Guild Vs. Guild... Who asked for more content?


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    Not a fan of that at all because I'm a guild leader. TBs are already requiring a lot of attention...
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Zolaz wrote: »
    snowhut wrote: »
    slamaMC wrote: »
    CG releases no content, everyone complains. CG releases new content, everyone complains.

    Says a lot about both the existing and new content, doesn't it?

    They dont want you happy. They want you frustrated enough with the game to spend money.

    Okay this is just silly who the _ _ _ _ get frustrated and spends money? The game is fun gw as told by the developers is designed to be hard the new characters are designed to push people to play more and get this wait for it wait for it. Spend money. People who complain about not having thrawn and cls either wait and get them free or do like those who could not wait pay. Again I'm ftp and I have cls and would have had thrawn if not for a illness. I see a lot of people w thrawn and cls that are ftp.

    Studies show that emotions trigger spending. Frustration is included there. People will get ticked at getting terrible drop rates and spend crystals to refresh to try it again. This is why the RNG in this game is tilted to the extremes. They want to at times make you very excited, and at times frustrate you. It's all in addiction psychology.

    U don't do that as a reaction to frustration u spend because it something u want and more importantly u want it right away. It is not frustration but immediate gratification of the player that they appeal to. I need thrawn right now or or or nothing u can get them later. The game doesn't change if u are bored u are probably thinking u should over power every aspect of the game right away try different teams and really if it not fun well okay u probably know what to do I like it and the new stuff some body once said "Do or do not"

    Are you really that naive? Ofcourse people spend out of frustration and freemium games specifically target those people. There isn't a single freemium game in wich not a single player has buyersremorse. People spend money for all sorts of reasons, some of wich weren't that good of a reason in hindsight from the buyer's perspective.
    Obviously immediate gratification is also part of the freemium business model, but that doesn't mean they don't also use player frustration to maximize their profits.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    I like this game and I want to play it but since TB it has been taking an unreasonable amount of my time up as a leading guild officer and actually adding extra stress to my life. I'm obviously not the only one who feels like this and how long are we going to allow this to continue? Something's gonna give, either it gets easier or many will have to quit even though we don't want to.

    Give us quick group mod swapping, make TB one territory per phase so leaders don't have to hurd cats all day, make GW 4 hard battles and end arena payout times - reward based on average rank throughout the day instead so we don't have to play at specific times.
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    ... and end arena payout times - reward based on average rank throughout the day instead so we don't have to play at specific times.

    Terrible idea.
    This would make you go back-and-forth with virtually everyone, virtually all the time.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
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    ? i thing its the best idea so far. not sure how this will work, because usually they have problems with crashing and freezing. i think they will just get rid of something, maybe gw, because not to many people like gw anymore. i do - i love it, but who knows. its way better, than just adding new toons all the time.
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    Bring it all in....i cant wait
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Don't participate. Stop trying to ruin it fir the people who actually want more ;)

    I don't mind more, I mind when something is pretty much made mandatory by design, e.g. farming Lobot & others from a single hard node, promoting totally useless garbage characters (CUP & others).

    We are already in a situation that breaks guilds and makes players leave the game. New players will never catch up, which does not encourage them to stay.

    I'm afraid how this will affect guilds; should we just kick players who don't have enough GP? :(
  • Options
    I think it's not so much too much time on the game but the when you have to be on the game. Rancor and aat- have to be on certain times for them.
    Arena, fleet - certain payout times.
    Dailies. Gw etc.
    Take away the arena payout times. Highest rank achieved. Within 24 hours.
    Side note - I understand the frustration with gw phx and res help a bunch. And just have to keep grinding and building your roster. The game is a very large grind. Keep building. The game just got more daunting but it's achievable. Tb set up gvg perfectly with gp. Hopefully we can get some good officer tools that will help ease it. Patience and money are the best attributes to have this game. The more patience you have the less money you need.
  • Matke
    56 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Naw wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Don't participate. Stop trying to ruin it fir the people who actually want more ;)

    I don't mind more, I mind when something is pretty much made mandatory by design, e.g. farming Lobot & others from a single hard node, promoting totally useless garbage characters (CUP & others).

