Character reveal Megathread


  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Well, I guess the game isn't canon so a non-canon character isn't that odd.

    Thrawn is canon.

    Now, yes.

    He was Canon during lucas's era as well.

    ...and then he wasn't. But now he is again. Cool story bro - except you're trying to conveniently leave out the middle. But whatevs. I get it - you're a Thrawn fan and think everyone else should be too. Some of us are not. Sorry if that makes you sad.

    That's not what the point is. I don't care if you like Thrawn or not. I don't like r2d2 that much but I accept that he is considered a fan fav. What's getting everyone fired is up is that since YOU don't like Thrawn he can't possibly be considered a fan fav. You're attacking something that means a lot to many older fans of Star wars. Youre gonna get responses lol.

    I'm not attacking anything. lol. And since I have adult children playing SWGOH as well, I'm probably an "older" SW fan than many here.

    R2D2 and Thrawn are not nearly on the same level of "fan favorite". Trying to suggest that they are by citing how many books Thrawn is in, is silliness. The fact that Thrawn fans feel the need to defend their blue-skinned buddy actually proves the point - not disputes it. If Thrawn was a fan favorite on the same level as R2, people would have felt the need to justify his release as well - but they didn't. Do you know why? Because R2 was clearly the very definition of "fan favorite" whether you liked him or not.

    That simply isn't the case with Thrawn. And the fact that people have to post links and arguments trying to explain who Thrawn is and validate him as a possible "fan favorite" is the proof that he and R2 are not anywhere near the same level of universality. That's not to say that Thrawn isn't the second "fan favorite" - he probably is. But, IMHO, and the opinion of many others, it's not nearly as strong a "fan favorite" as R2 is.

    If this was a Marvel comics Avengers game, that would be like saying "We're getting two fan favorites!! One is Iron Man and the other is....Firestar!" Sure, Firestar was an Avenger (i.e. canon) - but not nearly on the same level as Iron Man...or Wolverine, or Hulk, Captain America, Thor, etc.

    I'm not sure why this is so difficult for the Thrawn fanboys to grasp - and why they feel the need to be so defensive about it.

    Because you're comparing Thrawn to Pao or bistan as far as popularly goes. Is Thrawn as popular as Vader or R2? Of course not. But Thrawn is certainly at the same level as a Jango Fett and Revan in that regard.

    I am comparing Thrawn to R2 because R2 was "the other" fan favorite. This really isn't that difficult.

    Seriously who else compares to R2D2 though as far as overall popularity. Anyone else short of Jedi Luke would be a letdown.

    BB-8? =)
  • Kozispoon
    3245 posts EA Staff (retired)
    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    Where's Jango, brah?

    Thank you for your patience 8D Forum Guidelines
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  • Roken_Fett
    1293 posts Member
    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    Where's Jango, brah?

    I suppose I'll have no choice but to accept that. But I'm not happy about it.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
  • Options
    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    Where's Jango, brah?
    It's posts like these that makes me think some of the trolls on the board are Mods (or Devs), just to rile up the people. They can then watch the chaos ensue, and gauge how much work they have to do to fix a problem or determine who to use to drop rumors with, and how much detail is "leaked".

    Either that, or they go into your game account and adjust the RNG to do certain things to reward and punish.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
  • Roken_Fett
    1293 posts Member
    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    Where's Jango, brah?
    It's posts like these that makes me think some of the trolls on the board are Mods (or Devs), just to rile up the people. They can then watch the chaos ensue, and gauge how much work they have to do to fix a problem or determine who to use to drop rumors with, and how much detail is "leaked".

    Either that, or they go into your game account and adjust the RNG to do certain things to reward and punish.

    Both can be true.
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    After reading 21 pages of comments this is my summery of this thread so far for anyone just tuning in...

