoid at all costs it's bad PR. You honestly think Disney wants a failed celebration release to have to bother with? Particularly since this specific event is made to highlight a currently popular show that the company would want to promote? This game actually got some time in Orlando at the celebration - that's pretty impressive. I guarantee you there's no one at EA or CG that would have wanted this to cause even an ounce of negative feedback at such a planned celebration event. The last thing the EA / CG team in Orlando would have wanted to do is explain why they couldn't execute on such a key launch date.

    Those "attics" have the power of social media and instant feedback. No way you want to ignite that potential firestorm - you have no idea how far bad press can go these days once it's rolling.

    Also, I've enjoyed the event and the nice little credit bump it gives:
    1. testing out a maxed squad ... very cool
    2. testing vs. different it
    3. getting even modestly decent rewards...very generous
    4. ability to replay....please more of this!!!
    5. modest investment required to fully participate....huge win as I wasn't planning to participate this time around at all and ended up pleasantly surprised.
  • Taramel
    601 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.

    Enemies have no mods, don't use abilities in priority like arena, and in case of the R1 team doesn't have protection recovery.

    Also worth noting if you have seen the datamines your team gets stat boosts In the event to simulate having mods. Not to mention kooziespoon or tophat have come right out and said they do this to simulate mods
  • Options
    And it is 6 against 5. It will definitely not help to convince people investing in them.

    +1 This

    Underrated comment.
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.

    Enemies have no mods, don't use abilities in priority like arena, and in case of the R1 team doesn't have protection recovery.

    Yet the ai standard Palpatine team with no mods straight up MURRRRRDERSSSSS Phoenix team with no mods.

    Good thing they didn't put a sith team to fight against no one would ever beat the event...

    Yeah no kidding. I kept retreating till I got to battle the empire team cause I heard it was tough. What I found is EP needs to use his stun first but not stun anyone. At that point you have a pretty good chance. If 1 gets stunned maybe. If the majority of the team gets stunned, just watch the AI take turns killing off you team.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    I just played against the Nihilus Didn't take down a single enemy before I got annihilated...twice. All 5 enemies still standing. :s
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • wearywarrior74
    760 posts Member
    edited April 2017

    The attic logs on to get his fix for the double drops, only to see technical difficulties have taken place. A great sense of stress is infused into the attic.

    I better check my attic, didn't know it gets stressed out.
  • Options
    scuba wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.

    Enemies have no mods, don't use abilities in priority like arena, and in case of the R1 team doesn't have protection recovery.

    Yet the ai standard Palpatine team with no mods straight up MURRRRRDERSSSSS Phoenix team with no mods.

    Good thing they didn't put a sith team to fight against no one would ever beat the event...

    Yeah no kidding. I kept retreating till I got to battle the empire team cause I heard it was tough. What I found is EP needs to use his stun first but not stun anyone. At that point you have a pretty good chance. If 1 gets stunned maybe. If the majority of the team gets stunned, just watch the AI take turns killing off you team.

    I didn't know there were different teams!! I just fought the rebels. :/
  • Options
    IMO, this was a fantastic Event, even though I didn't reach the top, I had fun.

    Even the replay value, to me, is great. Much better than the "vs K-2SO" version.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Options
    You guys don't understand attics.
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    Might I also point out here that the training squad you get to use has absolutely no mods on them? With that little detail in mind, it changes the perspective of the match ups doesn't it. They are simple max level and max gear, with ZERO mods equipped, with a few good mods those matches would play out significantly differently.

    Enemies have no mods, don't use abilities in priority like arena, and in case of the R1 team doesn't have protection recovery.

    Yet the ai standard Palpatine team with no mods straight up MURRRRRDERSSSSS Phoenix team with no mods.

    Good thing they didn't put a sith team to fight against no one would ever beat the event...

    Yeah no kidding. I kept retreating till I got to battle the empire team cause I heard it was tough. What I found is EP needs to use his stun first but not stun anyone. At that point you have a pretty good chance. If 1 gets stunned maybe. If the majority of the team gets stunned, just watch the AI take turns killing off you team.

    I didn't know there were different teams!! I just fought the rebels. :/

    Lol. I have seen:
    AA lead Rebels
    R1 Rebels
    JKA lead clones and jedi
    Nihilus lead sith
    and the crazy empire team
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    You guys don't understand attics.

    To understand attics, you have to be high. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    You guys don't understand attics.

    Speak for yourself, I've lived with attics my whole life so I'm very familiar
  • Options
    DatBoi wrote: »
    Ig88isboss wrote: »
    You guys don't understand attics.

    Speak for yourself, I've lived with attics my whole life so I'm very familiar

    I'm living under one right now. You can't even talk.
  • Monxie
    559 posts Member
    Of course it's made to make you win. There's nothing people here dislike more than an actual challenge, so everybody should be happy.
  • DaceBG
    32 posts Member
    scuba wrote: »
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    You get a total of 75 Blue prints from the events for free.

    25 to activate at 2*

    25 to promote to 3*

    25/30 waiting to go to 4*
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    You have an unlocking fee...just like maul, it costs 80 shards to unlock at four star but only 65 to get to five star... Thought this was commonly known

    I never noticed this. Actually every toon I've unlocked so far (that I took notice of), was activated at their respective star count. Some toons/ships unlocking at 0* is not consistent behavior so I wasn't expexting it.. Thanks for clarifying it for me :)
    Leader of Bulgarian Republic
  • scuba
    14191 posts Member
    DaceBG wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    You get a total of 75 Blue prints from the events for free.

    25 to activate at 2*

    25 to promote to 3*

    25/30 waiting to go to 4*
    Gordyt77 wrote: »
    DaceBG wrote: »
    Soooooo.. Has anyone else noticed how it took 50 blueprints to upgrade the Ghost and Phantom II from 2 to 3* but then it only needs 30 from 3 to 4*? Am I missing something? :|

    You have an unlocking fee...just like maul, it costs 80 shards to unlock at four star but only 65 to get to five star... Thought this was commonly known

    I never noticed this. Actually every toon I've unlocked so far (that I took notice of), was activated at their respective star count. Some toons/ships unlocking at 0* is not consistent behavior so I wasn't expexting it.. Thanks for clarifying it for me :)

    There isn't any ship or character that unlocks/activates at 0*. Lowest unlock is 1*

    1* unlock is 10 shards
    2* unlock is 25 shards
    3* unlock is 50 shards
    4* unlock is 80 shards
    5* unlock is 145 shards

    Some characters can drop as a full unlocked character at respective * level and are auto unlocked/activated.
    Currently ships do other drop as full ships and require activation/unlocking (this is the way characters should have been with the horrid conversion rate they give)
This discussion has been closed.