Value of HRS Bundle Pack

Has anyone done the math on the value of the $60 HRS bundle pack? Basically wondering how much money it would normally cost to acquire that many omega mats and pieces of high-end gear. Thanks! :)


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    Can someone please upload a screenshot of the contents of this new pack? Thanks in advance.
  • crzydroid
    7400 posts Moderator
    Is your game not working?
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    do you not have it in your store, or no access to the game at the moment? There is no RNG involved in it so it will be the same for all
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    It is working. I bought it, and I'm not sure that I received what it said.
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    oh than idk what to tell you, i didn't take a screenshot of it
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    55 shards of Hoth Rebel Scout, 55 of Hoth Rebel Soldier, 4 million credits, 6 Omegas, 20 T3 ability mats, 2 stun cuffs, 2 stun guns, 1 of a couple G11 pieces.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    My game did something weird after I bought the $10 Han pack and I didn't get the popup that showed me what I actually got. BUT I definitely got it--40 shards, assorted gear, purple ability mats and junk. So if the same thing happened to you, then you almost certainly got your purchase, too.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    55 shards of Hoth Rebel Scout, 55 of Hoth Rebel Soldier, 4 million credits, 6 Omegas, 20 T3 ability mats, 2 stun cuffs, 2 stun guns, 1 of a couple G11 pieces.

    I know I received that stuff. I'm mainly interested in the g11 pieces. The only reason I bought it was to get GK to g12. It seems that I didn't get the piece needed to advance him a gear level. It could have been a simple mistake on my part though. I have no way of checking what I got. That's why I'm asking for a screenshot.
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    I don't think there's any character that can get to gear 12 without TB-only gear.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Not all g12 equipment is TB exclusive. There are already a couple of R2 G12 on my shard. The last piece is farmable in 9-D normal for R2.
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    I don't think there's any character that can get to gear 12 without TB-only gear.

    Again, I am only looking for a screenshot.
  • Gwonk
    239 posts Member
    I thought the same thing as OP. It gives a full MK 6 Droid Caller, but General Kenobi apparently needs 50 parts of the MK 6 Droid Caller and a fully made one is not sufficient.
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    Must be in shipments then... I mean, all of the new gear is 50 salvages so to farm that O.o
    Wait, scrap that, the Krakens just go all-in on harvesting energy on occasions like these.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    Gwonk wrote: »
    I thought the same thing as OP. It gives a full MK 6 Droid Caller, but General Kenobi apparently needs 50 parts of the MK 6 Droid Caller and a fully made one is not sufficient.

    Lol yes that's my only concern. If this is the case, it was very misleading.
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    Ooohh syke my bad, thought they were low gear
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    @LtGenStu thank you so much. I can now confirm that I didn't get the MK VI piece.
  • Jamesm
    863 posts Member
    You did its just not showing for gk, but r2 just needs that piece and it shows there
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    @LtGenStu thank you so much. I can now confirm that I didn't get the MK VI piece.

    That's because that bundle doesn't come with that piece
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    Glad I could help! Sorry it's in French but icons speak for themselves!
  • TyGonJinn27
    381 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    Quadrant: D2

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    Bought it, August 2018
  • Jamesm
    863 posts Member
    Wait is your GK 7*, mines not which im guessing is why it's not showing
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    LtGenStu wrote: »
    Not all g12 equipment is TB exclusive. There are already a couple of R2 G12 on my shard. The last piece is farmable in 9-D normal for R2.

    You can G12 R2 from the Hoth pack. That's how everyone including me is getting our golden R2.
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    Jamesm wrote: »
    Wait is your GK 7*, mines not which im guessing is why it's not showing

    Yes. He's fully maxed.
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    It's a bargain, the $10 Han pack is decent and the 1,300 pack is for whales only.
  • Jamesm
    863 posts Member
    Jamesm wrote: »
    Wait is your GK 7*, mines not which im guessing is why it's not showing

    Yes. He's fully maxed.

    I got nothing then, probably a bug
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