No reward for TB ?! [MERGE]


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    Was there a pack or something? People already have 7 star cap ships and they are required for DS TB

    You can refresh the challenge once every month when it appears I think so that would be enough to give folk the shards to 7 star.
  • SeeeD
    141 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I’ll simply refund all my purchases from the last 6 days. No big deal.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Wow. So many people with their panties in a wad. “It’s my rewards and I want it now!!”

    Very classy!

    Too late for that.
    If you’ve ever ran a business you know unexpected things happen even with adequate testing. This is just a blip.

    Yes, but here testing didn’t happen at all, so I guess we should have expected this.

    Let’s put it this way, the ”not getting rewards” is just an icing on a very horrible cake. At least we are going to get rewards for this awful beta test? Wrong!
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    Why give them the time if they knew it’d be like this on the first place?
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    Dark side tb is awesome. Needs some adjustments of course, but overall is great. Pretty sure everything will be fixed soon.
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    Didnt get any rewards either! :/
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    Still no loot after 12hrs.
    "If you recognise this thumbnail, then you have great taste, and you're really getting old"
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    I have not received any awards so far. However, Kylo, I also did not receive - so nothing new from EA.
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    More than 12 hours have passed.
    Still no rewards.
    Please fix it.
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    Yeah a couple of my guildees and I didn't get nothing. It would be cool to have our guild currency.
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    No rewards. Rather frustrating.
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    I feel like we should all go stewie on them. Where's my money brian, the money where's it at. Where's my money. I just don't understand how adding a different tb makes for so many problems. The payouts for tb should be pretty universal, meaning if ls tb was paying so should ds. Stop breaking good code to add things. Programmers know good code from bad. They know what each line does or is supposed to do.

    And how about a little thing called a beta server or something. You run it through simulation and see what happens. Weeks before you push stuff on to is. That way you can see that it works. Then and only then add it to the updates. If we recounted all of the glitches and bugs in this game that ever happened it would take a lifetime to explain.
    Anyways hope everyone does eventually get their payouts. And please stop pushing like 20mb updates in 1-2mb increments all week long. It gets annoying makes this game too large. 250mb is all this game should be IN size. Not like creeping up on a gigabyte.
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    You want to have 1299 Crystals for 5 character- shards. Now i want to have 10k crystals for not getting any reward.
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    No rewards yet, I don't think we will get them ever and have to live with it. There are worth things (positives thoughts :) )
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    Sorry, but the prices here are very high, so we have the right to play a game without bugs
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    13 hours now, and nothing.

    I had to deal with EA support in the past, and they didn't manage to solve the problems. They even claimed I must have gotten something wrong against my evidence.

    And now I am supposed to deal with them AGAIN? Will I get compensated for the time I have to deal with support because you botched this?

    This is not acceptable. It's your mess, you clean it up.
    Banthas want to eat me, but I eat back!
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    got No rewards
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    Please stop using the word "delay" thats incorrect.
    Everyone whose game crashed counted as if we didnt do TB. Simple as that. So no rewards nor achievements.
    Now please fiz it asap CGS. Just dont ignore it.
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    No Rewards, no nothing. But our Money you take. For such an expensive Game we can expect a good working app. First you messed up again with DS TB Difficulty,l then no Rewards? Poor....
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    We need to riot
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    I already have 60 shards of Tarkin ship for the 7*.

    I have not refreshed once yet. And I might have missed it once when it was first released. So yeah anyone who refreshed could have it 7* by now.
  • bumer
    7 posts Member
    edited November 2017

    EA Bleeds $3.1 Billion in Stock Value Over Battlefront II Fiasco

    wait the same news from SWGOH
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    15 hours and counting. No rewards in sight. I won't spend a penny more in this game if this isn't resolved. Bad and buggy content is one thing, taking the mick over bad and buggy content is another.
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    Seems like some players start to Riot. Every Player should do that.
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    Have the same problem. And nothing have changed yet!!!
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    it`s a bit demotivating... we did a lot on the last DSTB and got 38*, but at the end half of my guild received just nothing instead of almost 7000 currency. 500 crystals will not cover that for sure and quite low trust in support here... shame
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    Client crash, no reward
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    still waiting
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    Same, crash and no rewards
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    "Stop thinking that the reason for all this is incompetence. Instead assume it is pure Intention. Sure, the rage goes up, but at least the confusion is gone." -Georg Schramm-

    I started a list of all guild members missing rewards to file a ticket with EA as the guild leader this evening. I can usually charge about 80€ an hour (cheap, isn't it), up that to 100€ because it's not my fault, and I will document the time I spend with support. I want the equivalence in crytals on top of the TB reward.

    This actually would be the minimum if EA/CG has some self-respect and respect for it's customers.

    You have self-respect and want to be proud of your product, don't you? You want to go around and tell your friends 'Yeah, I work at CG. Yes, the developers of the wildly beloved star wars game SW:GoH. You play it, too? Cool. And you loved the last update? I am so happy to hear this.'.

    It's not nice having to pretend you work in accounting, because no one ever wants to know more....
    Banthas want to eat me, but I eat back!
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