When cls event come? [MERGED]


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    I need cls bcs i need a leader...LS leaders soo weak now, wedge not enought, Jyn one shoot..etc...
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    Do it! Do it! :D
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    ElleMadara wrote: »
    Jenlogic wrote: »
    I'm ready for the event, the wait is so painful, it feels like you cant progress without him

    You cannot, he is needed for TB, this is slowing down the players that couldnt unlock him the first time.

    He is only needed for one battle there. So not having him isn't leading to no progression, I mean what ever did we do before he was released?? I do understand as I'm beginning to lose patience as well, but one more thread on top of the probably 40 now of, "we want CLS!" Threads isn't going to make the developers release him faster. Just farm to make sure you can complete his event, and have a good team for him ready to rock!

    Can the post above be the post you put on any more CLS threads before immediately closing them all @Kyno lol please. There is no answer. These whiny babies just need to sit tight. Nothing will make him get released sooner.

    Haha. That made me laugh
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    He is only needed for one battle there. So not having him isn't leading to no progression, I mean what ever did we do before he was released?? I do understand as I'm beginning to lose patience as well, but one more thread on top of the probably 40 now of, "we want CLS!" Threads isn't going to make the developers release him faster. Just farm to make sure you can complete his event, and have a good team for him ready to rock!

    Actually, you are wrong. More there is demand from community, more the devs are likely to cave in and release the event. Just like in real life.
  • larstheemokid
    37 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Zambor wrote: »
    He is only needed for one battle there. So not having him isn't leading to no progression, I mean what ever did we do before he was released?? I do understand as I'm beginning to lose patience as well, but one more thread on top of the probably 40 now of, "we want CLS!" Threads isn't going to make the developers release him faster. Just farm to make sure you can complete his event, and have a good team for him ready to rock!

    Actually, you are wrong. More there is demand from community, more the devs are likely to cave in and release the event. Just like in real life.

    I guess your proof is the tons of "where is cls" threads and the fact the event has shown up like 3 times already.... oh wait xD

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    Goober1_ wrote: »
    All a guild needs is a few members to have him and they can do both heroic raids
    I wonder if adjustments will be made to difficulty to compensate

    Actually that would punish players and smaller guilds for a process (power creep), that is basically not their responsibility. O.o If they´d ever do that...then....General Kenobi would have to be become more powerful too...? I don´t think so, the whole game wouldn´t make any sense anymore.
    Old content becomes a bit easier and the new content is already adjusted to more difficulty, look at the new DS-Territory Battles, TW and Mythik-Events etc.

  • farqs
    116 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by farqs on
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    Zambor wrote: »
    He is only needed for one battle there. So not having him isn't leading to no progression, I mean what ever did we do before he was released?? I do understand as I'm beginning to lose patience as well, but one more thread on top of the probably 40 now of, "we want CLS!" Threads isn't going to make the developers release him faster. Just farm to make sure you can complete his event, and have a good team for him ready to rock!

    Actually, you are wrong. More there is demand from community, more the devs are likely to cave in and release the event. Just like in real life.

    I'm banking on not. With that new movie, means new characters. New $$$
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    Yeah but let's be real. There are 2 "recurring events" in the Event Calendar DEC... so what does that mean? I don't know about you guys but the first was to be in between the 8th and the 9th (yesterday and today). But there's no event that I see that wasn't on the calendar in the Events section of the game... so what about that?
    Massive SWGOH Community On Discord - https://discord.gg/QWvTUBZ
  • scuba
    14166 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    This is response from @CG_NotReallyAJedi as to why you will most likely not get an answer to the question of when it is coming back.


    Edit: for clarity.
  • KyJoe_Cool
    1873 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    @scuba That didn't really answer WHEN. It did answer WHY though. I was just hoping that one of the RECURRING EVENTS would be CLS. Preferably the first of the two "recurring events". We don't even know what "recurring event" means. lol
    Massive SWGOH Community On Discord - https://discord.gg/QWvTUBZ
  • scuba
    14166 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    KyJoe_Cool wrote: »
    scuba That didn't really answer WHEN. It did answer WHY though. I was just hoping that one of the RECURRING EVENTS would be CLS. Preferably the first of the two "recurring events". We don't even know what "recurring event" means. lol

