Shard Shop is useless as intended.


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    Guys, I've seen the "no plans to raise star cap" thing. If you want to keep posting it go ahead, but I assure you I don't ignore other people's comments.

    I just am not sure I believe it. Every game has power creep, and eventually developers rehash old characters and make them stronger/more playable. An additional star would be just another way to do that.

    And the way this shop is set up just stinks like the footwork for forced spending.

    You're all right; it's probably too early to get really angry.

    But it's like that shop was custom made to knock any excitement over the update out of me.

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    Breetai wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    There will be a shop exclusive toon released later this month. The first of many I'm sure.

    The issue with this toon is he will be almost completely worthless.

    If he starts out at 4*, then you need 80 shards to activate him. If he shows up everyday, that's 40 days before you can even activate him.

    For most people, a toon under 6* is not usable for arena. To get him to 6* you'll almost double what it takes to activate him.

    So in 113 days you can get him to 6*. I'm sure before then, new toons will be introduced that will have better skills than the shard shop only toon, and make him worthless

    I brought this up on reddit. A dev responded and said.
    I can't speak to that, yet. But suffice to say, the exclusive character won't take as long to acquire.
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    Triqui wrote: »
    For those who don't understand the OP, try to see it from another perspective. The OP has 26 chars at 7*. Some other posters have shown double than that. It's perfectly possible for some players that all the options they get in the shop are useless for them, as they already have all of them at 7*

    I guess that the shop is decided server side, and it's the same for everybody, to avoid hacking the client for the perfect shards and such. But if this was implemented as a way to give an use to extra shards for really heavy spenders, it has failied its mission. Might work for some of the lighter whales, and I suppose some dolphins can use it. But real leviathans will have no use for this, and they will be adding tokens faster than they can spend them. Unless the purpose of CG is to force those players to not spend anymore in the game (which I doubt), this offers no help for them

    In order to keep up with the amount of money the real leviathans can spend on these games the Devs would have to devote 100% of their resources into introducing new IAP on a daily basis. This would ultimately destroy the game. Leviathans and whales need to understand that a drawback to purchasing everything in a short period of time means longer periods with nothing else to purchase. The benefit is everything that's been discussed to death in other threads.
  • Options
    Breetai wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    There will be a shop exclusive toon released later this month. The first of many I'm sure.

    The issue with this toon is he will be almost completely worthless.

    If he starts out at 4*, then you need 80 shards to activate him. If he shows up everyday, that's 40 days before you can even activate him.

    For most people, a toon under 6* is not usable for arena. To get him to 6* you'll almost double what it takes to activate him.

    So in 113 days you can get him to 6*. I'm sure before then, new toons will be introduced that will have better skills than the shard shop only toon, and make him worthless

    You are assuming they arent going to add a refresh. I think that will be in the next patch if it doesnt show up tomorrow. They said some elements of the update arent going through until tomorrow. Plus im pretty sure the exclusive character will always be in the shop. Not pop up at random.
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    slmcmr wrote: »
    1. Buy the shards of your 7* star characters from Shard Shop
    2. Convert those extra shards in the Shard Shop
    3. Keep doing step 1 and 2 until no Shard Shop Currency left
    No extra shards. Problem solved B)

    Thanks for that, I needed the laugh.

    Maybe I'll do that and then open a Customer Service complaint, and call every day.

    I mean, they got rid of Training Droids because people were too oblivious to sell them.

    Maybe if I REALLY act like a Special Snowflake they'll fix this problem simply because I'm too stupid to not screw myself over.
  • Valent_Antona
    1034 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Post edited by FashionFett on
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Options
    Telaan wrote: »
    Triqui wrote: »
    For those who don't understand the OP, try to see it from another perspective. The OP has 26 chars at 7*. Some other posters have shown double than that. It's perfectly possible for some players that all the options they get in the shop are useless for them, as they already have all of them at 7*

    I guess that the shop is decided server side, and it's the same for everybody, to avoid hacking the client for the perfect shards and such. But if this was implemented as a way to give an use to extra shards for really heavy spenders, it has failied its mission. Might work for some of the lighter whales, and I suppose some dolphins can use it. But real leviathans will have no use for this, and they will be adding tokens faster than they can spend them. Unless the purpose of CG is to force those players to not spend anymore in the game (which I doubt), this offers no help for them

    In order to keep up with the amount of money the real leviathans can spend on these games the Devs would have to devote 100% of their resources into introducing new IAP on a daily basis. This would ultimately destroy the game. Leviathans and whales need to understand that a drawback to purchasing everything in a short period of time means longer periods with nothing else to purchase. The benefit is everything that's been discussed to death in other threads.

