Pop up crystal sale and Boba Fett pack [MERGE]


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    I want to give my money, but I am not getting pop ups. What a ridiculous way to inconvenience the customer... The only pop up I have seen is the Bobba one.
  • Skittlesnacks1
    209 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I didn't get a single popup ALL DAY LONG. Nothing. Any other time I'd get some annoying popup urging me to buy crystals at regular price, but the bonus special didn't pop up once.

    Was the point of this just to peeve people off at Christmas? I absolutely REFUSE to put another cent into this game until the next real bonus sale. Even then I may pass since I'm saving crystals from arena and fleet payout.

    So bizarre. They could have made a killing today.
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    What I find strange is I haven’t seen one comment by a moderator to let us know what went wrong
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    No one on here or in my guild has seen the $100 pack yet. At this point I assume it’s a bug in the programming and they will need to look at it when they get back.
  • Delmon_Ciiidrr
    504 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    I cant believe what CG is doing in promotional sales during the Star Wars movie release and Christmas season, which is the period where people would spend most.

    We have that minimal promotion for the last jedi, where it took days to adjust some wording on the Star Wars site and thencomoant went lengths to proof that they did something with 25% while in reality it was like a 3% bonus or so.

    Then somebody has the genius Idea to maximize the crystal sale promotion with some psychological mumbo jumbo instead of doing it in just an user friendly way. But once again there seems to be a lack of quality control in implementing. Is there no double check procedure for crtitical stuff (= company revenue).

    And last we have xmas season and employees have a right to holidays, but this is a 24 hour live game and staying silent is just a no go. I cant imagine that management will be happy this. There seems to be enough revenue to not need a christmas promotion. But here we get probably a statement on the 27th that they are looking at it and on the 30th we get a reworded content update text...
  • scuba
    14159 posts Member
    @CG_Kozispoon @CG_Carrie I would like to say this was an excellent job (i know it wasn't you directly) on helping me keep my money.
    I have been on and off the game logging in from multiple devices for the last 2 days 12/24 and 12/25 with out a single pop-up to buy anything that was mentioned in the update notes. I was planning on buying some things however the lack of providing the promised pop-ups will have me keeping my money.
    I hope you all (again not you specifically but you are the main go between to the company) can figure this out because it seems there was many willing to spend (see all the posts above) that didn't because of what ever bug is messing this up.
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    Please make it 4 everyone instead of a lucky few
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    I cant believe what CG is doing in promotional sales during the Star Wars movie release and Christmas season, which is the period where people would spend most.

    We have that minimal promotion for the last jedi, where it took days to adjust some wording on the Star Wars site and thencomoant went lengths to proof that they did something with 25% while in reality it was like a 3% bonus or so.

    Then somebody has the genius Idea to maximize the crystal sale promotion with some psychological mumbo jumbo instead of doing just an user friendly way. But once again there seems to be a lack of quality control in implementing. Is there no double check procedure for crtitical stuff (= company revenue).

    And last of course we have xmas season and employees have a right to holidays, but this is a 24 hour live game and staying silent is just a no go. But here we get probably a statement on the 27th that they are looking at it and on the 30th we get a reworded content update text...

    And in the meanwhile if you planned on doing the Omega Packs using the Crystals you get from the 25% deals you can forget that because those packs will be gone and they will still be on vacation...
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    Just a couple minutes ago I finally got the 19.99 pack pop-up and got it.

    Even still, it shouldn't be this tedious to buy something. Especially when there's an R2 event and a CLS event some of us are trying to get through.
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    Just a couple minutes ago I finally got the 19.99 pack pop-up and got it.

    Even still, it shouldn't be this tedious to buy something. Especially when there's an R2 event and a CLS event some of us are trying to get through.

    I've heard a few people mention the $20 pack, yet the update notes specifically mention the crystal amounts in a vault. Has anyone at all seen a popup for a vault?

    And what's this about everyone going on vacation for a week? This game rakes in hundreds of thousands every day I hope they at least left the hamster in the wheel in case there's a server issue.
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    Zero pop up deals. I'm on and off the game all day, every day. Tried clicking in and out of every shop, refreshes, nothing. Why?!
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    The whole set up was pretty bad. There’s someone making really bad decisions somewhere.
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    Crazy bad rng all day. Spent 1000 crystals.
    No bonus crystal pop-ups, 0/4 zeta mats. Not one speed secondary on a mod. Depressing swgoh Christmas. :(
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    interesting how forum users knows everything better how EA shall deal with special packs than a EA money maker analysis :D
    I am german, therefore my english is not the best.
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    Bumpty wrote: »
    I want to give my money, but I am not getting pop ups. What a ridiculous way to inconvenience the customer... The only pop up I have seen is the Bobba one.

