Content Update 9/20/2017 (MEGA)


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    Since dev is in west coast, no one is at work yet, how would they address and explain the issues?
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    the only reason I was very active and aiming for top 5 in ship arena, was that I could buy gear in the fleet shipments and zetas and the very rare ship/charectar shard like adv Tie and General G.
    With gear gone, ship currency is a non factor now
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    Have you seen shard shop now? Its drasticly improved... sure I'm gonna miss fleet shop, but with so few ships you can cap your ships pretty quick, and then use fleet shop for what most vets do... zetas... nonstop... the gear i got from there was few and far between.

    Now your AP have a purpose... i know i made many many comments on why you shoulda been stockpiling them.

    However... now that shard shop has been improved it would be nice to get AP via GW like we were earlier this year.
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    I'd rather have the character shards apart from Grievious back in the shard shop.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    170* for 5 pieces of stun guns and cuffs and whatever is not that bad.
  • Thoby
    36 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I am a vet player, and as I wrote I also spend fleet currency for zetas.
    But the buttleneck is still cuffs/guns/carabantis, which I could buy in a steady pace in fleet. Converting shards to shard currency in the shard shop, is still alot more expensive than it would have been buying it from the fleet store

    So even though they "upgraded" the shard shop, the nerfed the fleet shop.

    All in all a nerf Imo, (even with all gw shards converted (all GW and arena character at 7*) into shard shop currency)
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    If you've been playing like less than a year and are mostly F2P you really can't expect to have everything as it comes off the bat. Or if you been playing for a while, well... should've could've but didn't.

    I finished 7*ing FO back in March. Took me 4-5 months just farming the hard nodes with no refreshes for FOTP and FOST. So yeah, the struggle is real.

    If you don't get BB8 next week there's always next time. It is what it is and good luck.
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    Am I complaining I won't get it 7 stars? Nope.
    Am I complaining about poor warning that in the past was better performed? Yep.

    Just that really. I never forget this is a game
  • newbornFL
    486 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    So I have Phasma,Kylo and FOTP to 7 stars and gear IX-X
    First order officer is at 6 stars and lvl 1 gear 1 (i will need to quickly upgrade him so he doesn't die)

    But the big problem is the first order stormtrooper,I can get him to 4 stars by today,but will 5-6 stars be enough for the event?I don't think I can get him to 7 stars in 5 days,even with the bonus drop
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    I never buy gears in fleet, since in this stage you need so many character zeta’ed it’s just unwise to put fleet in anything but zeta, I have 9 zeta put into toons, and I unlocked the challenge pretty early yet still need quite a lot of them, especially since they are pumping out character with 2~3 zeta requirements so frequently.
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    You also have to consider that you need at least one 7* toon for the shard shop to open, all without a 7Ü* are shafted. Also Shard shop currency is the slowest to build up, so once you have burned through your currency that you may have saved for a new toon your gear acquisition will slow down noticeably. And to top it all off they also increased the price by 36 % based on the math done on reddit.

    All they did is creating an even heavier gear gate and so many are celebrating them just because they have stockpiled shard shop currency without realising how painfully slow this will build up again once done.
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    I have 10 zetas, put into 8 toons. Most of those zeta mats was bought from the fleet shipment, because, even though I unlocked zeta challenge early, I rarely get them from the challenges. Even now I have 30 zeta mats waiting to be spend.

    There are many bad zeta abilities or abilities on toons that are bad (or bad team synergi wise)

    Still I buy gear from the shipment, or rather did. And would have continued to do so.
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    no gear needs to be in fleet, but all the gear drops in the game need to be increased. and challenges /acheivments/events all need an overhaul
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    even if phasma was a warning to farm FO, there was not even close to enough time to get FOST off hard nodes before this event
  • Stevesaint74
    898 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    FOST is farmable in 3 locations and FOTP now in 2 locations so Cg have made it a little easier, plus 5 attempts at each and double drops.
    Post edited by Stevesaint74 on
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    I agree to disagree. Gear needs to be in fleet store.
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    Why did you honestly remove gear from fleet store?? adding to shard shop does NOT help anybody but players who have been playing for a long time, granted I have plenty of 7* toons but a lot do not....stop trying to make it harder and harder and harder to gear toons up it's getting ridiculous devs , I have talked with sooooo many players who agree and are livid over this....don't answer with oh u can get this or that for 170-210 shard shop the math's gona cost way more to have to get the shards in the first place to convert. The constant nerfs are getting old really fast devs. Plz stop trying to make everything even Further in favor of whales.
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    its good change. now i can focus on buying zetas instead of gear
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    Theyre making up for the lack of gear in fleets with more character shards, as well as replacing it with more gear in shard shops for characters. As long as it contains the gear that fleet shop provided then idc. Especially since TB gear shop is much better anyway.

    We've yet to see the amount of gear available in shard shop, everyones so quick to judge.
  • smninja73
    136 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm gonna go another rant here about fleet store. Now bb8 isn't too bad and was to kinda be expected. I was a little disappointed with fleet store but I'll survive. But what's gonna kill me is the changes to the fleet store. That was the only really dependable place where I could find some good gear salvage. No one asked for it and it makes the gear crunch worse. I mean for crying out loud if you want us to focus moreover on characters then add more characters and better characters and if you feel you have to, reduce the amount of gear slots to buy gear but not just getting rid of it that's stupid I'm just being honest here that is absolutely **** because its only a matter of time before you lose your fanbase because you keep tending to whales and big guilds and not growing any small, young, or f2p players and guilds. All I'm saying is that maybe for once you could not completely screw the little guys that's all so please and thank you.
    Post edited by Sunnie1978 on
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    Please number one. Please my poor thumbs going through 50k+
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    I was like that at first, but I think it was a good move. It razor focuses you on getting ships and zetas out of there. It puts gear in the shard shop, where people who have finished all the characters in Cantina/GW/Arena etc can now spend their tokens. It is more efficient. I'll admit at first I was put off, but the more I look at it and see how GOOD the prices are in the shard shop, the better it gets.
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    “I was a little disappointed with fleet store but I'll survive. But what's gonna kill me is the changes to the fleet store.”

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    Must admit I was really disappointed by this news, does make me feel like giving up, especially since I missed cls. Starting to seem like little point
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    ReveNCZ wrote: »
    its good change. now i can focus on buying zetas instead of gear

    This. The shard shop 2.0 has gear for a MUCH lower price than the fleet store did anyway.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Jay_1997_C wrote: »
    Dude I'm sorry but you should've been farming FO and resistance since everyone realised the new toons would be released in this kind of way :( I know it sucks but pre planning works, and sometimes the risk pays off

    Not only that but Kozi flat out and said "YOU WILL NEED FO!" Almost verbatim; if that wasn't a huge hint I dont know what is...
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    ReveNCZ wrote: »
    its good change. now i can focus on buying zetas instead of gear

    This. The shard shop 2.0 has gear for a MUCH lower price than the fleet store did anyway.

    Exactly. The shard shop 2.0 is actually freaking amazing. I am also holding out a glimmering hope that those "non farmable" ships will show up in Fleet as well.
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    FOST is farmable in 3 locations and FOTP, so Cg have made it a little easier, plus 5 attempts at each and double drops.

    Double drops? Like the double drops we got for CLS? Yeah, not holding my breath.
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    Double drops, not great but a little help.

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    Soon we will need fleet tokens for ship hardware upgrades. So they have to make some space.
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