Platoon Requirements


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    @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs Would you mind publishing a drop rate on the Millennium Falcon. I have heard reports of players spending 2 k for 20 shard. Another guy bought 3 vaults and didn't get a single shard. It seems to me that the mega packs are a form gambling. Which requires publish drop rates.
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    I looked but I couldn't find anyone talking about how P2 and P3 had the same exact toon requirements....

    Didn't everyone see that or were we bugged?

    Platoons 1 and 2 were the same also. 3 and 4 the same
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    Trying to convey technical details, while at the same time attempting to be witty and cool, never seems to work well for most people. It's probably just better practice to focus on the answer, rather than the fluff.
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    Yes there is a thread about this in the bugged section. Have to say that we didn't get it in our TB.
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    Yeah, we noticed it... but didn't see it as a bug.

    The thing that bugged me was that there were unfarmable Ewoks in there. So... zero chance to get the platoons to lvl3. Same for ships-platoons with Kylo's ship in there.

    Fix that please defs.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    There are multiple threads about it.
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    I've spent thousands on this game and cannot fill many platoon spots, I have a 4* falcon and 3* reaper. At some point it gets a little ridiculous as to what's required. I've spent enough, I'm tired.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    I feel like there is a lot of misplaced anger here. Why *wouldn't* these modes include p2p characters? We have been told over and over and over again that all characters will eventually be farmable. You can't complete all platoons because of the new Ewoks this time? Well, in a couple months you will be able to. Can't blame them for giving us something to work towards.

    No, you won't be able to complete platoons in a few months, because they'll require new pay only characters - the veteran smugglers, new Battlefront guys, and Last Jedi characters. The goalposts will forever move so that non-whale guilds can't complete the platoons except by extremely lucky RNG.
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    phatphil3 wrote: »
    Looking for a dev response about whether or not non-FTP characters, new ewoks, tie reaper, falcon, are going to be required for platoons again or if this issue was fixed?

    This does not appear to be a bug. Recruit Players to your Guild that have these Characters in their roster, or you can acquire them on your own.

    So, I have re-read this, and it does mention the ships. @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs how are we supposed to recruit people with ships that cannot be obtained even through spending $2,000? Do you have a list of these players so they can be courted?
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    Well, it seems I have a few players I need to kick because they don't even want to participate in TB. Probably cheaper to actually pay someone to join your guild with the **** then make any attempt to get it.

    In this case, **** meaning Millennium Falcon and not vulgar language. I'd like to think that goes without saying....
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    My hopes are that things become farmable in good time, my assumption is the P2P's will reap the benefits for a couple of TB's and then they will release some locations for farming so everyone can fill out platoons.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    phatphil3 wrote: »
    Looking for a dev response about whether or not non-FTP characters, new ewoks, tie reaper, falcon, are going to be required for platoons again or if this issue was fixed?

    This does not appear to be a bug. Recruit Players to your Guild that have these Characters in their roster, or you can acquire them on your own.

    So, I have re-read this, and it does mention the ships. @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs how are we supposed to recruit people with ships that cannot be obtained even through spending $2,000? Do you have a list of these players so they can be courted?

    What happens if you don't? What happens if you get 5/6 or 4/6 platoons filled and move forward? Why does everyone feel this burning need to have 100% completion right out of the gate. It's the 2nd TB. Ever.

    The devs come on here and tells you that they are listening/reading and the response on here is outrage and whining. That's what you want them to hear? That's what you want them to respond to?

    I've been part of online gaming communities since the original Diablo. CS here is better then most. CS on ST:T was good when that first started, too, but over time the hostility simply made them reduce their involvement. Keep banging the pots and pans, though, I'm sure that will get them to agree to everything you want.

    To my original point... recognize that these games are built on progression and both short and long term goals. Everyone getting everything from the start doesn't benefit anyone. If you're lucky enough to be in a guild that has a handful of serious whales, enjoy your handful of extra shards, tokens & crystals. I'm ok seeing my guild progress and work better together to move up a few stars this time around.
    B_O_S_S_K in SW:G | G O R N in ST:T
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    B_O_S_S_K wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    phatphil3 wrote: »
    Looking for a dev response about whether or not non-FTP characters, new ewoks, tie reaper, falcon, are going to be required for platoons again or if this issue was fixed?

    This does not appear to be a bug. Recruit Players to your Guild that have these Characters in their roster, or you can acquire them on your own.

