Guild Vs. Guild... Who asked for more content?



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    Hard to believe this thread is still going...

    For all yall still beating a dead horse about TB being a timesuck... please, and i say this respectfully to everyone...

    TB is still newish... not all have it down yet. If you think its a timesuck then try these 3 things. It will help smoothout your frustration.

    1.) At begining of each phase only deploy to platoons...then collect your cantina/ls/ds energy if applicable (1 login you wanted to do anyway)

    2.)When its time for your arena/ship payouts do combat missions and collect your ls/ds energy (another login you planned on anyway)

    3.)When you stay up late watching netflix, or the crying baby wakes you up, or the dog needs to pee, or the teenager comes home after curfue, or whatever reason your up in middle of your night, (another time your probably gonna logon anyway)... or do it just b4 that phase ends... deploy your troops to the area needed.

    TB only needs you to login 3 times daily for maximum guild co-operation (platoon/combat/deploy) ... and to make it simple just do it at the times you already have become accustomed to. (Or try to login daily already)

    Now of coarse these times will vary throughout the globe... so take this with a grain of salt... but still find 3 times that fit your schedule to assist your guild in TB and make them align with your free energy boosts and arena/ship payouts...

    Your all adults (or close enough) and can manage to tie your own shoes (or velcro them) and i'm sure you can manage to streamline an extra 5mins for 2 of those logins you wanted to do anyway, and an extra 15-30 mins for combat one time a day.

    Now as far as guild vs. guild...

    I cannot say the schedule, i dont have some crystal ball to see the future... but my best guess is that the current TB schedule will be maintained... 6 days on, then 4 off, and will rotate

    Light side TB
    Dark side TB
    Guild vs. Guild

    And thats that...
    Hope this helps...

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    Loose_Lee wrote: »
    Hard to believe this thread is still going...

    For all yall still beating a dead horse about TB being a timesuck... please, and i say this respectfully to everyone...

    TB is still newish... not all have it down yet. If you think its a timesuck then try these 3 things. It will help smoothout your frustration.

    1.) At begining of each phase only deploy to platoons...then collect your cantina/ls/ds energy if applicable (1 login you wanted to do anyway)

    2.)When its time for your arena/ship payouts do combat missions and collect your ls/ds energy (another login you planned on anyway)

    3.)When you stay up late watching netflix, or the crying baby wakes you up, or the dog needs to pee, or the teenager comes home after curfue, or whatever reason your up in middle of your night, (another time your probably gonna logon anyway)... or do it just b4 that phase ends... deploy your troops to the area needed.

    TB only needs you to login 3 times daily for maximum guild co-operation (platoon/combat/deploy) ... and to make it simple just do it at the times you already have become accustomed to. (Or try to login daily already)

    Now of coarse these times will vary throughout the globe... so take this with a grain of salt... but still find 3 times that fit your schedule to assist your guild in TB and make them align with your free energy boosts and arena/ship payouts...

    Your all adults (or close enough) and can manage to tie your own shoes (or velcro them) and i'm sure you can manage to streamline an extra 5mins for 2 of those logins you wanted to do anyway, and an extra 15-30 mins for combat one time a day.

    Now as far as guild vs. guild...

    I cannot say the schedule, i dont have some crystal ball to see the future... but my best guess is that the current TB schedule will be maintained... 6 days on, then 4 off, and will rotate

    Light side TB
    Dark side TB
    Guild vs. Guild

    And thats that...
    Hope this helps...

    TB is just part of the time suck of this game. What you said is mostly true unless you are a poor soul that happens to be an officer. TB and GW might be a little more bearable if they were... fun? General consensus is that they aren't fun. GW on the forums and the guilds are more popular than TB which tells you something...
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    We only need Admiral Piett and the Executor !!!
  • kalidor
    2122 posts Member
    aeaswen wrote: »
    Loose_Lee wrote: »
    Hard to believe this thread is still going...

    For all yall still beating a dead horse about TB being a timesuck... please, and i say this respectfully to everyone...