    - Thrawn is July's Fan favorite.
    - There are people who don't know who Thrawn is so how can he be a fan favorite?
    - @Roken_Fett: Thrawn is cool and all, but Jango is better!
    - Thrawn is a fan favorite because there are a lot of people who have read his books (15 mil+) or watched the 3rd season of Rebels (25 mil+) who have come to love his character
    - Who even is Thrawn?
    - Thrawn is an blue-skinned alien of the Chiss race that is both ruthless, brilliant, and managed to achieve the Imperial rank of Grand Admiral due to his tactical genius in battle. A rank which is seldom awarded to non-human life forms.
    - @Roken_Fett: Yeah but, all of the Dev's hints point to Jango... and Jango is way cooler!
    - Well I haven't heard of Thrawn, so he must not be a fan favorite. I'm super disappointed in the developers of this game.
    - Just because you haven't heard of Thrawn doesn't invalidate the fact that there are millions of fans who have, and the vast majority of them love his character
    - @Roken_Fett: You know who people HAVE heard of... Jango Fett.. I mean EVERYBODY loves Jango Fett right? Ammi Right? THAT's someone I could spend my money on, but you know, I'm not knocking Thrawn or anything...
    - Okay well you still shouldn't call Thrawn a fan favorite unless it's a character that EVERYONE knows and loves, not just some character that appears in silly kids cartoons. ...
    - (* Insert lengthy uproar from all of the adult fans of the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series *)
    - The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series' are both amazing and incredibly well made, and Thrawn was a favorite amongst many fans long before he was brought back into Canon via Season 3 of Rebels (which was likely a direct result of his immense popularity).
    - @Roken_Fett: Come on guys... J A N G O F E T T
    - Yeah but Thrawn wasn't in any of the movies, so he's not really on the same level as Luke, Han, R2D2, (@Roken_Fett: Jango...), Leah, C3PO, etc...
    - No one is saying that he is, but to claim that those are the only characters worthy of the title "Fan Favorite" just doesn't do justice to many of the other great Star Wars characters that many of us love, thus your claim offends us.
    - Honestly everyone, who cares about who Thrawn is, or what a fan favorite is... as long as he destorys Chaze then everyone wins...
    - DEVS: *\_(0.o)_/* Come on guys... Can't we all just get along?

    Just repeat this for 21 pages and you're pretty much caught up. =)
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    After reading 21 pages of comments this is my summery of this thread so far for anyone just tuning in...

    - Thrawn is July's Fan favorite.
    - There are people who don't know who Thrawn is so how can he be a fan favorite?
    - @Roken_Fett: Thrawn is cool and all, but Jango is better!
    - Thrawn is a fan favorite because there are a lot of people who have read his books (15 mil+) or watched the 3rd season of Rebels (25 mil+) who have come to love his character
    - Who even is Thrawn?
    - Thrawn is an blue-skinned alien of the Chiss race that is both ruthless, brilliant, and managed to achieve the Imperial rank of Grand Admiral due to his tactical genius in battle. A rank which is seldom awarded to non-human life forms.
    - @Roken_Fett: Yeah but, all of the Dev's hints point to Jango... and Jango is way cooler!
    - Well I haven't heard of Thrawn, so he must not be a fan favorite. I'm super disappointed in the developers of this game.
    - Just because you haven't heard of Thrawn doesn't invalidate the fact that there are millions of fans who have, and the vast majority of them love his character
    - @Roken_Fett: You know who people HAVE heard of... Jango Fett.. I mean EVERYBODY loves Jango Fett right? Ammi Right? THAT's someone I could spend my money on, but you know, I'm not knocking Thrawn or anything...
    - Okay well you still shouldn't call Thrawn a fan favorite unless it's a character that EVERYONE knows and loves, not just some character that appears in silly kids cartoons. ...
    - (* Insert lengthy uproar from all of the adult fans of the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series *)
    - The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series' are both amazing and incredibly well made, and Thrawn was a favorite amongst many fans long before he was brought back into Canon via Season 3 of Rebels (which was likely a direct result of his immense popularity).
    - @Roken_Fett: Come on guys... J A N G O F E T T
    - Yeah but Thrawn wasn't in any of the movies, so he's not really on the same level as Luke, Han, R2D2, (@Roken_Fett: Jango...), Leah, C3PO, etc...
    - No one is saying that he is, but to claim that those are the only characters worthy of the title "Fan Favorite" just doesn't do justice to many of the other great Star Wars characters that many of us love, thus your claim offends us.
    - Honestly everyone, who cares about who Thrawn is, or what a fan favorite is... as long as he destorys Chaze then everyone wins...
    - DEVS: *\_(0.o)_/* Come on guys... Can't we all just get along?

    Just repeat this for 21 pages and you're pretty much caught up. =)

    Pretty accurate summary there. Laughed at the Jango ones.
  • Options
    who is jango?
  • BeWary
    368 posts Member
    Thanks Spyda. Saved me a lot of reading!
  • Roken_Fett
    1293 posts Member
    No need to read all of them. Just hop in. The water is warm.

    Jango por vida!
    CLONE HELMETS!! Now let's get Sabine her epic helmet.
  • Options
    Spyda wrote: »
    After reading 21 pages of comments this is my summery of this thread so far for anyone just tuning in...

