Version Update 2/28/18 QoL + Sith Raid + Characters [MEGA]


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    Can't SIM Galactic war!
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    Because it's not the 28th yet calm your siths.
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    The GW and Ship sims will start on Wednesday when the full update comes. This is just the framework of the QOL
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    You used to be able to tap one of your ships in battle and see who it is, right?

    You can’t do that anymore so had a hard time figuring who to select for scimitar special as imptie and fotie both had no prot.
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    Where is SIM button in GW and ship challenges? I don't see it. Yes I completed the 150 achievement a long time ago.
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    Oh saw that it comes on Wednesday
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    Don't upgrade from Google play. I did and I am locked out. It keeps trying to add new content and fails to load, then restarts. This is a lousy way to run a railroad.
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    gulski84 wrote: »
    Don't upgrade from Google play. I did and I am locked out. It keeps trying to add new content and fails to load, then restarts. This is a lousy way to run a railroad.

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    Overall, a very welcome and much need QOL update!

    But (and there is always a but, right?) I have one substantial QOL improvement I'd like to see implemented. There are 2 parts to it...

    Part 1) Shorten the duration of Territory Battles to 5 days by merging the first 2 rounds into Day 1and having them play out over two 12 hour periods.

    Part 2) Have just 1 Territory War between Territory Battles. Each TW would be followed by 2 off days before commencement of the next TB. Increase rewards for the solo TW to equal rewards earned over current tandem of TWs.

    TB of 5 days + TW of 3 days + 2 days off = 10 day intervals.

    Despite current rewards being quite good, it remains difficult to keep Guild members motivated and interested in putting in the effort over the current 12 day stretches before a 3 day break. Everyone in my Guild agrees that TW/TB are fun, but loathe the length.
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    RuFiOHHHHH wrote: »
    Now I have to put everything but the absolute best units back on the shelf because if you don't kill a squad with 5 units left standing you're hurting your team.

    Granted, the change places a premium on earning those 10 point first attempt bonuses, and hopefully should cause a player to pause and consider which squad is best for the Guild, in order to maximize the points earned per attempt, but how does this lead to more infighting? It increases accountability and advances the potential for new strategies, but it makes more sense the current method which encourages a guild member to waste attempts.
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    First of all, let me start by saying I love the new things coming to the have. New loading screen? Epic. The Sion kit? Wonderful. Visas Marr? Perfect for the character. Fantastic job all around. And there's more coming.
    The only exception for me is the new store look. The screen is so packed with info, it's hard to realize what you're looking at in any giving moment. Took me twice as long to go through the store.
    Personal opinion... I get the idea behind the change, but it's not working for me. Anyone else feeling the same?
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    Releasing both a dark and light side character is one of the best things this company has done. It will help with the meta being one team, although it is a bit more varied these days.

    Even though this update seems like it is still biased towards one side, I believe it is a move in the right direction and all character releases in the future should be balanced this way.

    Well done.
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    If 50 leaderboard fill with all sith, we will scream (again) for balancing.. just wait for it
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    If 50 leaderboard fill with all sith, we will scream (again) for balancing.. just wait for it

    I doubt it'll get there. Before most people can get their squads ready, the new things released will make a protect counter. And since the current direction is building up the Old Republic era, getting some more LS toons from that era makes perfect sense for a counter.
    Besides, nothing broke the game yet. CLS? When he came out was when my EP squad got me to 1st place, first time ever. Maul? R2 was on development to counter him from the start, and we found a counter even before. JT Rey? She never got more than 40% of the top squads.
    The devs know what they're doing - otherwise, the player base would've been much smaller. And they know what we want. And they're getting better and better at they're job. Trust them to get it right, even if it takes some time to see.
  • gnomorrojo
    7 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    Another update, another crashed status of the game.
    Hope it's fast-fixed.
    But better and paraphrasing Yoda "Launch updates without crash issues or don't launch them".
    Fixed with annoying uninstalling & reinstalling.
    Post edited by gnomorrojo on
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  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    The load screen is weird. Vader looks sad, and I don’t mean rendered horrible, I mean the mask looks like pouty sad face. QGJ has a saber compensation issue, pretty sure he has a Jedi starfighter with a lift kit, too. Looks like we all shoulda been hoarding for the last year instead of advancing outdated toons.
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    I'm not feeling the same.
    I think the new store is wonderful. Could be made prettier indeed, but it's a great improvment imo.
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    While I think it's a nice thought to add that info, I do believe it's a bit of an eye sore.
  • brainlag
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2018
    New store view, needs some visual tweaks. It's overwhelmed by "you own" title. The solutions for me is quite simple, add the number of owned items bellow the item icon without the 'you own' tag, and the number of items that are for sale next to the icon. Something like t80aGu1ERAmd2mva3H-iMA.png
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    It will take some getting used to, but that will last 5 days max. Then we will be glad it is this way. I know I will. Hated checking if this exact gear piece I have plenty of or not..
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    I could care less about new characters, I want to see them update the daily rewards, I am looking at 2500 to 3000 of about 9 items....****

    I could also care less about the new characters. They look pretty awesome ;)
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    New store layout is awesome.
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    I agree it's to much info. its chaos now.
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    brainlag wrote: »
    New store view, needs some visual tweaks. It's overwhelmed by "you own" title. The solutions for me is quite simple, add the number of owned items bellow the item icon without the 'you own' tag, and the number of items that are for sale next to the icon. Something like t80aGu1ERAmd2mva3H-iMA.png

    I agree. But aside from that the new look is a great improvement
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    I think it's absolutely amazing. Good job.
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    wait..what? you guys already have that? ... to me it still looks all the same.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Once you're used to it you're probably gonna apriciate it.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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