Value of HRS Bundle Pack


  • LtGenStu
    234 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    It seems like GK needs 50 salvages but you got the fully crafted piece.
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    Quadrant: D2


    That's right, I forgot the complete gear isn't working properly so OP will have to wait or just use the salvage on R2
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    Quadrant: D2


    That's right, I forgot the complete gear isn't working properly so OP will have to wait or just use the salvage on R2

    I can definitely wait, just wanted to make sure I received what I thought I was paying for.
  • Jamesm
    863 posts Member
    Only thing i can think of is certain gear only takes salvage.
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    Yup, I just attempted to answer my own question:

    I calculated the gear as being worth 13,140 crystals. Add on to that the omega mats (not sure what the crystal value of 6 omega mats would be - 300?), 4 million credits, purple ability mats, and HRSoldier shards... definitely worth at least a vault's worth of crystals.
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    If anyone cares, I calculated the value of gear as follows:

    Stun cuffs (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Bio-tech implants (2) = 2,240 crystals
    Stun guns (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Mk 7 Merr-Sonn shield generator = 1,250 crystals
    Mk 6 Arakyd droid caller = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 biotech implant = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 Neuro-Saav electrobinocukars = 1,250 crystals
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    The $60 pack has 55 shards of both HRS toons and a lot of valuable gear. Anyone done the crystal-dollar math yet to determine the value?
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    If anyone cares, I calculated the value of gear as follows:

    Stun cuffs (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Bio-tech implants (2) = 2,240 crystals
    Stun guns (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Mk 7 Merr-Sonn shield generator = 1,250 crystals
    Mk 6 Arakyd droid caller = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 biotech implant = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 Neuro-Saav electrobinocukars = 1,250 crystals

    Full stun guns go for 2541 crystals. And there's only 1 mk8 eyeball, not 2. And counting the full price is a bit unfair: people (should) only buy the 750 crystals prototype.


    Stun cuffs (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Bio-tech implants (mk 8) = 750 crystals
    Stun guns (2) = 5,082 crystals
    Mk 7 Merr-Sonn shield generator = 1,250 crystals
    Mk 6 Arakyd droid caller = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 biotech implant = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 Neuro-Saav electrobinocukars = 1,250

    Total: 13,932 crystals.

    Add 2*599 for the ability mats. Maybe discount it a bit for the chance of better drops, but mostly those drop 10 purple and 3 omegas, so call it an even 15,000 crystals.

    With the credits as well, you're well over a vault. And you get 55 soldier shards as a bonus. It's really great value.
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    Thank you for this economical evaluation. I felt as though this was a good deal but I was unsure. I wish we could do this with every decent pack that ends up trying to be sold in the shops.
  • Robbathehutt
    1048 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    2x MK5 A/KT Stun Gun - 5082 crystals
    2x MK3 Czerka Stun Cuffs - 2800 crystals
    MK9 Neuro-Saav Electrobinoculars - 1250 crystals
    MK8 Biotect Implant - 2000 crystals
    MK7 Merr-Sonn Shield Generator - 2800 crystals
    4m Credits - 1785 min to 4760 max crystals
    6 Omega Materials - 1200 crystals
    MK6 Arakyd Droid Caller - ???? crystals
    MK9 Biotech Implant - ???? crystals

    Total 16,917 crystals minimum value or at least $110

    Then you also get:

    55 Hoth Rebel Scout shards
    55 Hoth Rebel Soldier shards
    30 Ability Material MKI
    25 Ability Material MKII
    20 Ability Material MKIII
    45 T4 Training Droids

    I think it's pretty fair to say that this pack is worth the $60 in crystal value. If you bought all of these (some of which you can't even buy) you would likely spend $150-$200 in crystals minimum. I usually don't ever think their packs are a good deal, but this one actually looks like a good deal.

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    Thank you @Acrofales for the revaluation!

    I bought the pack and am very happy with my purchase. Hopefully there will be more packs with fully formed high-tier gear going forward :)
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    With pleasure. It's hard to evaluate,because the new gear pieces haven't appeared in the shop yet (not after a refresh either), but I wouldn't expect them for less than the crystal amount that you put for them.

    While I was at it, did the math for the CHS pack too:

    First off, it only gives you HALF an unlock, which is silly, but the shards actually seem fair.

    Captain Solo looks like a very slow farm: 460 energy for 6 shards so far. Which is ridiculously slow. But even if we go with the normal 33% droprate, it's:

    100 crystals for 7.5 sims ~= 2.5 shards. To get 40, that means 1600 crystals. That's more than a box, which costs the same as the pack, and even at the vault rate for crystals, it's competitive.

    And that's for 40 shards *now*, while 100 crystal refreshes only come at 3 per day.

    Not as competitive as the Hoth bros pack, but still worthwhile if you want a headstart on CHS.

    The crystal pack, though... don't buy! Assuming the usual droprate on the crystal pack (5-7 shards per purchase), it is absolutely not worth it. For 1300 crystals you'd have to be paying > 400 crystals *on average* for a 120 energy refresh.
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    Acrofales wrote: »
    If anyone cares, I calculated the value of gear as follows:

    Stun cuffs (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Bio-tech implants (2) = 2,240 crystals
    Stun guns (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Mk 7 Merr-Sonn shield generator = 1,250 crystals
    Mk 6 Arakyd droid caller = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 biotech implant = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 Neuro-Saav electrobinocukars = 1,250 crystals

    Full stun guns go for 2541 crystals. And there's only 1 mk8 eyeball, not 2. And counting the full price is a bit unfair: people (should) only buy the 750 crystals prototype.