    So, I have re-read this, and it does mention the ships. @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs how are we supposed to recruit people with ships that cannot be obtained even through spending $2,000? Do you have a list of these players so they can be courted?

    What happens if you don't? What happens if you get 5/6 or 4/6 platoons filled and move forward? Why does everyone feel this burning need to have 100% completion right out of the gate. It's the 2nd TB. Ever.

    The devs come on here and tells you that they are listening/reading and the response on here is outrage and whining. That's what you want them to hear? That's what you want them to respond to?

    I've been part of online gaming communities since the original Diablo. CS here is better then most. CS on ST:T was good when that first started, too, but over time the hostility simply made them reduce their involvement. Keep banging the pots and pans, though, I'm sure that will get them to agree to everything you want.

    To my original point... recognize that these games are built on progression and both short and long term goals. Everyone getting everything from the start doesn't benefit anyone. If you're lucky enough to be in a guild that has a handful of serious whales, enjoy your handful of extra shards, tokens & crystals. I'm ok seeing my guild progress and work better together to move up a few stars this time around.

    There are degrees, though.

    I run a small guild and after the first TB we realised no one had Pao or Bistan at all and our collection of Jawas and Ewoks wasn't great either. So we farmed them. We didn't complain about them being required, we spent the time between TB1 and TB2 to shore up some holes in our character collection. I myself got Pao, Bistan and Coruscant Underworld Police all up to 2 or 3 stars without having unlocked any of them prior to the first TB.

    Fine. Nobody is complaining about that.

    But right from the start of the second TB ... we needed 4 Han Solos (the ultra-rare from the Rancor VII raid) in Phase 1.

    There is a difference in scale between signalling to a guild that they need to start farming underused characters compared to telling them they need to get 4 copies of Han Solo when out of the entire Guild only three players are level 85.

    We don't expect 100% completion of 45 stars ever, we're not that naive.

    But to stop us from being able to complete any Platoon at all because we need 3 copies of a rare character or 2 copies of an ultra-rare? That's just silly.

    The difficulty is too high. Medium size guilds can't do much and lower guilds are being put off completely.
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    B_O_S_S_K wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    phatphil3 wrote: »
    Looking for a dev response about whether or not non-FTP characters, new ewoks, tie reaper, falcon, are going to be required for platoons again or if this issue was fixed?

    This does not appear to be a bug. Recruit Players to your Guild that have these Characters in their roster, or you can acquire them on your own.

    So, I have re-read this, and it does mention the ships. @CG_Kozispoon @CG_RyDiggs how are we supposed to recruit people with ships that cannot be obtained even through spending $2,000? Do you have a list of these players so they can be courted?

    What happens if you don't? What happens if you get 5/6 or 4/6 platoons filled and move forward? Why does everyone feel this burning need to have 100% completion right out of the gate. It's the 2nd TB. Ever.

    The devs come on here and tells you that they are listening/reading and the response on here is outrage and whining. That's what you want them to hear? That's what you want them to respond to?

    I've been part of online gaming communities since the original Diablo. CS here is better then most. CS on ST:T was good when that first started, too, but over time the hostility simply made them reduce their involvement. Keep banging the pots and pans, though, I'm sure that will get them to agree to everything you want.

    To my original point... recognize that these games are built on progression and both short and long term goals. Everyone getting everything from the start doesn't benefit anyone. If you're lucky enough to be in a guild that has a handful of serious whales, enjoy your handful of extra shards, tokens & crystals. I'm ok seeing my guild progress and work better together to move up a few stars this time around.

    I also have played since before Diablo. This is not good CS here or communication compared with majority of games.

    Fun fact: I played a Marvel game for years that was designed by the dude that did Diablo 2. I spent tons there simply because they were honest with player base. They said "we make it difficult to get new heroes to extend life of game while we work on other content", I bought heroes.
    They said "we have these packs to buy but yes they are totally just a gamble and the best stuff in them have a very low chance to drop", I bought these packs weekly.
    They said, "we can't create end game fast enough so we artificially make things very slow to farm". They said "we have lots of bugs in heroes and in-game but will work on them as we can get to them but we have to prioritize the stuff that brings in the cash before we can fix stuff."

    I spent a ton there, here I am f2p. I just simply like honesty and not being manipulated into spending. Makes you feel like they listen to you and care. Makes me want to support them.
    Tell me a pack is overpriced and that it has bad drops because the coders have to eat and pay rent and that will continue the life of the game then I will support a game with lots of cash and actually feel very good about it.
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    Stenun wrote: »
    There are degrees, though.

