No reward for TB ?! [MERGE]


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    Threw in a ticket last night, still no word. These release seems like a rush to failure
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    10k crystals please
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    Kaesar wrote: »
    I already have 60 shards of Tarkin ship for the 7*.

    I have not refreshed once yet. And I might have missed it once when it was first released. So yeah anyone who refreshed could have it 7* by now.

    So you got 60 shards from 1 or 2 events which gives 15 shards? Perhaps you did not refresh but bought packs.
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    evoluza wrote: »

    The first event runner 3 times: 45 shards
    Now another 15 shards
    A total of 60!

    3!? I am doomed.

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    Please make a better answer and keep your words about measures to compensate players. I lost the whale of my arena shard because of your communication and i am about to lose the second one :(.
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    4:41 am here; nothing still.
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    Maltese wrote: »
    I have some good news everyone.

    I spent 15 minutes on the phone discussing my situation. I was surprised how nice they were listening to my story.

    They agreed that I needed to be compensated. So I can now confirm that I spent over 15 minutes on the phone and saved 15% on my car insurance. Perhaps EA could take a lesson from Geico.


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    Nothing have changed, no reward here. I hope CG fixes this issues before a lot of people, like me, decide to quit
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    You should not sleep when your overpriced things don't work
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    why they do it. territory wars have changed their awards. they tried to do it quietly they did not. poetic justice.
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    We're investigating new information that will require further review by our team. A wait is unfortunately still something we need to do, but we'll be back bright and early tomorrow to update you all on where we are.

    Is there a chance for an update please ?

    Until it is resolved you have thousands of players being very negative and feel betrayed.

    The amount of work i put into my guild getting through this buggy DS TB drained me completely.
    To not get those rewards is not acceptable in any way.

    Last night i decided to announce to my guild that i would not be active in any way in this new TW.
    It broke me completely to not get any rewards and there is still no guarantee that us that are still missing rewards will get anything.
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    Nothing like seeing 1.5 mil on the credit heist the morning after not being rewarded for slodging through that torturous dstb. I need more than my coffee this morning.
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    No rewards in sight. I didn't receive my rewards for ds territory battles.
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    Still nothing - I really don't want to waste time with customer support today
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    at least it is nice to know, i'm not the only one. **** missing my 13* just to get achievment rewards, could not upgrade my roster for tb etc... filed a ticket to support yesterday, now waiting.
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    No rewards here either due to the crash at TB payout. Lesson learned for the future - make sure you are not logged in when it's payout time!

    Happy to wait a reasonable amount of time while a fix is pursued and very much hoping there isn't any attempt to brush this under the carpet....
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    more than 17 hours passed. The prize did not come.
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    Still no rewards and today was the lowest I've ever had in Credit Heist since unlocking the top tier. I'm pretty down on this game right now. Looking forward to an update from the Devs when they get in and a lovely call to EA support to get some issues sorted. I think there's just over 6 hours left on the 24 hour timer.
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    Earliest anyone from CG will respond will be 8:30ish PST. Which is in 5 hours from now.
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    Timer on EA help is now at 72 hours as they are getting overwhelmed
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    Im still waiting for them i guess noone who had the game crash got them till now right?
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    It was already at 72 hours on Tuesday noon, when I filed a ticket for not getting the in-game Rewards of the Google Play Card Promotion.
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    Azza wrote: »
    Timer on EA help is now at 72 hours as they are getting overwhelmed

    I'm not surprised, with this issue alone the traffic will be high. I really don't want to have to call them.
  • Ludmeister77
    18 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Almost 18 hours later. Of course, my 36* rewards did not come.

    But I should take heart! CG very much appreciates that I play this game and my experience is of utmost importance to them. I may receive my [Redacted] rewards [Redacted]. Until then, I should just wait, or if I get too "impatient", go meow up EA's tree instead. Because EA deeply looks forward to giving me an above average customer support experience (which up until now has consisted of having EA slap the "New" tag on my ticket, and update the timestamp silently every three hours, not saying anything at all). I have yet to be acknowledged. I reiterate: I was patient through the entire TB, and I've held my peace through countless other snafus that were not quite as egregious... like the ROLO 7* Captain Han requirement shenanigans. I never got 20000 crystals for that insult, like some did.

    Make no mistake. This is unacceptable. I can't believe I've spent the time and money that I have on this game. Talk about buyer's remorse. I'd say more, but this post would devolve into a kittenfest.
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    I am nearly shure, we will get our rewards, and also a ‚sorry‘ - but I also could bet, all the player will get some cristalls or more and a ‚excuse us‘, although they got their rewards... We all had to wait, lost places in arena and more. So, give us our rewards and a very very good excusion in form of cristalls, but only for those player who have had to wait and spend tonns of time in this ‚no-support-and-ignore‘ forum, which you dont read anymore (so it looks for us)
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    Urgont wrote: »
    I am nearly shure, we will get our rewards, and also a ‚sorry‘ - but I also could bet, all the player will get some cristalls or more and a ‚excuse us‘, although they got their rewards... We all had to wait, lost places in arena and more. So, give us our rewards and a very very good excusion in form of cristalls, but only for those player who have had to wait and spend tonns of time in this ‚no-support-and-ignore‘ forum, which you dont read anymore (so it looks for us)

    No , nobody will get the rewards ... maybe some crystals as usuals . They **** up , and now it's too complicate fot them to know which players had a game crash .They have to look each account , and give back the stars , for the succes and also the rewards that our guildmates get ..... just a dream , they will do nothing ....
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