Content Update 9/20/2017 (MEGA)


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    Restarted phone and didn't work...want to waste my cantina energy before going to aleep :/
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    Day doesn't reset till 1am in est cuz time change.
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    Ploosh wrote: »
    Day doesn't reset till 1am in est cuz time change.

    ^This. I'm PST, I know my double drops start at 10am which would make EST start 1am.
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    Sick of the forced grind guys. Was leisurely collecting empire until you rudely started telling me who to farm. I need a break, you're burning me out!
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    I like almost all parts of this update, the Shard shop 2.0 fits my play style and were I am in the game (been around forever, so I have shards for most toons - gear and mods is a completely different story though)

    I get how the changes to Fleet store might annoy some, but it also benefits some of us (I'm no whale or Dolphin or anything).

    All this said, I would like to have something worth farming in the 4 old shops (Cantina, Arena, GW & Raid)
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    so tell me @Nikoms565 how do we get shard store currency without converting shards? (since you don't like conversions) you are flawed by comparing Fleet Tokens to Shard tokens. You can't generate Shard Store tokens any other way, you just do it by converting shards so taking shards out of the equation is as flawed as you can be.
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    Spend all GW currency on shard shop and get gear through TB [/quote]

    Maybe you can afford it but i cant. I need LS ships 7*, LS chars for HAAT and TB so for me it just wont work
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    Double zero is still zero, this event is just another cash grab for panic farmers.

    You generate energy for free. Drop rates aren't modified for double drops. Take the tin foil hat off and go outside for a while.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Keep a record of your ability material drops. I got two Mark 3s but they did not show up in my inventory.
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    Just doing my napkin math on whether I can get FO 7* for event. 5 days and 18hrs left until event, but can anyone recall or speculate how long the event(s) last please?
    Because if it is 5 or more days, I'm in with a shout.
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    SharkMilkk wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »
    Farm the gear elsewhere, the gear price is fleet was expensive + you can now get gear in the shard shop at much better prices

    36% cost is higher comparing with exchange of fleet tokens in shard store....farming where? I do farm already.... So any other idea?

    Spend all GW currency on shard shop and get gear through TB

    I do play more than a year, so I know that. Please dont try to find solution where there is no solution. Cuffs guns were easy farm from fleet store. Now I dont have them in shard shop. I will not do 25 refresh to have a chance that those gear will appear in shard store. TB I already farm. Do You think I keep GW currency? No, still farming Rebels.
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    Id much rather get 6 cuffs from shard shop for what like 170-200 currency? I wouldnt mind if they left the gear in fleet shop just so we have more options but still Im happy with how the shard shop is now. much more useful gear there.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Ceodoc wrote: »
    Just doing my napkin math on whether I can get FO 7* for event. 5 days and 18hrs left until event, but can anyone recall or speculate how long the event(s) last please?
    Because if it is 5 or more days, I'm in with a shout.

    Typically a week.
  • Globuhl
    751 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Maybe they made room for ship gears/capabilities ?
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    Hey everyone, please post any new fleet characters you have seen in the shop. Hoping someone could confirm if FOST has been added there, but this seems like a more fun way to get info to people.

    So far i have seen the following in the new slot

    Clone Sergeant

    if there is anyone else you have seen that's new please post!

    Thanks for your time!
  • Caedas
    215 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    I've seen CS and TFP, but no FOTP or FOST
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    Got FOTP and TFP in my fleet shop. Wish FOST was in there...
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    Developers are just trying to help you.

    The toons that are going to put you over the top in arena, HAAT, Rancor and GW requires a lot of zetas, but some folks kept farming gear in fleet store and complaining how they couldn't compete with P2P players and how long it takes for a F2P player to develop a competitive team.

    The math told us that farming gear in fleet shop was not a good practice, now the developers fixed it :-)

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    Hi, i started playing GOH before the guilds were even introduced.
    It was a great game but overtime more and more daily tasks were added to get the daily reward.
    Once ships were added which just slowed the game down and added more to the daily i left.
    My question is does it still take as long to do daily mandatory tasks or has it changed?
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    Just guessing, but since FOST is a required crew member, I'd imagine that he is hidden in the fleet shop somewhere. I don't have him there now, and have never looked for him. The only toon I've ever gone after in fleet is Chirruut, and then only recently because of TB.
  • Globuhl
    751 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    It did change, we only have to perform two arena battles and one ship battle now (used to be three and two if I remember correctly).
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    I think I get through my dailies (except arena battles) in less than 10 minutes at the beginning of the day. Unless I intentionally save one until guild activities reset.
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    Gawejn wrote: »

    Yes fives, i can confirm this bcause i just buy his shards.
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    Gear is more readily available in the game than zetas, it makes sense to focus on the latter in fleet anyway
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »

    Yes fives, i can confirm this bcause i just buy his shards.

    5s from Fleet store? Isn't that a bit of a waste, since his shards can be bought for Cantina tokens?
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    Gawejn wrote: »
    Farm the gear elsewhere, the gear price is fleet was expensive + you can now get gear in the shard shop at much better prices

    36% cost is higher comparing with exchange of fleet tokens in shard store....farming where? I do farm already.... So any other idea?

    Your math is flawed. Please don't use character shards as the cost basis, as it makes no sense to do so. You should never buy character shards in the fleet shop to convert them in the shard shop - which is, in effect what you are doing when using that as the costs basis. You are buying gear, not shards.

    5 stun cuff salvage in fleet was 600 fleet currency. That's 120 per salvage piece.
    6 stun cuff salvage in shard is 186 shard currency. That's 31 per salvage piece.

    Gear is cheaper in the shard shop - almost 4 times less currency. And much shard currency is "free" from bronzium pulls, GW, Raid characters and events when you have those characters as 7*.

    You should be using fleet for zeta, shard shop for gear and GW, arena and cantina stores for character shards you need (or to dump extra currency into shard shop if gear shows up that really want or need).
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »

    Yes fives, i can confirm this bcause i just buy his shards.

    5s from Fleet store? Isn't that a bit of a waste, since his shards can be bought for Cantina tokens?

    But we are using all of those on getting HRS
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »

    Yes fives, i can confirm this bcause i just buy his shards.

    5s from Fleet store? Isn't that a bit of a waste, since his shards can be bought for Cantina tokens?

    But we are using all of those on getting HRS

    No, you are not. You are using cantina energy to get HRS. You can use cantina shop tokens to get 5's. Making getting him from fleet shop a waste as there are more valuable purchases from the fleet shop that are not available anywhere else.
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Gawejn wrote: »

    Yes fives, i can confirm this bcause i just buy his shards.

    5s from Fleet store? Isn't that a bit of a waste, since his shards can be bought for Cantina tokens?

    I don't really like clones.. but it's a benefit for me. Bcause i can farm fives from fleet now. Yes i use my cantina token to farm HRscout n Pao lately (Both is "meh" chars, but since they are requirement chars.. well, what can i say?) :/

    Imo i think new fleet shop chars is most likely pilots.
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