    - Thrawn is July's Fan favorite.
    - There are people who don't know who Thrawn is so how can he be a fan favorite?
    - @Roken_Fett: Thrawn is cool and all, but Jango is better!
    - Thrawn is a fan favorite because there are a lot of people who have read his books (15 mil+) or watched the 3rd season of Rebels (25 mil+) who have come to love his character
    - Who even is Thrawn?
    - Thrawn is an blue-skinned alien of the Chiss race that is both ruthless, brilliant, and managed to achieve the Imperial rank of Grand Admiral due to his tactical genius in battle. A rank which is seldom awarded to non-human life forms.
    - @Roken_Fett: Yeah but, all of the Dev's hints point to Jango... and Jango is way cooler!
    - Well I haven't heard of Thrawn, so he must not be a fan favorite. I'm super disappointed in the developers of this game.
    - Just because you haven't heard of Thrawn doesn't invalidate the fact that there are millions of fans who have, and the vast majority of them love his character
    - @Roken_Fett: You know who people HAVE heard of... Jango Fett.. I mean EVERYBODY loves Jango Fett right? Ammi Right? THAT's someone I could spend my money on, but you know, I'm not knocking Thrawn or anything...
    - Okay well you still shouldn't call Thrawn a fan favorite unless it's a character that EVERYONE knows and loves, not just some character that appears in silly kids cartoons. ...
    - (* Insert lengthy uproar from all of the adult fans of the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series *)
    - The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series' are both amazing and incredibly well made, and Thrawn was a favorite amongst many fans long before he was brought back into Canon via Season 3 of Rebels (which was likely a direct result of his immense popularity).
    - @Roken_Fett: Come on guys... J A N G O F E T T
    - Yeah but Thrawn wasn't in any of the movies, so he's not really on the same level as Luke, Han, R2D2, (@Roken_Fett: Jango...), Leah, C3PO, etc...
    - No one is saying that he is, but to claim that those are the only characters worthy of the title "Fan Favorite" just doesn't do justice to many of the other great Star Wars characters that many of us love, thus your claim offends us.
    - Honestly everyone, who cares about who Thrawn is, or what a fan favorite is... as long as he destorys Chaze then everyone wins...
    - DEVS: *\_(0.o)_/* Come on guys... Can't we all just get along?

    Just repeat this for 21 pages and you're pretty much caught up. =)

  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Syrath wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Well, I guess the game isn't canon so a non-canon character isn't that odd.

    Thrawn is canon.

    Now, yes.

    He was Canon during lucas's era as well.

    ...and then he wasn't. But now he is again. Cool story bro - except you're trying to conveniently leave out the middle. But whatevs. I get it - you're a Thrawn fan and think everyone else should be too. Some of us are not. Sorry if that makes you sad.

    That's not what the point is. I don't care if you like Thrawn or not. I don't like r2d2 that much but I accept that he is considered a fan fav. What's getting everyone fired is up is that since YOU don't like Thrawn he can't possibly be considered a fan fav. You're attacking something that means a lot to many older fans of Star wars. Youre gonna get responses lol.

    I'm not attacking anything. lol. And since I have adult children playing SWGOH as well, I'm probably an "older" SW fan than many here.

    R2D2 and Thrawn are not nearly on the same level of "fan favorite". Trying to suggest that they are by citing how many books Thrawn is in, is silliness. The fact that Thrawn fans feel the need to defend their blue-skinned buddy actually proves the point - not disputes it. If Thrawn was a fan favorite on the same level as R2, people would have felt the need to justify his release as well - but they didn't. Do you know why? Because R2 was clearly the very definition of "fan favorite" whether you liked him or not.

    That simply isn't the case with Thrawn. And the fact that people have to post links and arguments trying to explain who Thrawn is and validate him as a possible "fan favorite" is the proof that he and R2 are not anywhere near the same level of universality. That's not to say that Thrawn isn't the second "fan favorite" - he probably is. But, IMHO, and the opinion of many others, it's not nearly as strong a "fan favorite" as R2 is.

    If this was a Marvel comics Avengers game, that would be like saying "We're getting two fan favorites!! One is Iron Man and the other is....Firestar!" Sure, Firestar was an Avenger (i.e. canon) - but not nearly on the same level as Iron Man...or Wolverine, or Hulk, Captain America, Thor, etc.

    I'm not sure why this is so difficult for the Thrawn fanboys to grasp - and why they feel the need to be so defensive about it.

    Because you're comparing Thrawn to Pao or bistan as far as popularly goes. Is Thrawn as popular as Vader or R2? Of course not. But Thrawn is certainly at the same level as a Jango Fett and Revan in that regard.

    I am comparing Thrawn to R2 because R2 was "the other" fan favorite. This really isn't that difficult.

