Savage Opress


  • Demonsheart
    56 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I've capped him on all counts and I'm just so so on him. Other than his finishing blow, there's not much sexy about him. I just feel like there are a lot of better choices -- especially in a team setting.
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    Ewok scout is better than savage i think
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    Wait until the Sith challenge. A seven star Savage will be looking pretty good. Certainly a better investment than Eeath Koth (sp).
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    Framer wrote: »
    Wait until the Sith challenge. A seven star Savage will be looking pretty good. Certainly a better investment than Eeath Koth (sp).

    You wait till the Eeth Koth challenge, a Eeth Koth will look much better than a Savage by then.
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    I have him geared up past 7, on to 8. I love this toon in my top 5 I worked hard getting him ready and farming him, he has good health and like earlier posters said he pretty much has that kill shot, great against Poe teams and now royal guard who takes so much damage, my arena team is Sid( lead), dooku, opress, Maul, and Darka...I pretty low through arena without issues except one or two teams which is a coin toss most times......I do understand how many are split on savage but he has been awesome for me so far, plus he takes attention from Maul away in arena high is crucial. Whirling blades hits once and usually battle turns to my favor.
  • Robtorn
    80 posts Member
    Beast monster
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    Shhhh...yep he's just average, nothing special.
    *hiding from nerf nerf*
  • Tj5
    34 posts Member
    Robtorn wrote: »
    Whys so many mats to get him to lvl 7 gear. Just one section is over a hundred. I feel like I'm wasting my energy.

    I have him gear 8 and hes a beast on my all sith team. Hits like maul and health like kylo. Just keep upgrading his attacks and gear and he will play out
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Robtorn wrote: »
    He's not that easy to stun and while you save him for last he can punish you

    I keep thinking that will happen, but it never does. He's super slow and at most gets one hit in before he's toast, and that's if he doesn't get stunned first.
    If I had to choose between Opress as the last guy standing or Fives, give me Opress any day (and I don't even think Fives is all that great.)

    Same. If controlled by the player I think he would be nice if he had like 142 speed so he could finish up Reys and GSs messes lool
  • Robtorn
    80 posts Member
    Just getting better
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
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    Ive used his Overpower to one shot kill several toons. If he gets a Crit and has his buff on he can annihilate Dooku and QGJ. Did it to JC as well, but he may have been 5-6*. So low health toons beware. Didn't keep track of the numbers because I was so surprised when it happened.

    I'll pay more attention from now on, but this guy hits pretty darn hard. With the QGJ big I don't like using him when he's in the group.

    Now defense is another story.
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    I have Savage Opress at 7* Gear VIII...only one gear slot away from Gear IX but I can't do that one until Level 74 and I will only hit Level 72 in about 4 hours. He is pretty cool. Power is 5542 right now.
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    I didn't know who else to farm in squad arena since I have everyone I want so I started savage a few days ago.

    It'd be nice if the special was 30% or below.

    Devs can you consider making it 30% he be more viable and useful. Since almost everyone can KOD below 25%
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    25% is just the baseline guaranteed kill.

    I've killed several at 100% health with Savage.
  • godgiven45
    1093 posts Member
    Raventrob wrote: »
    I didn't know who else to farm in squad arena since I have everyone I want so I started savage a few days ago.

    It'd be nice if the special was 30% or below.

    Devs can you consider making it 30% he be more viable and useful. Since almost everyone can KOD below 25%

    The main part is it is unavoidable damage if at 25% health or less. Not even dooku can save you.
  • Prgynt
    56 posts Member
    I have him at 5*G7, almost to 8, and he's starting to shine. Lots of hp, and hits harder when you attack him. Don't let the 25% fool you, I've seen him do big damage. He may not be the first I get rid of, but I'm wary of him. Nice thing is on defense you don't have to worry about him using buffs or heals at the wrong time, all he does is attack. A bit boring though, needs a small speed boost or some better synergies.
  • Magisto
    384 posts Member
    I always leave Savage to the end. He's not much of a bother other than when he gets a crit with his damage buff.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Savage doesn't concern me in GW or Arena. Save him for last and it's butter.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    He's my favorite toon. I love getting a one shot kill with him when I have Dooku or Sid on the ropes. He was my first to 7* so he will always have a special place in my heart.
  • Chef5
    369 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Savage has only one place in the game right now for me, and thats when I face against an opponent using him. QGj free buff first turn whole team offense up, then I save Savage for last... if its a particularly longer match, I can get a second free buff when my ability resets. But usually when my QGJ team gets free offense up from Savage first turn the match is over very quickly.
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    Savage is a 50/50 character for me , he can kill so many and help the team win but he can also cost your team the win, I always win because of QGJ lead and savage losing all his buffs for offense up And then Phasma advantage is just obliteration to whatever team there may be
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    Good good keep farming him guys, don't forget to use him in arena cause I love easy wins.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Why not test it?
    Yeh he sucks.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    He's good for darkside battles where the boss' have much more health than a regular character. Only problem is knowing when you hit that 25% mark so that he can finish the job.
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    I still prefer Maul as a finisher. You can work like 50% or more of the team within one-shot range then just do five finishing blows in a row.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Why not test it?
    Yeh he sucks.

    To be fair, your Oppress obviously isn't leveled. I agree he's not great but yours has only 3 health bars.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    It was a bad joke sorry.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Savage isn't worth it... He is a liability... I don't hesitate to attack teams in arena who have him... I always attack him last and I've never lost because of him.... Focus on somebody who either does more consistent damage or has a more valuble special....
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    Love this guy, was my first toon to star and level, currently have the last gear crafted just waiting till I reach 74 to get him gear level nine. I was so excited when the made him better a few patches back, as I'm one of those players who play who I like for the joy of it.
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