    TB is still newish... not all have it down yet. If you think its a timesuck then try these 3 things. It will help smoothout your frustration.

    1.) At begining of each phase only deploy to platoons...then collect your cantina/ls/ds energy if applicable (1 login you wanted to do anyway)

    2.)When its time for your arena/ship payouts do combat missions and collect your ls/ds energy (another login you planned on anyway)

    3.)When you stay up late watching netflix, or the crying baby wakes you up, or the dog needs to pee, or the teenager comes home after curfue, or whatever reason your up in middle of your night, (another time your probably gonna logon anyway)... or do it just b4 that phase ends... deploy your troops to the area needed.

    TB only needs you to login 3 times daily for maximum guild co-operation (platoon/combat/deploy) ... and to make it simple just do it at the times you already have become accustomed to. (Or try to login daily already)

    Now of coarse these times will vary throughout the globe... so take this with a grain of salt... but still find 3 times that fit your schedule to assist your guild in TB and make them align with your free energy boosts and arena/ship payouts...

    Your all adults (or close enough) and can manage to tie your own shoes (or velcro them) and i'm sure you can manage to streamline an extra 5mins for 2 of those logins you wanted to do anyway, and an extra 15-30 mins for combat one time a day.

    Now as far as guild vs. guild...

    I cannot say the schedule, i dont have some crystal ball to see the future... but my best guess is that the current TB schedule will be maintained... 6 days on, then 4 off, and will rotate

    Light side TB
    Dark side TB
    Guild vs. Guild

    And thats that...
    Hope this helps...

    TB is just part of the time suck of this game. What you said is mostly true unless you are a poor soul that happens to be an officer. TB and GW might be a little more bearable if they were... fun? General consensus is that they aren't fun. GW on the forums and the guilds are more popular than TB which tells you something...

    It's really everything taken together as a whole that adds up. You have to be pretty efficient in your playing to minimize the time. GW, Arena, Fleet Arena, waiting on arena timers to go close to 0, Challenge timers, bonus energy, raids, TBs, farming, extra events, checking stores.
    I don't mind extra content, but I'd really appreciate if they cut out some of the extra chaff. Get rid of sim tickets entirely and allow us to sim freely. Get rid of challenge timers. Do something about arena payout times. That'd bring some of the enjoyment I had for the game back.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    Witzkers wrote: »
    I feel like the reason for adding extra content is so there’s something for everyone. Play the parts of the game you like.
    Except that doesn't apply so much to TB. If you're in a guild, you have an obligation to participate fully in TB. If you have limited time to play, you might as well leave your guild. I only do TB to fulfil an obligation, but when I can no longer do that, I'm going to have to quit my guild. When that happens, I'll quit the game entirely. It's not just TB though, there are a number of aspects in terms of game quality which are putting me off playing. A lot of it comes from a sense of 'nickel and diming', especially with drop rates and other aspects where EA slowly put a gradual squeeze on certain areas of gameplay, thinking people won't notice. For the most part, they probably don't. But I do and it bugs me.
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    not sure what the problem is. i do all of TB while a take a dump.
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    Happy for more content, but the gear grind is the ultimate problem with SWGoH.

    Basically getting a single toon through gear 9 is often nightmarish. Add forced character grinding and a high demand for Carbanti/Stun Guns/Cuffs and the game goes from fun to giving you that lost feeling.

    I often look at my roster and feel like my progression is that slow, that I might as well just throw in the towel.

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    Versatti wrote: »
    Happy for more content, but the gear grind is the ultimate problem with SWGoH.

    Basically getting a single toon through gear 9 is often nightmarish. Add forced character grinding and a high demand for Carbanti/Stun Guns/Cuffs and the game goes from fun to giving you that lost feeling.

    I often look at my roster and feel like my progression is that slow, that I might as well just throw in the towel.

    Unfortunately, you are right.

