Assault battles Endo


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    Loppie wrote: »
    Is this event supposed to be a joke? Vader (7* 80 g9), Palpatine (7* 80 g10), TFP (6* 78 g8), Magma Trooper (6* 78 g8), Tarkin (6* 75 g8), can't get past tier 1 encounter 3.... Who is supposed to be able to complete this event? The elite 1% maxed players only???? This is the dumbest event I've seen yet. I'd love to know who beat tier 1 and what line up you used.

    I used palp g11 lead with Vader g9, shore g9, TFP g10 and DT g9. Had no troubles beating tier 1 at all, some difficulty with tier 2 and I either do really good or have trouble depending on RNG in tier 3
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    No no no, fools!

    All you need to do is [use toon that no one has maxed unless you have resources to burn]!

    Or, just switch your mods so that every toon has over 220 speed, duh. Because only real losers can't do that that.

    Or, use [perfect squad synergized for arena that only players who have been around for a year would have].

    Or, just tap your level 85, gear 11 toons and cruise through. Afterwards, make sure you immediately post on the forums that you thought the event was "easy."

    Most importantly, IGNORE the event recommendation that the event can be handled with level 75, gear 8 toons, or that the devs specifically said that prior strategies for this event would work. That's not important. Just flex your muscles so everyone can oooh and ahhh over your l33t @wsumz p0w3rz, n00b!

    DANG! I look GOOD!

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    I did all 3 teirs EP lead gl10, vader gl11, tarkin gl8, snowtrooper gl8, magmatrooper gl8. All 7*. No fancy rare mods. I didnt do it on the first try but I did it again after the refresh.
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    majorjohn wrote: »
    Momofatts wrote: »
    Last event i was able to finish to tiers, today only one with a huge amount of luck huge amount of luck amount of luck it is a waste of time waste of time

    If it a wast of time for you, than I would recomand to skip the event. Saves you time.
    Also not starting a thread about wasting your time, will save you even more time ;-)

    We all aren't lvl 85 and they put lvl 75 recommended so we wouldn't of wasted our time and resources if it wasn't incorrectly described. That's the issue for me. Don't put lvl 75+ if it's not ment for anyone below lvl 80.

    Exactly what I said on page one, bunch of liers saying for 75+, if they put it "for 85 with max gears", then I won't complaint.

    This is what they do for every single event. Basically, you have to add 10 levels to whatever they suggest. It's poorly written at best, totally misleading at worst.

    I put in a ticket. If it's ment for people lvl 80 to 85 then don't **** put lvl 75 tier 8 gear. I want to see a video of someone doing it below lvl 80 because i doubt anyone has.

    It's only aggregating and discouraging because of the description. If it said lvl 80+ tier 9 gear + then i would have no gripe.
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    bolobaby wrote: »
    No no no, fools!

    All you need to do is [use toon that no one has maxed unless you have resources to burn]!

    Or, just switch your mods so that every toon has over 220 speed, duh. Because only real losers can't do that that.

    Or, use [perfect squad synergized for arena that only players who have been around for a year would have].

    Or, just tap your level 85, gear 11 toons and cruise through. Afterwards, make sure you immediately post on the forums that you thought the event was "easy."

    Most importantly, IGNORE the event recommendation that the event can be handled with level 75, gear 8 toons, or that the devs specifically said that prior strategies for this event would work. That's not important. Just flex your muscles so everyone can oooh and ahhh over your l33t @wsumz p0w3rz, n00b!

    DANG! I look GOOD!


    Preach! I can't agree more.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    I did all 3 teirs EP lead gl10, vader gl11, tarkin gl8, snowtrooper gl8, magmatrooper gl8. All 7*. No fancy rare mods. I didnt do it on the first try but I did it again after the refresh.

    Were your toons less than level 80? If not, no one cares.
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    bolobaby wrote: »
    No no no, fools!

    All you need to do is [use toon that no one has maxed unless you have resources to burn]!

    Or, just switch your mods so that every toon has over 220 speed, duh. Because only real losers can't do that that.

    Or, use [perfect squad synergized for arena that only players who have been around for a year would have].

    Or, just tap your level 85, gear 11 toons and cruise through. Afterwards, make sure you immediately post on the forums that you thought the event was "easy."

