February speculation (MERGE)


  • Liath
    5140 posts Member

    For sure. I mean anything is plausible now. After rey requirements will people really scoff at rumors. Because for the longest time double vets were just that - rumors.

    The Vets were less rumor and more speculation. People looked at the possibilities and drew the conclusion that was the most probable thing, and all the threads/videos I saw on it were framed that way. Which is completely different than the Talzin/Grievous scenario in which people were claiming it was definitely going to happen based on inside knowledge.
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    Liath wrote: »

    For sure. I mean anything is plausible now. After rey requirements will people really scoff at rumors. Because for the longest time double vets were just that - rumors.

    The Vets were less rumor and more speculation. People looked at the possibilities and drew the conclusion that was the most probable thing, and all the threads/videos I saw on it were framed that way. Which is completely different than the Talzin/Grievous scenario in which people were claiming it was definitely going to happen based on inside knowledge.

    Great point. And you’re correct. Gg at 7* was extreme. But seps to unlock wasn’t too far out. Especially since cap is really on about oppositie factions to unlock. But I guess who is opposite ns and seps are more opposite galactic republic etc etc etc. but as you said true. In the end. You need everyone and then some.
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    Cossin wrote: »
    Alright, so Darth Revan will not happen.
    Not anytime soon at least (they‘d have to change their „LS + DS only“ policy.
    Additionally, I keep wondering. Which rights belong where?

    I have absolutely no clue, but for example we had the Fantastic 4 and Spider Man issue in the Marvel CU. Could be law issues here as well?
    Next, I think there are other characters and eras that could be explored.
    Original Sith for example, Darth Bane installing the rule of 2, Dark Troopers (Phase 1-3) from various video game so of old, etc, etc ,etc
    Young Yoda, more Episode 1-6 characters to be able to create -although probably not the most powerful- flavor teams.
    Full old-school rebels team
    Full old-school troopers team

    While we are at that, PLEASE! If you going to add FO Riot Trooper at some point:
    PLEASE! Get rid of the shield and give him a provoke called "Traitor!!!" With the spinning stun-baton move from TFA

    You must not read what the Devs say often but they take characters from specific times in their lives. So Revan could be in the game as a DS or LS whichever version they decide to do

    Exactly. Same as anakin is LS and Vader is DS. He isn't "DS+LS" even though he starts as a Jedi, then Sith, then redeems himself. This Revan guy would be the same: DS if they choose the Sith Darth Revan, and LS if they choose another version.
  • Cstone812
    266 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    We just need the dark side Revan. I’ll be happy as hell if we even get that. We have enough op light side toons for now.
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Cossin wrote: »
    Alright, so Darth Revan will not happen.
    Not anytime soon at least (they‘d have to change their „LS + DS only“ policy.
    Additionally, I keep wondering. Which rights belong where?

    I have absolutely no clue, but for example we had the Fantastic 4 and Spider Man issue in the Marvel CU. Could be law issues here as well?
    Next, I think there are other characters and eras that could be explored.
    Original Sith for example, Darth Bane installing the rule of 2, Dark Troopers (Phase 1-3) from various video game so of old, etc, etc ,etc
    Young Yoda, more Episode 1-6 characters to be able to create -although probably not the most powerful- flavor teams.
    Full old-school rebels team
    Full old-school troopers team

    While we are at that, PLEASE! If you going to add FO Riot Trooper at some point:
    PLEASE! Get rid of the shield and give him a provoke called "Traitor!!!" With the spinning stun-baton move from TFA

    You must not read what the Devs say often but they take characters from specific times in their lives. So Revan could be in the game as a DS or LS whichever version they decide to do

    Exactly. Same as anakin is LS and Vader is DS. He isn't "DS+LS" even though he starts as a Jedi, then Sith, then redeems himself. This Revan guy would be the same: DS if they choose the Sith Darth Revan, and LS if they choose another version.

    I still can’t believe we don’t have Revan. People have been clamoring for him since day 1, and especially since DN came out.
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    Whatever the next update or group of characters are if it's not DS I'll be taking a break until something DS comes along
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Whatever the next update or group of characters are if it's not DS I'll be taking a break until something DS comes along

    @Boba_The_Fetter I think it will be FO faction toons. How good they are, who knows? We really need some meta staple toons like Thrawn that are on par with CLS, Jedi Rey etc
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    Atlas1 wrote: »
    Cossin wrote: »
    Alright, so Darth Revan will not happen.
    Not anytime soon at least (they‘d have to change their „LS + DS only“ policy.
    Additionally, I keep wondering. Which rights belong where?

