Hoth Rebel Soldier Territory Battle Requirements [Clarification]


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    skywhopper wrote: »
    Sounds like CG needs to stop letting youtubers do their announcements for them. CG *promoted* these third party videos that contained incorrect information. Guides were created and posted on Official EA forums that CG staff monitors. People made large monetary decisions based on that information. I don't usually get upset about CG milking the whales but this particular move was over the top even for them. This type of behavior only generates ill will and cynicism among the community, even those inclined to defend them.

    And hurts the trust badly.
    And as I have already pointed out in an older comment:
    Trust is the base of any business partnership
    In other words:
    You don't have my trust, you can't have my money
    Yup, CG lost my trust. Completely.
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    You get blocked for ineligibility. I have a couple threads open in this. I joined a guild BEFORE TB started yesterday. Then, the crashes came. I logged back in after the crashes & I was no longer in my guild. No idea what happened. Contacted the Guild Leader & I was not kicked. He re-invited me. Now I can't participate. Wholly disappointed in both this issue & the lack of response from devs.

    In the guild chat window, you can literally see me join the guild, chat with my guild mates, then later join the guild again. No mention of me leaving the guild or being kicked.

    Incredibly frustrating.

    Chef Size

    Ally Code: 454-245-896
    Player ID: UBkLmF5HS46j2kh_8ssEUg
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    Okay, so this is definitely still buggy. Good to know!
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    skywhopper wrote: »
    Sounds like CG needs to stop letting youtubers do their announcements for them. CG *promoted* these third party videos that contained incorrect information. Guides were created and posted on Official EA forums that CG staff monitors. People made large monetary decisions based on that information. I don't usually get upset about CG milking the whales but this particular move was over the top even for them. This type of behavior only generates ill will and cynicism among the community, even those inclined to defend them.

    And hurts the trust badly.
    And as I have already pointed out in an older comment:
    Trust is the base of any business partnership
    In other words:
    You don't have my trust, you can't have my money
    Yup, CG lost my trust. Completely.

    This^^^^ this is huge.

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    Lrrr wrote: »
    Same time frame it required to clear HAAT?
    Difference is while GK was a strong character he was never so meta that he changed most teams lineups. My point is if the next iteration of Luke is just as Meta as CLS, and they make requirements that make it nearly impossible for the average guild to complete it, its going to have drastic changes outside of territory battles, it'll significantly change Arena outcomes.

    Seriously? GK not meta changing?
  • skywhopper
    451 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    tabberkev wrote: »
    I think you might be stretching a bit there. Remember people got the 5* thing from youtuber videos, and datamines, not from EA.

    But EA basically sponsored those videos. They flew the bloggers to their studio, let them play, gave them footage, even had a developer on one of the videos. They _promoted_ the videos in the official forums. They monitored and _participated_ in long discussions about the incorrect requirements. They knew that important information related to new products they were about to start selling (the CHS and Hoth Bros packs) was wrong and they didn't "clarify" until the packs had been on sale and tens of thousands of revenue had been made based on wrong assumptions.

    I don't even disagree that most people who bought the packs would have done so regardless. But the point is that CG_Carrie and CG_CapGasP and CG_Kozispoon and CG_RyDiggs allowed this misinformation to spread for days. They even promoted the misinformation. (There was also incorrect information in the videos about the phase timings but that was publicly corrected well ahead of time. But this, they kept under their hats?)

    Blame is mostly due on the CG management who ultimately make these decisions and allow this kind of poor communication to happen. But some portion of blame is also due to the CG staff who participate in these forums, saw important money-related misinformation being spread _based on videos they themselves had promoted_, and made no attempt to correct the misinformation before it caused a problem.

    Despite the delay and the expected launch-day bumps, the TB rollout had actually gone pretty well, and a lot of cynics in my guild were being a lot more positive. Then we find out CG had been allowing important false info to spread for days about one of the most interesting parts of the update. It's disturbing, really.
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    I'm farming Lobot for the next hero's journey event. I think he's the only original trilogy character I don't have at 7* (besides the new ones obviously).