    Stun cuffs (2) = 2,800 crystals
    Bio-tech implants (mk 8) = 750 crystals
    Stun guns (2) = 5,082 crystals
    Mk 7 Merr-Sonn shield generator = 1,250 crystals
    Mk 6 Arakyd droid caller = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 biotech implant = 1,400 crystals
    Mk 9 Neuro-Saav electrobinocukars = 1,250

    Total: 13,932 crystals.

    Add 2*599 for the ability mats. Maybe discount it a bit for the chance of better drops, but mostly those drop 10 purple and 3 omegas, so call it an even 15,000 crystals.

    With the credits as well, you're well over a vault. And you get 55 soldier shards as a bonus. It's really great value.

    Yes, most people would only buy the rare parts for items that need to be crafted from multiple prototypes. The only problem is that the Mk6 droid callers cannot be purchased, so it has no crystal equivalent (you might be able to estimate how many energy refreshes it would take to farm). None of the new G11 items can be purchased from shipments.
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    I don't think there's any character that can get to gear 12 without TB-only gear.

    R2 can get full g12 froim the Hoth pack. (other then 2 things i have already saved for it)

    This Indeed... was able to g12 R2 & Rex imo this HRS bundle pak is the best pak they have ever released... @theonemuffin it's definitely worth getting for just 2 whole stunguns/cuffs alone, not to mention all the other stuff.
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    I have had posts deleted complaining about pricing, drop rates, false advertising re pack store.
    So it is only right that I pay a compliment.
    This pack has been the best value pack I have seen, yeah sure it is a 'loss leader' but still, thank you, excellent value.
    Just a shame about the rest of your store sales.
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    Gwonk wrote: »
    I thought the same thing as OP. It gives a full MK 6 Droid Caller, but General Kenobi apparently needs 50 parts of the MK 6 Droid Caller and a fully made one is not sufficient.

    @Gwonk this happened to me too. I thought I'd be able to gear up Deathtrooper but there's confusion between the Droid caller and the Droid caller salvage. I have received the piece but it's not what I expected. Still great value though
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    Seems like a very valuable pack, I just am not a fan of people getting the same thing for different prices. $60 is about £46.50 yet we have to pay an extra £8.50.
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    Also seems specifically designed to get R2 to gear 12, imo. I think he will be an important toon to utilize in TB with his Rebel tag and Number Crunch zeta.
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    I don't think there's any character that can get to gear 12 without TB-only gear.

    you can get TO g12 but you cannot assign any gear on g12 level without tb
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    Yup, I just attempted to answer my own question:

    I calculated the gear as being worth 13,140 crystals. Add on to that the omega mats (not sure what the crystal value of 6 omega mats would be - 300?), 4 million credits, purple ability mats, and HRSoldier shards... definitely worth at least a vault's worth of crystals.

    For omegas, you are probably looking at a value of about 200 crystals per omega (for example, refreshing the top tier of the omega battle is 225 crystals for 1 omega).
  • Tannjam
    420 posts Member
    edited August 2017
    For the G12 pieces - not sure if they'll be rotated into shipments as of yet, but they require 50 salvage, only farmable from a 10-energy cost node, with likely a low (sub 20%) drop rate. 1250-1400 is probably a decent estimation for what they'll go for if/when they find their way into shipments.
    This pack is a no-brainer if you're a spender - probably the best-value pack they've released to date - even if you've already got the Hoth brothers at 7 stars. I had HRSoldier at 5, so this cut at least a month or two off my farm.
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    My questions is what level do you have to be to get this? I'm newer and my first account that is 76 sees this, and my 2nd account (new main cause I screwed up the initial) is 65 and does not see this in the store.

    My lvl 27 also doesnt, so i believe you need to be a certain level to even see this pack?
  • Wassup
    128 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    55 shards of Hoth Rebel Scout, 55 of Hoth Rebel Soldier, 4 million credits, 6 Omegas, 20 T3 ability mats, 2 stun cuffs, 2 stun guns, 1 of a couple G11 pieces.

    Key point: NEW g11 pieces that get R2 (and maybe others) to g12.
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    do NOT buy any packs...CG changed the adverted 5 Star requirement of hoth soldier and new han solo magicaly to 7 Stars you can count yourself how many packs you need to buy,dropping you each 5-7 chards...
    stupid...can't delete messageboard account.
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    only a issue when youre in a whale guild where is the requirement HoSoldier 7* :p
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    i dont want to buy any of this packs.
    as you need 7 star toons, its why to expensive to level up with this packs.
    stupid...can't delete messageboard account.
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    @Moonspell I believe the devs addressed the star requirements for HRSoldier and Han today. They should still be as previously advertised - what's showing right now is a visual bug. So only a 5* HRSoldier will be required for TB this week :)
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    Until you realize how much time or how many crystals you need to drop to refresh those new gear 11 items that you could have gotten in the packs.

    This pack is definitely one of the better ones out there.
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