    Most importantly, IGNORE the event recommendation that the event can be handled with level 75, gear 8 toons, or that the devs specifically said that prior strategies for this event would work. That's not important. Just flex your muscles so everyone can oooh and ahhh over your l33t @wsumz p0w3rz, n00b!

    DANG! I look GOOD!


  • SolidStripes
    580 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    For the bonus tier yes I used lvl80-85 toons, tier 1 and 2 i did last time around with lower powered droids but couldnt beat the bonus. Heresay is that tier 1 is more diffucult then before somehow. Idk. Perhaps game balance updates effected the event. Sorry to intrude on the thread and add nothing helpful. Play more, upgrade, and try again next time around. Its a difficult frusterating time burning event.
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    Speeds 129 114 134 115 122, left-to-right. This is not an OP team.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    Speeds 129 114 134 115 122, left-to-right. This is not an OP team.

    80% level 85s and a Veers lead. Just what we've been saying.
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    I signed up to be able to post on the forums because of this terrible event. Like many who posted I beat the first two tiers previously and despite being lvl85 with gear around 9 for all toons with great mods(thanks to the, and for the double drop) I can not come close to passing phase 4!!! How are EWOKS!? ONE SHOTTING my maxed out EP? Level 75 my ***. I dont mind grinding to improve my squad and slowly getting better over time but come on. My EP alone is up 2* and now has sick mods. What do I get for all the time and effort put into my squad? Destroyed by Ewoks. Way to go EA. Makes me glad to have devoted the time to the game.
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    bolobaby wrote: »
    Speeds 129 114 134 115 122, left-to-right. This is not an OP team.

    80% level 85s and a Veers lead. Just what we've been saying.

    The point is that this squad is not OP and is not fast. Just bring in a team full of AOE. Snow is fantastic in this capacity. He blows down 5 fuzzballs and everyone gets full TM.

    Tarkin lead works fantastic as well, with speed boost to all his allies. Plus he has his own AOE. Vader can use Culling Blade to take out one enemy and then immediately go again to knock down another. And he can block Elders from using revive.

    Royal Guard is great at stunning the Elders. Palpatine of course is wonderful with AOE stun.

    Most of the Empire faction has an AOE; Magma, Snow, Palp, Vader, Tarkin, Veers, TFP, DT, Krennic, Gar all have one. Make sure you have at least one ready to go in each round with the deadly ewoks, the ones with the skulls over their heads. In the last round, don't drop the Elder unless your next hero has an AOE at the ready.

    Here's a team that works: Tarkin Vader RG TFP Palp.

    If you cant get it done, maybe you just are not ready yet. Next time might be better.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    bolobaby wrote: »
    Speeds 129 114 134 115 122, left-to-right. This is not an OP team.

    80% level 85s and a Veers lead. Just what we've been saying.

    The point is that this squad is not OP and is not fast. Just bring in a team full of AOE. Snow is fantastic in this capacity. He blows down 5 fuzzballs and everyone gets full TM.

    Tarkin lead works fantastic as well, with speed boost to all his allies. Plus he has his own AOE. Vader can use Culling Blade to take out one enemy and then immediately go again to knock down another. And he can block Elders from using revive.

    Royal Guard is great at stunning the Elders. Palpatine of course is wonderful with AOE stun.

    Most of the Empire faction has an AOE; Magma, Snow, Palp, Vader, Tarkin, Veers, TFP, DT, Krennic, Gar all have one. Make sure you have at least one ready to go in each round with the deadly ewoks, the ones with the skulls over their heads. In the last round, don't drop the Elder unless your next hero has an AOE at the ready.

    Here's a team that works: Tarkin Vader RG TFP Palp.

    If you cant get it done, maybe you just are not ready yet. Next time might be better.

    If you followed the thread, you'd see that what is ticking people off is that...

    1) The game says the event is achievable with level 75, gear 8. You're showing 80% level 85, and 60% higher than gear 8. So you're just doing what I pointed out earlier - flexing your muscles and trying to make people look at your @wsumz $ucce$$! Congratulations. You beat the event with a squad that exceeds the guidelines... and clearly did so because you are a level 85 whale with enough resources lying around to give a 4* Veers gear level X.