    We are already in a situation that breaks guilds and makes players leave the game. New players will never catch up, which does not encourage them to stay.

    I'm afraid how this will affect guilds; should we just kick players who don't have enough GP? :(

    You do understand that nobody is forcing you to do anything.

    It's like in any other online multiplayer game, you DECIDE what is your goal. If your goal is to play causal, hang out with friends bla bla then you shouldn't care about the strength of your guild.

    If you want to be competitive and go for the top rewards and spots, than you should be in a guild with 49 other guys that want that same thing.

    And regarding new players, the game makes money out of catching up. You install the game, play for 2-3 months f2p and then you see how deep the grind is and you want to speed it up. You wanting this to change is basically wanting EA to give up on millions of $ a month. The grind and requirements will never change, deal with it.
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    This game used to be good. It was more about resource allocation with some easy fights just for Star Wars feeling.

    Now it is all about hard fights (GW, Arena, TB) and very little resource allocation (the game force you to farm certain characters more than others).

    If I wanted to play fighting game I would play it on PC or some console. Oh and I would rejuvenate 30 years.

    Yeah, I am close to uninstall this thing.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Matke wrote: »
    You do understand that nobody is forcing you to do anything.

    Oh, I understand now. Play less to participate more? Yeah!
    It's like in any other online multiplayer game

    Except that I play this on my mobile device when I have some time. You know, a mobile game, where 49 others have different goals, opportunities to play etc.
    you DECIDE what is your goal. If your goal is to play causal, hang out with friends bla bla then you shouldn't care about the strength of your guild.

    I'm really not getting you, sorry. Maybe you misunderstood me. My GP is over 2M.
    And regarding new players, the game makes money out of catching up. You install the game, play for 2-3 months f2p and then you see how deep the grind is and you want to speed it up. You wanting this to change is basically wanting EA to give up on millions of $ a month. The grind and requirements will never change, deal with it.

    This does not make the game newbie friendly. You can spend thousands and still not grow your roster quickly enough to get into a guild that matters. At that point the customer decides that this isn't worth their time and leaves to spend elsewhere.

    I can't help you as you don't seem to grasp this concept.

    I'm not against new content but I'm afraid it will further cause division between players and work against engaging new comers.

    Where do you think I should set the line, 1.6M? 1.8? Maybe 2M?
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    So you are worried about CG and how their business politics affects new customers?

    I don't see how it actually concerns you as you have little to no connection with new players as somebody who has 2m GP.

    You are basically complaining without any legitimate reason just for the sake of complaining, like 80% of other people here.
  • Tman
    257 posts Member
    I hear much complaining from guild leaders here. I think you guys need to remember one thing:
    This is a game. You give it only the attention you want to give it. Its not a paying job.
    I am more powerful than the Chancellor- Anikan Skywalker and Tman
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    I think it's not so much too much time on the game but the when you have to be on the game. Rancor and aat- have to be on certain times for them.
    Arena, fleet - certain payout times.
    Dailies. Gw etc.
    Take away the arena payout times. Highest rank achieved. Within 24 hours.
    Side note - I understand the frustration with gw phx and res help a bunch. And just have to keep grinding and building your roster. The game is a very large grind. Keep building. The game just got more daunting but it's achievable. Tb set up gvg perfectly with gp. Hopefully we can get some good officer tools that will help ease it. Patience and money are the best attributes to have this game. The more patience you have the less money you need.