    EA/CG along with Disney have an agenda to push their current product and they can label any character a fan favorite as some SW fans like the character to some degree.

    I think this is also important to keep in mind.

    As an example, going back to the Phoenix release - obviously their release wasn't solely based on the popularity of the show, it was also an attempt at a pseudo "in-game commercial" for the show at the same time.

    That's why I do believe it will be Thrawn (whether some or most or however many fans agree or not) - because he's on the show and just had a book released. It's cross-promotion and it's good business. I'm sure they even appreciate all those posting linke to the books in this thread. Free advertising for them. :)
    Post edited by Nikoms565 on
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Boreas
    508 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Syrath wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Well, I guess the game isn't canon so a non-canon character isn't that odd.

    Thrawn is canon.

    Now, yes.

    He was Canon during lucas's era as well.

    ...and then he wasn't. But now he is again. Cool story bro - except you're trying to conveniently leave out the middle. But whatevs. I get it - you're a Thrawn fan and think everyone else should be too. Some of us are not. Sorry if that makes you sad.

    That's not what the point is. I don't care if you like Thrawn or not. I don't like r2d2 that much but I accept that he is considered a fan fav. What's getting everyone fired is up is that since YOU don't like Thrawn he can't possibly be considered a fan fav. You're attacking something that means a lot to many older fans of Star wars. Youre gonna get responses lol.

    I'm not attacking anything. lol. And since I have adult children playing SWGOH as well, I'm probably an "older" SW fan than many here.

    R2D2 and Thrawn are not nearly on the same level of "fan favorite". Trying to suggest that they are by citing how many books Thrawn is in, is silliness. The fact that Thrawn fans feel the need to defend their blue-skinned buddy actually proves the point - not disputes it. If Thrawn was a fan favorite on the same level as R2, people would have felt the need to justify his release as well - but they didn't. Do you know why? Because R2 was clearly the very definition of "fan favorite" whether you liked him or not.

    That simply isn't the case with Thrawn. And the fact that people have to post links and arguments trying to explain who Thrawn is and validate him as a possible "fan favorite" is the proof that he and R2 are not anywhere near the same level of universality. That's not to say that Thrawn isn't the second "fan favorite" - he probably is. But, IMHO, and the opinion of many others, it's not nearly as strong a "fan favorite" as R2 is.

    If this was a Marvel comics Avengers game, that would be like saying "We're getting two fan favorites!! One is Iron Man and the other is....Firestar!" Sure, Firestar was an Avenger (i.e. canon) - but not nearly on the same level as Iron Man...or Wolverine, or Hulk, Captain America, Thor, etc.

    I'm not sure why this is so difficult for the Thrawn fanboys to grasp - and why they feel the need to be so defensive about it.

    Because you're comparing Thrawn to Pao or bistan as far as popularly goes. Is Thrawn as popular as Vader or R2? Of course not. But Thrawn is certainly at the same level as a Jango Fett and Revan in that regard.

    I am comparing Thrawn to R2 because R2 was "the other" fan favorite. This really isn't that difficult.

    EA/CG along with Disney have an agenda to push their current product and they can label any character a fan favorite as some SW fans like the character to some degree.

    I think this is also important to keep in mind.

    As an example, going back to the Phoenix release - obviously their release solely based on the popularity of the show, it was alos clearly an attempt at a pseudo "in-game commercial" for the show at the same time.

    That's why I do believe it will be Thrawn (whether some or most or however many fans agree or not) - because he's on the show and just had a book released. It's cross-promotion and it's good business. I'm sure they even appreciate all those posting linke to the books in this thread. Free advertising for them. :)

    I agree that this the most important part as a true feedback for the devs, that not everyone is glad to see the releases from Disney's Rebels show, which btw, including Thrawn, 8 of the last 10 character releases, (6 Phoenix, 1 FAT (Fulcrum Ahsoka Tano), 1 Thrawn),
  • Options
    I welcome Thrawn... so tired of rebels lol
  • Options
    It will be darth jar jar
  • Options
    Boreas wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Syrath wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Well, I guess the game isn't canon so a non-canon character isn't that odd.

    Thrawn is canon.

    Now, yes.

    He was Canon during lucas's era as well.

    ...and then he wasn't. But now he is again. Cool story bro - except you're trying to conveniently leave out the middle. But whatevs. I get it - you're a Thrawn fan and think everyone else should be too. Some of us are not. Sorry if that makes you sad.