    I have absolutely no clue, but for example we had the Fantastic 4 and Spider Man issue in the Marvel CU. Could be law issues here as well?
    Next, I think there are other characters and eras that could be explored.
    Original Sith for example, Darth Bane installing the rule of 2, Dark Troopers (Phase 1-3) from various video game so of old, etc, etc ,etc
    Young Yoda, more Episode 1-6 characters to be able to create -although probably not the most powerful- flavor teams.
    Full old-school rebels team
    Full old-school troopers team

    While we are at that, PLEASE! If you going to add FO Riot Trooper at some point:
    PLEASE! Get rid of the shield and give him a provoke called "Traitor!!!" With the spinning stun-baton move from TFA

    You must not read what the Devs say often but they take characters from specific times in their lives. So Revan could be in the game as a DS or LS whichever version they decide to do

    Exactly. Same as anakin is LS and Vader is DS. He isn't "DS+LS" even though he starts as a Jedi, then Sith, then redeems himself. This Revan guy would be the same: DS if they choose the Sith Darth Revan, and LS if they choose another version.

    I still can’t believe we don’t have Revan. People have been clamoring for him since day 1, and especially since DN came out.

    Yep, that would be amazing, we got DN and HK from Kotor, so why not Revan? There are a lot of character they could add, like Darth Malak, Meetra Surik, Bastila/Satele Shan, Kreia.....
    Something cool would be the "opposite of Ships..... At-at, at-st...walker...
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    I may be the weird one here, but I'm hoping for a little bit of a lull boring period.

    So that I can get some good farming done, without having to worry about a new Event or Toon.

    This. A lot of this. +1
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    Whatever the next update or group of characters are if it's not DS I'll be taking a break until something DS comes along
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    Whatever the next update or group of characters are if it's not DS I'll be taking a break until something DS comes along

    @Boba_The_Fetter I think it will be FO faction toons. How good they are, who knows? We really need some meta staple toons like Thrawn that are on par with CLS, Jedi Rey etc

    It really should be Bh rework. Like front and center and should’ve been done before ds Tb was released. Or changing ds Tb to have like a ds scoundrel and rework that also.
    I mean like it or not we re going to get tlj toons.
    But I really agree - we need ds quality and quantity. And please please when Empire Faction Pass was going along we got r2 and atf. Great toons but bad time to release.
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Galahax wrote: »
    I may be the weird one here, but I'm hoping for a little bit of a lull boring period.

    So that I can get some good farming done, without having to worry about a new Event or Toon.

    This. A lot of this. +1

    I’m cool with this. The problem we have now is that all new events are either new toons you have to worry about buying, gearing, etc. OR you’re forced to panic farm existing toons and gear toons you preciously didn’t care about (see Veers and troopers for DSTB). I would love an event where we can use our existing toons to unlock gear to make them G10, G11, G12. And have decent drop rates, not like 1 or 2 pieces on a 0/50 G12 piece.
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    VVV, you want Niles Ferrier? Would be a great DS version of Lando, IMO.

    I want Mara Jade as a scoundrel, but her story is probably too crazy with faction changes to even attempt.

    Could do a Talon Karrde for another scoundrel/BH. He has a ship, too.
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    Atlas, isnt't that event what we just had this past weekend? Assault or something or other? I really enjoyed my rewards of MK4 stun gun salvage.
  • RekiemD
    133 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    So, content update is supposed to be this week...let's hope for tomorrow!!

    Mayhem wrote: »
    I’d really like to see an Order 66 Darth Vader, hood up, be cool to have a force choke stun like KRUs Halt

    Yea after KRU we totally need Unmasked Vader, maybe as a "Villain journey" or stuff like that.
    2 Heroe's journey for LS are enough, without any balace.
  • Cossin
    301 posts Member
    The Vets were only rumor/speculation as far as guessing whether every Heroes Jpurney Event would be following the movies.
    That was very likely, seeing how close,Luke‘s was to the movie.
    So, people have been able to make a pretty much 99% speculation as to what characters will be needed.
    Vets have been to only logical option with regards to TFA.
    The only real speculation was whether we might need the Falcon (but ships don’t make much sense, nor would it be very interesting to have a Falcon vs 2 TIE Fighters fight.)
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    VVV, you want Niles Ferrier? Would be a great DS version of Lando, IMO.

    I want Mara Jade as a scoundrel, but her story is probably too crazy with faction changes to even attempt.

    Could do a Talon Karrde for another scoundrel/BH. He has a ship, too.

