Arena Bug mega- RESOLVED


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    Is death troopers grenade supposed to be doing under 1,000 damage on a critical hit at level 85, gear 11, with extremely good mods? (Targeted against level 50 low-gear characters, to more easily gauge the damage).
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    Do us all a favor and google game mechanics since you guys can’t seem to figure it out on your own. In classic Disney/EA style you guys refuse to fix what you have before bringing in new content that only breaks more of your previously band-aided items. The galactic arena is a train wreck, just another money trap ploy. Squad arena starting on cool downs with sith teams fully unloading on their first team is discraceful. Seriously, you guys are sucking at your job and there is no way I’m spending until you guys get a effing clue. Don’t even get me started on space. In any other job you guys would have all been fired and replaced by now. Fortunately for you this is how Disney rolls, systematically destroying a once beloved franchise through greed and ignorance.
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