    That's not what the point is. I don't care if you like Thrawn or not. I don't like r2d2 that much but I accept that he is considered a fan fav. What's getting everyone fired is up is that since YOU don't like Thrawn he can't possibly be considered a fan fav. You're attacking something that means a lot to many older fans of Star wars. Youre gonna get responses lol.

    I'm not attacking anything. lol. And since I have adult children playing SWGOH as well, I'm probably an "older" SW fan than many here.

    R2D2 and Thrawn are not nearly on the same level of "fan favorite". Trying to suggest that they are by citing how many books Thrawn is in, is silliness. The fact that Thrawn fans feel the need to defend their blue-skinned buddy actually proves the point - not disputes it. If Thrawn was a fan favorite on the same level as R2, people would have felt the need to justify his release as well - but they didn't. Do you know why? Because R2 was clearly the very definition of "fan favorite" whether you liked him or not.

    That simply isn't the case with Thrawn. And the fact that people have to post links and arguments trying to explain who Thrawn is and validate him as a possible "fan favorite" is the proof that he and R2 are not anywhere near the same level of universality. That's not to say that Thrawn isn't the second "fan favorite" - he probably is. But, IMHO, and the opinion of many others, it's not nearly as strong a "fan favorite" as R2 is.

    If this was a Marvel comics Avengers game, that would be like saying "We're getting two fan favorites!! One is Iron Man and the other is....Firestar!" Sure, Firestar was an Avenger (i.e. canon) - but not nearly on the same level as Iron Man...or Wolverine, or Hulk, Captain America, Thor, etc.

    I'm not sure why this is so difficult for the Thrawn fanboys to grasp - and why they feel the need to be so defensive about it.

    Because you're comparing Thrawn to Pao or bistan as far as popularly goes. Is Thrawn as popular as Vader or R2? Of course not. But Thrawn is certainly at the same level as a Jango Fett and Revan in that regard.

    I am comparing Thrawn to R2 because R2 was "the other" fan favorite. This really isn't that difficult.

    EA/CG along with Disney have an agenda to push their current product and they can label any character a fan favorite as some SW fans like the character to some degree.

    I think this is also important to keep in mind.

    As an example, going back to the Phoenix release - obviously their release solely based on the popularity of the show, it was alos clearly an attempt at a pseudo "in-game commercial" for the show at the same time.

    That's why I do believe it will be Thrawn (whether some or most or however many fans agree or not) - because he's on the show and just had a book released. It's cross-promotion and it's good business. I'm sure they even appreciate all those posting linke to the books in this thread. Free advertising for them. :)

    I agree that this the most important part as a true feedback for the devs, that not everyone is glad to see the releases from Disney's Rebels show, which btw, including Thrawn, 8 of the last 10 character releases, (6 Phoenix, 1 FAT (Fulcrum Ahsoka Tano), 1 Thrawn),

    + Gar Saxon and Imperial Super Commando profile: NicoleJudge
  • Boreas
    508 posts Member
    Boreas wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Syrath wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Well, I guess the game isn't canon so a non-canon character isn't that odd.

    Thrawn is canon.

    Now, yes.

    He was Canon during lucas's era as well.

    ...and then he wasn't. But now he is again. Cool story bro - except you're trying to conveniently leave out the middle. But whatevs. I get it - you're a Thrawn fan and think everyone else should be too. Some of us are not. Sorry if that makes you sad.

    That's not what the point is. I don't care if you like Thrawn or not. I don't like r2d2 that much but I accept that he is considered a fan fav. What's getting everyone fired is up is that since YOU don't like Thrawn he can't possibly be considered a fan fav. You're attacking something that means a lot to many older fans of Star wars. Youre gonna get responses lol.

    I'm not attacking anything. lol. And since I have adult children playing SWGOH as well, I'm probably an "older" SW fan than many here.

    R2D2 and Thrawn are not nearly on the same level of "fan favorite". Trying to suggest that they are by citing how many books Thrawn is in, is silliness. The fact that Thrawn fans feel the need to defend their blue-skinned buddy actually proves the point - not disputes it. If Thrawn was a fan favorite on the same level as R2, people would have felt the need to justify his release as well - but they didn't. Do you know why? Because R2 was clearly the very definition of "fan favorite" whether you liked him or not.

    That simply isn't the case with Thrawn. And the fact that people have to post links and arguments trying to explain who Thrawn is and validate him as a possible "fan favorite" is the proof that he and R2 are not anywhere near the same level of universality. That's not to say that Thrawn isn't the second "fan favorite" - he probably is. But, IMHO, and the opinion of many others, it's not nearly as strong a "fan favorite" as R2 is.

