Hoth Rebel Soldier Territory Battle Requirements [Clarification]


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    I agree with most posts here, frankly im Outraged!!!! I bought both packs under different assumptions.
    And you think "500 crystals and 30 shards" should fix this?
    While most people are thankfull just to get anything in return, this just shows the scamfull nature of EA practice.
    THIS IS NOT OKAY. And you should be ASHAMED as yourself as a dev that you work for a game like this, if you endorse this kind of thing..This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened like with the CLS and phoenix thing and you need useless toons at the very last minute. DISGUSTING!!!!
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    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Craxane wrote: »
    Their responses are the worst part of this. You could at least act like you care. You don't even have to mean it just act like it

    Heya Craxane,

    I'm sorry our responses aren't meeting your expectations, and if I could make the tone even more understanding I would. There is a symbiotic relationship between Community and Game and we do our best to support both. Again, I want you to know you're heard and we are committed to improving.

    I truly wish the text could express the sincerity, but I'll have to hope you can understand our intent and tone.


    In all fairness, comments about people not clearly understanding the terms used,
    and the generally patronizing tone of *many* responses is a bit frustrating,
    but also very well understood by the player base.

    "I'm sorry our responses aren't meeting your expectations." is overly managed
    customer service lingo for placating someone without actually committing to
    do anything about the issue. I could also say it's Millennial speak for a passive
    aggressive version of "G F Y" but of course, adhering to rules on appropriate language.

    For the most part, your player base is mostly highly educated professionals who
    make decent or better than decent money and aren't in the 18-25 age range..
    30's-40's-sometimes 50's, from most of my interactions. Doctors, Lawyers, Architects,
    are among some of the occupations of people I know from this game.

    Speaking to that crowd in a patronizing, pseudo-apologetic tone doesn't cut it.

    Whitewashing the issue with patronizing backhanded apologies doesn't cut it either.

    You guys don't need to apologize, you need to make amends, and set it right.

    "We've heard and we're committed to improving." comes off as disingenuous
    to an educated audience, because that again, makes no amends, (a fix could be pushed
    out tomorrow afternoon quite easily.). And implies that nothing is going to be done
    about the current situation. Improving could be considered the real data is released
    next time only 8 hours after the event and packs are released, instead of
    10 or 12 or 16.

    Is it similar to mod gate? Nope. People who bought in right out of the gate were
    rewarded with great drops, even if the 7* to 5* drop and nerfing of the majority of
    the stats was pretty rude, and I know people who quit playing the game over it..

    But this is different, because you specifically knew a large portion of the
    customer base was geared up to spend to get to the toons like
    CHS to 5* Even across the guilds full of the biggest spenders and
    numerous Game Changers, you just slapped us all in the face and
    then have the audacity to act patronizing about it.

    The only way to change this mentality is go back to a spending moratorium.

    Then after 6-9-12 months of that, when the game shuts down, it'll suck for
    those of us who invested and still want more return on that spend, but everyone at
    CG will be looking for a new job. That is the future you guys are creating for CG
    and SWGOH.

    All to make a very short-sighted cash grab that infuriated your player base.

    I truly can't understand your strategic thinking, but the tactical
    cash grab move was pure genius, to close out August with a bang.

    But just like the patronizing comments to the player base, which look like solid tactics
    on paper, the strategic impact of this sort of behavior isn't going to go well for CG.

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    It was a nice move to remove the announcement tag so this thread can drift down the boards. Even better to us it as the dumping ground for all the complaining threads (despite it not being a megathread) as those don't bump it back up.

    *slow hand claps*

    The compensation went out to everyone, double drops etc would benefit everyone - whereas the people who really got stuffed are those spending real money to level Han / Soldier in the expectation of being able to farm them. The ONLY way to fix that is to put it back to a 5* requirement and actually let the majority of the player base start seriously working towards ROLO this side of Christmas.
  • Carth_Onassi1973
    1708 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »
    Craxane wrote: »
    Their responses are the worst part of this. You could at least act like you care. You don't even have to mean it just act like it

    Heya Craxane,

    I'm sorry our responses aren't meeting your expectations, and if I could make the tone even more understanding I would. There is a symbiotic relationship between Community and Game and we do our best to support both. Again, I want you to know you're heard and we are committed to improving.

    I truly wish the text could express the sincerity, but I'll have to hope you can understand our intent and tone.



    All to make a very short-sighted cash grab that infuriated your player base.

    This is the key right here^^

    If this is not addressed, I can assure you that this issue will make (if it hasn't already) "mod gate" look like an insignificant typo. Your response and solution would be best served rapidly.
  • First_but_66_Order
    1014 posts Member
    edited September 2017

    Translation in () italic
    CG_RyDiggs wrote: »

    Heya Craxane,

    I'm sorry our responses aren't meeting your expectations
    (It is what it is, accept it),
    and if I could make the tone even more understanding I would
    (I am not responsible at all). There is a symbiotic relationship between Community and Game and we {The ones whose job to communicate} do our best to support both
    (I am trying to lower the impact on the silly decisions were made by the Devs). Again, I want you to know you're heard and we are committed to improvement
    (Opinion noted).