    I'd also add...remove cooldown timers on challenges. What's the point? Making Gal War 3 nodes would be good.
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    I know that devs read posts sometimes, so I will make a little statement here. I quit just today. This night after reset I said goodbye to my guild and quit. I started on May 2016, spent some money on the game. I was in a great and competitive guild. I LOVED this game. Played everyday. But what happened recently was just too much. We were complaining about lack of content and BAM they introduced so much of it I couldn't deal with real life. Someone said here it's too much time consuming. YES that's the problem. The devs didn't fix ANYTHING that was bad for the game, challenges with 10min cooldown, lack of mod sets, horrible gear crunch, etc. etc. It COULD be so satisfying game. I think lately I had to dedicate about 4h/day to the game, it was madness. Peace out.
  • Options
    I think it's not so much too much time on the game but the when you have to be on the game. Rancor and aat- have to be on certain times for them.
    Arena, fleet - certain payout times.
    Dailies. Gw etc.
    Take away the arena payout times. Highest rank achieved. Within 24 hours.
    Side note - I understand the frustration with gw phx and res help a bunch. And just have to keep grinding and building your roster. The game is a very large grind. Keep building. The game just got more daunting but it's achievable. Tb set up gvg perfectly with gp. Hopefully we can get some good officer tools that will help ease it. Patience and money are the best attributes to have this game. The more patience you have the less money you need.

    I'd also add...remove cooldown timers on challenges. What's the point? Making Gal War 3 nodes would be good.

    Yea sim all and be done. I know I'm getting 15-18 carbs anyway. Don't play with my emotions lol.

    Blanco23 wrote: »
    I know that devs read posts sometimes, so I will make a little statement here. I quit just today. This night after reset I said goodbye to my guild and quit. I started on May 2016, spent some money on the game. I was in a great and competitive guild. I LOVED this game. Played everyday. But what happened recently was just too much. We were complaining about lack of content and BAM they introduced so much of it I couldn't deal with real life. Someone said here it's too much time consuming. YES that's the problem. The devs didn't fix ANYTHING that was bad for the game, challenges with 10min cooldown, lack of mod sets, horrible gear crunch, etc. etc. It COULD be so satisfying game. I think lately I had to dedicate about 4h/day to the game, it was madness. Peace out.

    I understand everyone's concerns. On a personal note you should have at least finished tb with your guild. Also devs read everything. If there has been a silver lining here - devs have been very proactive concerning feedback with tb and making changes. We got heads up info - months worth. This is very different than them just throwing it at us. I would wait and see and voice approval/disapproval here. Take a break. Be guildless and do dailes on a lunch break and come back.
    I am always asking for Info and communication and when they do it people leave its counter productive for us the player base. Cause then they have justification in saying "hey we have a heads up and people quit, let's stick with panic farm."
    Also- think ahead and know you're not the only one who feels this way. Even on a selfish level let other people quit and reap the rewards of the response after.
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    Want to reiterate one f th emore important comments made by a couple people, but quickly buried. G v G is going to happen no matter what, I get that. but it needs to be made so it's not just 50 CLS verse each other.

    The very 'thought' of what G v G is likely going to be is already a snooze fest.

    It better be tactical and require more then who's CLS has the biggest schwartz is the luckiest.
  • Dayma
    260 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Staubie12 wrote: »
    If gw was fixed and raids tweaked you wouldn't see it as empty. G v g would be ok if they would eliminate tb but whoopee we get a whole 4 day break, scrap tb it doesn't work
    Raid will never be tweaked and I would add :
    - Rancor is full auto in less than 6 minutes for a full SOLO.
    - HAAT can be SOLO with 4 teams by a single player, so just TAG 0 if you dont have time to play it, someone else will.
    GW : if you play it smart you will always have the node 9 / 11 / 12 broken ; with the first 5 being "trash node" too it makes GW being like 2 "hard fights" and full auto the rest.
    So yea this game has too little to offer right know even TB is way to short in term of "playtime".
    As for "Fleet Arena" I was already doing all 5 fights / day for the Achievements so no change in this.
    aeaswen wrote: »
    WE GET IT! Resistance teams! However, most don't have it. To ask people to spend 2 to 3 months to gear a full squad, zeta finn, and 10 million credits to level them up to beat the worst part of this game is obnoxious. I honestly don't care if I beat it every day. I do care it takes 20-30 minutes for me to even get to n11. It is boring, unexciting, waste of time. GW is the single biggest reason I play less and less each week.
    Resistance... you should have done it since March when they were king in HAAT... even more since the episode 8 is coming close. Well your failure on this, they are KING in GW since the Zeta came in SWGOH so don't blame anyone for being "bad" at planning your farm. (Plus gear 8 is enough on them for TB & GW so not that much of a "Gear hurdle".
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Dayma wrote: »
    GW : if you play it smart you will always have the node 9 / 11 / 12 broken ; with the first 5 being "trash node" too it makes GW being like 2 "hard fights" and full auto the rest.