    If this was a Marvel comics Avengers game, that would be like saying "We're getting two fan favorites!! One is Iron Man and the other is....Firestar!" Sure, Firestar was an Avenger (i.e. canon) - but not nearly on the same level as Iron Man...or Wolverine, or Hulk, Captain America, Thor, etc.

    I'm not sure why this is so difficult for the Thrawn fanboys to grasp - and why they feel the need to be so defensive about it.

    Because you're comparing Thrawn to Pao or bistan as far as popularly goes. Is Thrawn as popular as Vader or R2? Of course not. But Thrawn is certainly at the same level as a Jango Fett and Revan in that regard.

    I am comparing Thrawn to R2 because R2 was "the other" fan favorite. This really isn't that difficult.

    EA/CG along with Disney have an agenda to push their current product and they can label any character a fan favorite as some SW fans like the character to some degree.

    I think this is also important to keep in mind.

    As an example, going back to the Phoenix release - obviously their release solely based on the popularity of the show, it was alos clearly an attempt at a pseudo "in-game commercial" for the show at the same time.

    That's why I do believe it will be Thrawn (whether some or most or however many fans agree or not) - because he's on the show and just had a book released. It's cross-promotion and it's good business. I'm sure they even appreciate all those posting linke to the books in this thread. Free advertising for them. :)

    I agree that this the most important part as a true feedback for the devs, that not everyone is glad to see the releases from Disney's Rebels show, which btw, including Thrawn, 8 of the last 10 character releases, (6 Phoenix, 1 FAT (Fulcrum Ahsoka Tano), 1 Thrawn),

    + Gar Saxon and Imperial Super Commando

    Yes I totally forgot about them, but we had another rebel and R2 in between so 8 out of 10 of the recent releases...
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Spyda wrote: »
    Just repeat this for 21 pages and you're pretty much caught up. =)
    I can summarize this a little more succinctly:
    *Loyd, continuous fart sound for 21 pages*
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Muaddib
    563 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Spyda wrote: »
    Just repeat this for 21 pages and you're pretty much caught up. =)
    I can summarize this a little more succinctly:
    *Loyd, continuous fart sound for 21 pages*

  • ddlooping2
    1049 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    That's why I do believe it will be Thrawn... :)
    I believe it's Thrawn too, because it's his picture. :)

  • sL_Spinoza
    404 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Spyda wrote: »
    After reading 21 pages of comments this is my summery of this thread so far for anyone just tuning in...

    - Thrawn is July's Fan favorite.
    - There are people who don't know who Thrawn is so how can he be a fan favorite?
    - @Roken_Fett: Thrawn is cool and all, but Jango is better!
    - Thrawn is a fan favorite because there are a lot of people who have read his books (15 mil+) or watched the 3rd season of Rebels (25 mil+) who have come to love his character
    - Who even is Thrawn?
    - Thrawn is an blue-skinned alien of the Chiss race that is both ruthless, brilliant, and managed to achieve the Imperial rank of Grand Admiral due to his tactical genius in battle. A rank which is seldom awarded to non-human life forms.
    - @Roken_Fett: Yeah but, all of the Dev's hints point to Jango... and Jango is way cooler!
    - Well I haven't heard of Thrawn, so he must not be a fan favorite. I'm super disappointed in the developers of this game.
    - Just because you haven't heard of Thrawn doesn't invalidate the fact that there are millions of fans who have, and the vast majority of them love his character
    - @Roken_Fett: You know who people HAVE heard of... Jango Fett.. I mean EVERYBODY loves Jango Fett right? Ammi Right? THAT's someone I could spend my money on, but you know, I'm not knocking Thrawn or anything...
    - Okay well you still shouldn't call Thrawn a fan favorite unless it's a character that EVERYONE knows and loves, not just some character that appears in silly kids cartoons. ...
    - (* Insert lengthy uproar from all of the adult fans of the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series *)
    - The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series' are both amazing and incredibly well made, and Thrawn was a favorite amongst many fans long before he was brought back into Canon via Season 3 of Rebels (which was likely a direct result of his immense popularity).
    - @Roken_Fett: Come on guys... J A N G O F E T T
    - Yeah but Thrawn wasn't in any of the movies, so he's not really on the same level as Luke, Han, R2D2, (@Roken_Fett: Jango...), Leah, C3PO, etc...
    - No one is saying that he is, but to claim that those are the only characters worthy of the title "Fan Favorite" just doesn't do justice to many of the other great Star Wars characters that many of us love, thus your claim offends us.
    - Honestly everyone, who cares about who Thrawn is, or what a fan favorite is... as long as he destorys Chaze then everyone wins...
    - DEVS: *\_(0.o)_/* Come on guys... Can't we all just get along?