    Yall laugh now but just wait, Lobot is gonna be that one random character from left field!
    The field of battle is like the mongoose. Slow to joviality, but thirsty for morning sunshine.
    -Sun Tzu
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    What's that stank... Hothgate
    Lost in the 20th century
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    Probably 5* or 7*
    Lost in the 20th century
  • Karfax
    286 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I understand the problems we had yesterday but thank you very much for the gifts!

    *** So be it... Jedi ***
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    Weird that this thread does not show up on the main page...
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    skywhopper wrote: »
    Weird that this thread does not show up on the main page...

    The announcement tag was removed so this thread will just float downstream.
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    skywhopper wrote: »
    Weird that this thread does not show up on the main page...

    The announcement tag was removed so this thread will just float downstream.

    Of much for doing a "better job in the future regarding communication".

    I just really wish they would stop pouring lemonade on our heads and then tell us it's raining....and then telling us they'll do their best to stop future precipitation.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I highly suggest that Hoth Rebel Soldier be added to GW store and/ or one of the other stores.
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    For those that are simply delighted with the clarification, I would think CG and EA would love for you to go to your respective App store and update the rating you have given them!
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    This should be sticky rather than trying to bury it.
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    For those that are simply delighted with the clarification, I would think CG and EA would love for you to go to your respective App store and update the rating you have given them!

    Already back to one star for releasing the packs while consumers were under the impression that the previously stated requirement was in place.
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    I want to start off with I actually feel really sorry for the job you have right now, unless you had input on the decision to screw over the player base. Assuming you didn't I want to point out one of your quotes from the plethora of complaints you've addressed so far.

    " Anything that would be detrimental to the game as a whole can't abide."

    Those were your words. This fiasco is exactly what anyone would call detrimental to the game seeing as it was a blatant bait and switch. The fact that this is a problem and acknowledged does make me believe finally someone with some customer service ability is making an attempt but the making it right for the customer is way off.

    The message that was attached to the free shards and crystals read as if it was for the connection issues and overall bugginess of the game at the release of TB NOT for the switch of requirements. Game being bad was addressed not the requirements being switched. So what's being done to take care of your player base for this? There have been some great alternatives mentioned. It is Labor Day weekend in the US and Force Friday so double drops for the weekend? Add HRS twins to GW or to still keep a small wall up on them even Cantina store.

    More can be done for this but so far it still looks like CG giving the proverbial middle finger and not realizing there attempt of "taking back August" just got blown away and made August the answer to all jokes for the rest of this games life.

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    ...or they could simply change back to the original requirements. The one's that were promoted in the video co-narrated by a CG developer and posted and promoted by CG here on these forums. Or, yeah, make him easier to farm. That's work too. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Why? Im usually not one to complain about free stuff but putting a toon thats been a farmable one 3 times a day for 5 shards each time since the beginning. And everyone whos played this game longer than a week has her 7* already. Maybe its a hint for needing first order for future events but How about FOST or FOTP. Or aoneone else thats not the easiest toons to farm daily
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    giving us 30 shards for a toon that is now required 185 shards more than announced is not really that awesome tbh
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    Technically he is in a store, just not the one you want.

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    Why does this thread not go to page 1 when someone add a new comment like all the other threads?
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    The biggest problem is that if you choose to farm him as one of the few in your guild you will end up getting 1 rolo shard and the others get it too doing nothing... Change it back to 5*! This is just..... >:):'(:s
  • b06af3tt
    76 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    LocalHero wrote: »
    Technically he is in a store, just not the one you want.

    I've actually been watching to see if he popped up in the guild event shop and haven't had him spawn yet. That's is at least some positive news.
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    How does this game get new players when they see a requirement like soldier for end game content?
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    Dropped about a grand or so in last 6 weeks, won't spend another penny now due to the fact the devs lie to us constantly. They need people who pay for the game to survive, and will lose a tonne of us if they continue to mislead us on requirements. There is NO cover up here, no miss communication ****, just straight up lies with regards to requirements to force us to buy the packs. You should be ashamed of yourselves you money grabbing lying ***holes.
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