    As I’m reading the Thrawn Duology now I’m with it.
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    Have you read the Thrawn trilogy? (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, Last Command)
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    Have you read the Thrawn trilogy? (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, Last Command)

    Yep. My mistake was reading the new thrawn first. So reading the trilogy and now these 2- I’m like die rebel scum die! But I understand that they were released after return if the Jedi.
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    I haven't read the others yes, just the ones I mentioned. Loved them though. There are so many books it is overwhelming.
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Atlas, isnt't that event what we just had this past weekend? Assault or something or other? I really enjoyed my rewards of MK4 stun gun salvage.

    Still not nearly enough gear. I got 5 pieces of salvage from each completion. Even if they’re all Mk5 stun guns, that builds half of a stun gun which is still only half of the entire piece (you need 50 carbs). They need to up the gear drop rate to make these events feel worthwhile. The first time completion rewards should be the rewards each time.
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    Atlas, I was being sarcastic... :P
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Atlas, I was being sarcastic... :P

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    The joke


    @KvotheQGBQG2 lol
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    First up is FO executioner via marquee event. Really hoping we see that BH rework or Sep rework this month.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    First up is FO executioner via marquee event. Really hoping we see that BH rework or Sep rework this month.

    This month will likely be TLJ month, there is quite a lot to cover, it's still fairly fresh and it has been long enough to stop worrying about spoilers. Ideal time to milk it as much as possible.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    First up is FO executioner via marquee event. Really hoping we see that BH rework or Sep rework this month.

    This month will likely be TLJ month, there is quite a lot to cover, it's still fairly fresh and it has been long enough to stop worrying about spoilers. Ideal time to milk it as much as possible.

    I agree and spoilers are most likely why it has been so quiet for toons from the film up til now. Kru and jtr were both in trailers so their release was unsurprising.

    How many more toons does everyone think there are to come?
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    This made a lot of people happy, because Stan Lee now has direct control again.
    Man, this Stan Lee stuff is getting more far fetched with every passing year. It's turning into a fairy tale on the level of Santa Claus and Keebler Elves.
  • HeWhoWanders
    155 posts Member
    edited January 2018
    DoomeyEyes wrote: »
    What We've Seen:

    Shirtless Kylo
    another FOTP
    Woke Rey

    What We Haven't

    Praetorian Guard
    Executioner FO Stormtrooper
    BBvil (BB9e)
    Rose/Paige Tico
    Vice Admiral Holdo
    Captain Canady
    Tom Hardy FOST
    Maz Kanata
    Mary Poppins Leia
    Grumpy Luke

    I'm all for getting Revan in the game... he's actually #1 on my list of characters I want to see, but the roll-out of TLJ characters has been woefully inadequate compared to characters releases for the last 2 movies. We are sitting in a mostly-stale meta (RJT did nothing for it, only the NS rework added some new flavor) so please CG get us whatever TLJ toons you have ready, quick and cheap, so we can look forward to something old and awesome like Revan.

    I'm pretty excited that Luke's Hero Journey will likely continue with probably two more events over the course of the next year or two.

    Jedi Knight Luke - ROTJ
    Master Skywalker - TLJ
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    Nauros wrote: »
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    First up is FO executioner via marquee event. Really hoping we see that BH rework or Sep rework this month.

    This month will likely be TLJ month, there is quite a lot to cover, it's still fairly fresh and it has been long enough to stop worrying about spoilers. Ideal time to milk it as much as possible.

    I agree and spoilers are most likely why it has been so quiet for toons from the film up til now. Kru and jtr were both in trailers so their release was unsurprising.

    How many more toons does everyone think there are to come?

    I am betting a First Order Imperial Troopers group. Hux in the Tarkin role and a new Capital ship. Maybe a total of FO and Resistance being 9 more toons and ships, not including what we already know.
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    Perfxion wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Atlas1 wrote: »
    First up is FO executioner via marquee event. Really hoping we see that BH rework or Sep rework this month.

    This month will likely be TLJ month, there is quite a lot to cover, it's still fairly fresh and it has been long enough to stop worrying about spoilers. Ideal time to milk it as much as possible.

    I agree and spoilers are most likely why it has been so quiet for toons from the film up til now. Kru and jtr were both in trailers so their release was unsurprising.

    How many more toons does everyone think there are to come?

    I am betting a First Order Imperial Troopers group. Hux in the Tarkin role and a new Capital ship. Maybe a total of FO and Resistance being 9 more toons and ships, not including what we already know.

    That would feel so stale. I really hope we get new bounty hunters and then Solo toons
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