    Just repeat this for 21 pages and you're pretty much caught up. =)

    Lol. I owe you 3 hours of my day. Don't know how much I am thankful for the summary.

    Ty @Spyda
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    My opinion is the same of some.

    Does not to consider this guy blue as a favorite of the fans.

    I can not watch Rebels, as a fan of Star Wars I tried but it is impossible for me. I think all the characters without charisma, the art is horrible and everything is extremely childish. I love the two animated series of the Clone Wars.

    I was waiting for Jedi Luke, or Jabba The Hutt so I was a bit frustrated yes but not to the point to say that I am disappointed with the developers, this is the best game mobile of all time!
  • Seltgar
    217 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    A short search on Wookiepedia is enough to see why he is indeed a fan favourite. Besides the 4 books and the rebels show he appeared or was mentioned in dozens of other sources (Books, Comics and Games). The canon version of him also appears in Force Arena and is mentioned in the book Aftermath.

    Hes in 5 books.

    Outbound Flight
    Hier to the Empire
    Dark Force Rising.
    The Last Command

    Survivors Quest is also tied to Outbound Flight but takes place after the Thrawn Trilogy

    Does anyone else find it odd that Thrawn fans feel the need to justify his release by citing everything he's been in? When R2 was released, there was no such "defense"... as it wasn't needed.

    That's the oddity with the choice as Thrawn as a "fan favorite" definition, a "fan favorite" should be fairly universal. Like him or not, Thrawn isn't that.

    In that case the only fan favorites would be luke, Han, Leia, C3po, and vader. Seems like a very small group. I don't need to quote what he has been in. Thrawn is a boss. Glad its him after the crap pass the empire got.
  • Seltgar
    217 posts Member
    capifico22 wrote: »
    Synric wrote: »
    Spyda wrote: »
    First of all, let's clear up the definition of "Fan Favorite". If you are truly a fan of Star Wars, and you have a favorite character, then by definition, that is a Fan Favorite character. So now that we understand the definition of a "Fan Favorite" character it follows that by definition both Jango Fett and Grand Admiral Thrawn are fan favorite characters. Great, I'm glad we got that behind us.

    Now let's address the definition of the word "fan" which, as mentioned previously, is derived from fanatic. You watched a few of the movies and you liked them, does that make you a fan? This seems to be the opinion of some people on the forums, but that doesn't seems very fanatical to me.
    Okay, well lets say you watched all 6 movies and loved them, and that led you to play this game, but your interest ends there since you still don't really care enough about Star Wars to look into any of the lore outside of the movies, canon or not. Does that count as a fan? Again, some people on the forums seem to think that that's all it takes to be considered a Star Wars fanatic. Once more, I'm not sure I can really agree with that.
    To me, a Star Wars "fan" (or fanatic) is someone who would probably own all 8 movies, and having watched them multiple times is eager for more. When you find out that there is an animated series (which is VERY well made by the way) that is both canon and covers the events of the Clone Wars that occurred between Episodes 2 and 3, a fan wouldn't scoff and say that it's beneath them to watch it simply because it's animated. That just doesn't sound like a fan at all. A Star Wars fanatic would jump at the opportunity to watch the rest of Darth Mauls story play out in beautiful animation. They'd be eager to see how the war between the separatists and the Republic plays out... They'd be ecstatic for the chance to view the war from the perspective of the Jedi, the Clones, the citizens themselves, the Sith, the Pirates, the Bounty Hunters, the Slaves, and even the Droids themselves. There are SOO many good stories and characters that you'll only find in the Clone Wars series, and they're all canon. Since the total screen time of JUST the clone wars series exceeds that of the movies many, many times over, you might say that the movies are only a small fraction of the overall story that is Star Wars. How can you call yourself a fan of Star Wars if you'll only explore a small fraction of the story?