    I truly wish the text could express the sincerity, but I'll have to hope you can understand our intent and tone
    (We can afford to say nice things as long as it doesnt cost us money).


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    @CG_Carrie 30 HRS shard doesn't get you from 5 to 7*. People have prepared (and spent money) accordingly. Hiding behind "development build tag" doesn't cut it - as far as we can see these pre release videos were sanctioned by CG...
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    The front end cash grab is the most disturbing thing. You guys really didn't have to do that. People spend money on this game daily. And you go for a front end cash grab? It's actually bush league; unbecoming of a giant corporation. That's the design, I guess. Hit it fast and hard so that we get ours. Oh well. You have a good thing here that appears to be getting destroyed little by little.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    I'm really torn on this:

    As a whale, I wholeheartedly endorse any product and / or event that puts a gap between myself and f2p. I mean, that's what we pay for, isn't it? And before f2p starts griping / downvoting me, you know I am absolutely right when I say that you've been gifted a lot of things such as mod drops being upped to 100% and CLS. I know a ton of f2p that got Thrawn and a ton that got CLS. You caught up in gear, you caught up in mods, now it's time for the spenders to have the advantage again. That's just how it is.

    HOWEVER, in all fairness, I bought the HR duo pack thinking my jump from 5* to 6* would be good enough. NOPE. I bought the CHS pack thinking, hey, I'm halfway to unlock, I can get that up to 5*, gear him and be ready for that phase. NOPE.

    Your response to this is nowhere near adequate. You even had one of the devs sit IN on the video and explain what was going on and what was needed. This is pure bait and switch. The onus is not on the videomakers, it's on YOU for showing one thing and then releasing something else day AFTER the update when you started pushing the packs out.

    This is not Phoenix, where you gave two weeks to farm them for Thrawn and had us all scurrying around panic farming. This is a beast of a different nature. This is you showed the playerbase one thing, had them buy the pack, had them farm to minimum 5* and then kicked them in the nether regions by saying "Oh, by the way, that's not going to be good enough".

    Like I said, I bought the pack (both). I do not regret it. However, this is a faux pas on YOUR part, CG. This is going to go down as one of your largest gaffes yet unless you rectify it.

    *Insert joke about failed launches, North Korea, and EA*

    This post is really well written and important.

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    Veritasum wrote: »
    I think you all are taking this a little too hard. If it's that big a deal, speak with your wallets or time. Believe it or not, forum venting is probably not going to change anything. I've moved on. This has always been a grind it game, how is this so shocking now?
    Exactly... so much negativity around here... Odds are, people who were already farming HRSoldier to 5* will continue to do so up to 7*, and people who bought the pack got a big farm time saved with the purchase, including gear wise.
    Sure, it sucks that it's a higher requirement than we thought at first, but this is still a grind game and I appreciate the challenge.
    stop being drama queens, gents. It is NOT cool.

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    Veritasum wrote: »
    I think you all are taking this a little too hard. If it's that big a deal, speak with your wallets or time. Believe it or not, forum venting is probably not going to change anything. I've moved on. This has always been a grind it game, how is this so shocking now?
    Exactly... so much negativity around here... Odds are, people who were already farming HRSoldier to 5* will continue to do so up to 7*, and people who bought the pack got a big farm time saved with the purchase, including gear wise.
    Sure, it sucks that it's a higher requirement than we thought at first, but this is still a grind game and I appreciate the challenge.
    stop being drama queens, gents. It is NOT cool.

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    pac0naut wrote: »
    I'm really torn on this:

    As a whale, I wholeheartedly endorse any product and / or event that puts a gap between myself and f2p. I mean, that's what we pay for, isn't it? And before f2p starts griping / downvoting me, you know I am absolutely right when I say that you've been gifted a lot of things such as mod drops being upped to 100% and CLS. I know a ton of f2p that got Thrawn and a ton that got CLS. You caught up in gear, you caught up in mods, now it's time for the spenders to have the advantage again. That's just how it is.

    HOWEVER, in all fairness, I bought the HR duo pack thinking my jump from 5* to 6* would be good enough. NOPE. I bought the CHS pack thinking, hey, I'm halfway to unlock, I can get that up to 5*, gear him and be ready for that phase. NOPE.

    Your response to this is nowhere near adequate. You even had one of the devs sit IN on the video and explain what was going on and what was needed. This is pure bait and switch. The onus is not on the videomakers, it's on YOU for showing one thing and then releasing something else day AFTER the update when you started pushing the packs out.

    This is not Phoenix, where you gave two weeks to farm them for Thrawn and had us all scurrying around panic farming. This is a beast of a different nature. This is you showed the playerbase one thing, had them buy the pack, had them farm to minimum 5* and then kicked them in the nether regions by saying "Oh, by the way, that's not going to be good enough".

    Like I said, I bought the pack (both). I do not regret it. However, this is a faux pas on YOUR part, CG. This is going to go down as one of your largest gaffes yet unless you rectify it.

    *Insert joke about failed launches, North Korea, and EA*

    This post is really well written and important.