    Like I said, I'm 10000% OK with getting 12 random shards in a long as it's for a character that isn't 7*.
  • Aluxendr
    358 posts Member
    edited February 2016

    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • Options
    Aluxendr wrote: »
    Telaan wrote: »
    Triqui wrote: »
    For those who don't understand the OP, try to see it from another perspective. The OP has 26 chars at 7*. Some other posters have shown double than that. It's perfectly possible for some players that all the options they get in the shop are useless for them, as they already have all of them at 7*

    I guess that the shop is decided server side, and it's the same for everybody, to avoid hacking the client for the perfect shards and such. But if this was implemented as a way to give an use to extra shards for really heavy spenders, it has failied its mission. Might work for some of the lighter whales, and I suppose some dolphins can use it. But real leviathans will have no use for this, and they will be adding tokens faster than they can spend them. Unless the purpose of CG is to force those players to not spend anymore in the game (which I doubt), this offers no help for them

    In order to keep up with the amount of money the real leviathans can spend on these games the Devs would have to devote 100% of their resources into introducing new IAP on a daily basis. This would ultimately destroy the game. Leviathans and whales need to understand that a drawback to purchasing everything in a short period of time means longer periods with nothing else to purchase. The benefit is everything that's been discussed to death in other threads.

    Like I said, I'm 10000% OK with getting 12 random shards in a long as it's for a character that isn't 7*.

    I get that. I absolutely agree they should be filtered out.
  • Options rotates out. Relax. You will have different ones to choose from tomorrow. If it's really got you this upset put your wallet up and play the game at normal speed. No, they aren't going to offer you exclusive content specifically for you and cater to your every whim. No....just no.
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    10 to 1 ratio

    i dont have the same toons in my shard shop as you tho
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    They could have atleast out all mission characters that aren't in the game. Why would someone buy these characters,lol.
  • Options rotates out. Relax. You will have different ones to choose from tomorrow. If it's really got you this upset put your wallet up and play the game at normal speed. No, they aren't going to offer you exclusive content specifically for you and cater to your every whim. No....just no.

    Dude, I'm not saying I deserve extra special fluffy rewards because I spent money. Put on your reading comprehension glasses and understand that I just don't want them to resell things I already bought back to me at 10 times the cost. No, I know it's hard for you to understand simple logic. Ok....just OK.
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    Shard Shop is about to encourage people who have a lot of 7* to keep buying chromium data cards. Wait... Really? I think they messed up at some point.

    Shard Shop is useless. I hope they fix it, a refresh every 6 hours with crystal boost would solve the problem. And of course, no duplicate characters in the list.

    No way to whales keep buying data cards once they can't spend their extra shards.

    Right now I have 15k credits, no way to spend in the next months.
    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
  • Options
    Reddplague wrote: »
    They could have atleast out all mission characters that aren't in the game. Why would someone buy these characters,lol.

    Exactly. It would be much more useful if:

    1. Any chars farmable in GW, Arena or Cantina are excluded from the pot
    2. Any chars who've already been 7*'ed are excluded from the pot
    3. Only Exclusive chars and Hard Mode chars are left
  • Options
    Aluxendr wrote: »
    Man down, someone call a waaaaambulance!

    Who let you out from under your bridge?

    Funny thing is, I agree with your complaint. But think you would get further with constructive feedback as opposed to what looks like severe whining to those reading.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
  • Options
    Reddplague wrote: »
    They could have atleast out all mission characters that aren't in the game. Why would someone buy these characters,lol.

    Exactly. It would be much more useful if:

    1. Any chars farmable in GW, Arena or Cantina are excluded from the pot
    2. Any chars who've already been 7*'ed are excluded from the pot
    3. Only Exclusive chars and Hard Mode chars are left

    Honestly man, I'd be OK with it even if they just had #2.
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    I'm barely at 8 7*s, stop complaining omg... If you wanted more content you shouldn't have spent so much to finish it so fast.
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    Aluxendr wrote: »
    Man down, someone call a waaaaambulance!

    Who let you out from under your bridge?

    Funny thing is, I agree with your complaint. But think you would get further with constructive feedback as opposed to what looks like severe whining to those reading.

    Pretty sure it's not severe whining when I point out The exact problem, and illustrate it with pictures.

    Are you saying the waambulance post was anything less/more than a troll post?
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    The last thing the average player wants is more stars. I personally hope this never happens or doesn't happen for another year. You've spent a lot of money on this game so I empathise but at the same time as a "mini-whale" I've noticed a good trend from the dev balancing between f2p and p2p. You are one of the few people that will have a 7* yoda in two days. And before anyone else you will have the shard exclusice character. How much more of an advantage do you want? At some point you will loose returns on your investment as perhaps you invested too much?