    2) Speaking of Veers... "Yes, we get it." If you use Veers, you will do well. Clearly the event was re-engineered so having Veers on the team was optimal, to coincide with their rework of troopers and Veers. Congratulations on having enough resources to have a previously useless toon geared up and ready so quickly. Now you can chime in and tell us how you are 100% FTP, how you simply have superior planning skills, how none of our complaints are valid, and you generally beat the event by simply being superior to all of us peons.

    Hint: there is a lot of discontent concerning this event. Coming on and flexing with a squad that exceeds the recommendations does nothing to quiet the discontent, nor help anyone who is having difficulties.

    If you feel better, you can post your reply while sitting in front of a mirror.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member

    If you cant get it done, maybe you just are not ready yet. Next time might be better.

    Oh, and tell us again how we're just not ready and you're not a whale. It's not off-putting at all:

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    Lol I'm a whale. Not even close. I am glad you like my collection though, i have been working on it for a long time.

    Look I'm trying to help you. You do not need Veers to beat the event. But you do not sound like you want help, you just want to vent. And that is ok too.

    I do not understand why people get so mad about these things, it is a game and is supposed to be fun. If your characters are not good enough this time around, work on them more for next time. It is really that simple.
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    BTW, what team are you using, bolobaby? Maybe we can find a strategy that works for you.
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  • BoxandthefuzzReturns
    273 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    bolobaby wrote: »
    bolobaby wrote: »
    Speeds 129 114 134 115 122, left-to-right. This is not an OP team.

    80% level 85s and a Veers lead. Just what we've been saying.

    The point is that this squad is not OP and is not fast. Just bring in a team full of AOE. Snow is fantastic in this capacity. He blows down 5 fuzzballs and everyone gets full TM.

    Tarkin lead works fantastic as well, with speed boost to all his allies. Plus he has his own AOE. Vader can use Culling Blade to take out one enemy and then immediately go again to knock down another. And he can block Elders from using revive.

    Royal Guard is great at stunning the Elders. Palpatine of course is wonderful with AOE stun.

    Most of the Empire faction has an AOE; Magma, Snow, Palp, Vader, Tarkin, Veers, TFP, DT, Krennic, Gar all have one. Make sure you have at least one ready to go in each round with the deadly ewoks, the ones with the skulls over their heads. In the last round, don't drop the Elder unless your next hero has an AOE at the ready.

    Here's a team that works: Tarkin Vader RG TFP Palp.

    If you cant get it done, maybe you just are not ready yet. Next time might be better.

    If you followed the thread, you'd see that what is ticking people off is that...

    1) The game says the event is achievable with level 75, gear 8. You're showing 80% level 85, and 60% higher than gear 8. So you're just doing what I pointed out earlier - flexing your muscles and trying to make people look at your @wsumz $ucce$$! Congratulations. You beat the event with a squad that exceeds the guidelines... and clearly did so because you are a level 85 whale with enough resources lying around to give a 4* Veers gear level X.

    2) Speaking of Veers... "Yes, we get it." If you use Veers, you will do well. Clearly the event was re-engineered so having Veers on the team was optimal, to coincide with their rework of troopers and Veers. Congratulations on having enough resources to have a previously useless toon geared up and ready so quickly. Now you can chime in and tell us how you are 100% FTP, how you simply have superior planning skills, how none of our complaints are valid, and you generally beat the event by simply being superior to all of us peons.

    Hint: there is a lot of discontent concerning this event. Coming on and flexing with a squad that exceeds the recommendations does nothing to quiet the discontent, nor help anyone who is having difficulties.

    If you feel better, you can post your reply while sitting in front of a mirror.

    Typical ftp entitled attitude. Everything should be handed to me cause I show up.

    You got a preview of the new reworked event and were shown how to beat it for next time. Just because you can use certain toons doesn't mean that they are the best options to get the job done. Now you know what to work on for next time.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    Lol I'm a whale. Not even close. I am glad you like my collection though, i have been working on it for a long time.

    Look I'm trying to help you. You do not need Veers to beat the event. But you do not sound like you want help, you just want to vent. And that is ok too.

    I do not understand why people get so mad about these things, it is a game and is supposed to be fun. If your characters are not good enough this time around, work on them more for next time. It is really that simple.

    Yeah. You're not a whale. I mean, there ARE 14 toons you don't have, after all. And - hey - even though your speed secondaries fill three pages, it means nothing.