    I can't do the Clone Wars series enough justice in this thread alone, but if you haven't seen it then you're doing yourself a grave injustice. It isn't just some kiddie flick, it IS Star Wars, and for anyone to knock it simply because it is animated just displays a level of ignorance that is unbecoming of anyone that is claiming to be a Star Wars fan. The animation is absolutely fantastic and they're able to easily display sequences in animation that would be VERY difficult to do in a movie. This allows them to show us the power of the force in ways that you just won't ever see in the films. On top of that, when they're not limited to the 2-2½ hour block that a movie must fit into, they're able to give us much richer details, characters, and stories. From the Clone Wars series we get a MUCH, MUCH (cannot emphasize this enough here) better version of Anakin... One that you can actually enjoy watching. We get a much more rich and detailed version of Obi-Wan Kenobi, his love story, his witty dialog, and his rivalries with Maul, General Grievous, and many others. We get Ventress, mother Talzin, Maul, Savage, and the entire story of the Night Sister Clan. We get Ahsoka, Barris, General Krell, Hondo and his pirates. We get Rex, Fives, the Bad Batch, and all of the other Clones that people have come to love. We get the original story of Saw Gerrera, his sister, and his rebel fighters. We get more information on Jabba the Hutt, Zero, and the rest of the Hutt clan. We get the story of a young fledgling Boba Fett as he joins the bounty hunter world and a plethora of other amazing Bounty Hunters (like Cad Bane) and their stories. We learn much more about Mandalor, it's history, governing practices, main players, and factions. We get Clan Vizsla and the Dark Lightsaber wielding Mandalorian Pre-Vizsla. We get to see a maniacal General Grievous in action along with many of his victories and defeats. We get to see a young Tarkin progress through the imperial ranks and buddy up to Jedi Anakin. We get enormous space battles, intense light saber duels, entrenched ground assaults, powerful monsters, beautiful alien worlds, mysterious creatures, and deadly war machines. I could honesty go on and on, but I think you get the point.

    Star Wars Rebels is another amazing addition to the Star Wars saga and details some of the events between Episode 3 and Rogue One, along with another line up of amazing characters and stories. It delves deeper into the stories of Ahsoka, Maul, Saw Gerrera, Young Tarkin, Hondo, Mandalor, Darth Vader, and many others. We get appearances from Leah, Lando, Yoda, senator Organa, and other Star Wars original characters. We get a fantastic new line up of characters which includes Phoenix Squad, inquisitors, Bendu, Agent Kallus, Governor Pryce, Gar Saxon, Fenn Rau, and many others. Then Disney made the excellent decision to taking one of, if not THE most popular EU character of all, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and brought him out of Legends and into Canon by making him the primary antagonist in Rebels season 3.

    If you chose to pass on these stories then how can you really call yourself a fan? More of the Star Wars saga is told outside of the movies then in them. If you haven't read any of the books or watched the animated series', which are just as much a part of the Star Wars Canon as the movies are, then you've limited yourself to a very small part of a very big picture. You may LIKE the movies, and you may LIKE the small portion of the story that you have, but if you don't care about the rest of it, then you shouldn't call yourself a fan of Star Wars, and you shouldn't complain when a character from the Star Wars Canon comes up that you haven't heard of. At most, you're a fan of the Star Wars movies, that is not the same as being a fan of Star Wars.

    +1. This person gets it.


  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Seltgar wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    A short search on Wookiepedia is enough to see why he is indeed a fan favourite. Besides the 4 books and the rebels show he appeared or was mentioned in dozens of other sources (Books, Comics and Games). The canon version of him also appears in Force Arena and is mentioned in the book Aftermath.

    Hes in 5 books.

    Outbound Flight
    Hier to the Empire
    Dark Force Rising.
    The Last Command

    Survivors Quest is also tied to Outbound Flight but takes place after the Thrawn Trilogy

    Does anyone else find it odd that Thrawn fans feel the need to justify his release by citing everything he's been in? When R2 was released, there was no such "defense"... as it wasn't needed.

    That's the oddity with the choice as Thrawn as a "fan favorite" definition, a "fan favorite" should be fairly universal. Like him or not, Thrawn isn't that.

    In that case the only fan favorites would be luke, Han, Leia, C3po, and vader. Seems like a very small group. I don't need to quote what he has been in. Thrawn is a boss. Glad its him after the **** pass the empire got.

    I do agree with you on the last part. If he is a fix to the bad Empire pass and counters Chaze in some way, I would be thrilled.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Hell id be Happy with Jango as well, But at least Canon Thrawn doesnt die in the most unexplained moments in Star Wars

    Jango is killed by Mace who uses Shatterpoints to make easy work out most situations (its even one of his abilities in game)

    So Jango dying so easily is no surprize against someone like Mace.
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    Roken_Fett wrote: »
    Jango or bust.

    You really want Jango's biym.
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    CUFCfan616 wrote: »
    He'll need a fully starred, fully geared Phoenix squad just to unlock him at 3*

    Ok, I was joking around when I said that, you didn't have to take that literally devs.

    Yet another Empire toon that we need yet another rebel squad (and not the rebel squad we've already levelled up for Palp) to unlock...
  • Grpeephole303
    1076 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Looks like youll need pheonix to get thrawn.

    They are doing pheonix double drops and flash events x.x

    Actually its confirmed Pheonix vs thrawn
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