Value of HRS Bundle Pack


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    @Moonspell I believe the devs addressed the star requirements for HRSoldier and Han today. They should still be as previously advertised - what's showing right now is a visual bug. So only a 5* HRSoldier will be required for TB this week :)

    The are purposefully being quit about it and not answering on forums. But it has been confirmed 7 star chs and soldier plus no DS ships can be used in missions.
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    Moonspell wrote: »
    do NOT buy any packs...CG changed the adverted 5 Star requirement of hoth soldier and new han solo magicaly to 7 Stars you can count yourself how many packs you need to buy,dropping you each 5-7 chards...

    This is supposedly a visual error and a 5* captain han solo & hoth rebel solider will still work... of coarse we still have a bit over 48hrs to see if its true or not.
  • Calbear949
    839 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    warmonkey wrote: »
    @Moonspell I believe the devs addressed the star requirements for HRSoldier and Han today. They should still be as previously advertised - what's showing right now is a visual bug. So only a 5* HRSoldier will be required for TB this week :)

    The are purposefully being quit about it and not answering on forums. But it has been confirmed 7 star chs and soldier plus no DS ships can be used in missions.

    Confirmed where?

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  • TVF
    36806 posts Member
    Calbear949 wrote: »
    warmonkey wrote: »
    @Moonspell I believe the devs addressed the star requirements for HRSoldier and Han today. They should still be as previously advertised - what's showing right now is a visual bug. So only a 5* HRSoldier will be required for TB this week :)

    The are purposefully being quit about it and not answering on forums. But it has been confirmed 7 star chs and soldier plus no DS ships can be used in missions.

    Confirmed where?
    I need a new message here.
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    With TB here, theres a "prepare for battle" bundle, for $60.... what is everyones thoughts on this pack, and the Captain Han Solo pack? Is this worth the money?

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    Bad unless you're prepped to keep spending to get HRSo and CHan to 7* they're useless otherwise
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    There's already a post on this.. short answer, based on people's calculations it's about a 50-60% discount on what it would cost in crystals to buy the contents of the bundle.. So Yes... a good deal.
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    Cuzzins wrote: »
    Bad unless you're prepped to keep spending to get HRSo and CHan to 7* they're useless otherwise

    Both bundles are a good deal, and a great start if you don't have those toons yet... you can farm them from there without spending any more... how is that bad?
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    I didn't say they were bad. Just bad if you don't plan to continue buying or farming. Admittedly if the gear is useful elsewhere then that may out weigh the shards. But neither toon will be useful from buying the packs alone.
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    Point taken..the calculations I refered to in my first post did only cover the contents of the bundles without the shards, so still a very good deal. Many have used the proceeds of the bundle to raise r2 and gk to g12 already.
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    I still can't get an answer to the level requirement to buy that pack.. im 67 and it's not there
  • Z2gop
    199 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I wouldn't trust it . If you do take a screenshot of the bundle purchase and your credits before and after.
    I got the Han bundle for about 10 bucks. The bundle did not have the credits that were advertisied. I'm currently dealing with Wacky EA customer service to get this resolved. Also had this occur on hero journey bundles .
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    If we're determining the monetary value of the pack by comparing it to the cost of crystals, then yes. Its a good buy. If we're determining its value by how much it will actually improve your game experience a month or two from now, or by what 60 bucks could get you in the ~real world~, then its horrifically overpriced.
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    Was well worth it, got my Luke to G12
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    At least you don't have to pay $85 Canadian and then get charged the exchange rate to bring it to $96 total. Not sure why I'm paying the exchange rate twice.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I have a rule of thumb on packs....if it's sold by CG, it's wasting your money. ;)

    No, seriously, it was a very good value before they changed the requirements.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    At least you don't have to pay $85 Canadian and then get charged the exchange rate to bring it to $96 total. Not sure why I'm paying the exchange rate twice.

    Don't worry....I'm sure CG will do better in the future.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Memphis118 wrote: »
    With TB here, theres a "prepare for battle" bundle, for $60.... what is everyones thoughts on this pack, and the Captain Han Solo pack? Is this worth the money?