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    Veritasum wrote: »
    I think you all are taking this a little too hard. If it's that big a deal, speak with your wallets or time. Believe it or not, forum venting is probably not going to change anything. I've moved on. This has always been a grind it game, how is this so shocking now?
    Exactly... so much negativity around here... Odds are, people who were already farming HRSoldier to 5* will continue to do so up to 7*, and people who bought the pack got a big farm time saved with the purchase, including gear wise.
    Sure, it sucks that it's a higher requirement than we thought at first, but this is still a grind game and I appreciate the challenge.
    stop being drama queens, gents. It is NOT cool.

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    Veritasum wrote: »
    I think you all are taking this a little too hard. If it's that big a deal, speak with your wallets or time. Believe it or not, forum venting is probably not going to change anything. I've moved on. This has always been a grind it game, how is this so shocking now?
    Exactly... so much negativity around here... Odds are, people who were already farming HRSoldier to 5* will continue to do so up to 7*, and people who bought the pack got a big farm time saved with the purchase, including gear wise.
    Sure, it sucks that it's a higher requirement than we thought at first, but this is still a grind game and I appreciate the challenge.
    stop being drama queens, gents. It is NOT cool.

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    I think the devs should be up front about this expectation after the latest change. Many are expecting that ROLO, Captain Han, and Hermit Yoda would be required.

    But now that most guilds won't be able to obtain ROLO, I think an official Dev response on expectations should be made.

    CLS is one of the game changing characters. Most of my shards leader board runs him in some capacity, so if the next Luke is released and is meta like CLS, but requirements are impossible for all but elite guilds it will drastically reduce many players ability to compete. CG and the devs should be up front and honest for once and should tell us now.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Honestly, next journey might happen next year, so you have time.

    Next big thing will be The Last Jedi movie with Resistance and FO addition/rework (Rey?!).
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    I am of the strong opinion you will need all 3, they were all involved in his journey in Ep5. Get Lando also.
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    As long as Luke's next journey is to the belly of the Sarlaac I'm all for ROLO and the new Rebel additions to be required to accompany him.
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    Because STHan helped the group fight to escape the Death Star.
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    Because STHan helped the group fight to escape the Death Star.

    I fully expect it, but I think the change the made to increase the difficulty for people to acquire ROLO is some hot garbage. It's a cash grab that could drastically change the competitive balance if CLS is any indication, but unlike CLS requirements, these new rebels aren't 'easy to acquire'.

    It'll be a minimum of 9-10 months before many players have Soldier to 7*.
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    Lrrr wrote: »
    Because STHan helped the group fight to escape the Death Star.

    I fully expect it, but I think the change the made to increase the difficulty for people to acquire ROLO is some hot garbage. It's a cash grab that could drastically change the competitive balance if CLS is any indication, but unlike CLS requirements, these new rebels aren't 'easy to acquire'.

    It'll be a minimum of 9-10 months before many players have Soldier to 7*.

    Same time frame it required to clear HAAT?
  • GuardArminus
    137 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Hey Guys,

    so, do you know what happens if i change the guild while TB?

    I already won battles, so the question is, will those points be lost?
    What happens to the payout?

    If i rejoin, can i just continue or do i need to start over?
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    Neo2551 wrote: »
    Lrrr wrote: »
    Because STHan helped the group fight to escape the Death Star.

    I fully expect it, but I think the change the made to increase the difficulty for people to acquire ROLO is some hot garbage. It's a cash grab that could drastically change the competitive balance if CLS is any indication, but unlike CLS requirements, these new rebels aren't 'easy to acquire'.

    It'll be a minimum of 9-10 months before many players have Soldier to 7*.

    Same time frame it required to clear HAAT?

    And to get GK to 7*.
  • Krjstoff
    635 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Of course she will ... along with Cholo and Hoda. All 7* obviously. Probably G11. So start farming like crazy.

    (and of course noboby knows anything about what happens in a not even announced event. And no, you are not getting any indication, response or vague reply from and devs. Sorry.)
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    Or they should at least tell us something today and then next week change it completely. You at least owe us that.
  • Lrrr
    172 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Same time frame it required to clear HAAT?
    Difference is while GK was a strong character he was never so meta that he changed most teams lineups. My point is if the next iteration of Luke is just as Meta as CLS, and they make requirements that make it nearly impossible for the average guild to complete it, its going to have drastic changes outside of territory battles, it'll significantly change Arena outcomes.
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    You're not eligible for rewards
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    Most likely. CLS, ROLO, Hoth Solo, Hermit, 1 more
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    Where do they say that? Is there some more info about this topic...? Does anyone know what happens?
    Will you be blocked for the running TB?

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    Sounds like CG needs to stop letting youtubers do their announcements for them. CG *promoted* these third party videos that contained incorrect information. Guides were created and posted on Official EA forums that CG staff monitors. People made large monetary decisions based on that information. I don't usually get upset about CG milking the whales but this particular move was over the top even for them. This type of behavior only generates ill will and cynicism among the community, even those inclined to defend them.
This discussion has been closed.