    I understand the desire to be able to pick from only toons you do not have but at the same time they never had to add any type of shard exchange at all. They didn't owe that to anyone even if they spent a million dollars.
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    This was the risk you decided to take when you spent money on shards, you knew the risk, why must you feel entitled to something because you chose to hand over your cash and time? These posts really make my head itch. It's not an investment, it's a game. What would you say if you could say never trade in shards, at least you get some return on your spending, no matter how unbalanced it is/was/will be, you have a chance to get something back. Either take it or wait for changes, what happens when you have all toons maxed out? Present your case to the devs in a clear manner without all the entitlement and perhaps you can fix it for us all. Good luck.
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    Shop exclusivity hero?? LMAO.
    You can buy 2 shards a day, so it takes about 175 days to get that new hero. that is IF that hero is purchasable every day, it's 6 hero shards rotation daily.
  • D_Millennial
    847 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    J7000 wrote: »
    The last thing the average player wants is more stars. I personally hope this never happens or doesn't happen for another year. You've spent a lot of money on this game so I empathise but at the same time as a "mini-whale" I've noticed a good trend from the dev balancing between f2p and p2p. You are one of the few people that will have a 7* yoda in two days. And before anyone else you will have the shard exclusice character. How much more of an advantage do you want? At some point you will loose returns on your investment as perhaps you invested too much?

    I understand the desire to be able to pick from only toons you do not have but at the same time they never had to add any type of shard exchange at all. They didn't owe that to anyone even if they spent a million dollars.

    It should never happen period. They've already made us trade in our excess shards at 1/10th the value.
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    J7000 wrote: »
    The last thing the average player wants is more stars. I personally hope this never happens or doesn't happen for another year. You've spent a lot of money on this game so I empathise but at the same time as a "mini-whale" I've noticed a good trend from the dev balancing between f2p and p2p. You are one of the few people that will have a 7* yoda in two days. And before anyone else you will have the shard exclusice character. How much more of an advantage do you want? At some point you will loose returns on your investment as perhaps you invested too much?

    I understand the desire to be able to pick from only toons you do not have but at the same time they never had to add any type of shard exchange at all. They didn't owe that to anyone even if they spent a million dollars.

    It should never happen period. They've already made us trade in our excess shards at 1/10th the value.

    Yeah, the fact that they created the shard exchange indicates they are not planning to do it. I hope never, but never say never.
  • Options
    J7000 wrote: »
    The last thing the average player wants is more stars. I personally hope this never happens or doesn't happen for another year. You've spent a lot of money on this game so I empathise but at the same time as a "mini-whale" I've noticed a good trend from the dev balancing between f2p and p2p. You are one of the few people that will have a 7* yoda in two days. And before anyone else you will have the shard exclusice character. How much more of an advantage do you want? At some point you will loose returns on your investment as perhaps you invested too much?

    I understand the desire to be able to pick from only toons you do not have but at the same time they never had to add any type of shard exchange at all. They didn't owe that to anyone even if they spent a million dollars.

    I don't really want an advantage. I just want to be able to use the additional shards, without being offered the same shards I traded in.

    And in point of fact, they DID need to address the extra shard issue.

    What's another way of saying "A game that you spend money on and has a chance to return 0% value, and involves no skill to win?". Hint: it starts with a G.
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    Funny thing is, I agree with your complaint. But think you would get further with constructive feedback as opposed to what looks like severe whining to those reading.

    From where I sit he made valid points and made them reasonably.
    Remember, this feature was put in specifically to target whales. If they are not satisfied with it, then there's likely a problem.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Anyways, I'm done posting for now. But I'm probably going to keep bumping this to the front page occassionally, just to keep it in the devs radar.
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    Aluxendr wrote: »
    Guys, I've seen the "no plans to raise star cap" thing. If you want to keep posting it go ahead, but I assure you I don't ignore other people's comments.

    I just am not sure I believe it. Every game has power creep, and eventually developers rehash old characters and make them stronger/more playable. An additional star would be just another way to do that.

    And the way this shop is set up just stinks like the footwork for forced spending.

    You're all right; it's probably too early to get really angry.

    But it's like that shop was custom made to knock any excitement over the update out of me.

    Power creeping is not necessary. In this game, power creeping and nerfing rates are absurd in comparison to many top games. Some may argue that it is new, but yeah if it is new, you should avoid drastic changes even more.

    Power creeping can be avoided by introducing new contents and making "new/old" chars be useful only for one or two contents but not all of them.

    Raising the star cap will make many people rage including myself because I just "accidentally pressed the convert all shard button".

    For now, I assume that the shard shop does not exist, lol until they change their policy about power creeping.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    I can understand the frustration, and I really don't get the random nature of this and very slow pace. On the upside I heard you can get Vader shards in there, and there will be a new character in a couple of weeks.

    Got 2 Vader shards with my first one today! Keep em' comin! Almost 5* with him, woohoo...sponge for Galactic War...
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
  • Options
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Funny thing is, I agree with your complaint. But think you would get further with constructive feedback as opposed to what looks like severe whining to those reading.

    From where I sit he made valid points and made them reasonably.
    Remember, this feature was put in specifically to target whales. If they are not satisfied with it, then there's likely a problem.

    It's not his complaint as much as his self entitlement that is mixed in. It's random lol. Not randomly beneficial to him. It rotates. It will be ok. He bought all those toons and now he has limited options. It happens. He still has the currency to get the new toons and I get that it sucks to have choices he has already 7*ed....again it's random.

    Seriously. It's not even been a day...a half a day and this guy is ready to off his wife and invest the insurance in destroying the galaxy.

    I sense great anger in this one.
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