Does your guild get 30,000?

108 posts Member
edited April 2017
So how many guilds out there are actually getting 30k in raid tickets everyday? And, what are your guild leaders allowing as a minimum before people get booted?
Post edited by Mookie101010 on


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    So I guess nobody is maxing out their raid tickets
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    Bump since I'm looking for insight on this matter too
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    Just have a look at the raid leaderboard. All those guilds have 30.000 everyday without a single exception. I am lucky to be member of one of these guilds, BHG Shot First.
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    So what happens if you have some guild mates not hit their 600? The leaderboards can be misleading too because some guilds save tickets at the end of the month so they can knock out 2-3 raids in a row
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    There are alternates for that. Offending player gets kicked, alternate covers 600, after reset player gets reinvited (or not).
    Easy to see in lifetime tickets, those are correct. If not divisible by 600, player hasn't made 600 on this day, as you surely understand.
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    My guild is getting about 29-29.5k, we did weed out the people who missed frequently as well as raffled a 10$ gift card as incentive for getting perfect tickets in the month.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Apophis wrote: »
    My guild is getting about 29-29.5k, we did weed out the people who missed frequently as well as raffled a 10$ gift card as incentive for getting perfect tickets in the month.

    What happens when all 49 of your buddies hit perfect? You budget $490 a month?

    Edit: Saw the word raffle, nevermind.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Decisions must be made. As already stated, some have a second account to swap that member out and get the missing energy spent, then swap the player back in that couldn't make it. If it's a trend and you have higher expectations, it might be time so start dialogue with that member about their continued membership. Can they step up, or is it too hard. Hard decisions, but 48 people will be glad you did it.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    We get about 29k a day, we do checks sometimes but I won't kick anyone unless they get caught a few times not doing 600
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    My guild hits 30k everyday more or less. Line chat 600screen shot group to prove you did it, an officer goes through and checks and if you haven't done yours. Bye bye only happened to a couple of not very active players
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    We're averaging 28.5-29k usually everyday. A few times we've been under 28k and that's just unexceptable! Getting 600 is easy
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    We track daily tickets and make people sit out Raids for missing more than once in 2 weeks. If they continue to struggle to make 30k everyday we shift them into our lesser strict Guilds and move someone up. We are always very close and make it about once a week but there seems to always be one or two short. We are a top 200 Guild too.
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    Our guild usually gets 30k raid tickets a day and if not we usually only miss by a couple hundred, at most.

    We use a spreadsheet to track tickets and give reminders to guildmates who are short later in the day.

    If someone is short by more than 100 tickets in a day, then they get a warning. If it happens again within a two week period then they get put on screenshots.

    The key for our guild, IMO, is just weeding out members who can't consistently do their 600 tickets a day. Once you do that, then it usually makes it easier to get the 30k a day.
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    Doitsuyama wrote: »
    There are alternates for that. Offending player gets kicked, alternate covers 600, after reset player gets reinvited (or not).
    Easy to see in lifetime tickets, those are correct. If not divisible by 600, player hasn't made 600 on this day, as you surely understand.

    This. 3 strike rule, problem solved.
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    How much leeway do you typically give for the counter being off? 50 or so tickets or less?
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    First, every guild is different. Some guilds are super casual. Some are super serious. And the bulk of guilds fall in between. It's important to note that no guild is wrong. Your attitude towards 30k a day is dependent on how serious the guild is.

    For us, 30k is a must. As far as I'm concerned if you're good enough to make it into a top guild you still have to prove yourself every day and you do that by continuously improving, contributing to the guild community, and contributing your 600 a day. Life will get in the way but if you want to be there then you won't miss often. Simple as that.
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    Every day. 3 strikes and you're out.
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    Life will get in the way
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    edited April 2017
    Ruivussan wrote: »
    Life will get in the way

    Very rarely. It takes about 2 minutes to sim your way through 600, it's hard to argue that you can't find that time most days.
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    True. I apologize. That statement just got me the wrong way.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    Ruivussan wrote: »
    True. I apologize. That statement just got me the wrong way.

    Are you referring to my statement? I'm not going to get into all the reasons I know of people coming close to missing recently. I know if I were going through some of the things my guild mates were going through I wouldn't be want to be worried about the game. But that's just me. Sorry if that rubbed you the wrong way.
  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    We have never hit the 30,000 tickets, but we are still a top 200 guild at the end of each month
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    sying wrote: »
    Ruivussan wrote: »
    True. I apologize. That statement just got me the wrong way.

    Are you referring to my statement? I'm not going to get into all the reasons I know of people coming close to missing recently. I know if I were going through some of the things my guild mates were going through I wouldn't be want to be worried about the game. But that's just me. Sorry if that rubbed you the wrong way.

    We are a 30k guild.
    If someone identifies an issue ahead of time, or if something urgent comes up for a member, we don't assign them strikes for it. They just get removed, an alt covers, and the member is re-invited.

    As someone said above, there are all kinds of guilds around. Some players are competitive and like to raid as often as possible, and our guild is for that type of player. More casual guilds exist for more casual players. If someone frequently does not make their 600, we are obviously not the guild for their play style.
  • Lilpup
    403 posts Member
    I just looked today and ours has 20 guys with a 0 for today
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    Mine has closer to 30
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    My guild hasn't missed 30k in months. We have multiple alts, tickets are due 2 hours before reset. If somebody is missing at that point they get kicked an we bring in an alt. Then we bring them back after reset and they get 1 out of three strikes.

    That is the TeamSkunk Republic way.
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    sying wrote: »
    First, every guild is different. Some guilds are super casual. Some are super serious. And the bulk of guilds fall in between. It's important to note that no guild is wrong. Your attitude towards 30k a day is dependent on how serious the guild is.

    For us, 30k is a must. As far as I'm concerned if you're good enough to make it into a top guild you still have to prove yourself every day and you do that by continuously improving, contributing to the guild community, and contributing your 600 a day. Life will get in the way but if you want to be there then you won't miss often. Simple as that.

    Perfect answer, @sying

    Our guild is super casual, so we've never collected 30k and subsequently, have had to skip raids and bank coins for that reason. But, that's us. There has always been that understanding and it's worked for over a year. As sying stated, every guild is different.
  • sying
    982 posts Member
    kello_511 wrote: »
    sying wrote: »
    Ruivussan wrote: »
    True. I apologize. That statement just got me the wrong way.

    Are you referring to my statement? I'm not going to get into all the reasons I know of people coming close to missing recently. I know if I were going through some of the things my guild mates were going through I wouldn't be want to be worried about the game. But that's just me. Sorry if that rubbed you the wrong way.

    We are a 30k guild.
    If someone identifies an issue ahead of time, or if something urgent comes up for a member, we don't assign them strikes for it. They just get removed, an alt covers, and the member is re-invited.

    As someone said above, there are all kinds of guilds around. Some players are competitive and like to raid as often as possible, and our guild is for that type of player. More casual guilds exist for more casual players. If someone frequently does not make their 600, we are obviously not the guild for their play style.

    Yeah, that was me that said that about all different types of guilds. Let me be more clear in my statements. We do not miss. We hit 30k a day regardless. The post you quoted of mine was in response to ruivussan who apparently took my statement about life getting in the way the wrong way.

    Like your guild, we know that things will come up and we temporarily replace players with alts to get our 600. But, like I said in a previous post, if you truly want to be there then you will make the effort.
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