    i personally think GW is the most fun mode in the game, so i actually don't want even 1 broken node (wich i unfortunately do have).
    I'm interrested in the statement i quoted though, can you please elaborate?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Osirisreborn
    1017 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Matke wrote: »
    You guys that complain that the game is taking too much of your time - have you maybe considered not playing the game that much? Like, don't turn it on? Do something else? Work, play with your kids, paint, run, anything?

    God, not that you're imprisoned and forced to play.

    People are people
    "and i will show you ... where the iron crosses grow..."
  • Dayma
    260 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    i personally think GW is the most fun mode in the game, so i actually don't want even 1 broken node (wich i unfortunately do have).
    I'm interrested in the statement i quoted though, can you please elaborate?
    Well, if you really want to know you can still pm me I will explain it but if you can't "undo" it so once its broken its "forever" until the game release another update for toons.
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    ... and end arena payout times - reward based on average rank throughout the day instead so we don't have to play at specific times.

    Terrible idea.
    This would make you go back-and-forth with virtually everyone, virtually all the time.

    I love the idea of using average rank instead. There would still be an attack limit, so you aren't fighting nonstop. This removes the disadvantage some have of being on a very competive payout time or non being able to be on at payout time.

    They would need to increase the rewards though. Right now 24 different people could get 1st place rewards. With the new method some people that normally get 1st could be down pretty far. They would have to look at the total payout for everyone, and adjust the prizes up so that stays the same at the least. If they did that, I would fully be behind this.
  • Options
  • Options
    Want to reiterate one f th emore important comments made by a couple people, but quickly buried. G v G is going to happen no matter what, I get that. but it needs to be made so it's not just 50 CLS verse each other.

    The very 'thought' of what G v G is likely going to be is already a snooze fest.

    It better be tactical and require more then who's CLS has the biggest schwartz is the luckiest.

    If you read the dev post regarding GvG, it already appears to be something other than that. The indications are that you can use your characters for EITHER defense or offense -- so if you assign your CLS team to defense, you're using something else to fight on offense. As it contains multiple territories, etc..., it looks like you're going to have to assign other teams to other territories.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Matke wrote: »
    I don't see how it actually concerns you as you have little to no connection with new players as somebody who has 2m GP.

    I am concerned as a guild leader who has so far accepted players with as low as 800k GP. With GvG we probably need to clean the house, which is not really a good thing for new comers. If you think the game can survive just with old whales you are mistaken.
    You are basically complaining without any legitimate reason just for the sake of complaining, like 80% of other people here.

    That's why there is a long thread of the game not being newbie friendly. Ignore that and this game will dry out.

    That will affect all content as it's not worth spending resources to a stagnant game. This is my worry where content generates a huge gap between the old and the new. It's not like Arena where you are pitted against your contemporaries.
  • snowhut
    290 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    leef wrote: »
    Dayma wrote: »
    GW : if you play it smart you will always have the node 9 / 11 / 12 broken ; with the first 5 being "trash node" too it makes GW being like 2 "hard fights" and full auto the rest.

    i personally think GW is the most fun mode in the game, so i actually don't want even 1 broken node (wich i unfortunately do have).
    I'm interrested in the statement i quoted though, can you please elaborate?