    Just for the Mk 3 Carbantis alone... the amount needed is ridiculous. To be successful in TB, my guild has to level up Phoenix, Rogue One, and of course other rebels like ROLO and CHS. For non-TB parts of the game, then there's Resistance because of the upcoming movie, and now Nightsisters.

    I have 16 toons that I need to level up from 7 to 8 or 8 to 9 for just TB alone, and each one needs 50-150 Mk3 Carbanti just to get that next level, not to mention the gear levels beyond.

    That's about 1600 pieces I need, and then there's another 15 g10/g11 toons I'd like to level up but cannot because they also need Mk3 Carbanti's.

    At about 75 challenge pieces per week, it will take 5 months to get my needed toons 1 measly level higher. Buying/farming Carbanti's would be a partial solution if that were the only thing we needed to farm in the game, but we obviously have to spend energy and crystals on a variety of things (toon/ship farming & many other types of gear).

    IMO, the TB rewards are a failure if they don't give numerous full carbanti's each time (plus at least 1 each of full cuffs & guns). It's too late to change the gear requirements for the toons, so the only solution is to start rewarding us with a lot more gear!
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    I find it funny that the people who are complaining about the lack of gear are the same people who want more characters added to the game. Each new character multiples the amount of gear you need. You need to gear up a bunch of characters in order to be able to do the events and complete them. I have been against new characters for a long time, yet no one cares. They just want more. With more comes the need for more gear. With each gear level increase means now even more characters need gear to get to that next level.

    Honestly all of the Han Solos should have just been one character with multiple skins. You gear up just the one Han Solo, then pick the skin you want, which gives you that set of abilities for that character. You can only use one Han Solo in battle. But again this does not do much for EA or the game players who cry for more characters.

    TB is boring because there are long battles that go nowhere. If each TB individual battle gave rewards for each individual based on how far they got in the battles, it would get slightly better.

    I am guessing that the above would still not work because most people here seem to be in the mind set of just hitting sim or auto and instantly completing the event/battle.

    In the end this is a result of people wishing for stuff, and they actually are getting it. People do not understand to be careful of what you wish for as you might just get it.
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    Am I missing something? 6 months ago everyone was whining that the game was stale and if no new content was coming they were all going to quit. I agree that some days with 2 raids active, TB plus arena and all the other daily stuff it can be a bit much. But this is what people wanted.
  • Options
    Loose_Lee wrote: »
    Hard to believe this thread is still going...

    For all yall still beating a dead horse about TB being a timesuck... please, and i say this respectfully to everyone...

    TB is still newish... not all have it down yet. If you think its a timesuck then try these 3 things. It will help smoothout your frustration.

    1.) At begining of each phase only deploy to platoons...then collect your cantina/ls/ds energy if applicable (1 login you wanted to do anyway)

    2.)When its time for your arena/ship payouts do combat missions and collect your ls/ds energy (another login you planned on anyway)

    3.)When you stay up late watching netflix, or the crying baby wakes you up, or the dog needs to pee, or the teenager comes home after curfue, or whatever reason your up in middle of your night, (another time your probably gonna logon anyway)... or do it just b4 that phase ends... deploy your troops to the area needed.

    TB only needs you to login 3 times daily for maximum guild co-operation (platoon/combat/deploy) ... and to make it simple just do it at the times you already have become accustomed to. (Or try to login daily already)

    Now of coarse these times will vary throughout the globe... so take this with a grain of salt... but still find 3 times that fit your schedule to assist your guild in TB and make them align with your free energy boosts and arena/ship payouts...

    Your all adults (or close enough) and can manage to tie your own shoes (or velcro them) and i'm sure you can manage to streamline an extra 5mins for 2 of those logins you wanted to do anyway, and an extra 15-30 mins for combat one time a day.

    Now as far as guild vs. guild...

    I cannot say the schedule, i dont have some crystal ball to see the future... but my best guess is that the current TB schedule will be maintained... 6 days on, then 4 off, and will rotate

    Light side TB
    Dark side TB
    Guild vs. Guild

    And thats that...
    Hope this helps...
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