    But listen... you may need to work on URoRRuR'R'R so when he's needed in an event, you can come on the boards and tell us we're just "not ready."

    Oh, and for the record, if the OP was level 80, and is looking for help, providing a level 85 set-up is not actually helping. "Need help beating the event? OK, first, become level 85. Next, get your toons to gear X or XI..."

    Yeah, um, thanks for that.
    96 posts Member
    My whole issue with it is I was able to beat hard and harder last time but now I can't finish the first tier and my toons are much higher. What the actual crap?
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    Zader (L), EP, TFP, ST, RG. All lvl 85. All 7* except ST, 5*. Zader, EP, and TFP G11.

    EP and TFP AOE takes care of the deadly ewok. RG stuns once in a while. 3 star all the tiers.

    I don't know why you expect to beat the event with that setup. You don't even have a lvl 85. Players who have invested in Empire or Droids can easily beat this event. If you want to beat this event, I suggest you do the same.
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    LORDKAI wrote: »
    My whole issue with it is I was able to beat hard and harder last time but now I can't finish the first tier and my toons are much higher. What the actual ****?

    You just heard that guy. It is easy. Just get lvl 85 and gear 10-11 and you can finish it . Facepalm
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    Zader (L), EP, TFP, ST, RG. All lvl 85. All 7* except ST, 5*. Zader, EP, and TFP G11.

    EP and TFP AOE takes care of the deadly ewok. RG stuns once in a while. 3 star all the tiers.

    I don't know why you expect to beat the event with that setup. You don't even have a lvl 85. Players who have invested in Empire or Droids can easily beat this event. If you want to beat this event, I suggest you do the same.

    LOL... another one.
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    Typical ftp entitled attitude. Everything should be handed to me cause I show up.

    You got a preview of the new reworked event and were shown how to beat it for next time. Just because you can use certain toons doesn't mean that they are the best options to get the job done. Now you know what to work on for next time.

    Typical uninformed response. Who said I'm 100% FTP? Just because I don't run up a massive credit card bill playing the game doesn't mean I haven't given EA some cash from time to time.

    Go away.
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    Well i cant unlevel my characters just for you. You will just have to deal with that if you have that capacity. And i already told you what speeds i was running in that team. Check it yourself, I have not changed them.

    Thanks for the recommendation on URoRRuR'R'R, some day I will probably work on him. But if an event comes up soon that requires him, i guess I will have to miss it and that will make me sad.

    So what squad are you using for this event?
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    So what squad are you using for this event?

    The squad I used last time around to beat tier 1, except *vastly* improved in stars, gear, and level.

    And it can't get past battle 4 in tier 1 this time.

    If you want to know the specific details, it's irrelevant. You can't offer meaningful advice. Just like you can't un-level yourself, I can't poop out toons I don't have.
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    There is no way that Tier I is suitable for level 75 characters. My modded, level 85 characters come nowhere close to beating stage 4.
  • Lekrom1982
    343 posts Member
    edited May 2017
    Folks - it does require some strategy and some luck.

    I just beat Tier 1 with the following crew, certainly not maxed out (have been attempting since yesterday eh, but the satisfaction of finally doing it!):

    Palp (L) 6*, L78, G8 (abilities maxed)
    Vader 6*, L80, G9 (abilities maxed, no zeta)
    Snowtrooper, 5*!!, L61, G7 (abilities L5)
    Royal Guard, 5*!!, L60, G7 (abilities L5)
    Tarkin, 5*!!, L62, G7 (abilities L6)

    Except for Vader and Palp this Empire squad is underwhelming compared to the recommendations for crew level for the event. I had everyone alive and at full health going into 8th stage, and only RG perished...

    Keys to my victory:
    Palp lead granting TM to allies who apply debuffs
    Vader being able to triple shot because of that if you time his specials right
    Snowtrooper granting TM (even on L5 ability) to whole team every time an ewok dies
    Tarkin using basic and "Intimidation Tactics" to build up potency until the last round for his AoE
    Royal Guard applying speed down, defense up and stun at key intervals
    Watching Ewok turn meter like a hawk!
    Some good RNG!
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    Fantastic work @Lekrom1982 ! Congrats on sticking with it for the victory!
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