    I run a small guild and after the first TB we realised no one had Pao or Bistan at all and our collection of Jawas and Ewoks wasn't great either. So we farmed them. We didn't complain about them being required, we spent the time between TB1 and TB2 to shore up some holes in our character collection. I myself got Pao, Bistan and Coruscant Underworld Police all up to 2 or 3 stars without having unlocked any of them prior to the first TB.

    Fine. Nobody is complaining about that.

    But right from the start of the second TB ... we needed 4 Han Solos (the ultra-rare from the Rancor VII raid) in Phase 1.

    There is a difference in scale between signalling to a guild that they need to start farming underused characters compared to telling them they need to get 4 copies of Han Solo when out of the entire Guild only three players are level 85.

    We don't expect 100% completion of 45 stars ever, we're not that naive.

    But to stop us from being able to complete any Platoon at all because we need 3 copies of a rare character or 2 copies of an ultra-rare? That's just silly.

    The difficulty is too high. Medium size guilds can't do much and lower guilds are being put off completely.

    The other problem is that the current bug makes it extremely difficult. Sure, could you only have a couple of platoons unfinishable? Theoretically that's possible, and so what. But in a couple of hours we could end up with 4 or 8 platoons that can't be finished if rng picks a SINGLE character we don't have at the appropriate star level and then populates it. But even that I'm ok with. Eventually those characters will become farmable.

    The falcon, which has been in existence for 10 months, and isn't even farmable in a whale friendly manner (if it was in the single ship data pack, we'd probably have a couple in my guild, but even the whales weren't touching the mega pack, since they had the pilots all done already), is a different issue, as there is currently no indication, whatsoever, that it will ever become farmable.

    Even with that, if the official position was that the falcon was staying in the platoons, and was staying in the mega-pack only, then fine. As long as someone actually came out and said that. Instead, we get wishy-washy responses, and then when asked whether there has been consideration, get the wishy-washy response reposted, with a bit of "let me say this to you slowly" added back in for good measure. In other words, no official position is being provided.
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    Unless you are a whale, NOBODY has the Millenium Falcon. And yet, it was required in 2 of our phase 3 platoons. Can a dev please explain this?
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    Because you can still 3 star each ship territory without it? And perhaps to reward the people who spent money to get it?
    Two Time Golden Poo Award Winner
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    This has been flagged as a bug and sent up to our team for further review. Thanks!

    Morn' @CG_Kozispoon and @CG_RyDiggs
    Next phase is launching soon. Any word on a bug fix for the Platoon duplication before this goes?
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    Not only do you have the Falcon now, but get ready for Tie Reapers and Cassian ships in the coming phases... Some dev said they'll look into it, but they haven't yet, or haven't made their mind, and can't change the TB in progress...
    On a brighter side, does it matter so much? Will your guild really lose a star because of that?
    ☮ Consular ☮ -
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    I'm not sure it's a reward as much as it is an incentive. It costs at least $500 just to get that one ship. I don't think that's a reasonable requirement.
    Because you can still 3 star each ship territory without it? And perhaps to reward the people who spent money to get it?

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    Boo. Still not fixed. Still exactly the same platoons from the past 2 phases.
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    true. no more fun playing tb. one person from our guild just left, thats crazy. games should be fun guys, not impossible.
    please, please, please stop this maddnes. or just stop (fix something) tb.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    And the ship squadrons are identical to yesterday's as well (not surprising at this point).
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    Is this a bug? Seems more thought should be going into this if not.
    SHATTERPOINT - One of the world's strongest guilds
    Recruiting solid 3mil+ GP players, pm for info
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    It was the same yesterday, you didn't notice then? (There are already multiple threads about it.)
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    The good news is that now you know exactly which character shards to collect to fill platoons.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Same here, and our platoons are pretty much the same as yesterdays...

    Both need 8 Lograys, which we don't have.

    I really hope they remove the need for unfarmable toons. This is going too far in my opinion. Same for ships. Need Tie Reapers and Kylo Command Shuttles.
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    Really really poor job here.

    3 days of exact same Land platoons - and the platoons in Middle and Bottom are mirrors of one another.

    Ships exactly the same.

    So my question now is are we going to have 14 Chirrut required on Day 6 when the Rogue One are required??
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    You guys do realize that ship platoons help the land battles right?
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