    It basically just shifts everything to the left and wraps the easy nodes to the end. You just face the normal 'hard' teams earlier. 90%+ of a team capable of breaking all those nodes still results in really high powered teams in nodes 4-8. Saves a negligible amount of time because you get to one hit kill everything in the broken nodes.
  • Options
    Matke wrote: »
    Naw wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Don't participate. Stop trying to ruin it fir the people who actually want more ;)

    I don't mind more, I mind when something is pretty much made mandatory by design, e.g. farming Lobot & others from a single hard node, promoting totally useless garbage characters (CUP & others).

    We are already in a situation that breaks guilds and makes players leave the game. New players will never catch up, which does not encourage them to stay.

    I'm afraid how this will affect guilds; should we just kick players who don't have enough GP? :(

    You do understand that nobody is forcing you to do anything.

    It's like in any other online multiplayer game, you DECIDE what is your goal. If your goal is to play causal, hang out with friends bla bla then you shouldn't care about the strength of your guild.

    If you want to be competitive and go for the top rewards and spots, than you should be in a guild with 49 other guys that want that same thing.

    And regarding new players, the game makes money out of catching up. You install the game, play for 2-3 months f2p and then you see how deep the grind is and you want to speed it up. You wanting this to change is basically wanting EA to give up on millions of $ a month. The grind and requirements will never change, deal with it.

    Your attitude is terrible and apparently shared by some game devs. They won't deal with it, they will quit. Like many have since TB's came out. Like more will when GvG comes out. Like more will when they realize the new time sink they just made ships.
  • Options
    Gone are the days when you could play this game for an hour and log off until the next day.

    Raids take time. Galatic wars takes time. TB takes time.

    Even when I'm not logged into to game I have to go to google docs and edit spreadsheets just so a guild can keep track of who is doing what.

    EA/CG wants people to log in more and more multiple times a day cause the more you play they hope you will be enticed to spend$$$$. Which is why I beleive they continue making more time consuming content along with event after event after event.
    Wanna see a trolls weak roster? Here ya go---->>>>'ve been warned.

    Re: Discussion in category Forum Trash
    HardPill2Swallow - December 22, 2017 2:25PM
    If you're like me and play faithfully everyday getting rank 1 constantly, working with others in your shard to not only stay competetive but also working to keep out new players from dropping your rank, then you will understand what I'm saying.

    When CLS came for the first time there were a lot of new faces that entered the top 10. Now that he is coming back we will see even more climbing the ranks...not because they have a good roster, or because they are good players..but because they finally got the CLS toon they have been crying about for months. We all know how good CLS is and how he fits into any team or any part of this game.

    The shard I'm in has the exact same feeling as I do: All of us don't like to see new faces. All of us have controlled the top of our arena shard for well over a year and the last thing we want is to have to share our ranks with other players, not because they are good or deserve to be in the top 10...but because they weren't good enough to make it to the top 10 with what they had.

    Instead they are gonna climb the ranks because of 1 toon. Just 1 toon...that's it. They haven't worked endlessly day after day for months holding on to their ranks of their daily payout, helping each other out like so many of us do. Nor have they helped each other out from snipers like many of us also have done.

    My together to keep out all these new faces that get into the top 10 not because they are good or ain't good or deserve to be there...but because they couldn't get there before now all of a sudden because they got Luke they think they are top 10 arena tier and deserve to be there. They don't deserve to be there. Attack them soon as you get the chance to.

    I know this isn't a popular opinion and I'm gonna get tons of hate...and honestly I don't even care. I'm just saying what the majorty of all the top people of their arena shards are thinking:

    All these new players that are gonna enter the top 10 deserves to be targets first. Make them work for it. Show them just how competetive the top 10 is and what it takes if they wanna try and stay there.

    To all the new players entering the top better be ready for a war cause you're not climbing the ranks that easily because you finally got Luke. Better mod up, refresh and be ready to change your team up cause for players like me and many others: it takes dedication, team work, communication and a willingness to log in multiple times a day to hold on to your ranks that we've held on to for well over a year...and many others and myself aren't giving it up without a fight. Just because you finally got Luke doesn't mean you are gonna get an easy free ride to the top.