    Yeah I know it doesn't answer when, why I stated it is answer to why you won't get an answer, edited to be more clear. It was interesting and honestly I was really suprised to see CG provide their thought process on keeping players in the dark on all the stuff.
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    @scuba yeah same here. :)
    Massive SWGOH Community On Discord - https://discord.gg/QWvTUBZ
  • farqs
    116 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by farqs on
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    You’re absolutely right!
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    KyJoe_Cool wrote: »
    Yeah but let's be real. There are 2 "recurring events" in the Event Calendar DEC... so what does that mean? I don't know about you guys but the first was to be in between the 8th and the 9th (yesterday and today). But there's no event that I see that wasn't on the calendar in the Events section of the game... so what about that?

    The recurring event was the mythic event. If you didn't see it it's because you didn't qualify for it as you hadn't completed the BB8 event. But it was announced here, and it was in the game for those of us who could do it.
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    Please for the love of everything can we have the CLS event? This is my Christmas wish.
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    Please for the love of everything can we have the CLS event? This is my Christmas wish.

    @DarthQAgueis It's my Christmas wish too. All we need now is a Christmas miracle to get it! lol
    Massive SWGOH Community On Discord - https://discord.gg/QWvTUBZ
  • farqs
    116 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Post edited by farqs on
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    Noo @CG_Kozispoon show us santa will bring cls :)
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    Probably the late December event is gonna be either CLS or a R2D2 as a prelude to a January CLS. Having said that, I need to do my duty.

    When is CLS coming back?
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    TuncBlack wrote: »
    Noo @CG_Kozispoon show us santa will bring cls :)

    @TuncBlack You wanna know what you and me are getting from Santa this year?...
    COAL. lol jk ;)


    I.e. We probably not getting CLS for Christmas. He'll probably be in January. The r2 event will probably be the second recurring event in the DEC calendar. That's probably what will happen. I'm still crossing my fingers though. Seriously. :blush:
    Massive SWGOH Community On Discord - https://discord.gg/QWvTUBZ
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    ElleMadara wrote: »
    Jenlogic wrote: »
    I'm ready for the event, the wait is so painful, it feels like you cant progress without him

    You cannot, he is needed for TB, this is slowing down the players that couldnt unlock him the first time.

    He is only needed for one battle there. So not having him isn't leading to no progression, I mean what ever did we do before he was released?? I do understand as I'm beginning to lose patience as well, but one more thread on top of the probably 40 now of, "we want CLS!" Threads isn't going to make the developers release him faster. Just farm to make sure you can complete his event, and have a good team for him ready to rock!

    Except the extra currency is enough to buy gear scrap every other lstb. By 6 months I think that adds up to a full gear piece. So by January guilds with 50/50 cls can be a full gear tier ahead on a meta toon of guilds lacking cls (assuming all other farming is equal). That's a huge impact on progression in terms of impact on TW, arena, and TB.
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    scuba wrote: »
    This is response from @CG_NotReallyAJedi as to why you will most likely not get an answer to the question of when it is coming back.


    Edit: for clarity.

    What is stated is all well and good, but when I and some have been sitting on our hands, waiting to get our fill of pride and achievement, we can't. I am handcuffed by the invisible schedule because I have used spreadsheets and handwritten notes to farm what and when. I have every gear piece needed to get CLS straight to gear XII. I have done my due diligence to fumble through the muck of "everything to do" and have focused on CLS. He is that good.

    With him I can help my guild in TB and TW and do better in arena. Also, I can use the gear I have saved and move on to other characters. VETS and BB8 come to mind. Plus gearing R2 and resistance teams higher. I CAN'T do any of that for fear of using a needed gear piece for CLS. I am fine with waiting, but when I have been ready for months what am I to do? How can I progress when arguably the strongest character is a dangling carrot in front of me and the devs hold the stick.

    The devs can say "soon" all they want but soon was months ago.
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    Few months after Rey.


    Maybe three.
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    Must be in December!
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    Sorry to **** on your bonfire, those ambiguously named 'recurring events', is it not possible that they could be training droid and credit heists?
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Sorry to **** on your bonfire, those ambiguously named 'recurring events', is it not possible that they could be training droid and credit heists?

    Since the first one was a mythic event..... no.
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