    If you spend money on the game already or maybe long time F2P, both are good deal, it'll knock off a month of F2P farming HRsolider shards to 7*, maybe a 2-4 weeks on Han if you normally refresh cantina 2-3 times a day.

    The gear in the Hoth pack will push your choice of R2 or another hero (cls?) to G12, assuming you have him maxed g11 already. If you look at the crystal value of what you are getting the pack equals to about 15,000 crystals of junk for the price of 8400 crystals.

    If you are new or casual F2P, not at level 85, or have close to zero gear 9/10/11 heroes, you'd probably feel a little ripped off since basically two stun guns and two cuffs aren't going to raise the needle for you much right away.

    Good luck.
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    Ceodoc wrote: »
    I have had posts deleted complaining about pricing, drop rates, false advertising re pack store.
    So it is only right that I pay a compliment.
    This pack has been the best value pack I have seen, yeah sure it is a 'loss leader' but still, thank you, excellent value.
    Just a shame about the rest of your store sales.

    I feel dirty now. The HRS scandal ruined this, although I think this pack remains fair value, although on hindsight you now wonder why it is 'great value' But the single pack, CHS 5-330 has become a ripoff.
    Retracting my compliment.
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    The value is significantly diminished now that the packs get you a smaller percentage of the way to meeting the HRSo and CHS requirements, but if you're more in it for the gear then I guess it's still not a bad deal.
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
  • Acrofales
    1363 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Ceodoc wrote: »
    Ceodoc wrote: »
    I have had posts deleted complaining about pricing, drop rates, false advertising re pack store.
    So it is only right that I pay a compliment.
    This pack has been the best value pack I have seen, yeah sure it is a 'loss leader' but still, thank you, excellent value.
    Just a shame about the rest of your store sales.

    I feel dirty now. The HRS scandal ruined this, although I think this pack remains fair value, although on hindsight you now wonder why it is 'great value' But the single pack, CHS 5-330 has become a ripoff.
    Retracting my compliment.

    The HRS pack is still worth it for the gear. But I feel dirty for having bought it from a bunch of scam artists. I wish I had the moral fortitude to demand a refund. But yellow R2 is stopping me from doing so :cry:
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    Has anyone done the math on the value of the $60 HRS bundle pack? Basically wondering how much money it would normally cost to acquire that many omega mats and pieces of high-end gear. Thanks! :)

    Right 60 bucks where? They're charging U$S77 in Argentina. Apparently we're a first world country now, we're swimming in money!
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    The gear in the pack is only good for R2 and CLS to gear 12?
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    Please someone tell me what level to unlock this pack?? Im 67 still don't see it.. any devs know?
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    Please someone tell me what level to unlock this pack?? Im 67 still don't see it.. any devs know?

    It's Level 70, just hit it and bought it.
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    A very good deal !! got my r2 cls to gear 12 gave chirrut and ATF a good boost to gear 11..close to maxing out hoth soldier..with gear to spare
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    I don't think there's any character that can get to gear 12 without TB-only gear.

    Actually most characters can get to G12 without TB only gear. They put a whole bunch of new G11 gear on the board when they released TBs
    @LtGenStu thank you so much. I can now confirm that I didn't get the MK VI piece.

    That's not the case. GK needs the salvage pieces, not the full piece, and the two are not interchangeable.
    Flibbles wrote: »
    Seems like a very valuable pack, I just am not a fan of people getting the same thing for different prices. $60 is about £46.50 yet we have to pay an extra £8.50.

    It's always been my understanding that there is a currency conversion fee so if you can get $60 for 46.50, when we go to convert that 46.50 to dollars, we would get something like $55 or less.
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    Aldaron wrote: »
    Has anyone done the math on the value of the $60 HRS bundle pack? Basically wondering how much money it would normally cost to acquire that many omega mats and pieces of high-end gear. Thanks! :)

    Right 60 bucks where? They're charging U$S77 in Argentina. Apparently we're a first world country now, we're swimming in money!

    U$S 77? That's not bad.. U$S 90 here :cry:
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