    I haven't seen a single pop up except the useless Boba one and one I skipped by accident. Probably a screw up. Again.
  • scuba
    14159 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    interesting how forum users knows everything better how EA shall deal with special packs than a EA money maker analysis :D

    What ever money maker came up with this idea should maybe look into doing something else.
    Discounts Vaults in the store -> Easy sale and money
    Non-existent pop-ups for a special -> $0 dollars

    There has to be couple hundred I have heard about ready to spend and getting the pop-up... easy multiples of $10k+ missed by this marketing idea.

    I know I have already spent my money elsewhere that I was planning on using for this (multiple vaults planned). Guess there is always the next 25% bonus promotion.
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    interesting how forum users knows everything better how EA shall deal with special packs than a EA money maker analysis :D

    So you think this popup idea is better than having them in store?
    Still waiting on that edit forum profile setting so I can change my name...
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    Vicarious wrote: »
    After the fiasco with Battlefront II and the loss of 3 billion in value I think this is deliberate.

    They can show their stock holders the number of times players logged into the game and how long they stayed logged in on Christmas of all days. What they won’t tell those stock holders is WHY players were spending so much time on their games on a day which should have been all about family and friends. Really wish mobile games had the word of mouth like console games. The public needs to know about these shady tactics.

    Wouldn't they rather show their stockholders a big profit for today rather than how many times people logged on and spent nothing?
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    interesting how forum users knows everything better how EA shall deal with special packs than a EA money maker analysis :D

    So you think this popup idea is better than having them in store?

    It is impossible that they made more running this scheme.

    Many who would have bought didn't. Many who would have spent didn't.

    No one who wasn't going to buy did. No one who wasn't going to spend did.

    Pretty easy to figure out it's a complete money loser that only caused massive frustration.
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    Someone merged all these threads, but no one has responded. Can we at least get a word on this? Is this what you planned? Hundreds, thousands, maybe even more players who aren’t spending money? I refuse to pay for crystals until this promotion is fixed, and I spend a good deal on this game. At least let us know that this is a glitch. Something is better than radio silence.
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    Zero pop ups and now nearing end of day 2, way to go devs, rock solid implementation
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    Yesac wrote: »
    Someone merged all these threads, but no one has responded. Can we at least get a word on this? Is this what you planned? Hundreds, thousands, maybe even more players who aren’t spending money? I refuse to pay for crystals until this promotion is fixed, and I spend a good deal on this game. At least let us know that this is a glitch. Something is better than radio silence.

    I don’t think anyone is available. And I feel for the mods that had to merge and scrub on a holiday.

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    Yesac wrote: »
    Someone merged all these threads, but no one has responded. Can we at least get a word on this? Is this what you planned? Hundreds, thousands, maybe even more players who aren’t spending money? I refuse to pay for crystals until this promotion is fixed, and I spend a good deal on this game. At least let us know that this is a glitch. Something is better than radio silence.

    I don’t think anyone is available. And I feel for the mods that had to merge and scrub on a holiday.

    I don't they chose this life of doing damage control for EA.

    Welp, game's off for me until tomorrow so I guess my spending is done for the year. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night
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    This is just silly and milking everyone to log on. I think everyone should just not bother buying it even though it's tempting. Was planning to spend 20 quid but it's just silly now that it's random and rare for it to pop up. Especially on Christmas though. Oh well saved me some money I guess!
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    Yesac wrote: »
    Someone merged all these threads, but no one has responded. Can we at least get a word on this? Is this what you planned? Hundreds, thousands, maybe even more players who aren’t spending money? I refuse to pay for crystals until this promotion is fixed, and I spend a good deal on this game. At least let us know that this is a glitch. Something is better than radio silence.

    I don’t think anyone is available. And I feel for the mods that had to merge and scrub on a holiday.

    I don't they chose this life of doing damage control for EA.

    Welp, game's off for me until tomorrow so I guess my spending is done for the year. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night

    Or to mod a forum of a game they enjoy.
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    Not to stoke the fire, but . . .

    Apparently some people have bought the vault special several times by logging in from different devices.

    Yet another reason to stop reinventing the bonus crystals wheel.
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    Holiday season, less people using the app. How can we make people enter the game 25x per day during Christmas and sell to apple and google that we are a top app?
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    Rhoskens wrote: »
    Holiday season, less people using the app. How can we make people enter the game 25x per day during Christmas and sell to apple and google that we are a top app?

    My first cynical thought too, but could that one day spike in game-play be worth the millions of dollars lost? I’m assuming at least 10,000 of the 20 mill players are waiting to spend $100 on those vaults.
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    If it wasn’t for my guild mates and love for Star Wars I would have left this game long ago. It’s always 1 step forward, 5 steps back. Not even a “we are getting reports of issues” post. Nothing... That **** me off more than anything.
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