    If you can't beat any combination of squads in the top simply just don't belong there yet.
    Moderator TyloRen
    Points 0
    TyloRenTyloRen 5:05PM
    I appreciate passion and all, but I'm removing your post. It really serves no purpose, and trolling other users isn't permitted.
    HardPill2SwallowHardPill2Swallow 5:07PM
    **** you
  • StarSon
    7509 posts Member
    aeaswen wrote: »
    Matke wrote: »
    Naw wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Don't participate. Stop trying to ruin it fir the people who actually want more ;)

    I don't mind more, I mind when something is pretty much made mandatory by design, e.g. farming Lobot & others from a single hard node, promoting totally useless garbage characters (CUP & others).

    We are already in a situation that breaks guilds and makes players leave the game. New players will never catch up, which does not encourage them to stay.

    I'm afraid how this will affect guilds; should we just kick players who don't have enough GP? :(

    You do understand that nobody is forcing you to do anything.

    It's like in any other online multiplayer game, you DECIDE what is your goal. If your goal is to play causal, hang out with friends bla bla then you shouldn't care about the strength of your guild.

    If you want to be competitive and go for the top rewards and spots, than you should be in a guild with 49 other guys that want that same thing.

    And regarding new players, the game makes money out of catching up. You install the game, play for 2-3 months f2p and then you see how deep the grind is and you want to speed it up. You wanting this to change is basically wanting EA to give up on millions of $ a month. The grind and requirements will never change, deal with it.

    Your attitude is terrible and apparently shared by some game devs. They won't deal with it, they will quit. Like many have since TB's came out. Like more will when GvG comes out. Like more will when they realize the new time sink they just made ships.

    They make more money on new players than on veterans, so they don't need to keep us.

    Honestly, we can't have it both ways. As pointed out, we complained when there was no new content, and now complain when they add content. What a weird community we are. I, for one, like all the new stuff. Keep it coming.
  • Matke
    56 posts Member
    Naw wrote: »
    Matke wrote: »
    I don't see how it actually concerns you as you have little to no connection with new players as somebody who has 2m GP.

    I am concerned as a guild leader who has so far accepted players with as low as 800k GP. With GvG we probably need to clean the house, which is not really a good thing for new comers. If you think the game can survive just with old whales you are mistaken.

    800k GP is maybe low compared to high end players with 2-3m GP, but it's generaly midrange in player maturity. For a f2p reaching 800k is about 6 months of work, and that's already much time spent on a mobile game. Also, players with 800k GP are regularly hitting heroic Rancor and if in a good guild, getting Kenobi shards as well. These guys objectively aren't new players.

    The only real bottleneck which game imposes on players is the gear bottleneck, everything else flows steadily overtime.

    And again, I don't think we should be concerned about new players as their contact with older players is fairly limited. EA knows what they're doing when it comes to money and playerbase. And when it comes to accessibility to new players, I told you, this is a freemium game model and never in this kind of games things are easily accessible. You pay to pass the grind easier.
    Naw wrote: »
    Matke wrote: »
    You are basically complaining without any legitimate reason just for the sake of complaining, like 80% of other people here.

    That's why there is a long thread of the game not being newbie friendly. Ignore that and this game will dry out.

    That will affect all content as it's not worth spending resources to a stagnant game. This is my worry where content generates a huge gap between the old and the new. It's not like Arena where you are pitted against your contemporaries.

    Sorry, I don't agree with the game being newbie unfriendly. There are loads of content for new players. Not everything should be that easily reachable.

    As I stated above, the only real problem a player can have in this game which is not easily overcomed is gearing. I think this is the place where they actually have the least understanding for players for some reason, but if you exclude that aspect of the grind, everything else is very easy to come by for literaly no money if you spend enough time (except some exotic toons which is okay).
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